
Last-modified: 2007-12-25 01:22:04



Research (研究) †

あなたが生き残るために あなたの文明はテクノロジーにおいて、進化、成長をしなければなりません。遅れた時代にとどまる事は自殺行為です。時代進化した文明は、領土拡張、成長、商業、生産、そして勿論、それらに依存した軍事ユニットにおいても大きく優位に立つことができます。たとえ、あなたの軍隊が敵に対して十分に数の上で勝っていたとしても、あなたの軍隊がaercher(弓兵)、spearmen(槍兵)からなり、敵がmusketman(マスケット兵)とmaceman(鎚鉾兵)からなる場合、それはあなたにとって困難な闘いとなるでしょう。小さな技術的優位でも、それは強力で、大きなものとなるとそれは決定的に働きます。(さらに詳細な情報を得るためには、Technology(テクノロジー)を参照)

それぞれのターンにおいて、あなたの文明は、新しいテクノロジーを手に入れる助けとなる、"リサーチ・ポイント"を生成します。 より多くのリサーチポイントを生成すれば、あなたの文明はより速く新しいテクノロジーを学ぶでしょう。

To survive, your civilization must advance and grow technologically. Being backwards is suicide; advanced civilizations have huge advantages in expansion, growth, commerce, production, and, of course, in military units available to them. Your army may outnumber mine by ten to one, but if your army consists of archers and spearmen and mine of musketmen and macemen, you are going to get your butt seriously kicked. A small technological edge is powerful, while a large one is killer. (See Technology for more information on this important subject.)

Each turn your civilization generates "research points" which go toward acquiring new technologies. The more research points generated, the faster your civilization will learn new technologies.

Generating Research Points (リサーチポイントの生成) †

あなたが各ターン毎に生成するリサーチポイントの数は、あなたの都市の労働者が発生させるCommerce(商業)の量によって決定されます。あなたの都市が周囲の土地に働きかけ、そこからfood(食物)、production(生産)、およびcommerce(商業)を得ます。あなたは "research button(リサーチ・ボタン)"を使い、あなたがcommerce(商業)をどれくらいresearch(研究・リサーチ)に変えたいか、そしてgold(金)「後記を参照」の中からはどれくらい欲しいかを決めることが出来ます。あなたの都市で発生するcommerce(商業)だけがresearch(研究)に変えることができ、trading(取引)、略奪および戦利品、商人の活動などから得るお金は、この目的のためには利用可能ではありません。

The number of "research points" that you create each turn is determined by the amount of Commerce the laborers in your cities generate. As your cities work the land around them, they earn food, production, and commerce. You use the "research button" to determine how much of that commerce you want to turn into research and how much you want in gold (see following). Only commerce generated by your cities can be turned into research: monies you earn from trading, pillaging and looting, merchant activities, and so forth are not available for this purpose.

The Research Button(リサーチ・ボタン) †


もし、あなたの国庫が不足していて、現在のresearch(リサーチ・研究)のパーセンテージが、あなたがそのために費やせるcommerce(商業)の量を超えている場合、ゲームは自動的に、あなたがその時点で提供できる最大値まで、research(リサーチ・研究)のパーセンテージを引き下げます。(無論、あなたは手動でさらにその割合を下げることも出来ます) 注意しなければならないのは、ゲームは自動ではresearch(リサーチ・研究)のパーセンテージを引き上げることはなく、すべてあなたが手動で行わなければなりません。

The research button on the game's main screen displays the current percentage of your commerce you are dedicating to research. At game start it is set at 100%; you can change this at any time.

If your treasury is running low and your current research percentage would cost more commerce than you can spend, the game automatically lowers your research percentage to the highest percentage that you can afford. (You can manually adjust it even lower, of course.) Note that the game does not ever INCREASE your research percentage; any increases must be made manually by you.

Increasing Research Points(リサーチポイントの増加) †


To get the maximum possible research points, first turn your research percentage up as far as it will go without bankrupting yourself. After that, there are a number of other things you can do. These include:

Construct Libraries and Other Buildings(図書館とその他の建築物を建てる)


Buildings such as Libraries and Monasteries will increase a city's research.

Assign Scientist Specialists(専門家の中の"科学者"を選任してください)

あなたの都市の何人かの一般市民を、specialist(専門家)分野の、scientist(科学者)に変えてください。そしてGreat Library(アレクサンドリア図書館)のような"不思議"によって、あなたはより多くの大衆をscientist(科学者)に変えることが出来るようになります。

Change some of your city's populace into Scientist Specialists. Wonders such as the Great Library allow you to change more of your populace into scientists.


Free Religion(信教の自由)Representation(表現の自由)のようなcivic(社会制度・公民)は、あなたの文明のresearch(リサーチ・研究)を向上させます。

Civics like Free Religion and Representation increase your civilization's research.

Increase Commerced(商業を増加させる)

研究をより早くする方法として、あなたの都市で生成しているcommerce(商業)の量を増加させるということがあります。 労働者と共にCottage(住宅)を建てて、海岸線に沿ってより多くの都市に植民し、他の文明と国境開放の協定を結ぶと、それらのすべてにおいて、より多くのcommerce(商業)があなたの都市で生成されるでしょう。

Another way to speed up research is to increase the amount of commerce that your cities are generating. Building Cottages with workers, settling more cities on the coast, and signing Open Borders agreements with other civilizations will all generate more commerce in your cities.

Increase Wealth(財富を増加させる)


Ironically, you can also increase the amount of research your civ is producing by generating more gold. Building Markets and Banks will increase the amount of gold your civ is producing, which will usually allow you to increase the research button (see above) and thus generate more overall research! See the Wealth entry for more information on generating gold.

Expending Research Points (リサーチポイントの消費) †


All research points are used to acquire Technology. See that subject for more information.

Resistance(抵抗) †


After you capture a City, it may be a while before its citizens recognize their good fortune in having gained such a wise and benevolent leader as yourself. In the meantime, they may "resist" your rule. Further, cities under great cultural pressure may go into resistance before revolting and "flipping" to another civilization's control (see Borders).

Effects of Resistance(抵抗の効果) †


文化的影響力がなくなる:都市はCultural Radius(文化的影響力)を持たなくなります。


No Production, Commerce or Food: If a city is in resistance, its population refuses to work. Thus the city produces no food, production, or commerce for the duration of the resistance. This may lead to Starvation.

No Cultural Radius: The city has no Cultural Radius.

No Defensive Bonus: The city receives no defensive bonus for size or culture (see Cities).

Duration of Resistance(抵抗の持続する期間) †



Great Artist(偉大な芸術家)が都市に偉大な芸術作品を建造すると、すぐに都市の抵抗を終わらせることができます-ただし、この方法では偉大な芸術家が消費される点に気をつけてください。

The duration of a city's resistance is based upon its similarity or dissimilarity to your civilization. If you recapture one of your own cities shortly after it was taken from you, you'll see little or no resistance. A foreign city that has been under a lot of cultural pressure from your civilization will tend to spend less time in resistance, as will a city that shares your civilization's religion. A big, old foreign city with a lot of culture and a different religion will tend to resist longer.

You cannot do much to shorten the duration of resistance once it is in progress. However you can lessen the chances of the city returning to resistance by passing your state religion to that city and building temples and such, and by raising the city's culture and reducing any outside cultural pressure on that city. It is also a good idea to have one or two units garrisoning a city in resistance.

A Great Artist can instantly end resistance in a city by creating a Great Work in it - but be warned that this will consume the Artist.

Resources(リソース・資源) †

シヴィライゼーションⅣの世界には、それらを有する文明に利益をもたらす、様々な"天然資源"が存在しています。いくつかは、軍事力に恩恵をもたらします - "horse(馬)"の資源は、早いうちにChariot(戦車兵)や、ルネッサンス時代にはCavalry(騎兵隊)のような乗馬ユニットを作成出来るようにします。また、いくつかは、生産力に効果があります - 大理石は、"不思議"のParthenon(パルテノン神殿)を建造するために必要な労働力を減少させます。その他の資源も、あなたの都市がより大規模かつ強力に成長するのを助けることで、都市に対しhealth(衛生)と happiness(幸福)を提供します。多様な資源を所有する文明は、資源を持たない、あるいは少しか資源を持たない文明に対し、確実に優位に立てるでしょう。従って、資源は、settler(開拓者)と都市の配置を決める上で、あなたが心に留めておくべき、最も重要な要素のひとつといえます。

The world of Civilization IV contain various "natural resources" that have benefits for the civilizations which possess them. Some provide military benefits - the "horse" resource allows the creation of mounted units such as the Chariot early on and Cavalry in the Renaissance period. Some provide productivity benefits - marble decreases the labor required to construct the Parthenon wonder, for example. Other resources provide health and happiness to your cities, allowing them to grow to larger sizes and increase in power. A civilization that possesses a variety of resources will have a distinct advantage over one that possesses few or no resources, and resources are one of the most important factors to keep in mind when choosing city sites with settlers.

Discovering Resources(資源を発見する) †

いくつかの資源-馬、米、金など-は、目に"見える"状態でゲームが始まります。それらの場所が視界に入る(Exploration(探検)を参照)と、すぐに、その資源を見ることができるでしょう。その他の資源に関しては、ゲームが始まった当初はそれらは隠されており、あなたがその資源に対応したTechnologies(技術)を得るまで、目にすることは出来ません。copper(銅)はそのような資源の一例です;ゲームの始まった時点では、銅は地図のどの場所にも確認できません。しかし、あなたがいったん、Bronze Working(青銅器)の技術を獲得すれば、銅が出現します。

Some resources - horses, rice, gold, etc. - begin the game visible. You will be able to see these resources as soon as their space is visible (see Exploration). Other resources are hidden at the start of play: they are not uncovered until you have acquired specific Technologies. Copper is a good example of such a hidden resource; at game start no copper is visible anywhere on the map, but once you acquire the Bronze Working technology, copper is revealed.

Resource Locations(資源のある場所) †

採集される資源は、あなたのCity Network(都市ネットワーク)に接続し、有効に活用するために、あなたの文明のCultural Borders(文化的境界線)内に存在していなければなりません。

Resources must be within your civilization's Cultural Borders in order to be connected to your City Network.

Working Resources(資源の働き) †

資源は上記のような特殊作用に加えて、領域内のfood(食物)、 commerce(商業)、 そしてproduction(生産)に対してボーナスをもたらします。たとえば、"小麦"の資源は、それが配置されたタイルの食糧生産の量に対して、効果をもたらします。資源の領域がcity radius(都市圏)内にある場合、都市の労働者たちは、他のタイルと同じように、そのスペースから食料や生産、商業を得ることが出来ます。資源は大抵、そのために非常に適したタイルにあるので、彼らはまず、それを望むでしょう。

In addition to resources' special abilities, they also usually provide some kind of food, commerce, or production bonus to their space. For example, a wheat resource adds a significant amount of food to the tile on which it is located. If a resource space is within a city radius, that city's laborers can work that space like any other - and they will almost certainly want to, since resources are usually highly desirable tiles.

Resources and Improvements(資源と改善) †

資源の特別なボーナスを得るには、その資源のあるスペースを"改善"する必要があります(詳細は、Improvements(改善)を参照してください)。改善は、Workers(労働者)によって施されます(Work Boats(作業船)によって改善される水産資源は除きます)。改善が略奪されたり破壊されると、ふたたび改善を建設するまでは、その資源の恩恵を失うことになります。

Resources require that "improvements" be made to their spaces before you can access their special bonuses (see Improvements for more details). Improvements are constructed by Workers (except for water resources, which are improved by Work Boats). If an improvement is pillaged or otherwise destroyed, you lose the resource's benefits until the improvement is reconstructed.

Duplicate Resources(同一の資源) †


It is quite possible to have two or more of the same resource within your borders. Except for each space's production, commerce, and food value (see "Working Resources" above), you gain no additional benefit from multiple resources; a single resource is enough to take care of all of your civilization's needs. You may wish to hold onto the extras in case one is captured by an enemy, or you may want to trade the extras to other civilizations in exchange for their extra resources (see below).

Trading Resources(資源を取引に使う) †

もしその資源が改良されていて、City Network(都市ネットワーク)によってあなたの文明の首都に接続されているなら、あなたはその資源を他の文明との取引に利用することが可能です。(取引に関する詳細は、外交を参照)

You can trade any resource to other civilizations if that resource has been improved, and if it is connected by your City Network to your capital city (see Diplomacy for more details on trading).

Revolution(革命) †


A "revolution" occurs when you change your civilization's Civics or Religion.

Effects of a Revolution(革命の影響) †


During a revolution your civilization descends into one or more turns of "anarchy." A civilization in anarchy produces no food, commerce, or production! Any progress towards completing buildings, units, or projects is stopped until the revolution is over.

Duration of a Revolution(革命の継続期間) †


The duration of a revolt depends upon the number of civics that you change: one or two civics will usually result in one turn of anarchy, while three or more civics may cause two or more turns of anarchy. The civics screen tells you how many turns of anarchy you may look forward to after you choose which civics to change. If the length of time is too long, either make fewer changes or cancel them altogether until you can spare the time. Religions always have one turn of revolution.

Immunity to Revolution(革命の免除) †


Civilizations with Leaders possessing the "Spiritual" trait do not suffer the effects of revolution or anarchy at all.

Delay Period(遅延期間) †

革命後、別の革命を起こせるまで少しの遅延期間があります。「Revolution(革命)」ボタンが再び社会体制画面に表示されたら、市民たちは先の無政府状態から次の革命のための復旧ができたことになります。 ~After a revolution has taken place, there is a short period of delay before another revolution can be carried out. When the "Revolution" button appears once again on the civics screen, your citizens have recovered enough from the previous anarchy to carry out another revolution.

Spaceship (宇宙船) †


Constructing a spaceship and sending it on a successful journey to Alpha Centauri is one of the paths to victory. Alpha Centauri is the closest location of a potentially habitable world, so it has long been fantasized as the place most likely to contain other forms of intelligent life. Blasting into space with a ship capable of traveling to Alpha Centauri is a clear demonstration of the greatness of your civilization. Only an economical and scientific powerhouse could pull off such a feat.

宇宙船の構成部品は現代の技術を発見して初めて生産可能になります。宇宙船の部品はどれもApollo Program(アポロ計画)を完成させてからでなければ生産できません。宇宙船部品の生産速度に影響を与える要素がいくつかあります。あるResources(資源)(多くはアルミニウム)を獲得することでスピードアップできる部品があります。Laboratory(研究所)がある都市では生産速度が50%増加します。さらに、Space Elevator(軌道エレベータ)を建造すれば「すべての都市で」生産速度が50%増加します。

The spaceship components can only be built after discoverying most of the modern era technologies. In order to construct any of the spaceship components, you must have first built the Apollo Program. Each component's production speed can be affected by several factors. Access to certain Resources (most notably Aluminum) can provide production increases for certain components. A Laboratory in the city that is building the component always grants a 50% increase in production speed. Finally, the Space Elevator wonder grants a 50% increase in production on spaceship components for all cities.


For more information about winning the game via the Spaceship, see the Victory Civilopedia entry.

Specialists(専門家) †

都市 の建設当初、全ての市民はその日その日の生活のために、狩や釣り、耕作など様々な"すべきこと"に追われました。このことは長く続きましたが、ついに都市は大きく成長し、人口の一部分を"より価値のあることの追求"に割けるほどに裕福になりました。Civilization IVでは、これらのより有能な市民を"専門家"(Specialists)と呼びます。

Civilization IVには6種類の専門家が登場します:技師(Engineer)、商人(Merchant)、科学者(Scientist)、芸術家(Artist)、聖職者(Priest)、そしてデフォルトの市民(Citizen)専門家です。各々は都市に一定の利益をもたらします。

When a City is first founded, all of its citizens are bound in the various requirements of day-to-day survival: hunting, fishing, tilling the land, and so forth. This may continue for some time, but eventually the city may grow large and prosperous enough that it can afford to dedicate some of its population to more rewarding pursuits. In Civilization IV, these more useful citizens are called "Specialists."

There are six categories of specialists in Civilization IV: Engineer, Merchant, Scientist, Artist, Priest, and the default "Citizen" specialist. Each provides a city certain benefits.

Requirements for Employing Specialists(専門家の雇用には) †

ゲームの開始時、あなたは最も無能な専門家、すなわち市民専門家のみを作ることができます。その他の専門家を雇うにはそれぞれ、何らかの建物不思議を建てることが必要です。加えて、一つの建物や不思議では限られた数の専門家しか雇うことができません。例えば、Templeを建てることでその都市に聖職者を一人だけ雇うことができます。しかしその後加えて Cathedralを建てることで、加えて2人、合計で3人の聖職者を雇うことができるようになります。

Caste System の公民を採用すると、雇うのに必要な建物のあるなしに関わらず、あなたが望む限り多くの商人、科学者、芸術家を雇うことができるようになります。しかし注意してください。技師と聖職者に関しては、都市が扶養できる数の限界を取り払う方法はありませんので、彼らを雇うには建物か不思議を建てておく必要があります。

At the start of the game, you may only create one kind of specialist: the Citizen, who is the least useful of all of them. Each of the other specialist types requires certain Buildings or Wonders to be created. Further, each building or wonder will allow a limited number of specialists. For example, building a Temple allows you to create one (and only one) Priest in its city. But if you subsequently build a Cathedral there, you can create an additional two priests, for a total of three.

The Caste System civic allows you to create as many Merchant, Scientist, and Artist specialists in a city as you desire, regardless of whether or not you have the buildings that would normally be needed to create them. Be aware, however, that there is no way to get around the limitation on the number of Engineers and Priests that a city can support; you must have either the buildings or wonders necessary to create these specialists.

Effects of Turning City Population into Specialists(都市の住民を専門家に転用する効果) †

都市の人口が増加すると、新しい住民はまず、都市の周りの地域で労働しようとします(都市を参照)。もしまだ労働していない地域があった場合、都市は最も好ましい地域に新しい住民を配置します。1都市では20地域まで労働できますが、都市の範囲(City Radius)に砂漠(deserts)や山岳(peaks)があった場合はもっと少なくなります。地域で労働している彼らを専門家に転用する場合、もう地域での労働はできません。しかし食料は必要なので、まだ地域で労働している住民は皆に食料を提供しなければなりません。もし出来なければ、餓死してしまいます。そのため原則的に、より多くの食料を生む都市ではより多くの専門家を養うことが出来ます。なぜなら食料に乏しい都市では住民の全てが、飢餓を防ぐために働かなくてはならないからです。


When a city increases its population, it first seeks to employ that new population working the land around the city. (See Cities.) If any land spaces are yet unworked, the city puts the new civilian on the space it thinks will do the most good. A city can work up to 20 spaces - fewer if the city contains deserts or peaks in its City Radius. If you turn one of those working populations into a specialist, it no longer works the land. It still must eat, however, so the city's remaining working population must provide enough food for everybody. If not, the city will begin to starve. As a general rule, therefore, cities with more food will be able to create more specialists; cities that are food-poor will need all of their citizens to work the land just to prevent starvation.

Once a city is working all available land, it automatically turns any additional population into specialists (keep in mind this usually will not take place until very late in the game!). It attempts to create the most useful specialist available; if no other slots are open, it creates a citizen specialist. You can also manually create specialists yourself by removing citizens from working the land (see below). When a city is about to grow past the level of Happiness that it can support, it is often a good idea to turn some of the population into specialists and halt growth rather than let the city increase in size and produce useless unhappy citizens.

Specialists and Great People(専門家と偉人) †

以下で書かれた他の作用に加えて、専門家は"Great People Points"(偉人ポイント)を、専門家1人につき3ポイント増加させます。専門家はまた、どの種類の偉人が発生にも影響します。詳しくはGreat Peopleを参照してください。

In addition to their other functions described below, specialists increase a city's generation of "Great People Points" by +3 each. Specialists also help determine what kind of great person the city will generate. See Great People for more details.

How to Create a Specialist(専門家の作り方) †

専門家は都市画面(City Screen)で作ることが出来ます。画面の右端に6種類が表示されているでしょう。ある種類の専門家がグレイで表示されている場合は、それを作ることは出来ません。しかしカラーで表示されていれば作ることが出来ますので、作りたい専門家の右にある+ボタンをクリックしてください。専門家を解任する場合、-ボタンをクリックしてください。専門家を1人作ると、都市の範囲のタイルで労働している住民の1人が取り除かれます。


いくつかの不思議(Wonders)は自動的に1人かそれ以上の、ある種類の専門家を提供することに注意してください。あなたは彼らを取り除いたり、他の事に使うことは出来ません。また、いくつかの不思議と公民は各都市に、自由な専門家(free specialist)を提供します。この場合、あなたは各都市でどの専門家を雇うかを選ぶことが出来ますが、専門家を解任することは出来ません。

You can create a specialist on the city screen. The six types are visible on the right-hand edge of the screen. If a specialist type is grayed-out, you cannot build one. If a specialist is in full color, however, you can: click on the plus (+) sign next to the specialist you want to create. If you want to remove a specialist, click on the minus (-) sign. Creating a specialist removes one of your population points from working a tile in the City Radius.

In order to manually select which tile to remove, first click on the tile that you want removed (the white circle around it should disappear). This creates a Citizen specialist. Then click on the plus (+) sign next to the specialist you want to employ, and the Citizen specialist will be replaced with the one you desire.

Note that some Wonders automatically give you one or more specialists of a specific type; you can't remove or repurpose them at all. Some wonders and civics may also provide you with a free specialist in each city; in this case, you can choose which specialist to employ in each city, but cannot remove the specialist altogether.

Specialist Types(専門家の種類) †


技師はその都市の生産を2つ増加させます。彼らは、その都市の偉人の産出速度(great person generation rate)を3つ増加させます。また、Great Engineerが産出されやすくなります。技師を作るには、鉄工所(Forges)や工場(Factories)などの工業施設が必要です。

Engineers increase a city's production by +2. They increase the city's great person generation rate by +3. They increase the chance that the city will generate a Great Engineer. Forges, Factories, and similar industrial buildings are needed to create Engineers.


商人はその都市のGoldを3つ増加させます。彼らは、その都市の偉人の産出速度(great person generation rate)を3つ増加させます。また、Great Merchantが産出されやすくなります。商人を作るには、市場(Markets)や銀行(Banks)などの商業施設が必要です。

Merchants increase gold by +3. They increase the city's great person generation rate by +3. They increase the chance that the city will generate a Great Merchant. Markets, Banks, and similar commercial buildings are needed to create Merchants.


科学者はその都市の研究を3つ増加させます。彼らは、その都市の偉人の産出速度(great person generation rate)を3つ増加させます。また、Great Scientistが産出されやすくなります。科学者を作るには、図書館(Libraries)や大学(Universities)などの研究施設が必要です。

Scientists increase a city's research rate by +3. They increase the city's great person generation rate by +3. They increase the chance that the city will generate a Great Scientist. Libraries, Universities, and similar research institutions are needed to create Scientists.


芸術家はその都市のGoldを1つ、文化を4つ増加させます。彼らは、その都市の偉人の産出速度(great person generation rate)を3つ増加させます。また、Great Artistが産出されやすくなります。芸術家を作るには、劇場(Theatres)などの芸術施設が必要です。

Artists increase a city's gold by +1, and its culture by +4. They increase the city's great person generation rate by +3. They increase the chance that the city will generate a Great Artist. Theatres and other centers of the arts are needed to create Artists.


聖職者はその都市の商業と生産を1つずつ増加させます。彼らは、その都市の偉人の産出速度(great person generation rate)を3つ増加させます。また、Great Prophetが産出されやすくなります。聖職者を作るには、寺院(Temples), 大聖堂(Cathedrals)などの宗教施設が必要です。

Priests increase a city's commerce and production by +1 each. They increase the city's great person generation rate by +3. They increase the chance that the city will generate a Great Prophet. Temples, Cathedrals, and other religious buildings are needed to create Priests.



Citizens increase a city's production by +1. They do not provide great person generation points, nor do they affect what kind of great person the city generates. Citizens require the construction of no buildings or wonders, and an unlimited number can always be employed. However, it is rarely worthwhile to create large numbers of Citizen specialists!

Wonders and Civics(不思議と公民) †


Many wonders and civics can increase the power of specialists even further, with a variety of different effects.

Increased Great Person Points(偉人ポイントの増加)

いくつかの異なった不思議と公民は、専門家による偉人の産出速度を増加させます。パルテノン神殿(Parthenon)の不思議は、全都市で偉人ポイントの生産を50%増加させますし、National Epicの小不思議は、建設された都市での速度を100%増加させます。また平和主義(Pacifism)の公民は、全都市で偉人の産出を100%増加させます。

Several different wonders and civics increase the rate at which specialists create Great People. The Parthenon wonder increases the production of great person points by 50% in all cities, and the National Epic national wonder increases the rate by 100% in the city in which it is built. The Pacifism civic also increases great person generation by 100% in all cities.

Other Effects(他の効果)

ここでは、専門家自身の出力の向上について説明します。例えば[[アンコールワット>シヴィロペディア/建造物(Building)#TXT_KEY_BUILDING_ANGKOR_WAT]](Angkor Wat)の不思議は、全ての聖職者について、生産を1つ増加させます。また、システィナ大聖堂(Sistine Chapel)の不思議は、全ての専門家について、文化産出を2つ増加させます。代議制(Representation)の公民は、全ての専門家について、研究を3つ増加させます。これら全ての効果は累積されるので、専門家のために注力すればするほど、彼らは逞しくなっていくのです。

Other effects include increasing the output of the specialists themselves. For example, the Angkor Wat wonder adds +1 production to all Priest specialists, and the Sistine Chapel adds +2 culture to all specialists. The Representation civic also adds +3 research to all specialists. Since all of these effects are cumulative, specialists can become very powerful if enough attention is paid to them.
