
Last-modified: 2010-01-16 18:06:27



Cities (都市) †


Cities are vital to your civilization's success. They allow you to build units, buildings and wonders. They allow you to gain wealth and research new technologies. They allow you to dominate terrain. Given this importance Cities are fairly complex entities, and a good deal of your time will be spent on their maintenance and management. You cannot win without powerful, well-situated cities.

Building Cities (都市の建設) †

都市はsettler(開拓者)ユニットによって建設されます。開拓者が都市を建設可能な場所(次節を参照)にいると、"build city(都市建設)"の行動が開拓者のorder boxに現れます。都市建設を押すと開拓者は消え、新しい都市が建設されます。また、このとき都市名を付けることができます。都市名はいったん付けると変えることができません。

Cities are built by settler units. If the settler is in a place where a city can be built (see next), the "build city" action will appear in the settler's order box. Simply click on build city and the settler will disappear, to be replaced by the new city. At this time you will also be given the opportunity to name the city. City names can not be changed once they have received a name.

Where to Build Cities (都市を建設する場所) †

都市が最終的に成功するか失敗するかは、都市が建設される場所に大きく依存します。最高の場所を決定するのは複雑で、food(食料), production(生産), commerce(商業), resources(資源)の入手の可能性、輸送網、友好都市や潜在的な敵性都市との近さなどに気を配る必要があります。都市はたいてい国境を広げ、土地資源を最大限にうまく利用するように配置されます。しかし、たとえば他の文明の拡張を防ぐなどのように純粋に地政学的要因で建設されることもあります。

A city's ultimate success or failure will depend greatly upon where it is constructed. Determining the best site is complex, and must take into account the availability of food, production, commerce and resources, your transportation network, and the proximity to friendly cities as well as to potential enemies. Though cities are usually sited to expand one's borders and to take the best advantage of local resources, a city may also be built for purely geopolitical reasons - to obstruct another civilization's expansion, for instance.

Where You Can't Build Cities (都市を建設できない場所)


Cities cannot be constructed within two spaces of another city. Cities cannot be constructed in impassable spaces, or spaces which provide no production, commerce, food, or resources (deep desert, for instance). Cities cannot be built in another civilization's territory.

Tips for Finding Good City Sites(良い都市の場所を見つけるためのTips)






既存の都市から4から5スペースほど離れた場所(これでそれぞれの都市の"city radius(都市圏)"(下参照)のオーバーラップを少しに、あるいは全く無くすことができます)。


Consider building cities in the following locations:

On or near resources.

On or near rivers.

On coastlines, especially on the mouths of rivers or near aquatic (water) resources.

Near a variety of terrain types, including hills and grassland.

About 4 to 5 spaces away from your existing cities. (This allows each city to access all spaces within their "city radius" (see below) with little or no overlap.

Astride chokepoints. (It's often extremely useful to build cities to block other civs' expansion.)

Capturing Cities (都市の占領) †

蛮族の都市や、あなたの文明と戦争している文明の都市を占領することができます。占領するためには軍事ユニットでその都市に入る必要があります。; これはたいていその都市を守っている敵ユニットを壊滅させることを必要とします。敵の都市を占領したときには、その都市を破壊するか新しい行政官を派遣するか選択することになります。都市の人口が1であったり文化が何もなかった場合には、都市を自動的に破壊します。都市を破壊することを選んだ場合には都市と都市が持っていた物すべてが消滅します。新しい行政官を派遣した場合には、占領した都市はあなたの文明に加わるまでの数ターンの間resistance(レジスタンス)が起ります。

You can capture barbarian cities or cities belonging to civilizations that you are at war with. To do so you must enter the city with a military unit; this usually involves destroying the enemy units defending the city. When you capture an enemy city you have the option of destroying the city or installing a new governor. If the city has a population size of 1 or no culture, you will automatically destroy the city. If you choose to destroy the city, it and everything it contains is done away with. If you choose to install a new governor, the captured city will usually go through several turns of resistance before joining your civilization.

City Defenses (都市の防衛) †

都市の中にいるユニットによって都市は占領から守られます。いくつかのユニット(archers(弓兵)参照)は都市の中にいるときは防御ボーナス(combat(戦闘)参照)を得ます。; このため防御ボーナスを得られるユニットは守備隊に非常に向いています。

軍事ユニットに加えて、都市の防衛を強化するためにいくつかのbuildings(建造物)を建設することができます。: walls(防壁), castles(城), bunkers(掩蔽壕)などです。

最後に、高いcultural value(文化値)を持つ都市は都市を守っているユニットに防御ボーナスを与えます。

Cities are defended from capture by the units inside them. Some units (see archers) get a defensive bonus (see combat) when defending inside cities; this makes them particularly good choices for garrisons.

In addition to the military units, you can construct a number of buildings that enhance a city's defense: walls, castles, and bunkers , for example.

Finally, a city with a high cultural value will give a defensive bonus to the units defending the city.

The City Screen (都市画面) †

都市画面を表示させるには、メインマップで表示させたい都市をダブルクリックしてください。また、Shiftキーを押しながら都市をクリックすることでも可能です。都市画面は都市の管理を助ける重要な要素をいくつか含んでいます。(より詳しい都市画面のレイアウトはマニュアルのcity screen diagram(都市画面図)を参照。*訳注 pp.49, 146, 都市画面の見方?

To get to a city's city screen, double-click on the city on the main map. You can also hold down the Shift key and click the city to select it. The city screen contains a number of important elements to aid you in managing the city. (See the city screen diagram in the manual for more information on the city screen's layout.)

Unit List (ユニットリスト)


The unit list displays all of the units that currently occupy the city. You can activate a unit by clicking on its icon in this list.

City Production Display (都市生産ディスプレイ)


The city production display tells you what is currently being produced in the city and the number of turns until completion.

City Build Menu (都市建設メニュー)


The city build menu contains all of the military units and buildings that can be constructed. You can change a city's current production by clicking on an item in the list. Buildings that appear greyed out have been unlocked but can not currently be built. Mouse over the grey building button to get popup help about why it can not be built.

City Management Menu (都市管理メニュー)

都市管理メニューは様々な機能を持っています。"hurry(緊急)"生産を行うことができます(それが可能なcivics(社会制度)を採用していれば)。都市の生産を"automate(自動化)"することもできます(詳しくはマニュアル参照 *訳注pp.152)。food(食料), production(生産), commerce(商業), research(研究),great people(偉人)の生産を強化したり、行政官にavoid growth(成長を避ける)ことを強制できます。

The city management menu has a variety of functions. It allows you to "hurry" city production (if you have the appropriate civics). It allows you to "automate" your city's production (see the manual for details). It allows you to tell your city to emphasize food, production, commerce, research, the creation of great people, or force the governor to avoid growth.

Culture Display (文化ディスプレイ) 文化ディスプレイは都市がどれだけのculture points(文化ポイント)を生み出しているかを表示します。また、文化ディスプレイは都市がどの文化的"ランク"なのかを表示します。ランクはpoor(みすぼらしい), fledgling(未熟), developing(発展途上), refined(洗練されている), influential(影響力のある), legendary(伝説的)です。

The culture display shows you how many culture points your city is generating. It also tells you what your city's current cultural "rank" is. The ranks are poor, fledgling, developing, refined, influential, and legendary.

City Building Roster (都市建物表)


The city building roster displays what buildings you have constructed in your city. The roster also displays how much culture, happiness, gold, production, and other assets the buildings provide. View the popup help for information on the special abilities the building performs.

City Cultural Defense Bonus (都市の文化による防御ボーナス)


This displays the cultural defense bonus your units get from the city.

City Nationality (都市の民族性)

これは都市の民族の内訳を表示します。: 自民族の割合と他民族の割合です。他民族の割合が高い都市は暴動を起こしやすく、その民族の国に"寝返り"やすく、その民族と戦争をした時により多くの厭戦感情を持ちます。

This displays the nationality breakdown of the city: what percentage of the population is your nationality, and what percentage is other nationalities. Cities with high foreign nationalities are more likely to revolt and "flip" to that nationality, and they suffer greater [LINK=CONCEPT_WAR_WEARINESS]war weariness unhappiness if you go to war against that nationality.

City Maintenance (都市の維持)


This displays the city's current maintenance cost to your civilization.

Religion List (宗教リスト)


This tells you what religions are present in the city, and what percentage of the population worships each.


The following two bars are also located on the city bar that appears on the main map.

Food Bar (食料バー)


This shows you how much food your civilization currently has in storage, and how long until the city's population expands.

Production Bar (生産バー)

これは都市が貯蔵している生産の量、都市の生産が完了するまでのターンを示します。 (訳注 原文は誤記か)

This shows you how much production your civilization currently has in storage, and how long until the city's population expands.

Health and Happiness Displays (健康ディスプレイと幸福ディスプレイ)


These displays show you how healthy and happy your city is.

Trade Income List (交易収入リスト) これは定期的に交易している全ての都市と、交易によって得られる収入を表示します。

This displays any cities that this city is regularly trading with, and the income the city is getting from that trade.

Specialist Display (専門家ディスプレイ)


This shows you if any of your population has been assigned to be a specialist and how many specialist slots are still open.

Resource Box (資源ボックス)

resource box(資源ボックス)は都市が利用できる資源(その都市の資源、国内資源、交易で得られた資源)を表示します。

The resource box displays what resources your city has access to - including local, national, and trade-based resources.

The City Map (都市マップ)

都市画面の中央にあるのが"city map(都市マップ)"です。これは都市の中心と"city radius(都市圏)" - 都市の周辺で、都市の住民が働ける場所 - を表示します。(都市圏のより詳しい情報は下を参照。) 都市マップは現在住民がどの区画で働いているか - 住民が働いている区画は丸で囲まれます - を表示しています。


In the center of the city screen is the "city map." It displays your city in the center and the "city radius" - the area around your city that your city's population can work. (See below for more details on the city radius.) The map shows which of the squares are currently being worked - these are indicated by circles around the square.

If given no particular orders, a city will assign its populace to work squares that provide it a balanced supply of commerce, food and production. You can change the city's priorities by clicking on entries in the City Management Menu (see above). Clicking a circled city square stops the population from working the square and places them in the Specialist Display as a citizen. If a citizen is available you can then click on any square in the city radius to start working it.

City Radius (都市圏)

上で記述したように、"city radius(都市圏)"は都市の住民が"働く"事ができる都市周辺の地域のことです。都市が建設された時、都市圏は都市の区画を含む9個の隣接した区画です。都市の文化が都市のborders(境界)を広げるのに十分に成長したとき、都市圏も同様に広がります。都市圏は対角部分を除いた全ての方向に1スペースずつ広がり、"太い十字架"の形の都市圏になります。(マニュアルの図参照 *訳注 pp.62)

As described above, the "city radius" represents the area around the city that the city's population can "work." When first created, a city radius consists of the city's square and the nine adjacent squares. When a city's culture grows enough to expand the city's borders, the city's radius will expand as well. The radius expands one space in each direction, except the direct diagonal spaces, resulting in a "fat cross" shaped radius. (See the manual for a diagram.)

Foreign Borders and City Radii (外国の国境と都市圏)


A nearby civilization's borders may extend into the squares that would normally be part of the city's radius. Spaces under foreign control cannot be worked and they are not part of a city radius.

We Love the King Day! (王を称える日!)


Cities of size 8 and higher which have no unhappy citizens and no food loss to health can enter "We Love the King Day!" from time to time. The effect is that the city pays no maintenance for one turn.

City Network (都市ネットワーク) †

最高の効率で機能させるために、都市すべてを"trade network(貿易ネットワーク)"([ICON_TRADE]によって象徴される)によって結ぶべきです。 これにより、都市は国内の資源と貿易を通して手に入れた資源の両方の恩恵を受けることができます。

To work at peak efficiency, all of your cities should be linked together in a "trade network" (symbolized by [ICON_TRADE]). This allows the cities to receive the full benefits of your civilization's resources - both domestic resources and those received through trade.

Elements of the City Network(都市ネットワーク要素) †

都市ネットワークは道路や鉄道、河川、海岸そして海洋スクエアによって形成されます。 Your city network can be made up of roads and railroads, rivers, coastal squares, and ocean squares.

Roads and Railroads(道路と鉄道)


Cities may be linked together by road and railroads, as long as the road/rails stay within your borders or neutral territory.



Cities on the same river are linked together as long as the river between them stays within your borders or in neutral territory.

Coastal Squares(海岸のスクエア)


Cities on the coast are linked together as long as the coastline between them stays within your borders or in neutral territory and you have the Sailing technology.

Ocean Squares(海洋スクエア)


Cities can always connect via ocean squares in your territory. If the ocean squares are in neutral territory, then you need the Astronomy technology in order to use them in your network.

Combined Networks(都市ネットワークの結合)


Your network may consist of a combination of the above types of links. City A may link to City B via coastal waters. Then City B links to City C via road. City C links with City D via river. And so on. In the above example, all of the cities are linked.

Resources and the City Network (資源と都市ネットワーク) †

複数の都市で資源を共有するためには 資源が道、鉄道もしくは河川によって 接続されていなければなりません。そうすればネットワーク上にある全ての都市は 資源を共有します。

In order for resources to be shared by multiple cities, they must be connected by road, rail, or river to a city network - then, all cities on that network share the resource.

Trading Resources(資源の交易) †


All resource trade must go through your capital city. If you wish to trade one of your resources to another civilization, then that resource must be connected to the capital city via a network link. If you receive a resource in trade from another civilization, that resource is assumed to be in your capital city. Only cities that are connected to your capital can enjoy the benefits of that resource.

Connection to the City Network(都市ネットワークへの接続) †


Cities that are connected to the city network will have the [ICON_TRADE] symbol displayed next to them on the world map. If this icon does not appear next to one of your cities, it is not sharing in the benefits of the rest of your civilization!

Civics (社会制度/公民) [#sff805a6] †


Civics represent the various forms of government available in Civilization IV. Are you a despot or a king, a democratically-elected ruler or a theocrat? Does your civilization have open markets or closed? Do you have trial by jury, or trial by fire? These and other possibilities are available to you.

Effects in Play(プレイにおける影響) †

あなたが使用を選んだ社会制度は、あなたの文明の特徴と成功に大きな影響を及ぼします。 都市の生産性を増加させる社会制度もあれば、富を増加させる社会制度もあります。 常備軍を創設して維持するのが簡単になる社会制度もあります。 宗教を他の国に輸出するのを助ける社会制度もあります。 ゲームにおいて、"最高の"社会制度はありません。: すべての社会制度が、異なった状況で非常に役に立つ潜在力を持っています。

The civics you choose to employ have a great effect upon the character and success of your civilization. Some civics increase your cities' productivity. Others increase their wealth. Some civics make it easier to create and maintain standing armies. Others help you to export your religions to other nations. There are no "best" civics in the game: all are potentially very useful in different situations.

The Civics Screen(社会制度画面) †


Go to the Civics Screen to review your current civics, to see which other civics are available to you, and to learn about other as-yet undiscovered civics.

Acquiring Civics (社会制度の獲得) †

あなたは最も原始的な社会制度でゲームを始めることになります: despotism(専制政治), tribalism(部族制)など。技術の発達を通じて別の社会制度を獲得します。: たとえば、the Hereditary Rule(世襲制)を獲得するにはあなたの文明が君主政治を習得することが必要です。また、Mercantilism(重商主義)は銀行の技術の習得が必要です。(なお、大不思議Pyramids(ピラミッド)はすべての"government(政治)"の社会制度を使用可能にします)

You begin play with the most primitive civics: despotism, tribalism, and so forth. You acquire other civics through technological advances: the Hereditary Rule civic requires that your civilization master the Monarchy technology, for example, while Mercantilism requires Banking. (In addition, the Pyramids wonder makes all "government" civics available.)

Categories of Civics (社会制度のカテゴリ) †


There are five different categories of civics, each controlling a certain aspect of your civilization:

Government:[TABLE=(CvUtil, generateTableLinkList, CivicOptionInfos, CivicInfos)]

Upkeep (維持費) †



高維持費の社会制度に変えるときは十分に注意してください; 高維持費の社会制度は強力ですが、国庫の負担になる可能性があります。いくつかの社会制度は維持費がかからず、とても魅力的です!

Each civic type has an "upkeep" cost associated with it: no upkeep, low upkeep, medium upkeep, and high upkeep. This represents the relative amount of gold that your civilization must pay each turn to employ that civic. In general, the more useful a civic is, the higher its upkeep. The actual cost in gold per turn of civics varies according to the size of your civilization: the more cities you have and the larger your population, the higher the upkeep cost for any and all civics.

If you are considering changing a civic, go to the Civics Screen. Check the Upkeep/Turn value on this screen - it represents your current ongoing civic outlay - then click on the civic you are considering. The Upkeep/Turn value will change to show what your upkeep will become if you change to that civic.

Be careful about changing over to civics with high upkeep costs; they are often powerful, but can put a real strain on your treasury. Some civics may be desirable simply because they have no upkeep cost!

Changing Civics (社会制度の変更) †

新しい社会制度を獲得すると、画面に社会制度を変更するか尋ねるポップアップが出ます。その時以外で社会制度を変えたいときは、画面右上のアイコンをクリックして社会制度画面に行く必要があります。社会制度画面であなたが変更したいと思う社会制度をクリックし、それから右下の"Revolution(革命)"ボタンをクリックします。"anarchy(無政府状態)"(下参照)になるかもしれません。: 無政府状態が終った後、新しい社会制度が使用されます。(今のままの社会制度を維持し、社会制度を変えないなら"Revolution"ではなく"Exit Screen"をクリックします)

When you acquire a new civic, a screen will pop up asking if you want to change civics. At any other time you want to change civics, you need to go to the Civics Screen by clicking on the icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Once on the Civics screen, click on the civic or civics you want to change to, then click on the "Revolution" button in the bottom-right corner. You may experience a period of "anarchy" (see below); when that passes you will be employing your new civics. (If you decide to keep things as they are and not change any civics, click on "Exit Screen" rather than "Revolution.")

Revolution (革命) †

社会制度の変更、特に一度に複数のカテゴリを変更することは愛国者達にとって受け入れがたいということが有り得ます。あなたの文明は数ターンの間混乱が支配する"anarchy(無政府状態)"となるかもしれません。市民達は食料、富、生産資源の収穫をやめ、都市は生産を停止し、あなたの収入は一気に大きく落ち込みます。ユニットは今まで通り命令に応じます。ゆくゆくは全てが落ち着き、命令に従うようになります。社会制度を変えようと考えているときは、社会制度画面へ行き変えたいと思う社会制度をクリックしてください。"Turns for Revolution(革命に要するターン)"が革命が始まってからどれくらい無政府状態が続くかを表示します。

ちなみに、特定の文明は無政府状態に陥りません。: それらの文明は混乱の被害を受けず、いつでも好きな時に社会制度を変更できます。

Changing civics can be difficult for your loyal citizens, particularly if you are changing multiple civics at once. Your civilization may undergo a number of turns of "anarchy," during which chaos will reign: your citizens will cease gathering food, treasure, and production materials, and your cities will halt production and your income may well plummet precipitously. Your units will still respond to orders. Eventually things will settle down and return to order. When contemplating changing civics, go to the Civics Screen and click on the civics you would like to change to. The "Turns for Revolution" display will tell you how long the anarchy will last once you begin the Revolution.

Incidentally, certain civilizations are immune from anarchy: they can change civics any time they want without suffering any disruption.

Delay Period (遅延時間) †

社会制度を変更した後、別の革命を実行できるようになるまでの遅延時間があります。市民達はそう頻繁にシステムを変えられないのです! その結果を望まないのならば、社会制度を変える前に、社会制度を変えてから再び変更するまでに2ターン待つ必要がある事を覚えていてください。

There is a delay period after changing civics before you can carry out another revolution. Your citizens can only change from one system of rule to another so often! Be aware before changing civics that you will have to wait a couple turns before being able to switch them again, should you not like the result.

Combat(戦闘) †


Conflict is an integral part of human history. For as long as there have been people, there has been conflict. At first this conflict was individual - where one man fought another for food, or water, or because the first man didn't like the way the second man looked at his mate. But as human society has advanced in organization and sophistication, so has conflict. When men organized in tribes, they fought other tribes. Once the tribe's group of huts became a city, the citizens of opposing cities spent much time, effort, and energy beating each other up. And so on, up to today, when nations fight other nations on land, sea, air, and (soon) in space.

When Combat Occurs(戦闘の発生時) †

戦闘はあるユニットが、"敵対する"ユニットが占領する場所に入ろうとしたときに発生します。野蛮人(Barbarians)と猛獣(animals)は常に敵です。他の文明のユニットとは、彼らと戦争中のみ敵対します。過去のCivilizationと違い、中立地域またはOpen Borders(国境開放)に同意している地域にいる外国のユニットと、同じタイルに移動することが可能です。 (しかし航空ユニットと不可視ユニットに対する特別ルールも参照してください)

Combat occurs whenever a unit attempts to enter a space occupied by a "hostile" unit. Barbarians and animals are always hostile; other civilizations' units are only hostile if you are at War with them. Unlike previous Civilization games, your units can occupy the same tile as foreign units if you are in neutral territory or have an Open Borders agreement. (But see special rules for air units and invisible units.)

Combat Strength(戦闘力) †

ゲームに登場する各ユニットは"combat strength"(戦闘力)を持っています。あるユニットが他のユニットと戦う際、コンピュータは戦闘力を元にした各ユニットの戦闘力を適用し、戦闘のオッズを決定します。

Each unit in the game has a "combat strength." When one unit fights another, the computer applies any combat strength modifiers to the units' combat strengths and then determines the odds for the combat.

Injured Units(傷ついたユニット)

戦闘の開始時にユニットが傷ついていた場合、コンピュータはそのユニットの"injured combat strength"(傷ついた際の戦闘力)でオッズを決定します。

If a unit is injured when combat begins, the computer uses the unit's injured combat strength to determine the odds.

Combat Strength Modifiers(戦闘力の修正) †


A variety of things can modify a unit's combat strength. Modifications are listed as percentage bonuses. If the unit gets more than one combat modifier, all modifiers are added together and then applied. (Example: a unit gets a 50% terrain bonus and a 25% bonus for experience. The two percentages are added together and then applied, giving the unit a final bonus of 75%.)

Bonuses for Combat vs. Particular Units(特定のユニットとの戦闘時のボーナス)

いくつかのユニットは特定のユニットと戦う際にボーナスを得ます。例えば槍兵(Spearman)は騎乗ユニットと戦う際、100%のボーナスを得ます。健康な(傷ついていない)槍兵の戦闘力は4ですが、弓騎兵 (Horse Archers)と戦う際は8に増加します。

Some units get bonuses when fighting particular units. A Spearman for instance gets a 100% bonus when fighting a mounted unit. Healthy spearmen have strengths of 4; when fighting Horse Archers units their strength is increased to 8.

Terrain Defensive Bonuses(地形による防御ボーナス)


Terrain gives bonuses to many (but not all) units. A spearman being attacked while occupying a forested hillside gets a 75% bonus, raising his combat strength from 4 to 7. Units also get bonuses for defending against units attacking across rivers.

City Defense Bonuses(都市の防御ボーナス)

あるユニットは都市の防御の際、ボーナスを得ます。また、防壁(Walls)のような都市建築によって、gonpowder units(火薬ユニット)以外と戦う際にボーナスを得ます。また、文化的に発達した都市を防御するユニットは、文化による防御ボーナス(Cultural Defensive Bonuses)を得ます。

Certain units get bonuses for defending in cities. City buildings like Walls provide bonuses except against gunpowder units. Culturally-advanced cities give defending units Cultural Defensive Bonuses, as well.

Fortification Bonuses(防備によるボーナス)


Each turn that a unit is fortified on the same square, it gains a 5% bonus to its strength, up to a maximum of 25%. As soon as the unit moves to another tile, this fortification bonus is lost.

Promotion Bonuses(昇進によるボーナス)


Experienced units may receive bonuses from Promotions. Promotions may add to overall strength or add to a unit's strength under particular circumstances (such as against certain unit types or when defending in certain terrains, etc.)


これらの戦闘力の修正値は、加算された際に極めて明確な違いを生み出します。戦闘力8の鎚鉾兵(Maceman)は、戦闘力4の探検家(Explorer)に修正が無い状態では、ほとんど常に勝利しますが、ある状況下ではオッズは劇的に変わり得ます。もし探検家が防護しており(+25%)、樹木に覆われた丘におり(+75%)、Guerilla II(丘で+50%)とWoodsman II(森で+50%)に昇進している場合、探検家の戦闘力は突然200%増加し、12となります。鎚鉾兵が攻撃しようとすれば、不愉快な返り討ちに遭うことでしょう。

同様の理由から、弓兵(Archers)と長弓兵(Longbowmen)を都市から追い出すことは困難です。弓兵は元々25%の都市防衛ボーナスを持っており、これはCity Garrisonに昇進していればさらに増加しますし、防壁や文化による都市防衛ボーナスも利用できます。弓兵が防護しており(+25%)、防壁の内側におり(+50%)、City Garrison Iに昇進している(都市防衛の合計は+45%)場合、戦闘力は3ではなく、6.6になります。都市を守っている弓兵が、弓騎兵のようなより強力なユニットに打ち勝つほど厄介なのは、このことが原因です。

These combat strength modifiers can make a very significant difference when they are added together. A Maceman with combat strength 8 will almost always defeat an Explorer of strength 4 without modifiers, but the odds can change drastically under the right circumstances. If the Explorer is fully fortified (+25%) on a forested hill tile (+75%) and possesses the Guerilla II (+50% on hills) and Woodsman II (+50% in forests) promotions, the Explorer suddenly has his strength increased 200% to 12 overall! The Maceman may be in for an unpleasant surprise if he tries to attack.

Archers and Longbowmen are difficult to dislodge from cities for the same reason. Archers get a natural 25% city defense bonus, which can be further improved with City Garrison promotions, and can also take advantage of a city's defensive bonus from walls and/or culture. An archer that is fully fortified (+25%) in a city with walls (+50%) and has the City Garrison I promotion (+45% total city defense) will have a strength not of 3, but of 6.6! This is the reason why those pesky archers can defeat more powerful units like Horse Archers when they are protecting cities.

Combat Odds(戦闘のオッズ) †



At the beginning of a combat, the computer determines the combat strengths of each unit (see above) and then determines the odds for the combat. If two units of equal modified combat strength battle, each unit has a 50-50 chance of winning each combat "round" (see below) and inflicting damage on its opponent. If one unit's modified combat strength is twice that of the opposing unit, the stronger unit has a 2-to-1 chance of winning each round and inflicting damage on its opponent.

Note that the combat odds determined at the opening of combat remain throughout the entire combat. Odds are not updated to reflect damage inflicted during a round.

Combat Rounds(戦闘のラウンド制) †

戦闘はラウンド制で行われます。各ラウンドでコンピュータは、オッズにランダム要素を加えた"combat check"(戦闘チェック)を行い、負けた側はダメージを受けます。ユニットが破壊されるか、"withdraws"(撤退)(下記参照)するまで戦闘は続けられます。

Combat is fought in rounds. During each round the computer makes a random "combat check" against the odds, and the losing side takes damage. Combat continues until a unit is destroyed or "withdraws" from combat (see below).

Damage Amounts(ダメージ量) †

戦闘中に与えられるダメージ量は、戦闘のオッズによって決定されます。同じユニット同士が戦った場合、1ラウンドにつき負けた側は20%のダメージを受けます。(この種の戦いでは、5ラウンド負けたユニットは100%のダメージを受け、破壊されます。) あるユニットが相手より強かった場合、強い方はあるラウンドで勝った時に、その強さに比例して多くのダメージを与えるのに対して、弱い方はあまりダメージを与えられません。

The amount of damage that can be inflicted in a round is determined by the combat odds. If two equal units fight, the losing unit takes 20% damage per round. (In this type of battle, the first unit that loses five rounds will have taken 100% damage and thus will be destroyed.) If one unit's strength is bigger than the other, the bigger inflicts proportionately more damage when it wins a round, while the smaller inflicts less.

Victory or Defeat(最終的な勝敗) †


If the defending unit wins the combat, the attacking unit is destroyed. If the attacking unit wins, the defender is destroyed. If the space is now vacant, the attacker moves into the space. If other units still occupy the space, the attacker remains where it was when it launched the attack. If one unit is destroyed, the surviving unit gains experience (see Promotions).
