
Last-modified: 2007-12-25 01:08:58



Food(食料) †

都市が生存するためには、食料が必要です。より多くの食料があれば、都市はより大きく成長できます。都市は、周辺の土地(国家の境界線(Borders)および都市圏(City Radius)の、両方の内側にあるスペース)を耕作して食料を獲得します。

Cities need food to survive. The more food available, the larger the city can grow. Cities get food by working the lands around them (spaces that are both within the national Borders and within their City Radius.)

Food Consumption(食料の消費) †


Each citizen (population point) in a City consumes two food per turn to survive.

余剰な食料: 都市が、市民による消費量を上回る食料を生産する場合、余剰な食料は貯蔵されます。十分な食料が貯蔵されると、すべての貯蔵された食料は消失して、都市の人口が1単位、増加します。都市が大きくなるにつれて、人口が増えるためにはより多くの貯蔵食料が必要になります。穀物庫(Granary)は、都市が次のサイズへと大きくなるために必要な食料の半分を貯蔵するので、都市の人口が増えるスピードを速めます。

Excess Food: If a city generates more food than its citizens consume, it stores the excess food. Once it has enough stored food, all of its stored food disappears and the city's population increases by one. As a city grows larger, it takes more stored food to increase its population. The Granary stores half of the food needed to grow to the next size, thus accelerating the speed at which the city's population increases.

不十分な食料: 都市が、人口を養うために十分な食料を生産しない場合には、貯蔵された食料を失いはじめます。都市が貯蔵された食料をすべて失うと、都市の人口の1単位が餓死します。飢餓状態は、都市が人口を養うために十分な食料を生産するまで続きます。

Insufficient Food: If a city does not produce enough food to support its population, the city will begin to lose stored food. When a city loses all of its stored food, one of its citizens starves. Starvation will continue until the city is producing enough food to support the population.

Health(衛生) †


A city's Health has a large effect on its food production; when a city slips into unhealthiness, it requires additional food to feed all of the citizens. See that section for more details.

Working the Land(土地を耕作する) †

それぞれの種類の地形(Terrain)は、一定量の食料を生産し、同様に資源(Resource)も産します。マスあたりの食料の生産は、多くの場合、労働者による土地の改善(Improving) によって増やせます。たとえば、淡水に隣接する草地のタイルでは、農地を灌漑することで追加の食料を生産できます。

Each type of Terrain generates a specific amount of food, as does each Resource. You can often increase a square's food output by Improving it with your workers; for example, grassland tiles next to fresh water can be irrigated with farms to produce additional food.

Buildings and Wonders(建造物と不思議) †

一部の建造物(Buildings)および不思議(Wonders)は、都市の食料生産を増加させます。(たとえば、灯台(Lighthouse) は水タイルに食料を追加します。)

Some Buildings and Wonders can increase a city's food output (for example, the Lighthouse building adds more food to water tiles).

Civics(社会制度) †

国有財産(State Property)制度では、特定の土地改善によって、食料生産が増加します。

The State Property civic increases the food output of certain improvements.

Technology(技術) †

一部の技術的な進歩(Technological Advances) によって、労働者は土地の食料生産が増えるような改善を行えるようになります。また、その他の進歩によって、すでに存在している改善の効率が上がります。

Some Technological Advances allow your workers to construct improvements increasing your land's food output, while other advances make already-existing improvements more efficient.

Golden Age(黄金期) †

ある一定の期間、いくつかの文明ではエネルギーと創造性がはちきれんばかりに興隆することがあります。そのようになった文明の人々は、ますます生産的になります。すなわち、その文明は技術的に進歩することが容易になります。そして彼らの文化は世界中から羨望をうけます。ルネッサンス期のイタリアは、その一例であり、19世紀のイギリスも同様です。Civilization IVでは、このような期間を「黄金期」と呼びます。

During certain periods of time, some civilizations seem to burst with energy and creativity. The civilization's people become increasingly productive; technological advances come easy to the civilization; and its culture is the envy of the world. Italy during the Renaissance is one such example, and Great Britain in the 19th century another. In Civilization IV, such periods are called "golden ages."

Entering a Golden Age(黄金期を始める) †

不思議の建造: タージ・マハール の不思議を建造すると、黄金期が始まります。

偉大な人物: 2人またはそれ以上の、異なる種類の 偉大な人物 を組み合わせることで、黄金期を開始できます。この方法では、コストが段階的に増加していきます。すなわち、最初の黄金期には2人の偉大な人物が必要となり、二度目の黄金期では3人、という要領です。

Wonders: A civilization can enter a golden age by constructing the Taj Mahal wonder.

Great People: A civilization can combine 2 or more Great People of different types to start a golden age. The cost of this method escalates: the first golden age costs two great people, the second costs three, and so on.

Effects of Golden Ages(黄金期の効果) †


During a golden age, your civilization greatly increases its output of production and commerce, meaning faster build times and research rates. (In game terms, every space within your cities' radii that provides commerce produces an extra commerce, and every space that provides production now produces an additional one.)

Duration of Golden Ages(黄金期の期間) †


Golden ages last eight turns. If you achieve another golden age while in the midst of one already, the eight additional turns are tacked onto the end of the present golden age (meaning that the two ages will last a combined total of 16 turns).

The End of the Age(黄金期の終了) †


Once the golden age ends, your civilization's commerce and production return to normal levels.

Great People(偉大な人物) †

歴史上幾度となく、周囲の世界を大いに変化させた人々が登場してきました-芸術家、科学者、預言者のような、天賦の才能によって他を著しく抜きんでた人々です。Civilization IVでは、このような先見者たちを「偉大な人物」と呼びます

Time and again through history, there have arisen men and women who have profoundly changed the world around them - artists, scientists, prophets and others whose genius sets them head and shoulders above the rest. In Civilization IV, such visionaries are called "Great People."


There are five different kinds of great people in the game: Great Prophets, Great Merchants, Great Artists, Great Scientists, and Great Engineers. Each has a special ability.

Generating Great People(偉大な人物を作る) †


Great people are generated in cities. Each city generates a separate pool of "great people points" - when the city has earned enough points, it will generate a great person. The cost of generating a great person escalates throughout the game: the first great person costs 100 great people points, the second costs 200, and so forth. (The number of points needed to produce a great person is different on the Quick and Epic game speeds.)


The first civilization to discover certain technologies will also receive a free great person in their capital city. For example, the first civ to discover Drama receives a Great Artist.

Great People Points(偉大な人物ポイント) †


A city generates great people points in a number of ways: by constructing Wonders, by assigning citizens to be specialists, and by choosing certain Civics.

不思議(Wonders): 不思議は、各ターンごとに一定数の偉大な人物ポイントを生み出します。さらに一部の不思議は、都市の(または文明全体の!)偉大な人物ポイントの産出を著しく増やせます(この例については、パルテノン神殿(Parthenon)を参照してください)。専門家(次項を参照)のように、一部の不思議は、特定の種類の偉大な人物が都市で生み出される機会を増加させます。

Wonders: A wonder will generate a certain number of great people points each turn. Further, some wonders can increase a city's (or entire civilization's!) great people point generation significantly (see the Parthenon for an example). Like specialists (see next), some wonders increase the chances of generating a specific type of great person in their city.

専門家(Specialists):都市(City)では、市民を「専門家」として割り当てることが可能です。 それぞれの専門家は、都市においてある種の生産ボーナスを作り出します。それに加えて、専門家のほとんどは偉大な人物ポイントを作り出します(ここでは、市民専門家だけが唯一の例外です)。都市が保有する専門家の種類によって、どの偉大な人々が作られるかが決まります。もし都市が保有するすべての専門家が僧侶(priest)であった場合に偉大な人物が作られると、その偉大な人物は偉大な預言者になります。もし専門家の半分が商人で、残り半分が芸術家であった場合には、五分五分の確率で偉大な芸術家または偉大な商人が作られます。マウスを偉大な人物ポイント・バーの上に動かすと、それぞれの偉大な人物が作られる確率が表示されます。

Specialists: In each City you can assign citizens to be "specialists." Each specialist provides some kind of production bonus to its city; in addition, most generate great people points (the citizen specialist being the sole exception). Further, the kinds of specialists you have in a city determine which great people you generate: if all of your specialists in a city are priests, when that city generates a great person, he or she will be a great prophet. If half the specialists are merchants and the other half artists, you'll have a fifty-fifty chance of generating a great artist or great merchant.Moving the mouse over the great person points bar will display the percentage of getting each type of great person.

体制(Civics): 一部の体制(Civics)は、偉大な人物を作り出すスピードを速めます。

Civics: Some Civics increase the speed at which you generate great people.

Great People Characterists(偉大な人物の特徴) †


As mentioned above, there are five types of great people. Each type has its own special abilities, but they all share some characteristics:

新しい技術を発見する能力: 偉大な人物は、新しい技術を発見するために費やすことができます。一般的には、偉大な人物の専門分野の技術が発見されます(預言者は通常、宗教に関する技術を発見する、等)が、常にそうとは限りません。比較的に安価な技術がすべて発見されてしまうと、偉大な人物は、ある技術の全体を発見できない場合があります。しかしその場合でも、偉大な人物は技術の発見にかかる時間を大幅に短くしてくれます。

Can Discover New Technologies: You can expend a great person to discover a new technology. Typically this technology will be in the great person's area of expertise (prophets will usually discover religious technologies and so on), but not always. Once all of the relatively inexpensive technologies have been discovered, the great person may not be able to entirely discover a new tech, but he or she can dramatically decrease the time it takes you to discover it.

黄金期: 2人またはそれ以上の偉大な人物を費やして、"黄金期(Golden Age)"を開始できます。詳細については該当のセクションを参照してください。

Golden Ages: You can expend two or more great people to start a "Golden Age"; see that section for more details.

維持費: 偉大な人物は、各ターンごとに2ゴールドの維持費がかかります。この維持費は、偉大な人物を費やすか、都市に定住させる(次項を参照)と終了します。

Upkeep Cost: Great people cost two gold per turn to maintain. The cost ends once the great person has been expended or has settled down permanently in a city (see below).

都市に定住させる: すべての偉大な人物はまた、「スーパー専門家」として都市に定住する能力をもっています。偉大な人物を都市に定住させると、一定のボーナスが各ターンごとに都市に追加されます。たとえば、偉大な預言者は、定住した都市に追加で2生産ポイントおよび5ゴールドをもたらします。

Settling in Cities: All great persons also have the ability to settle in a city as a sort of "super-specialist". Settling a great person in a city will add certain bonuses to that city each turn; for example, a Great Prophet will add 2 production and 5 gold to the city it settles in.

Special Abilities(特別な能力) †


In addition to their common abilities, each great person type has other unique abilities.

偉大な芸術家: 偉大な芸術家は、都市に偉大な芸術作品を作れます。偉大な芸術作品が作られると、都市にはすぐさま 文化(Culture) ポイントが追加されます(追加ポイントは、ゲームスピードによって2,000~6,000ポイントです)。このことは、都市が近隣から文化的な脅威にさらされている場合(または、逆に近隣の都市を文化的に攻略したい場合に)、非常に役に立ちます。また、偉大な芸術家は、都市に「定住」でき、大きな文化の向上および、小さな研究の促進を継続的にもたらします。

Great Artists: Great Artists can create great works of art in a city; this immediately gives that city additional Culture points (from 2,000 to 6,000, depending upon game speed). This is extremely useful if a city is under cultural threat from a neighbor (or you wish to culturally attack those cities!). Great Artists can also "permanently settle" in a city, providing a continuing large cultural and small research boost to the city.

偉大な技術者: 偉大な技術者は、都市で「緊急」生産を実行できます。都市で目下建造中のものは何でも、生産を大幅にスピードアップします。初期の不思議のほとんどは、偉大な技術者によって1ターンで完成できます。後期の不思議では、著しく完成をスピードアップします。また、偉大な技術者は、都市に定住でき、大きな生産性の向上および小さな研究の促進を継続的にもたらします。

Great Engineers: Great Engineers can "hurry" a city's production, greatly speeding up the creation of whatever the city is presently constructing. Most early wonders can be completed in a single turn by Great Engineers, and later ones can be sped up dramatically. Great Engineers can permanently settle in a city, providing a continuing large production and small research boost to that city.

偉大な商人: 偉大な商人は、一挙に多額のゴールドをプレイヤーにもたらす「交易の任務」を実行できます。交易の任務を実行するには、まず最初に偉大な商人を、自分の都市からできるだけ遠くにある富んでいて有力な都市まで移動します。偉大な商人が目的の都市に到着すると、任務を実行できます。交易の任務は、他国の都市"のみ"で実行できます。任務による収益は、目的の都市が遠くにあればあるほど、そして豊かであればあるほど増加します。また、偉大な商人は、都市に定住でき、大きな商業の促進および小さな食料生産の向上を継続的にもたらします。

Great Merchants: A Great Merchant can conduct a "trade mission" which will immediately give you a whole bunch of gold. To conduct a trade mission, first move the merchant to a wealthy and powerful city as far away from your cities as possible. When the merchant reaches the target city you'll be able to conduct the mission; trade missions can ONLY be carried out in foreign cities. The value of the mission increases the further away and wealthier the target city is. Great Merchants can also settle permanently in a city, providing a continuing large commerce and small food boost to the city.

偉大な預言者: 偉大な預言者は、宗教的な殿堂を建造できます。たとえば、ソロモンの神殿(Temple of Solomon)あるいは孔廟(Kong Miao)などです。しかし、偉大な預言者が宗教的な殿堂を建造できるのは、各宗教の聖地"のみ"です。宗教的な殿堂を建造するには、偉大な預言者を用いる方法しかありません。また、偉大な預言者は、都市に定住でき、大きな商業の促進および小さな生産性の向上を継続的にもたらします。

Great Prophet: Great Prophets can create religious shrines - the Temple of Solomon and the Kong Miao, for example. However, Great Prophets can create religious shrines ONLY in a city where a religion was founded. Using a Great Prophet is the only way to build a religion's shrine. Great Prophets can also settle in a city, providing a continuing large commerce and small production boost to that city.

偉大な科学者: 偉大な科学者は、アカデミー(Academy)を建造できます。アカデミーは、都市の科学的な研究および文化を促進します。また、偉大な科学者は、都市に定住でき、大きな研究の促進および小さな生産性の向上を継続的にもたらします。

Great Scientist: Great Scientists can construct an Academy, a building which greatly boots a city's scientific research as well as its culture. Great Scientists can also settle permanently in a city, providing a large research and small production boost to the city.

Happiness(幸福) †

Civilization IVで成功したいならば、無慈悲で最悪な独裁者でさえ、人民の幸福を考えなくてはなりません。幸福な市民は、生産的な市民です。不幸な市民は、何も生産しないのに食事は働いている人と同じだけ取る、役立たずの邪魔者です。

If he wants to be successful in Civilization IV, even the most ruthless dictator must give some thought to his people's happiness. A happy citizen is a productive citizen. An unhappy citizen is a useless drag on his City, producing nothing but still eating as much as anyone else.

Effects of Unhappiness (幸福の効果) †



Each citizen in a city has a job to do. Many are employed working the land around the city, and some few may be Specialists, performing various other critical work. When a citizen is "unhappy" he or she refuses to work, thus reducing the city's laborers or specialists by one. This slacker still consumes two food each turn, however, and a city with too many unhappy citizens faces loss of productivity, commerce, a slowdown of the generation of great people, and perhaps Starvation.

Rather than allowing a city to grow until it is unhappy, it is often a good idea to use specialists or the "Avoid Growth" governor command to halt a city at the size just before it would become unhappy. When more happiness is added later, the city can then go back to growing again.

Determining Happiness (幸福の決定) †

都市はそれぞれ固有の幸福レベルを持っています。不幸を引き起こす原因は様々ですが、人口過密と戦争は最も多い2大要因です(全要因リストは下記参照)。それぞれの要因は1つまたはそれ以上の"unhappy faces(不幸マーク)"を発生させます。同様に幸福を生み出す原因もたくさんあり、宗教とある種の資源へのアクセスは最も重要な2大要因です。それぞれの要因は1つまたはそれ以上の"happy faces(幸福マーク)"を発生させます。



Each city has its own individual happiness level. There are many factors which can cause unhappiness in a city, with overpopulation and war being two of the most common (see below for a full list). Each source of unhappiness generates one or more "unhappy faces" (see Cities). There are also many factors which produce happiness in a city, with religion and access to certain resources being two of the most important. Each of these generates one or more "happy faces."

To determine a city's happiness, compare the number of happy faces to unhappy faces. If a city has as many or more happy faces as it has unhappy ones, all of the citizens in that city are happy. If the city has more unhappy faces than happy ones, a number of citizens equal to the difference will be unhappy. (Thus, if a city has five happy faces and seven unhappy faces, two of the city's citizens will refuse to work.)

If a city has at least one unhappy citizen, an unhappy face will appear next to the city's name on the main map.

Causes of Unhappiness (不幸の原因) †

人口過密: すべての市民は1つの不幸マークを生みだします。都市の人口が増えれば増える程、皆ますます不幸になっていきます。

Overpopulation: Every citizen in a city generates one unhappy face. The bigger the population, the more unhappy everybody is.

厭戦感情: 戦争が長引けば、市民はどんどん不幸になっていきます。特に、最近対戦相手の文明から奪った都市ではそれが顕著です。

War Weariness: As a war continues, more and more citizens become unhappy about it. This is especially true in cities that you have recently captured from the civilization you're fighting.

文化侵略: 都市が近隣文明に文化侵略されているとき、不幸が発生します(Culture(文化)およびBorders(国境)の項を参照)。

Cultural Inferiority: A city will become unhappy if it is being "culturally dominated" by a nearby foreign city (see Culture and Borders).

無防備: 軍事ユニットが全くいない都市は不幸になります。ユニットの種類は問われないので、とにかく最低1つはすべての都市に置くようにして下さい。

Undefended: A city becomes unhappy if you have no military units in that city. The type of unit does not matter, so make sure to have at least one unit in every city.

強制労働および徴兵: あなたが市民を労働で死なせたとき、彼らは不幸になります(Slavery参照)。同様に彼らは徴兵されて軍隊に入れられることも非常に嫌います(Nationhood 参照)。

Slavery and the Draft: Citizens are unhappy if you work them to death (see the Slavery civic). They don't much like it either if you forcibly draft them into the military (see the Nationhood civic).

奴隷開放: 他の文明がEmancipation(奴隷開放)を行ったにもかかわらず、あなたが未だ行っていないとき、市民は不幸になります。奴隷開放を採用した文明が増えるほど、残された市民はますます不幸になります。

Emancipation: Citizens become unhappy if other civilizations have adopted the Emancipation civic and you have not. The more civilizations that have adopted emancipation, the more unhappy become the citizens of the remaining holdouts.

Causes of Happiness (幸福の原因) †


There are plenty of them. Here are a few:

資源: 多くのResources(資源)が幸福をもたらします。たとえばFur(毛皮)Gold(金)など。

Resources: Many Resources produce happiness: Fur and Gold, to name two.

建造物: Temple(寺院)Colosseum(コロシアム)Theatre(劇場)などは早い時代から建てられる幸福をもたらす施設です。Jail(刑務所)は戦争による厭戦感情を低下させます。

Buildings: Temples, Colosseums, and Theatres are some early buildings which produce happiness. The Jail removes some unhappiness caused by war weariness.

不思議: Globe Theatre(グローブ座)が建っている都市には不幸は発生しません。Rock-n-Roll(ロックンロール)は1つの幸福を生み出す資源のHit Singleを生産します。

Wonders: The Globe Theatre removes all unhappiness in the city where it is built. Rock-n-Roll produces the Hit Singles resource, which generates one happiness.

社会体制: Police State(警察国家)では厭戦感情は発生しません。Free Speech(言論の自由)Broadcast Tower(放送塔)と組み合わされば幸福を増加させます。

Civics: The Police State civic negates all war weariness. Free Speech produces happiness (in combination with Broadcast Towers).

文化ボタン: Drama(演劇)の発見以降は、収入をCulture Button(文化ボタン)に振り分けることで、文化と同時に幸福を生み出すことができます。Theatre(劇場)Colosseum(コロシアム)などの施設は文化への配分に応じて幸福を増加させます。

Culture Button: After discovering the Drama technology, you can devote a percentage of your civilization's commerce to the Culture Button, which increases both culture and happiness. Certain buildings like Theatres and Colosseums increase the happiness effect from the Culture Button even further.

その他: プレイすることで、幸福に影響する要素が他にもたくさんあることに気付くでしょう。

And More: As you play, you will discover many other factors that can increase or decrease a city's happiness.

Health(衛生) †


A City's health affects the rate at which the city accumulates Food, and thus the rate at which the city grows (or starves). A healthy city will grow larger, faster, while an unhealthy city will languish.

Factors Affecting Health(衛生に影響する要素) †



Many factors affect a city's health: the Land around it and its access to water and Resources, the city's population, its Buildings and Wonders, and the Civics that the civilization is running. Health-giving objects provide one or more "positive health points," displayed as little red crosses in white circles. Unhealthy objects provide one or more "negative health points," displayed as green unhealthy faces.

Further, a city's population can be a major source of negative health points. The larger a city is, the more positive health points it needs to cancel out its population-based unhealthiness. Certain buildings, especially ones dealing with industry, will also add unhealthiness. And, finally, if you engage in any unpleasant nuclear exchanges with your neighbors, the resulting fallout can be extremely unhealthy for the few battered survivors.

Determining a City's Overall Health(都市の総合的な衛生の決定) †


If a city has as many or more positive points as it has negative points, that city is healthy. If the city has fewer positive points than it has negatives, that city is unhealthy. The healthy and unhealthy icons are displayed at the top of the city screen, above the happy and unhappy face icons.

Effects of Unhealthiness(不衛生による影響) †


A city loses one food for each point of excess unhealthiness. In other words, if a city has two positive health points and four negative points, the city will lose two food each turn. This will at the least slow the city's growth, and at the worst cause the city to Starve.

Correcting Early Bad Health in a City(都市の不衛生を早期に解決するために) †


There are a number of steps you can take to improve the health of your cities.


Site the City by a River: A city sited on or near to fresh water gains health points from the river spaces its citizens work. You can check whether a tile is on fresh water or not by moving the mouse cursor over it.


Improve Food Resources: Various food resources - Deer, Bananas and Crabs, to name three - provide positive health points once your workers build the appropriate Improvement on them. And if the improved resource is connected to more than one city by your road, river, and ocean trade network, all of your cities will gain the health bonus. Note that you can never get more than one health bonus from a single kind of resource; if you have two or more of the same resource, you still get only one health point (so you might as well trade the excess resources to your neighbors in return for his or her excess resources).


Construct Buildings and Wonders: Some buildings and wonders provide positive health points. The early Aqueduct provides positive health points, as does the Granary.


Research Healthy Technologies: Research the technologies which allow you to construct the healthy buildings. For instance you need to know both Mathematics and Masonry to build an Aqueduct. There are a few late-game technologies that also add health to all of your cities.


Build Near Woodlands: Cities receive extra health from having Forest tiles in their city radius. Chopping down these forests will reduce the health of the city - be careful not to send the city into starvation!


Change Civics: Certain civics add additional health to your cities. Environmentalism is one such example.

Hurry Production(生産の加速) †


There are various ways to increase a city's Productivity, some permanent, some of limited duration. Here are some examples:

Increasing Productivity(生産性を高める) †






多くの建造物および不思議は、生産性を高めます。たとえば、鍛冶場(Forge)は、都市の生産性を25%高めますし、三峡ダム(Three Gorges Dam)の不思議は、すべての都市の生産性を10%高めます。


偉大な技術者(Great Engineer)は、大量の生産ポイントのために犠牲にできます。ただし、この方法によって偉大な技術者ユニットは消費されます。偉大な技術者は初期の不思議の建造を急ぐために役立ちます。


技術者の 専門家(Specialist)は、都市の生産性をハンマー2つ分、高めます。他の専門家も生産性を高める場合があります。

Population Growth

The bigger a city, the more population that is available to work the land and thus generate hammers. It is generally a good idea to grow your Cities as large as the health and happiness of the city will allow.


Tile improvements such as Mines increase the productivity of a hill or certain Resources. A Watermill will increase the productivity of squares next to a river. And there are others, as well.

Buildings and Wonders

Many buildings and wonders increase your productivity. For example, a Forge increases a city's productivity by 25%, while the Three Gorges Dam wonder increases all of your cities' productivity by 10%.

The Great Engineer

A Great Engineer can be sacrificed for a large number of production points, but this act consumes the unit. Great Engineers are useful for rushing early wonders.


The Engineer Specialist increases his city's productivity by two hammers. Other specialists may increase productivity as well.

Civics(社会制度) †

組織宗教: 組織宗教(Organized Religion)体制では、都市の生産性が25%増加しますが、これは都市に国教が広まっており、また建造物を建設している場合"のみ"です。

普通選挙制: 普通選挙制(Universal Suffrage)では、町(Town)の生産性が1ポイント増加します。また、ゴールドを支払ってユニットまたは建造物を完成させることができます。

官僚制: 官僚制(Bureaucracy)では、首都における生産性(および商業)が50%増加します。

奴隷制: 奴隷制(Slavery)では、都市の人口を犠牲にして、生産アイテムを完成することができます。

国民国家制: 国民国家制(Nationhood)では、都市の人口を兵役のために「徴兵」できます。軍事ユニットを徴兵すると、徴兵された都市に不幸が発生し、人口が減少します。

Organized Religion: The Organized Religion civic increases a city's productivity by 25%, but ONLY when that city is constructing a building and only if your state religion is present in the city.

Universal Suffrage: Universal Suffrage increases Town productivity by 1. It also allows you to spend gold to complete construction of a unit or building.

Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy increases the production (and commerce) in your capital by 50%.

Slavery: Slavery allows you to sacrifice a city's population to complete production on an item.

Nationhood: Nationhood allows you to "draft" a city's population for military service. Drafting military units causes unhappiness and a reduction of population in the drafted city.

Improvements(改善) †



Human settlements survive on the natural resources available to them from nearby terrain. At first they may do this without "working the land" - they may glean nearby forests for nuts and berries, while hunters bring in whatever local animals are at hand. However, these local resources tend to be finite, and as a settlement's population expands they must improve their ability to gather sustenance or starve.

Over time, Man has developed sophisticated techniques for obtaining ever-increasing resources from the land. He builds farms to increase his food supply. He builds mines to obtain metals and fuels. He builds water mills to harness the power of rivers. He "improves" the land, making it capable of supporting ever-larger populations. In fact, Man's ability to gather greater resources with fewer people is the basis for all of civilization: if one man can create enough food for two, the second man is free to create writing, or paint a picture, or build a cathedral.

Location of Improvements (地形改善の位置) †

ある都市に直接利益をもたらす地形改善は、その都市のCity Radius(都市圏)内になければなりません。また、あるResources(資源)を利用可能にするための地形改善は自分の文明のCultural Borders(文化による国境)内にあれば有効です。(とはいえ、都市圏の中にある方が望ましいです。)

Improvements directly benefiting specific cities must be within that city's City Radius, while improvements allowing your civilization access to certain Resources can be anywhere within your civilization's Cultural Borders (though it is usually good if they are also within a city's radius).

Availability of Improvements (地形改善の可否) †

ほとんどの地形改善は特定の場所にしか設置できません。例えば、Mine(鉱山)は丘(または鉱物資源)の上にしか設置できませんし、Farm(農場)はCivil Service(公務員)の技術が発見されるまで、淡水が利用可能な場所にしか設置できません。さらに、全ての地形改善は特定の技術が必要です。例えば、Agriculture(農業)によってFarm(農場)が解禁されます。さらに、いくつかの地形改善は特定の資源を必要とします。例えばRailroads(鉄道)にはCoal(石炭)が必要です。

Many improvements can be built only in specific locations: mines, for instance, must be built on hills (or atop certain Resources), while farms can be built only where fresh water is available (until researching Civil Service). Further, all improvements have a technology requirement; for example, you cannot build farms until your civilization has discovered Agriculture. Finally, some improvements require that you have access to specific resources. Railroads require coal, for example.

Workers (労働者) †


In Civilization IV, most improvements are built by Workers created in cities. These units cannot fight, nor can they create new cities, but they can build the farms, roads, and mines needed to support ever-bigger and more powerful cities. A civilization cannot flourish and grow without enough Workers.

Work Boats (作業船) †

Work Boat(作業船)は海上で地形改善を行えるという点で労働者に似ています。作業船はfishing boats(漁船)、whaling boats(捕鯨船)さらに、後の時代ではoffshore platforms(海上作業台)を作ることができます。しかし、労働者と作業船には1つ大きな違いがあります。それは作業船は海上の改善を作ると消えてしまうという点です。1つの改善につき1つの作業船を作る必要があります。(労働者は改善を行っても消えません。)

Work Boats are similar to Workers in that they can construct improvements on water; they can build fishing boats, whaling boats, and, later on, offshore platforms. There is one major difference between Work Boats and Workers, however; a Work Boat is consumed when it creates an improvement. You'll need to build one Work Boat for every at sea improvement you wish to accomplish. (Workers are not consumed when building improvements.)

Constructing Improvements (地形改善の設置) †

改善を設置するには、まず、労働者を改善を行いたいタイルに移動させます。労働者が可能な行動がメインスクリーンの"unit button(ユニット・ボタン)"の位置に表示されます。その地形改善に必要な技術や資源を入手していて、かつ、その場所が改善を設置可能な地形あるときに初めて、労働者のユニット・ボタンに現れます。その改善をクリックすれば、労働者は工事を始めます。(もし、その改善が暗くなって選択できないならば、その改善を設置できないということです。ポインタをその改善に合わせれば、何がいけないのかを知ることができます。)

To build an improvement, move a Worker to the space you want to improve. The actions available to that Worker are displayed in the "unit button" section of the main screen; if your civilization meets the technology and resource requirement for an improvement and if that improvement can be built on that space, it will appear in the Worker's unit button. Click on the improvement and your Worker will begin construction. (If the improvement is greyed-out, you cannot make that improvement at that time. Mouse over the improvement to see what you are missing.)

道路および鉄道の敷設: Road(道路)Railroads(鉄道)を敷設するには2つの方法があります。手動で1マスずつ行う方法と、"Route To(~まで敷設)"命令を使う("Route To"をクリックしてから目的地をクリックする)方法です。労働者は自動で目的地までの最短経路を通って道路を敷設します。(注:この方法はあなたの仕事を楽にしてくれますが、あなたが最適と考える経路を通るとは限りませんから、ときには手動で経路を決めた方がよいこともあります。)道路が移動に与える効果はMovement(移動)の項を参照してください。

Constructing Roads and Railroads: You can build Roads and Railroads in one of two ways: you can manually build the road one space at a time, or you can use the "Route To" command, in which you click on "Route To" and then on the target space. The Worker will figure out the shortest route to the target space and construct the road to that space without further orders. (Beware: this method requires less work from you, but your Workers sometimes may not choose what you would consider the most optimal route.) See Movement for the effects of roads on movement.

Time of Construction (工事の期間) †


Improvements take one or more turns to complete. Time of construction varies, depending upon the Civics you have in place, and certain Technologies will shorten construction time as well. Finally, two or more workers can construct the same improvement simultaneously, cutting the time of construction roughly in half.

Interrupting Construction (工事の中止) †


You can stop working on an improvement at any time: simply click on the Worker building the improvement and give him new orders.

Pillaging Improvements (改善の略奪) †
