
Last-modified: 2011-02-16 18:11:26


Commerce(商業) †

See Wealth for an in-depth look at money in Civilization IV.

Commerce is the lifeblood of a civilization. It allows you to pay for your cities, and for the people and buildings inside them. Commerce lets you maintain standing armies. It lets you purchase trade goods from other civilizations, and it can also let you bribe those civilizations to keep them from grinding you into a pulp. Money matters.

Commerce Summary(商業の要約) †

Generating Commerce: Your civilization generates commerce when your citizens work the lands around your Cities. Tiles that bring in commerce are represented by a coin icon on the city screen.

商業ポイントの発生  都市の周辺の土地で住人が働くと、商業ポイントが生み出されます。商業ポイントが生み出される土地タイルは都市画面におけるコインのアイコンで示されます。

Terrain: Some Terrain-Types generate more commerce than others. Water tiles and the land next to rivers tend to generate the most commerce.

商業と関係のある地形 土地の中には他のところよりも多くの商業ポイントを生み出す地形があります。水のタイルや川の隣にある土地は商業ポイントを多く持つことが多いです。

Improvements: Your Workers can Improve land to make it generate additional commerce. The Cottage improvements are one of the best ways to bring in more commerce.

地形改善 Worker(労働者)は商業ポイントをより多く得るための改善が可能です。Cottage(小屋)はより多くの商業ポイントを生み出す一番良い方法のひとつです。

Resources: Some Resources also provide commerce, once improved and connected to your cities. Gems, gold, and incense in particular are worth a great deal of commerce.

資源 資源の中には、土地の改善を行い都市に繋ぐと商業ポイントを供給してくれるものもあります。特に宝石や金、香料などはとても多くの商業ポイントをもたらしてくれます。

Buildings and Wonders: Constructing certain Buildings and Wonders can increase commerce in a city.

建物と不思議 ある特定の建物や不思議を建てることによって都市の商業ポイントを向上させることが出来ます。

Trade: You can Negotiate trade deals (particularly Open Borders) to increase commerce.

貿易 貴方は貿易を取り決めて、商業ポイントを向上させることが出来ます。特に、国境が開かれていればよりよいです。

Expending Commerce: You spend your money in a variety of different ways. See Wealth for more details.

お金の使用 貴方は様々な方法でお金を費やすことが出来ます。よりよく知りたいならば、Wealthを見てください。

Culture(文化) †

Civilization IVでは、「文化」とは、ある文明の文学や芸術などにおいての達成のことを指します。高度な文化をもつ文明は、より劣っている文明から尊敬されたり、妬まれたりします。高度な文化をもつ文明は、その近隣を知的に支配する傾向をもっています。この傾向は、2つの文明が限られた領土の支配をめぐって争っている場合にはとても役に立ちます。

In Civilization IV, "culture" refers to a civilization's accomplishments in literature, the arts, and so forth. Civilizations with high cultures are respected or envied by lesser civilizations. These civilizations tend to intellectually dominate their neighbors, which can be very useful when two civilizations are striving for control over limited terrain.

Generating Culture(文化を作る) †

文化はCities(都市)で作られ、各都市はそれぞれに文化値を持ちます。住民数が少なく、生存が最優先となっている新しい都市は、文化をほとんど生み出しません。しかし都市が成長して、宗教、芸術、文学などにささげるBuildings(建造物)が建設され始めると、文化的生産が増加します。都市はさらに、あるSpecialists(専門家)を生み出すことや、Great People(偉大な人々)を用いることでも文化を増やせます。しかしながら、文化を最大に増やすにはWonders(不思議)を建設することです。

Culture is generated in Cities, and each city has its own cultural value. A new city, containing just a few citizens intent more upon survival than on anything else, generates very little culture. But once the city grows and begins to construct Buildings dedicated to religion, arts, literature, and so on, its cultural output will increase. The city can further increase its cultural output by creating certain Specialists, as well as by using Great People. However, the greatest increase in culture can be gained through the construction of Wonders.


Culture Button

Once you have discovered the Drama technology, you can devote a certain percentage of your civilization's commerce to culture using the Culture Button. This can allow you to create culture in cities that have no buildings in them (although it may be expensive to do so!) The Culture Button also provides Happiness in addition to culture; see the related Civilopedia entry for more details.



Building Culture

After discovering the Music technology, you can devote a city's production to the creation of culture. The city will not build anything, but it will produce culture.

Culture and City Defense(文化と都市防衛) †


People fight harder when defending particularly holy, beautiful, or otherwise culturally-important cities. To reflect this, cities with high cultures get a "city defense bonus." This bonus increases as the city's culture grows. See Cities and Combat for more details.

Culture and Borders(文化と国境) †


A city's cultural value determines the size of the land it dominates. See Borders for details on this important effect.

Cultural Conversion of Cities(都市の文化的転向) †


If a culturally-superior city is near to another civilization's city which has little going for it culture-wise, the superior city will tend to dominate the inferior. This usually results in the superior city gaining control over the land between the two cities, and sometimes of all the land surrounding the inferior city. This can lead to starvation and, in extreme cases, of the inferior citizens Revolting from their civilization and joining the superior city's civilization.


A city must revolt twice before it flips to the dominating civilization's control. The first time that the city revolts, it will eventually return to the original owner's control. The owner may then try to pump up the city's culture to avoid a second revolution: but if the owner is unsuccessful and the city revolts again, it will flip and join the dominant civilization's empire. When a city "flips" to your control, you automatically gain all of that city's buildings and great wonders, making this a far more profitable (if perhaps less satisfying) way of conquering a city than through direct force of arms.


There is one exception to the above rule about cultural conversion: a city that has been captured militarily will never flip back to its original owner, no matter how much cultural pressure the original owner brings to bear (although it may be near-useless to the conqueror due to constant revolts).

Barbarian Cities(蛮族の都市) †


Barbarian cities have cultural values just like other cities. They too can be converted through cultural dominance.

Diplomacy(外交) †

Civilization IVが進行し、ユニットがあなたの周りの世界をExplore (探検)していくと、周囲の他文明のリーダーと出会うでしょう。各々のリーダーには違いがあります。好戦的な者に対して平和的な者、嘘の噂を流す者に対して(たいてい)正直な者などです。あなたは彼らとどうやって取引するかを学ばなくてはなりません。ある時は今すぐ戦い、またある時は交渉するなど―少なくとも彼らを滅ぼす時が来るまで。

As Civilization IV progresses and your units Explore the world around them, you will meet the leaders of the other civilizations around you. Each leader is different: some are warlike; others, peaceful. Some are backstabbing liars; others are (usually) honest. You'll have to learn how to deal with these characters: some you'll fight right away; others you'll negotiate with - at least until it's time to destroy them...

外交によって多くを成し遂げることができます。技術や資源、マップ、お金、そして都市さえ取引できます。相互防衛条約を締結したり、宣戦布告したり、平和条約を締結したりもできます。Civilization IVでの成功は戦争やマネジメントの能力と同じくらい、あなたの外交の腕前にかかっているのです。

You can accomplish a lot through diplomacy. You can trade technologies, resources, maps, gold, and even cities. You can form mutual protection pacts; you can declare war; you can negotiate peace settlements. Success in Civilization IV depends as much on your diplomatic skills as it does on your martial and management prowess.

Leaders(リーダー) †

各リーダーは固有のアジェンダを持っています。彼らはまた、勝利を果たそうと努めます。ある者は力によって、ある者は技術力によって、またある者は文化支配によって。あなたはゲームが進むにつれて彼らの意図を知る手掛かりを掴むでしょう。より好戦的なリーダーはたいてい、軍事的な価値のあるものをトレードしようとはしませんし、知識を重視するリーダーは進んだ技術を探求します。詳細はLeaders (リーダー)を参照してください。

Each leader has his or her own agenda. They, too, seek to achieve victory - some through force of arms, others through technological prowess, others through cultural domination. You'll get clues to their intentions as the game progresses - the more warlike leaders will usually not trade anything of military value, the knowledge-focused leaders will seek advanced technologies, and so forth. See Leaders for more details.

Leader Attitudes(リーダーの態度): ゲーム中、各リーダーはあなたを判断するでしょう:あなたが彼らの文明にとってどれだけ脅威か、彼らと過去に戦ったことがあるか、彼らの敵とあなたが同盟したか、どの程度あなたの約束が信頼できるか?、などによって。 リーダーの態度は5つの種類となって表れます。friendly(好意的)、pleased(満足している)、cautious(警戒している)、annoyed(いらいらしている)、furious(激怒している)です。リーダーがあなたのことをより好きになると、彼らはあなたと進んで取引しようとし、あなたはよりよい契約を結ぶことができます。敵対するリーダーとも取引できるかもしれませんが、何を得るにも法外な値段で支払わなくてはならないでしょう。

Leader Attitudes: During the game, each leader will form an opinion of you: how great a threat you are to their civilization, whether you have fought them in the past, whether you have allied with their enemies, how much you can be trusted to keep your word, etc.

Leader attitudes come in five flavors: friendly, pleased, cautious, annoyed, and furious. The more a leader likes you, the more likely he or she is to be willing to trade with you, and the better deal you'll get. You may be able to trade with hostile leaders, but you're likely to pay a stiff price for whatever you get.

Refusing to Talk(会談の拒否):時々、特に怒ったリーダーはあなたと全く会話しないでしょう。これが最も起こるのはあなたの文明と戦争状態にあるときです。数ターン後にもう一度チェックしてください。それまでに彼らは会話できる位には落ち着いているかもしれません―彼らの軍事的な状況が悪化しているときは特に。

Refusing to Talk: Sometimes a particularly angry leader won't speak to you at all. This occurs most often when your civilizations are at war. Check back again in several turns - by then he or she may have cooled off enough to be willing to speak, especially if his or her military situation has declined.

Opening Diplomacy(外交を始める) †

外交画面から、あるいはメインスクリーンの"score box"にあるリーダーの名前をクリックすることから、外交を始めることができます。ときおり、リーダーはあなたと交渉を開始することがあります。外交が始まると、外交画面が現れます。 You can open diplomacy from the diplomacy screen, or by clicking on the leader's name in the "score box" on the main screen. Occasionally, a leader might open negotiations with you. When diplomacy begins, the diplomacy screen appears.

Diplomatic Options(外交の選択肢) †

外交が始まると、あなた(そして他のリーダー)はたいていいくつかの選択が可能です。 When diplomacy opens, you (and the other leaders) usually have several choices available:

Declare War(宣戦布告):開戦の礼儀正しい方法です。(より礼儀正しくない方法は、open borders(国境開放)の同意なしに敵の領土にあなたのユニットを進軍させることです) Declare War: The polite way to open hostilities. (The less polite way is to march your units into the enemy's territory without an open borders agreement.)

Offer Peace(講和条約を提案):戦争状態にあるときのみ可能です。 Offer Peace: Available only if you're at war.

Trade(交易):他文明とものを交易します。これを選ぶとtrade tableに進みます。 Trade: Try to trade stuff with the other civilization. This takes you to the trade table.

Review Ongoing Deals(進行中の契約の再検討):いくつかのannualな(ターンごとの)契約は何ターンも続きます(下記参照)。この選択肢は相手とのそのような契約を再検討するものです。 Review Ongoing Deals: Some "annual" deals continue over time (see below). This option lets you review any such deals you have in place with the leader.

Exit(終了): 外交セッションを終了します。 Exit: End the diplomatic session.

Making Trade Offers(交易を提案する) †

trade tableでは、自国の交易可能な全てのアイテムが右側の列に、相手のものが左側の列に表示されます。交易を提案するには、1つまたはそれ以上のアイテムを自分の列から選択し、相手の列からも同様に選択します。そして"make offer"ボタンをクリックしてください。相手が同意すれば、取引は完了します。同意しなければ、外交を終了するか他の取引を持ちかけるかしてください。 On the trade table, all of your tradable items are listed in the right-hand column, while the other leader's stuff is in the left-hand column. To make an offer, click on one (or more) items in your column, and one (or more) items in the other leader's column, and then click on the "make offer" button. If the leader agrees, the deal is done. If not, you can exit diplomacy or try another deal.

もし相手の列のアイテムのみを選択し、自国の列のものを何も選択しなかった場合、これは"demanding tribute"(貢物の要求)として、自分に対して無償でアイテムをくれるよう要求することになります。相手は断るかもしれません。しかし当然ですが、受け入れたとしても断ったとしても、相手のあなたに対する印象はおそらく悪化します。もし自国の列のアイテムのみを選択し、相手のものを選択しなかった場合、これは"goodwill gesture"(好意のジェスチャー)として、自国のアイテムを無償で相手にあげることになります。相手は決してこれを拒否しません。これはしばしば、相手に対するプレイヤーの印象を向上させます。 If you click only on an item in the other leader's column but not on anything in your column, you are "demanding tribute:" ordering the leader to give you the item for free. He or she may decline, of course, and in either case, his opinion of you will probably decline. If you click only on an item in your column but none in the other leader's, you are giving the leader that item for free, as a "goodwill gesture." Leaders never refuse goodwill gestures. Goodwill gestures often cause the leader to raise his or her opinion of you.

Responding to Offers(提案に応じる) †

他のリーダーがあなたに提案してきたとき、あなたはそれを受け入れるか断るかを選ばなくてはなりません。受け入れると、取引は即座に行われます。断ると、他のリーダーは代案を出してくることもありますし、外交が終了するかもしれませんし、宣戦布告してくるかもしれません。 When another leader makes you an offer, you must choose to refuse or accept the offer. If you accept, the trade occurs immediately. If you decline, the other leader may ask you to make a counter-offer, may end diplomacy, or may declare war on you.

Untradeable Items(取引不可能なアイテム) †

相手側の列に赤色のアイテムが存在することがしばしばあります。これは相手が、これらのアイテムをあなたと取引したくない(あるいはできない)ことを示しているので、提案しようか悩まないでください。 Often you will see items in the leader's column that are colored red. This indicates that the leader will not (or cannot) trade these items with you, so don't bother asking.

Technical Requirements for Trade(取引の技術による条件) †

ある技術を持っていないと取引できないアイテムがあります。ゲームの開始時、あなたの外交の選択肢はひどく限られています。双方の文明が必要とされる技術を持っている必要はありませんが、少なくとも片方には必要です。例えばAlphabet(アルファベット)の技術をあなたか取引相手の片方でも持っていなければ、技術を取引することはできません。 You need access to certain technologies to trade some items; at the beginning of the game, your diplomatic options are severely limited. Both sides do not need to know the required technology, but at least one of the traders must. You cannot trade technology, for example, until either you or your trading partner knows the Alphabet technology.

Trading Types(取引の種類) †

取引できるアイテムには、2つの異なった種類があります。"immediate"(即時)のものと"annual"(毎ターン)のものです。即時のアイテムは他の即時のアイテムとのみ取引でき、毎ターンのものは毎ターンのものとのみ取引できます。同じグループのものであればどんなアイテムでも取引は自由です。例えばgoldとworld map(世界地図)は同じ即時のアイテムなので取引は自由ですが、即時のアイテムと毎ターンのアイテムを取引することはできません。 There are two distinct kinds of items you can trade: "immediate" items or "annual" items. Immediate items can only be traded for other immediate items, and annuals only for other annuals. You are free to trade any items within a group - technology for gold and a world map, for instance, since they're all immediate items - but you can't trade an immediate item or items for one or more annuals.

Immediate Items(即時のアイテム): これらは即座に交換されます。すなわち、取引に期間が存在しないということです。即時のアイテムはこれらを含みます: goldの総額、マップ、技術、平和条約、都市など Immediate Items: These are items that are exchanged immediately. That is, the deals have no duration. Immediate items include: lump sum of gold, maps, technology, peace treaties, cities, and so on.

Annual Trade Items(毎ターン取引されるアイテム): annualな取引は少なくとも10ターン続きます。双方が望む場合は10ターンを超えて続けられます。しかしどちらの側も10ターン経つまでにannualな取引を中止させることはできません、宣戦布告したとき以外は。毎ターンのアイテムはこれらを含みます: 資源、毎ターンのgold Annual Trade Items: Annual trades last for a minimum of 10 turns. They can continue for longer than 10 turns if both sides agree, but neither side can cancel an annual trade before 10 turns are up, except by declaration of war. Annual items include: resources, gold per turn.

Tradable Things(取引可能なもの) †

一括のお金(Gold, Lump Sum) - Immediate


A chunk of gold. 1 gold. 15 gold. A billion-billion gold.

毎ターンのgold(Gold, Per Turn) - Annual


A certain number of gold per turn: 2 gold/turn. 30 gold/turn. This lasts a minimum of 10 turns. Note that you are obligated to pay this gold no matter what: empty treasury, anarchy, etc. Your treasurer will automatically disband units and buildings as necessary to fulfill your obligations.

World Map(世界地図) - Immediate


All of the territory explored by your partner is now visible on your main map and vice versa. (See Exploration.)

Open Borders - Annual(国境開放)



Your units can now move freely through your partner's territory, and vice versa. If you declare war against a civilization you have an open borders agreement with, all of your units are removed from his territory, and all of his units are removed from yours.

Furthermore, your cities' trade routes extend to include those civs which whom you have Open Borders. Since foreign trade routes are much more lucrative than domestic ones, signing Open Borders can significantly increase the commerce of your cities. Various Buildings and Civics can increase this income even more.

Defensive Pact(相互防衛条約) - Annual


If either of your civilizations is attacked by a third party, the other civilization automatically declares war on the attacker. This agreement is nullified if either of the signatories attacks anybody.

Permanent Alliance(恒久的な同盟) - Immediate


Your two civilizations essentially become one nation with two rulers. You each continue to have control over your units and cities, but you share everything else: resources, technologies, maps, and victory or defeat. If one declares war, the other automatically does so as well. If one signs a treaty, the other is bound by it.

Technology(技術) - Immediate

あなたは即座に、取引された技術を習得します。 You immediately learn the technology that has been traded to you.

Resources(資源) - Annual


If a resource is traded to you, you get all of its benefits for as long as the agreement is in place. The trader loses all of the benefits, unless he or she has more than one. (For instance, if somebody trades you iron, you can then construct any military unit that requires iron. The trader can no longer produce such units, unless he's got another source of iron.)

Declare War with(他国へ宣戦布告を頼む) - Immediate


One civilization asks another to declare war on a third. A leader can ask another leader to declare war on a civilization that the first civilization is not at war with, but the other leader will usually charge through the nose for doing so.

Cities(都市) - Immediate


Your opponent agrees to give you one or more of his or her cities. If you have open borders with the other civilization, all units remain in place. If not, the units in the city are shifted back to their own territory. It is extremely rare for a leader to give up a city unless under great duress.

Adopt(公民の採用) - Immediate

他の文明に対して、公民を変えるよう要求します。各リーダーには、例えばHereditary Rule(世襲制)のようなお気に入りの公民があります。リーダーは、彼らのお気に入りの公民をあなたが用いると喜びます。

One civilization asks another to change civics. Each leader has a favorite civic-type - Catherine, for example, likes Hereditary Rule. Leaders like you better if you are employing their favorite civic.

Convert(改宗させる) - Immediate


One civilization asks another civilization to change its state religion to match the first civilization's state religion. Religious differences between civilizations cause a lot of tension: adopting another civilization's religion is an excellent way to firm up relations with that civilization.

Declare Peace(講和を求める) - Special


Peace breaks out between you and your opponent. All units are immediately vacated from each other's terrain. Peace lasts for a minimum of 10 turns. You can only trade peace for gold or technology.

Declare Cease Fire(停戦を求める) - Special


Peace breaks out between you and your opponent. All units are immediately vacated from each other's terrain. There is no duration for this cease fire - either side can immediately declare war again. Nothing can be combined with a cease fire deal.

Draft(徴兵) †

Nationhood(民族国家)の都市では、3ユニットを各ターンごとに「徴兵」できます。 都市内でユニットを徴兵する場合、その都市の人口の一部は戦闘ユニットになります。

The Nationhood civic allows you to "draft" three units each turn. When you draft a unit in a city, some of the city's population is turned into a military unit.

Unit Type(ユニットの種類) †


The drafted unit is the best "standard" foot-soldier available to your civilization: in early eras this might be a swordsman, while later it might be a maceman, musketeer or infantry.

Unit Experience(ユニットの経験値) †


Drafted units begin with half as much experience as a standard unit trained in the same city would receive.

Unhappiness(不幸) †


Employing the draft causes Unhappiness in the city where you drafted the unit. This unhappiness isn't permanent: it dissipates over time. Drafting the same city multiple times will increase the unhappiness duration further.

Exploration(探検) †


At the beginning of a game, most of the world is unknown to you. It is important to explore the world, to discover resources and sites to build new Cities and to encounter other civilizations. You explore your world by sending units out into the unknown: the spaces become visible once your units can "see" them.

Civilization IVには、3つの異なる種類のスペースがあります。未探検スペース、可視スペース、そして探検済みスペースです。

There are three different kinds of spaces in Civilization IV: unexplored spaces, visible spaces, and explored spaces.

Unexplored Spaces(未探検スペース) †


Unexplored spaces are black. You don't know what terrain they contain, whether they are occupied by units, or anything else.

Visible Spaces(可視スペース) †


Visible Spaces are very bright. They are all the spaces that your units and cities can currently "see." Spaces within your cultural borders are always visible. Your units and cities can always see the squares they occupy and those directly adjacent to them; if on hills, if looking across water, or if you have certain technological advances, they can often see farther. When you look at the map, you can see everything that any of your units or cities can see: other units, visible resources, improvements, cultural borders, and so forth.

Explored Spaces(探検済みスペース) †


Explored spaces are darker than visible spaces, but not as black as unexplored spaces. These are spaces that you have seen in the past, but which none of your units or cities can see at present. Explored spaces are displayed on the map in the state you last saw them: you do NOT see any changes (new cities, improvements, roads, so forth) which have taken place since you last actually saw that space. You cannot see units in explored spaces.

Map Trading(地図の交換) †


When you trade Maps with another civilization (see Diplomacy), all of the newly-visible territory is "explored" to you - you see the territory as your trading partner last saw it, but you don't see any units occupying those spaces. If your trading partner then builds new cities or improvements in these spaces after trading you his or her map, you will not see the changed conditions unless you trade for their map again.
