
Last-modified: 2007-12-25 01:15:07


Maintenance(維持) †

文明が発達するにつれて、これを支えるため今までより多くのインフラが必要となります。ますます複雑化する国家の機能を処理するために、全く新しい役人の階層が現れます。そして新しい役人の階層は新たな浪費とより多くの汚職の機会をもたらします。Civilization IVでは、このことは文明の"city maintenance cost(都市の維持費)"として反映されています。

As a civilization grows, it requires an ever-larger infrastructure to support it. Entire new layers of bureaucrats appear to handle the increasingly complex business of empire. And with every new layer of bureaucracy comes new inefficiencies, as well as increased opportunities for corruption. In Civilization IV, this is reflected in your civilization's "city maintenance cost."


Two factors determine a civilization's basic city maintenance cost: the number of cities you possess, and the distance of individual cites from a seat of government.

Number of Cities(都市の数) †


As you add cities to your civilization, the cost of managing EVERY city increases. Thus, as your civilization grows, adding new cities will quickly drive up your city maintenance costs. For instance, let's assume that the first city costs one gold to manage, and every new city increases the cost of managing your cities by one. So you pay one gold in management expenses when you have one city. When you build another city, you are now paying two gold PER city, so your overall costs goes up to four. Adding a third city will increase your maintenance costs to nine, and so on. (Note that these numbers are for example only; the actual formula for determining maintenance is more complex.)

Distance from Seat of Government(政治の中枢からの距離) †

都市の維持費は"Seat of Government(政治の中枢)"からの距離にも影響を受けます。ゲーム開始時は、最初に建造した都市に自動的に出現するPalace(首都)が政治の中枢です。首都から離れた位置にある都市は首都の近くにある都市よりも維持に多くのお金がかかります。

A city's maintenance cost is also affected by its distance from a "seat of government." At game start the Palace, which appears automatically in the first city you build, is your seat of government. Cities farther away from the palace are more expensive to maintain than closer cities.

Lowering Maintenance Costs(維持費を下げる) †


建造物Courthouse(裁判所)は都市の維持費を半分にします。また、裁判所は小不思議Forbidden Palace(紫禁城)(下を参照)を建てるために必要です。もし、あなたの文明が遠く離れた地にまで勢力を伸ばしたことで高額な維持費に窮迫しているならば、出来るだけ速く裁判所を建造する事を忘れないでください。

Building a Courthouse cuts a city's maintenance cost in half. Courthouses are also required to build the Forbidden Palace national wonder (see below). If your civ finds itself choking under high maintenance costs from expanding too far afield, make sure to build courthouses as quickly as possible.

Move Your Palace(首都の移動)


If your palace is out on the edge of your civilization, you can construct it in a more centralized position. Warning: the original palace disappears when the new one appears.

Add Seats of Government(政治の中枢を追加)

二つの不思議、Forbidden Palace(紫禁城)Versailles(ベルサイユ宮殿)は増設された政治の中枢として機能します。都市の維持費は最も近くにある政治の中枢との距離に基づいて決まるため、これらの建造物は国内に分散して設置すると維持費を下げるのに役立ちます。Forbidden Palace(紫禁城)はNational Wonder(小不思議)であるので、どのような場合でも建造可能ですが、Versailles(ベルサイユ宮殿)を建造できるのは世界で一つの文明だけであることに注意して下さい。

Two wonders, the Forbidden Palace and Versailles act as additional seats of government. Cities pay maintenance based upon their distance to the NEAREST seat of government, so spreading these about your empire will do wonders for lowering your maintenance costs. Although the Forbidden Palace is a National Wonder and always available to your civ, be aware that only one civilization in the world will be able to construct Versailles.

State Property(国有財産)

公民State Property(国有財産)は距離による維持費を撤廃します。

The State Property civic removes all distance-based maintenance costs.

Make More Money! (もっとお金を稼ぐ!) †


You can, of course, counter the rising costs of city maintenance by simply making more money. See Wealth for further suggestions.

Maps (マップ) †

Civilization IVでは3つの異なるマップがあります。メインマップ、ミニマップ、そしてゲームマップです。メインマップとミニマップはCiv IVのインターフェイス部分です。これらについての詳細はマニュアルを参照してください。この項目では特にgame maps(地図)を扱います。

There are three different kinds of maps in Civilization IV: the main map, the mini map, and game maps. The main map and the mini map are sections of Civ IV's interface; see the manual for details on them. This entry deals specifically with game maps.

Game Maps (地図) †

Game Maps (地図)とは世界の一部分の地図のことです。友好的な村人や他の文明から地図を得ることが出来ます。

Game maps are maps of portions of the world. You can acquire game maps from friendly villagers, or from other civilizations.

Maps from Villagers(村人からの地図)


When one of your units enters a village, the villagers may respond by giving you a map of local territory. When they do so, your main map is updated to display the newly-revealed territory. This territory is "explored" (see Exploration for more details).

Trading Maps(地図の交換)

Paper(製紙)技術により他の文明と地図の交換が可能になります。ある文明があなたと地図を交換したとき、その文明が既に"Explored" (探索した)領域があなたのメインマップ上で更新されます。ほかのある文明と地図を交換した場合、その文明はあなたが探索した領域全てについて知ることになります。

The Paper technology allows you to trade maps with other civilizations. When a civilization trades you a map, all of the territory that civilization has "Explored" is updated on your main map. When you trade another civilization your map, that civilization learns about all of the territory that you have explored.

Movement (移動) †



In Civilization IV, much of your time is spent moving your Units around on the map - you send them out to Explore new territory; you march them off to battle; and so forth. The basic rules of movement are simple; each unit in the game has a certain number of "movement points" (MPs) which they can expend each turn. Units spend MPs entering a new square; some terrain is more difficult to move through (and thus costs more MPs to enter), some less so, and some is impassable. Certain Improvements cut down the cost of entering certain spaces.

There are three basic unit types in the game: land, sea, and air units.

Land Movement (陸上移動) †


Land units may move only onto land Terrain. They may not move onto water (unless carried aboard a sea transport unit). Further, land units may not enter Peak spaces.

移動速度: 一般的に、歩兵系のMPは1、騎乗系や装甲系は2またはそれ以上のMPを持っています。労働者や入植者のMPは2です。詳細はUnits(ユニット)の項を参照してください。

Movement Speed: Generally, foot soldiers have 1 MP, while horses and powered units have 2 MPs or more. Workers and settlers have 2 MPs. See Units for details.

地形コスト: 開けた地形(草原、平地、砂漠、ツンドラ、氷原)に入ると1MP消費します。丘陵、ジャングル、森林は2MP消費します。

Terrain Costs: Open terrain - grassland, plains, desert, tundra and ice - cost 1 MP to enter. Hills, jungle, and forests cost 2 MP.

注意: ユニットは少しでもMPが残っていれば移動できます。すなわち、MPが1のユニットでも森林スクエアに入れますが、移動はそこで終了します。(詳細はTerrain(地形)の項を参照)

Note: A unit can always enter a space if it has any MPs left. Thus, a 1 MP unit could enter a forest space, but its move would end there. (See Terrain for details.)

道路および鉄道: Road(道路)はすべての地形の移動コストを2分の1MPに削減します。(Engineering(工学)を獲得するとコストは3分の1MPになります。)この効果はユニットが、道路のあるスクエアから、敵対文明のBorder(国境)内以外のスクエアに移動するときにのみ働きます。Railroad(鉄道)は道路と似ていて、鉄道スクエアから鉄道スクエアに入るコストは10分の1MPになります。

Roads and Railroads: Roads negate the movement costs of terrain; all spaces cost 1/2 MP to enter. (When you acquire the Engineering technology, the cost goes down to 1/3 MP.) This benefit occurs only when a unit is moving from one road square to another, and only when the square the unit is entering is not within a hostile civ's Borders. Railroads are similar to roads, except that railroad squares cost 1/10 MP to enter from other railroad squares.

河川: 河川はConstruction(建設)の技術を獲得するまで道路の効果をなくします。すなわち、川を渡って移動するコストは道路が無い状態と同じになります。

Rivers: Rivers negate the effects of roads until you get the Construction technology; in other words, moving across a river will act the same as if a road is not there at all.

都市: すべての都市は道路があるものとして扱われます。同様に、鉄道を敷設できるなら、都市は鉄道があるものとなります。

Cities All city spaces are considered to have roads in them. When you have acquired the ability to build railroads, city spaces will have railroads as well.

Water Movement (水域移動) †


Water units can enter only ocean, coastal, and coastal city squares. They cannot move onto land spaces. Water units cannot enter ice spaces.

船舶ユニットの種類による制限: 初期の船舶ユニット(ガレー船と作業船)は、外洋に入ることはできず、沿岸か沿岸都市にしか入れません。ただし、自分の文明(または"Open Borders(国境開放)"条約を結んでいる文明)の国境内のスクエアならば外洋に入れます。

Sea Unit Type Limitations: Early water units - galleys and work boats - cannot enter ocean squares unless those squares are within your cultural borders (or another civilizations's cultural borders if you have an "Open Borders" agreement). Otherwise they are limited to coastal and city spaces.

移動速度: 初期の船舶ユニットは2MPしかありませんが、もっとも高速な現代的船舶ユニットは最大で8のMPを持っています。最初に世界一周を成し遂げた文明はすべての船舶ユニットが+1MPのボーナスを受け取ります。

Movement Speed: Early water units have 2 MPs; the fastest and most modern water units have as many as 8 MPs. The first civilization to circumnaviate the globe will also receive a +1 MP bonus to all of its water units.

地形コスト: 沿岸も外洋も移動コストは1MPです。氷域には入れません。

Terrain Costs: All coastal/ocean spaces cost 1 MP to enter. Ice spaces are impassable.

Air Units (航空ユニット) †

一般的に、航空ユニットは陸地も水域も、通行不可能な山脈や氷域も含めてすべてのスクエアに入ることができ、すべての移動コストは1MPです。詳細はAir Units(航空ユニット)参照。

In general, air units can enter both land and water spaces, including impassable ice and peak spaces. All spaces cost 1 MP for air units to enter. See Air Units for more details.

Promotions (昇進) †


Certain Promotions allow units to move faster through certain terrain types or grant them extra MPs altogether. For example, the Mobility promotion allows mounted and armored units to move faster through rough terrain and the Navigation promotions grant water units extra MPs.

Effects of Borders on Movement (移動における国境の効果) †

ユニットは自分の文明の領土、または空白地帯、もしくはOpen Borders(国境開放)条約を結んだ文明の領土では自由に移動できます。国境開放していない文明に入ることは宣戦布告を意味します。敵の領土内では道路や鉄道の効果を得られません。

Your units can move freely within your territory and unclaimed territory, as well as through territory of civilizations with whom you have an Open Borders treaty. If you enter territory of a civilization without such a treaty, you declare war on that civ. You do not get the benefits of roads or rails when moving into enemy territory.

Effects of Other Units on Movement (移動における他のユニットの効果) †


Other friendly or neutral units do not affect your units' movement at all; in other words, your units can move onto the same space as a foreign unit without attacking it. However, if your unit enters a space containing an enemy unit, your unit will initiate Combat with the enemy.

Controlling Your Units (ユニットの操作) †


You can use your mouse or keyboard to move your units. See the game controls section of the manual to learn how to "activate" units and tell them where you want them to go.

Nukes(核兵器) †

ICBM(大陸間弾道ミサイル)としても知られる「核兵器」は指導者の全てを崩壊させます。核兵器はCivilization IVに於いて使用できる究極の兵器であり、非常に強力です。

"Nukes," also known as "ICBMs" (intercontinental ballistic missiles), can ruin a leader's whole day. These are the ultimate weapons available in Civilization IV, and they are extremely potent.

Acquiring Nukes(核兵器を入手する) †


To build nuclear weapons, you need the following:


ゲーム内で何れかの指導者がManhattan Project(マンハッタン計画)を完成させる必要があります。プレイヤー自身である必要はありません。つまり、誰かが一旦マンハッタン計画を完成させれば、誰でも(他の必要条件を満たしていれば)核兵器を製造できます。

The Manhattan Project Wonder

Someone in the game must have built the Manhattan Project wonder. It needn't be you; once anybody has built the Manhattan Project, everyone can build nukes (if they meet the other requirements).



Rocketry and Fission

You need to know the Rocketry and Fission technologies before you can construct nukes.




You need access to the Uranium resource to build nukes. Uranium is uncovered by the Physics tech.

Constructing Nukes(核兵器を製造する) †


You build nukes in a city, just like any other unit.

Launching a Nuke(核兵器を発射する) †


Nukes have unlimited range: they can reach any Explored space on the map. Once launched, nukes reach their target space and detonate immediately.

Area of Effect(範囲効果) †


Nukes are "area of effect" weapons; when detonated they cause damage in their target square, but they also cause damage to the eight squares that are adjacent to the target square. In fact, the eight adjacent squares get hit just as hard as the target square.

Damage Effects(被害による影響) †


もしも核兵器が都市の真上か隣接スクエアで爆発すれば、コンピューターは各建造物に対して「キルチェック」を行います。建造物がこのチェックにパスすればその建造物は無傷になります。もしパスできなければ、その建造物は破壊されます(ただし、下の"bomb shelters(核シェルター)"の項を参照すること)。


If a nuke detonates in or adjacent to a city, the computer makes a "kill check" against each building; if the building passes the check, it emerges unharmed. If the target building fails, it is destroyed (but see "bomb shelters," below). Wonders cannot be destroyed by nukes!




The computer makes a "kill check" against each unit; if the unit fails, the check it is destroyed. If the unit passes the check, it may emerge damaged or unscathed.




If a nuke detonates on top of or adjacent to an improvement, that improvement too must got through a "kill check." (Exception: nukes never damage roads or rails.)




A nuclear detonation may produce "fallout" - radioactive debris - in any of the target squares. Fallout makes the space totally unworkable; in other words, a nearby city cannot draw food, commerce, production, or resources from a square damaged by fallout.

Scrubbing Fallout(死の灰を除去する) †


Once you have discovered the Ecology technology, your workers can "scrub" (or clean) fallout. Scrubbing fallout is like any other worker action; multiple workers can scrub a space simultaneously to speed the job up; certain Civics and Wonders may cause workers to scrub fallout faster, and so forth.

SDI and Nukes(SDIと核兵器) †


The SDI project has an excellent chance of intercepting any nukes targeted at your territory.

Bomb Shelters and Nukes(核シェルターと核兵器) †

Bomb Shelters(核シェルター)は核兵器のダメージを75%減少させます。

A bomb shelter in a city reduces damage by 75%.

Diplomatic Penalties(外交上のペナルティー) †


There are serious diplomatic penalties attached to using nukes. Relations with other civilizations are almost certain to drop precipitously, and you may find yourself at the receiving end of someone else's nuclear arsenal. You have been warned!

Global Warming(地球温暖化) †


Use of nuclear weapons will cause Global Warming to begin, turning previously fertile tiles into useless desert. Prolonged nuclear exchanges will transform the world into an uninhabitable wasteland.

Production(生産) †


A City's basic "productivity" - that is, the speed at which it constructs buildings and units - is determined by the Terrain and Resources surrounding the city. Each terrain type and resource provides a certain amount of "production points" (a.k.a., "hammers" or also - to longtime Civilization fans - as "shields"). Hills and plains produce one production each turn, forests produce two, and grassland produces none. Various Improvements can increase a square's productivity. Mines, for instance, increase a hill's productivity to three per turn.

Changing Production(生産物の変更) †



Unlike previous Civilization games, production is saved seperately for each item that a city chooses to build. If a city is building a Granary and changes over to an Archer unit for defense, it must start production of the archer from the beginning; production does not "carry over" from the granary. After finishing the archer, the city could then go back to the granary and pick up where it left off before.

Caution: If you wait too long to go back to a partially completed item, there will be a "decay" of production over time.

Hurrying Production (緊急生産) †

Hurry Production(緊急生産)の項を参照してください。

See Hurry Production to learn how to speed up a city's production.

Promotions(昇進) †


It's well known that in war battle-tested veterans are more successful than green troops. They are better at staying alive, and better at seeing that the enemy doesn't stay alive. In Civilization IV, experienced troops earn "promotions" which give them special bonuses on offense, defense, healing, movement, and other martial-related skills.

Experience Points(経験値) †


Units gain promotions by acquiring "experience points" (or XPs) representing their training and practical battlefield experience. Only land and naval units get experience points; air units do not.

Training Experience Points(訓練による経験値)


Training XPs come from several sources. A land unit built in a city with a Barracks automatically receives 4 XPs. Drydocks do the same for naval units. Various other Buildings and Wonders provide training XPs too. The civic Vassalage gives all new units 2 XPs, and the Theocracy civic also grants 2 XPs for units built in cities with your state religion. Finally, certain civilization Leader Traits give bonuses also.

Combat Experience Points(戦闘による経験値)


Units gain combat experience points by destroying an enemy unit in battle. It doesn't matter if the unit attacked or defended; as long as its enemy is destroyed, it gets an XP. Units DO NOT gain XPs for Bombarding fortifications, nor do they get them if the enemy unit Withdraws from combat (or if they themselves withdraw!).

Getting Promotions(昇進するには) †


Promotions occur on a sliding scale of experience points. A unit gets its first promotion upon achieving 2 XPs. The second promotion requires 3 additional XPs (for a total of 5), the third 4 more XP (10 total), etc.

Promotion Choice(昇進を選ぶ) †

全てのユニットが好きに昇進できるというわけではなく、また、昇進するためには、先に前提となる昇進をしていなければならない場合もあります。ユニットが昇進可能となった場合、そのユニットのアクションボックス(action box)に昇進先が表示されます。

Not all promotions are available to all units, and some promotions require that a unit have already gotten a specific previous promotion. When the unit is due for a promotion, the available promotions are displayed in the unit's "action box."

Promotions List (昇進リスト) †


Look at the Promotions List page to see all the promotions available in the game. Click on a promotion to discover which units can get it, its requirements, and its effects.

Religion (宗教) †


Religion has always played a critical part in human history. Through religion, man has sought to make sense of the universe around him and to determine his place in it. Religion has inspired, enlightened and ennobled man; in its name men have erected beautiful buildings, written books of great wisdom, and made music of surpassing beauty. In its name men have also murdered and enslaved their fellows.

Religion in this Game (ゲームにおける宗教) †

人は宗教に対し強固な考えをもつものだ。実際、幾多の戦争は信仰が衝突した時に引き起こされている。我々Firaxisはいかなる人に対しても不快感を与えることを望まない。人類の発展に宗教が及ぼした重要性について譲歩したとしても、宗教をゲームから一切合財なくしたくはない。かわりに我々は宗教を敬意を払いながら、できるかぎり公平かつ公正な態度で扱うよう試みた。実際にゲームにおいて全ての宗教は同じ効果を持ち、その唯一の違いは必要条件のみだ。 We know that people have extremely strong opinions about religions - in fact, many a war has arisen when these beliefs collide. We at Firaxis have no desire to offend anyone. However, given the importance that religions have had in human development, we didn't want to simply leave them out of the game altogether; instead we have tried to handle them in as respectful, fair and even-handed manner as possible. In fact, all religions in the game have the same effects, the only difference being their requirements.

Civilization IVにおける宗教は7つである。(テストによって7つがゲームプレイに最適な数だということが分かった)ゲームに加える7つの宗教を決定する際はプレイヤーが最も慣れ親しんでいると考える宗教を選んだ。これらの宗教が他の宗教より重要だったり良いものあるいは悪いものであるといったことをほのめかすつもりはない。 There are seven religions in Civilization IV (testing having determined that seven was the optimal number for gameplay). When determining which seven to include, we picked those religions that we thought would be most familiar to our audience. We do not mean to imply that these religions are more important, better or worse than any other religions.

我々は宗教に対して価値判断をしないことを述べておく。いかなる人の信仰に対しても蔑視することはない。我々はゲームデザイナーであり、宗教学者ではないということだ。 We offer no value judgments on religion; we mean no disrespect to anyone's beliefs. We're game designers, not theologians.

Founding a Religion (宗教の発見) †

もしあなたが関連する技術を最初に発見した場合、宗教があなたの都市のうちの一つで創始される。宗教を創始した都市をもつことは非常に有用である。prophet(預言者)が都市にshrine(聖地)を作られるようになる。(以下参照) If you are the first civilization to discover the associated technology, the religion is founded in one of your cities. It is extremely useful to have a city where a religion has been founded; it allows a prophet to create a "shrine" in that city (see below).

State Religions(国教) †


When any cities in your civilization possess one or more religions, you may choose to assign one as the "state" religion. Having a state religion tends to make your cities possessing that religion happier and more productive; it also increases the effects of many religious buildings and religious civics.

Spreading Religions (宗教の広がり) †


Religions spread randomly from city to city. Religions tend to spread from a city possessing the religion to nearby cities as well as to cities the possessing city has trade routes with. Some religious buildings (see below) increase the speed at which a religion will spread, and a civilization's religious civic (see below) can have a great effect upon the spread of religions, as well. Missionaries allow you to control the spread of religion; see the following section.

Missionaries (宣教師) †


Civilizations can construct special "missionary" units to spread the civilization's state religion. Each civilization may have only a limited number of missionary units in play at any one time, and each costs two gold per turn to maintain.

Building Missionaries(宣教師の生産)

文明はOrganized Religion(組織宗教)の公民を選択することで国教に属するどの都市でも宣教師を生産することが出来るが、文明が組織宗教を伴わない場合、宣教師はMonasteries(修道院)のある都市でのみ生産出来る。

Civilizations using the Organized Religion civic can construct missionaries in any city with the state religion; if a civilization is not following Organized Religion, it can build missionaries only in cities with Monasteries.

Moving Missionaries(宣教師の移動)

一度生産されるとmissionaries(宣教師)は他のユニットのようにマップを移動することが出来るようになる。宣教師は自由に領土や中立地帯に進入できるが、他の文明の領土にはOpen Borders agreement(国境開放条約)をその文明と結ぶまでは進入できない。

Once constructed, missionaries can move about the map like any other unit. Your missionaries can freely enter your territory or neutral territory; they cannot enter another civilization's territory until you have an Open Borders with that civ.

How Missionaries Spread Religion(宣教師の布教方法)

missionary(宣教師)が目標とする都市にいる場合、missionaryのユニットボックス(Unitsの項目を参照)の中の「spread religion(宗教を広める)」の指示をクリックする。布教はmissionaryの文明内のほかの都市の方が容易である。さらに既に宗教がほとんど存在しないかまったく存在しない都市の方が広まりやすい。各々の常在する宗教が布教の成功する可能性を減少させるのである。ひとつの都市にいくつの宗教が存在できるかについて制限はない。7つ全ての宗教が同じ都市に共存することもできる。missionaryは成功不成功にかかわらず改宗を試みることによって消費される。

When the missionary is in the target city, click on the "spread religion" order in the missionary's unit box (see Units); if the attempt is successful the missionary's religion is now in the target city. Religions spread more easily into other cities within the missionary's civilization. Further, it is easier to spread a religion into a city with few or no religions already present; each resident religion decreases the odds of success. There is no limit to how many religions may be present in a single city; all seven religions can coexist in the same city. The missionary is consumed in the conversion attempt, successful or not.

Benefits of Religion (宗教による利益) [#xe532a1f] †

City Benefits(都市の利益)


All cities that possess your state religion receive one extra happy face and produce one culture per turn. Spreading your state religion is thus a good way to expand cultural borders in the early stages of your civilization. The holy city for your state religion also receives an additional bonus of five culture per turn, allowing it to expand its borders very quickly.


都市に宗教がなければ、その都市は寺院(Temples)や大聖堂(Cathedrals)(詳しくは下を参照のこと)を建築することができませんし、Priest Specialistsも作ることは出来ません。

Without a religion in a city, that city cannot construct religious buildings like Temples and Cathedrals (see below). Cities without religions also cannot create Priest Specialists.



If you control the holy city for a religion, you gain line-of-sight benefits in all foreign cities sharing your religion. This allows you to spy on what enemy cities are doing at no cost.

Shrine Income(聖廟の収入)

貴方がある宗教の聖都を運営していて、Great Prophet(偉大な預言者)を持っているのならば、Shrine(聖廟)を建てて、あなたの宗教を所有している世界中の全ての都市から収入を生み出すことが出来ます。(詳しくは下を参照のこと)

If you control the holy city for a religion and generate a Great Prophet, you can build the Shrine for that religion to generate income for every city in the world that possesses your religion (see below).

Religious Civics (宗教関連の公民) [#dc9ff90a] †


The religious Civics describe how religion affects your civilization. There are five religious civics in the game. You begin the game knowing only paganism; the other four become available when you learn their associated technologies.


Paganism: No technology requirement. The basic religious civic.


Organized Religion: Requires Monotheism. Increases production of buildings in cities with the state religion, and allows you to build missionaries without first constructing monasteries.


Theocracy: Requires Theology. Theocracy grants two additional experience points to units trained within cities with the state religion, and it stops the spread of non-state religions within the civilization.


Pacifism: Requires Philosophy. Greatly increases the Great Person birth rate in cities with the state religion, and it increases the support cost of military units.


Free Religion: Requires Liberalism. A civilization with Free Religion has no state religion. Each city gets happiness for each non-state religion in the city; also, all cities get a 10% boost in scientific Research.

Religious Buildings (宗教建築物) [#u45d2c3c] †

ゲーム内には沢山の宗教建築物を建てることができます。宗教建築物は特定の宗教にのみ与えられ、その宗教に属する都市にのみ建築が可能です。そして、二つ以上の宗教を持つ都市はそれぞれの宗教に応じた建物を建てることができます。たとえば、ユダヤ教と儒教に属する都市があったとして、その都市はJewish Temple(ユダヤ教の寺院)とConfucian Temple(儒教の寺院)の両方を建てることができます。

There are a number of religious buildings available to be constructed. Religious buildings are dedicated to specific religions and can only be built in cities which have that religion. A city with more than one religion can have religious buildings for each religion: for example, a city with Judaism and Confucianism could construct both a Jewish Temple and a Confucian Temple.



The most primitive religious building. Temples boost a city's Culture and Happiness. They allow 1 population point to be turned into a priest Specialist.



Monasteries increase a city's research by a small amount. More importantly, they allow the city to build missionaries to spread your religion.


大聖堂は文化ポイントを急上昇させ、都市の宗教が国教になった場合、幸福度も上昇させます。また、二人をPriest(預言者)にすることができます。注意しておきたいのは、Cathedral、つまり大聖堂というのは宗教団体の信仰場所の総称名詞であって、実際の名前はたとえば、Jewish synagogues(ユダヤ教会)、Islamic mosques(イスラム教礼拝所)Christian chathedral(キリスト教会)などのように、宗教ごとに異なっていて、それでいて効果は同じだということです。大聖堂は貴方の文明全体の3つの寺院につき1つ建てることができます。例えば、全体で7つの寺院がある文明は2つの大聖堂を建てることができるということです。

Cathedrals drastically increase a city's culture. They increase happiness if their religion is the civilization's state religion. They allow two population points to be turned into priests. Note that "Cathedral" is a generic name for a religion's grander houses of worship - Jewish synagogues, Islamic mosques, Christian chathedral, etc., all have the same effects. Your civilization can only build one cathedral for every three temples that your civilization possesses; for example, a civilization with seven temples could build two cathedrals.


聖廟はある宗教が創始された都市の中でしか作ることができませんし、Great Prophet(偉大な預言者)にしか建設できません。その預言者は建設によって消費されます。聖廟は宗教を広めるだけでなく、その都市の文化も広めることができます。聖廟は偉大な預言者を生み出す確率を上昇させ、3人の市民を預言者に割り当てることができるようになります。一番重要なのは、聖廟の宗教を持つマップの全ての都市から、ターン毎に1ゴールドが生み出されるということです(だからこそ、布教するために宣教師を作ることの重要性を説明しているのです)。聖廟も大聖堂と同様に、宗教毎に違った名前を持っています。

Shrines can be built only in cities in which a religion has been founded. Shrines are constructed by Great Prophets; a great prophet is the only unit that can build a shrine, and the prophet is consumed in the process. Shrines increase the spread of the religion, as well as the home city's culture. They increase the city's chance of generating prophets and allow the city to assign three population as priests. Most importantly, shrines generate one gold each turn for every city on the map that has the shrine's religion (thus explaining the importance of creating missionaries to spread the word). Each religion has a different name for its cathedral and shrine.

Religions in the Game (ゲーム中の宗教) †


The religions are:
