
Last-modified: 2007-12-25 01:29:21



United Nations(国際連合) †

国際連合は非常に重要な大不思議であり、ゲーム終盤、Mass Media(マスメディア)の技術を発見することで建設可能になります。国際連合の建設によってDiplomatic Victory(外交勝利)の可能性が生まれます。

The United Nations is an important great wonder that can be built at the end of the game after a civilization discovers the Mass Media technology. The construction of the United Nations opens up the possibility of a Diplomatic Victory.

Voting(投票) †


Once the United Nations has been built anywhere in the world, votes will begin being held every few turns. Every civilization that is still alive participates in these votes, regardless of how strong or weak they may be. The number of votes that a civilization receives is determined by population; the larger the population of a civilization, the more votes that its leader casts in United Nations elections.

Types of Votes(投票の種類) †

Secretary General Elections(事務総長選挙)


The first United Nations vote will always be to determine which leader will be selected as Secretary General (see below for more information on the powers granted to the Secretary General). The civilization that builds the United Nations will always be one of the two candidates to stand for Secretary General; the other candidate for Secretary General will be the leader whose civilization has the highest population (or second-highest if that is the civilization who builds the United Nations). When voting for the Secretary General, each civilization will choose one of the two candidates to cast their votes in favor of, or can choose to abstain altogether. If one of the two candidates receives a majority of the total votes (including the civilizations who abstain), that candidate becomes the Secretary General. If there is no majority, the election is inconclusive and there will be another election for Secretary General again a few turns later. Nothing else may be accomplished until the United Nations selects a Secretary General.


When a Secretary General has been chosen, he or she can choose from a list of the following resolutions to put to a vote. After three such resolutions have been voted upon, there is a new election for Secretary General, and the process repeats. Unlike the simple majority vote to determine the Secretary General, all of the following resolutions require 60 percent or greater of the total votes to be adopted.

Single Currency(世界統一通貨)


Adopting a Single Currency for the entire globe will naturally increase trade and commerce. Every city in the world receives an extra trade route.

Free Trade(市場解放)

市場開放が可決されると世界中のすべての貿易障壁が取り除かれます。外交状態に関係なく、すべての文明間でOpen Borders(国境解放条約)が結ばれたことになります。

Adopting the Free Trade resolution removes all barriers to trade everywhere in the world. Trade routes function as though all civs have Open Borders with one another regardless of what their diplomatic situation may be.

No Nukes(核拡散防止条約)


Adopting this resolution causes an end to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. No civilizations anywhere in the world can construct nuclear weapons (although existing nukes do not disappear).

Universal Suffrage(普通選挙)

この決議案の採択によってすべての文明の社会体制がUniversal Suffrage(普通選挙)に変更されます、普通選挙の選択が可能となる技術を持っていなくても。

Adopting this resolution forces all civilizations to change to the civic Universal Suffrage, regardless of whether or not they possess the technology to do so normally.

Free Speech(言論の自由)

この決議案の採択によってすべての文明の社会体制がFree Speech(言論の自由)に変更されます、言論の自由の選択が可能となる技術を持っていなくても。

Adopting this resolution forces all civilizations to change to the civic Free Speech, regardless of whether or not they possess the technology to do so normally.



Adopting this resolution forces all civilizations to change to the civic Emancipation, regardless of whether or not they possess the technology to do so normally.



Adopting this resolution forces all civilizations to change to the civic Environmentalism, regardless of whether or not they possess the technology to do so normally.

Free Religion(信教の自由)

この決議案の採択によってすべての文明の社会体制がFree Religion(信教の自由)に変更されます、信教の自由の選択が可能となる技術を持っていなくても。

Adopting this resolution forces all civilizations to change to the civic Free Religion, regardless of whether or not they possess the technology to do so normally.

Diplomatic Victory(外交勝利)


The Secretary General may also put him or herself up for a Diplomatic Victory. With enough votes from the other civilizations of the world, he or she can win the game through becoming the undisputed leader of the United Nations. Who said nice guys finish last?

Victory (勝利) †


There are multiple paths to victory in Civilization IV. You can win by achieving political, cultural or technological dominance, and of course, by the ever-popular "crushing everyone else into dust beneath the wheels of your chariot" method. These various methods are described below:

Effects of Victory (勝利の効果) †

あなたが勝利した場合、他のすべてのプレイヤーは敗者となり、ゲームは終了します(ただし、続きがあります)。もしあなたの勝利が十分に華々しいものであるなら、あなたの功績はCivilization IV栄誉の殿堂画面に記録されるでしょう。

You win. Everybody else loses. Game over (but see below). If your victory was spectacular enough, your exploits might be recorded on the Civilization IV Hall of Fame screen.

勝利後のゲーム続行: 勝利した後でもゲームを続けることができますが、その後の達成は栄誉の殿堂には記録されません。最初に勝利、もしくは敗北したあとで、別の勝利条件で勝利することもできません。 (訳注:敗北は続けて記録されるみたい。宇宙船勝利された上に滅亡させられたぞ!)

Continuing a Game After Victory: You can continue playing after winning the game, but any further accomplishments will not be recorded on the Hall of Fame screen. It is also impossible to win another victory type after victory or defeat has initially taken place.

Defeat (敗北) †


If you are wiped off the map or if one of your opponents achieves one of the victories listed below, you lose. The game is over. All of the other leaders will mock you. It's time to start a new game and try again.

Victory Conditions(勝利条件) †

以下はCiv4における勝利を達成する方法のリストです。詳細についてはF8キーを押して"Victory Conditions(勝利条件)"画面を開いてください。現在のゲームで可能な勝利条件と、あなたが現在それにどれだけ近づいているかを知ることができます。(注:ゲーム開始時の設定で除外した勝利条件はリストに載っていません。)

Following is a list of the ways you can achieve victory in Civilization IV. For more details, press F8 to go to the "Victory Conditions" screen. There you will see a list of the roads to victory available in the present game and how close you are to achieving each of them. (Note that if a specific type of victory is not listed on the Victory Conditions screen, it means that this particular victory was excluded during game setup.)

Time Victory(スコア勝利)


The game ends at a specific turn, usually 2050 AD. The civilization with the highest score at the end of that turn wins.

Conquest Victory(征服勝利)


The game ends when one civilization eliminates all rivals. A civilization is eliminated when its last city is captured or destroyed - even if it still has units in play.

Domination Victory(制覇勝利)


The game ends when one civilization controls 75% of the world population AND 75% of the world's land area.

Cultural Victory(文化勝利)

一つの文明が4つ(訳注:3つじゃなかった?)の"Legendary Culture(伝説的な文化)"(標準のゲームスピードでは50,000文化ポイント)に達した都市を持ったとき、ゲームは終了します。文化についての説明といかにして都市が文化を蓄積するかについてはCultureの項を見てください。

The game ends when a civilization has four cities with "Legendary Culture" (50,000 culture points per city with Normal game speed). See Culture for a description of culture and how cities get it.

Space Race(宇宙開発競争)


The game ends when you construct all of the components for your space ship, launch it and successfully reach Alpha Centauri. You can keep track of the space race with rival civs by monitoring the F8 Victory Conditions screen. This screen lists all of the components needed to build the spaceship and how many you have completed so far.

Diplomatic Victory(外交勝利) United Nations(国際連合)が建造され、そこでの選挙によって事務総長に任命されたリーダーが勝者となります。

The game ends when the United Nations is built and a leader wins an election for world leader.

War(戦争) †

戦争は誰にでも起こり得ます。一番の平和主義者だった者であれ、遅かれ早かれ、隣人と争い始めるでしょう―おそらくは中立地域が全て各国の領土となった時、もしくは彼が熱望する資源が相手の支配下にある時、もしくは単に彼がおかしくなった時など。あなたはCivilization IVに勝利するためには必ずしも世界を征服する必要はありませんが、あなたが勝利するまでの間、他文明から身を守る必要はあります。

War happens to everybody. Sooner or later even the most peace-loving leader is going to find himself fighting one of his neighbors - perhaps because all of the neutral lands have been taken, perhaps because his opponent controls resources he covets, or perhaps merely because he looked at him funny. You do not need to conquer the world to Win a game of Civilization IV, but you do need to be able to defend yourself against other civilizations until you do win.

How Wars Begin(開戦の仕方) †


There are a number of ways that a civilization may initiate war against another:

Declare War(宣戦布告)


You can declare war on another civilization while conducting Diplomacy with that civilization's leader.

Attack a Unit(ユニットの攻撃)


When your unit enters a space containing a foreign unit, the program will ask if you want to attack that unit or enter peacefully. If you choose the former option, your unit and the other unit will battle, and your civs will be at war. If you choose the latter option, your unit will enter the other unit's square peacefully, and no war will ensue.

Enter Another Civilization's Territory without Signing Open Borders (国境開放に同意していない他文明の領土に侵入する)

あなたがユニットに、他文明の領土に侵入するよう指示すると、プログラムは他文明と戦争を起こしていいか確認してきます。もし"Go ahead"(続けろ)と命令した場合、ユニットは移動し、戦争が開始されます。

例外: このルールには2つの例外があります。もしあなたがその文明と国境開放に同意していた場合、戦争は起こりません。また帆船(Caravels)といくつかの不可視のユニット(Units)が他文明の領土に侵入しても、戦争は起こりません。

When you direct a unit to enter another civilization's territory, the program will remind you that doing so will cause war with the other civilization. If you tell the unit to go ahead, the unit moves and you're at war.

Exceptions: There are a couple of exceptions to this rule. If you have an Open Borders agreement with the civilization, then no war ensues. Caravels and some "invisible" Units do not cause war when entering another civilization's territory.

Have a Defensive Alliance with a Civilization that is Attacked (相互防衛条約を結んでいる文明が攻撃された場合)

あなたが相互防衛条約(Diffensive Alliance)を他文明と結んでいて、その文明が攻撃された場合、あなたも自動的に相手と戦争に入ります。(同盟国が宣戦布告した場合、相互防衛条約は破棄され、以前の同盟国が新たな敵と戦争を始めても戦争は自動的には起こりません。)

If you have a Defensive Alliance with another civilization and that civilization is attacked, you are automatically at war with the attacker. (Note that if your ally declares war on another civilization, your defensive alliance is revoked; you are not automatically at war with your ex-ally's new foe.)

Have a Permanent Alliance with a Civilization that is Attacked or Attacks another Civilization (恒久的な同盟を結んでいる文明が攻撃された、もしくはした場合)

あなたが恒久的な同盟(Permanent Alliance)を他文明と結んでいて、その文明が開戦すると、どちらから始めたかに関係なく自動的にあなたの文明も相手と戦争に入ります。

If you have a Permanent Alliance with another civilization, you are automatically at war with any civilization at war with your partner, no matter who started it.

Effects of War(戦争の影響) †

Units Expelled from Enemy Territory(ユニットの敵領からの放出)

宣戦布告時、新たな敵の領土にあなたの可視(不可視でない)ユニットがいた場合、そのユニットは全て敵の領土から中立地帯に放出されます。自領に敵のユニットがいた場合も同じです。(注意: 誰かと国境開放を結んでおいて、大軍をその文明の首都の隣に配置し、宣戦布告して攻撃するという卑しいトリックはもう使えないので、こんなことを考える者は恥を知れ!)

If you had any visible units in your new enemy's territory when war was declared, all such units are expelled to your territory or neutral territory. The same happens to any of your enemy's units within your borders. (Note: This stops the shabby trick of making an Open Borders agreement with somebody, moving a lot of troops next to that civilization's capital, and then declaring war and assaulting the target city... Shame on you for even thinking of it!)

Trade Agreements(貿易協定)


If you have any trade agreements with your new enemy, all such agreements are now void. If your enemy's territory sits aside a trade network with a third civilization, that trade network is cut and you can no longer trade resources with the third civilization until a path is opened.

Movement Through Enemy Territory Slowed(敵領での移動速度の低下)


If you have an Open Borders agreement with a civilization, your units can use that civilization's roads. If you are at war with another civilization, however, you cannot use the roads in that civilization's borders.

War Weariness(厭戦感情)

あなたの都市を厭戦感情(War Weariness)が苦しめ、住民が不幸になります。

Your cities may become afflicted with War Weariness, which causes their population to become unhappy.



Combat will occur any time that one of your units tries to enter an enemy unit's square, and vice versa. See Combat for details.

Achieving Peace(平和の達成) †


War ends when one civilization loses all of its cities and is thus out of the game (see Victory). Short of total destruction, wars may be ended Diplomatically when both sides agree to a Cease Fire or Peace Treaty.

War Weariness(厭戦感情) †


If you are engaged in a protracted War, then "war weariness" may begin to make your citizens unhappy. The section on Happiness discusses in depth the effects of unhappiness and how to deal with it, but here are some special rules about war weariness.

Captured Cities(占領された都市) †


If you have captured a city from another civilization, the captured city is much more susceptible to war weariness while you're fighting that civilization. This effect fades over time as you fully assimilate the city into your culture.

Fighting War Weariness(厭戦感情と戦う) †

厭戦感情の影響を抑えるには、いくつかの方法があります。最も簡単なのは平和になることで、不幸は即座に無くなります。これが出来ない場合、牢獄(Jails)を建てることで厭戦感情を減少させたり、警察国家(Police State)の公民にすることで厭戦感情を完全に除去することが可能です。また、文明の商業生産の大部分を文化ボタン(演劇の技術で利用可能になる) を使って文化に割り当てることで、市民の幸福を増加させられます。

There are a number of ways to limit the effects of war weariness. The most obvious way is to make peace; that stops the unhappiness immediately. If that is not feasible, then you can build Jails to reduce war weariness or adopt the Police State civic to completely eliminate war weariness. You can also devote a greater percentage of your civilization's commerce to the Culture Button (enabled with the Drama technology) to help increase the happiness of your citizens.

Wealth(富) †


富はCivilization IVの非常に重要な部分です。適切に富を管理すれば、あなたの文明は、繁栄するでしょう、しかし、浪費すれば、あなたの文明は困窮するでしょう。

Time and again, history shows us the importance of managing wealth properly. In the 16th century, Spain had access to the nearly limitless gold and silver of Central and South America, yet so much of this wealth was lost through corruption and mismanagement that Spain was unable to finance the ships and soldiers to protect her American possessions, leaving them vulnerable to attack by enemy nations and pirates. At the end of the First World War, Germany was bankrupt and shorn of her overseas colonies; yet in twenty years she acquired enough wealth to build and support the mightiest military machine yet seen in the world.

Wealth is an extremely important part of Civilization IV; manage your wealth properly and your civilization will flourish and thrive; squander it and your civilization will languish.

Current Wealth(現在の収支) †


The "wealth counter" on the main screen displays your current wealth. This is usually a positive number or zero (if it is not, your civilization is in serious trouble!). The number adjacent to the wealth counter shows how much wealth your civilization is currently gaining (or losing) each turn.

Commerce and Wealth(商業と収支) †


The amount of wealth that your cities are producing is determined by what percentage of your commerce is going into Research (and, later on, Culture). The percentage of your commerce that is turned into wealth is whatever is not being spent on research and culture. For example, if you are spending 70% on science and 10% on culture, the remaining 20% of your commerce is going towards generating wealth.

Acquiring Wealth(富の獲得) †

都市の富: それぞれの都市は市民が都市範囲内で働くことで、または金、銀、香料などの貴重な資源から商業を生産します。コテージや鉱山のような地形改善は都市の商業を劇的に増加させ、すなわちより多くの富を得ることになります。

City Wealth: Each of your cities generates commerce from working the spaces within its City Radius, and certain Resources such as gold, silver, and incense are particularly valuable. Constructing Improvements such as cottages and mines can dramatically increase the commerce of your cities - which will translate into more wealth.

蛮族の集落: あなたのユニットが蛮族の集落に入ったとき、貢物としてゴールドをくれるかも知れません。

Tribal Villages: When one of your units enters a "tribal village," the villagers might give you gold as tribute.

都市の奪取、改善の略奪: 敵対文明や蛮族の都市を奪取したとき、いくらかのゴールドの収入を得ることができます。また、あなたのユニットが敵や蛮族の地形改善をPillage(略奪)したときにも(とても少ないですが)ゴールドを得ることができます。

Capturing Cities and Plundering Improvements: You may gain an influx of gold when you capture an enemy or barbarian city. You may get a (far smaller) portion of gold when your units Pillage enemy/barbarian improvements.

偉大な商人: 都市でGreat Merchant(偉大な商人)が誕生すれば、彼を他の都市にTrade Mission(交易ミッション)に派遣することができます。これはあなたの国庫に巨額のゴールドをもたらすでしょう。

Great Merchants: If your cities generate a Great Merchant, you can send him on a Trade Mission to a foreign city. This will generate an enormous amount of gold that gets placed in your civilization's treasury.

外交: 外交によって技術の売買や資源の交換によって富を得ることも可能です。

Diplomacy: You can acquire wealth through Diplomacy through the buying and selling of technologies and the trading of resources.

Expending Wealth(富の支出) †

都市の維持費: ターン毎に都市の維持費として一定のコストがかかります。このコストは都市の規模と数とともに増大します。また、Palace(首都)から都市までの距離はその都市の維持費に影響を与えます。

City Maintenance: It costs a certain amount each turn to maintain your cities. This cost increases as the size and number of your cities increase. A city's distance from the Palace also affects its maintenance cost.

公民の維持費 ほとんどのCivics(公民)はターン毎に一定の維持コストがかかります。維持費は公民の種類によって異なりますので、公民の選択の際には考慮するようにしてください。

Civic Upkeep: Most Civics have upkeep costs associated with them that cost a certain amount of gold each turn. Some civics are much more expensive than others, so keep this in mind when selecting civics.

インフレ: Civ4のゲームが進むにつれて、あなたの帝国はインフレという経済現象によって少しずつコストが高額になっていきます。このコストは他のコストに加えてターン毎に一定の支出となります。インフレを抑えることはできません。それを上回る速度で経済成長を遂げるしかないのです。

Inflation: As a game of Civilization IV progresses, your empire will slowly become more expensive to maintain due to the economic process known as Inflation. This will cost your civilization a certain amount of gold each turn in addition to all other costs. You cannot fight Inflation, other than by generating more wealth to counteract its effects.

技術研究: ターン毎に技術研究に投資します。破産を避けるために研究の規模を縮小させなければならないこともあるでしょう。

Technological Research: You spend money each turn to finance your civilization's Technological Research; at some point, it will almost certainly be necessary to scale back research to prevent your civilization from going bankrupt.

ユニットの維持費: 現在の公民に依存しますが、現在所持している各ユニットに維持費がかかります。

Unit Support: Depending upon your current civics, you may be required to pay "support costs" for each Unit you have in play.

ユニット・アップグレード ユニットを生産した後、新たな技術によってそのユニットを(例えば、弓兵から弩弓兵に)アップグレードすることが可能となります。アップグレードには費用を払わなければなりません。

Unit Upgrades: After you have built a unit, future Technological Advances may allow you to upgrade that unit (say, from an archer to a crossbowman). You must pay for such upgrades.

緊急生産: Universal Suffrage(普通選挙権)の公民を選択していれば、都市のユニットや建造物を「急いで」生産するためにゴールドを使うことができます。

Hurrying Construction: The Universal Suffrage civic allows you to spend gold to "hurry" a city's construction of units or buildings.

外交: さまざまな外交交渉を円滑に進めるために富を使うことができます。他文明はその価格が適正であれば、あなたの提案に合意するでしょう。

Diplomacy: You can expend wealth to grease the wheels of Diplomacy in many different ways. Enemy civilizations will usually agree to do what you want - if the price is right.


You can see a display of all of your civilization's current expenditures by opening up the Financial Advisor screen with the F3 key.

Civics and Wealth(公民と財政) †


Your civilization's Civics greatly affect the rate at which you acquire/expend wealth. For example, some civics reward you for peaceful trading, while others cut down the cost of maintaining a huge army.

Running Out of Money(財政破綻) †


If your civilization cannot afford to pay its current expenses, your cities will go on "strike;" they will cease production of units and buildings until your finances are in better shape. Further, you may lose units and buildings that you cannot afford to pay support for. When your cities go on strike, it is extremely important to get expenses in line with income as soon as possible.

Early Wealth Mismanagement(初期の財政難) †


It is quite possible to get yourself into serious financial difficulties in the early game. This usually occurs because you have built too many cities or units without first constructing the buildings and improvements necessary for your existing cities to support the costs of this expansion. The result is that your expenses greatly outstrip your income and your treasury goes away fast. There are a number of possible steps you can take to get out of this fiscal mess:

蛮族の集落: 蛮族の集落が周囲にあれば、ユニットをそこに派遣することです。彼らは貢物としてゴールドをくれるかもしれません。 (これは急場をしのぐ程度の解決策です!)

Tribal Villages: If there are any tribal villages about, send a unit to them; they may give you wealth as tribute. (This is a stop-gap solution at best!)

研究費の削減: スクリーンの左上にあるボタンを使って、ターン毎に技術研究に使う金額を減らすことです。

Lower Your Research Budget: Decrease the amount you are spending each turn on Technological Research using the button in the top-left corner of the screen.

地形改善の構築: コテージを建てるか、あるいは資源から富を生み出す地形改善(例:Gold(金)、Silver(銀)に対してMine(鉱山)、Fur(毛皮)、Ivory(象牙)に対してCamp(狩猟キャンプ)など)を国境内に建てることです。そしてそれらの資源と都市を道路で繋いで下さい。

Build Improvements: Build Cottages and other Improvements that exploit money-making resources within your Borders: mines for gold and silver, camps for fur and ivory, and so forth. Build roads to connect your cities to these resources.

建造物の建設: 都市の維持費を削減するCourthouse(裁判所)や収入を増加させるMarket(市場)などを建てることです。もし、まだそれらの施設を建てられないならば、それらの建設を可能にする技術にむかって一直線に研究を進めるべきです。Civ4初心者にありがちな罠は、これらの施設の建設が間に合わないということです!

Construct Buildings: Build Courthouses to reduce your city maintenance costs and Markets to increase your income. If you aren't able to construct those buildings yet, direct your Research towards the techs which will allow their construction. Failing to construct these buildings soon enough is a problem that nearly every newcomer to Civilization IV encounters!

富の生産: Currency(通貨)の技術を取得していれば、都市でユニットや施設を作らずに富の生産を行わせることができます。

Build Wealth: If your tech level allows, you can assign your cities to build Wealth rather than new units or buildings.

富を優先: 都市画面の"Emphasize Wealth(富を優先)"ボタンを押して、住民の働く場所を変更してください。ただし、執政官はあなたの希望どおりに配置するとは限らないため、手動で配置した方がいいこともありますので注意してください。

Emphasize Wealth: Set your cities to "Emphasize Wealth" when working the land around them. Be aware, however, that the city governor may not make the same choices that you would.

体制の調節: 体制選択画面に入ると下に"civic upkeep(体制の維持費)"が表示されていますので、より維持費の少ない体制に切り替えることも必要かもしれません。

Adjust Civics: Check the Civics screen to see if you can reduce your "civic upkeep" by switching to less expensive civics.

ユニットの処分: 余分な軍事ユニットを処分してください。都市を維持できないならば開拓者も新たな都市を建設させずに処分した方がよいでしょう。

Destroy Units: Delete extra military units. Destroy settlers rather then creating more cities that you cannot support.

外交: あなたの現在の技術レベルによりますが、他文明とのトレードや脅迫などでゴールドを得ることができるかも知れません。

Diplomacy: Depending upon your present technology level, you may be able to get gold from your neighbors - through trade OR coercion.

敵の都市の占領: 敵対文明の都市を占領したり、地形改善を略奪すれば、結構なゴールドを得ることができます。

Capture Enemy Cities: You usually get some significant cash from capturing enemy cities or pillaging improvements.

都市の放棄: 役に立たない赤字の都市を放棄することもできます。外交によって他の文明に譲渡するか、すべての軍事ユニットを外に出して蛮族に襲わせるかすることです。(こんなやり方をするくらいならニューゲームを始めた方がましだと考えるかもしれませんが。)

Abandon Cities: If nothing else works, you can abandon money-losing cities. You can give them to other civilizations via diplomacy, or you can simply remove all military units from a city and hope that a barbarian captures it. (If things are THIS bad, however, you might also want to consider the "Start a New Game" ploy.)

Wonders(不思議) †



Wonders are the spectacular buildings, inventions, and concepts that have stood the test of time and changed the world forever. The Pyramids, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Statue of Liberty and Hollywood are all examples of wonders. Wonders require much time and energy from your cities, but once completed, they provide your civilization with many benefits.

There are two basic types of wonders: great wonders and national wonders.

Great Wonders(大不思議) †

大不思議は唯一のものであり、ゲーム中それぞれ1つだけしか建造することが出来ません。例えば、Great Lighthouse(ファロス灯台)は大不思議なので、最初に完成させた文明のみが、その効果を得ることができます。大不思議は非常に強力な効果をもたらしますが、建造には大変手間がかかる傾向があります。

Great wonders are unique; only one of each can be constructed during a game. For example, the Great Lighthouse is a great wonder; whoever completes it first is the only one who may possess its benefits. Great Wonders tend to be quite powerful indeed, but also extremely time-consuming to build.

National Wonders(小不思議) †

小不思議はゲーム中、各文明に1つだけ建造できます。すなわち、各文明が小不思議Wall Street(ウォール街)を建設できますが、1つの文明が2つのウォール街を持つことはできません。1つの都市は小不思議を2つまでしか建設できません、なので、何をどこに建てるかを前もって計画しておく必要があります。

National wonders may be built once by each civilization in the game. That is, each civilization can have the Wall Street national wonder (though no civilization can have two of them). Each city may only build two national wonders, so be sure to plan ahead where you wish to put them.

Constructing Wonders(不思議の建造) †


Wonders are constructed in cities, like any other Building. If you can build a wonder, it will appear in your city build menu; just click on the wonder to get started. Note that only one city in your civilization can be building a single wonder at a time.

建造競争の敗北: 他の文明があなたが建設中の大不思議を完成させてしまった場合、建設は中止され、貯めていたハンマーはゴールドに変換されます。小不思議の場合は、各文明が同じ不思議を持つことができますので、このようなことは起こりません。

Losing the Construction Race: If another civilization completes a great wonder while you are in the process of building it, your construction ceases, and a certain amount of your production efforts are converted into gold. This does not occur with national wonders, since each civilization can build its own copy of those.

不思議と資源: ある資源は大小の不思議の建設速度を通常の2倍に加速します。たとえば、ある文明がStone(石)の資源を持っていて、それが都市の交易網に接続されているとき、その都市ではピラミッドを非常に速く建設できます。

Wonders and Resources: Certain resources will allow cities to produce wonders of both types at double the usual speed. For example, a civilization that has Stone connected to its City Network can build the Pyramids at a much faster rate.

文明特性: 文明の指導者が勤勉の特性を持っているなら、全ての不思議を通常の2倍の速度で建設できます。

Civilization Traits: Leaders who possess the Industrious trait build all wonders at twice the usual rate.

Effects of Wonders(不思議の効果) †


Wonders have a broad range of effects. Some increase productivity; others increase income from trade. Some improve research, others make your workers build improvements faster. All wonders improve their home city's Cultural Output as well as the speed at which the city generates Great People.

Capturing Wonders(不思議の奪取) †


If you capture a city with a great wonder, you gain possession of that wonder. If you capture a city with a national wonder, the national wonder is destroyed. If a city is destroyed, all wonders in that city are destroyed along with it. Great wonders can never be rebuilt once they are destroyed.

Wonder Obsolescence(不思議の失効) †

不思議の中には時代遅れになり失効するものがあります。時代遅れは、どこかの文明がある特定の技術を習得したときに起こります。時代遅れになると、不思議の効果は消失しますが、文化は産出され続けます。例えば、Great Lighthouse(ファロス灯台)は全ての沿岸都市の交易収入を増加させ、建設された都市に+8の文化を産出します。ファロス灯台はいずれかの文明がSteam Power(蒸気機関)の技術を獲得すると時代遅れになり、交易収入の効果は消えますが、+8の文化産出は残ります。

Some wonders can become obsolete over time. This obsolescence is caused by any civilization in the game learning a specific technology. When that occurs, the wonder's special effects vanish, but it still continues to produce culture. For example, the Great Lighthouse wonder provides a trade benefit to all coastal cities, as well as +8 culture to the city where it is constructed. The Great Lighthouse is rendered obsolete once any civilization gains the Steam Power technology, at which point the owner loses the Lighthouse's trade benefit but retains its +8 cultural output.
