
Last-modified: 2007-12-25 00:49:10



Animals(猛獣) †

ゲームを開始してしばらくは、肉食のAnimals(猛獣)が周囲をうろついています。これらの猛獣は出会ったあらゆるユニットを攻撃します。特に非武装のSettlers(開拓者)やWorkers(労働者)は危険です。猛獣は他のユニットと同様に戦って倒すことができます。猛獣はNational Border(国境)に侵入したり、国境内に現れることはありません。従って、猛獣は世界が明らかになるにつれて次第に姿を見せなくなります。

At the start of a game of Civilization IV, predatory animals may be found roaming about the world. These animals will attack any units they encounter; unarmed settlers and workers are especially at risk. Animals can be fought and destroyed just like any other unit in the game. Animals will not appear in or move into areas within a National Border; they will gradually disappear as more and more of the world is claimed.

Air Units(航空ユニット) †


CivilizationIVでは航空ユニットとして2つのカテゴリがあります: 回転翼機と固定翼機です。

First seeing widespread military use in World War I as unarmed reconnaissance vehicles, over the next half-century aircraft would become the most versatile and powerful part of the modern army. Indeed, as recent events have shown, a military with air superiority can now cripple opposing ground forces before the first infantryman or armored vehicle ever sees an enemy soldier.

There are two different categories of air units in Civilization IV: rotary-wing aircraft and fixed-wing aircraft.

Rotary Wing Aircraft(回転翼機) †


Gunships are heavily armed and armored helicopters. These powerful modern units are especially adept at destroying enemy tanks and vehicles.

Gunship Movement(ガンシップの移動) †


Gunships move like other land units, except that they pay 1 Movement Point to enter all land spaces, including peaks (which are impassable to other land units). Gunships cannot enter water spaces except when carried aboard a naval transport unit.

Gunship Combat(ガンシップの戦闘) †


Gunships fight like any other land unit: if it moves into a space containing an enemy unit, it attacks that unit. If an enemy unit moves into its space, it attacks the gunship.

Fixed Wing Aircraft(固定翼機) †


Fighters(戦闘機): 戦闘機は敵の海上ユニットを攻撃する能力に優れています(しかも陸上ユニットも攻撃できます)。そして、敵戦闘機を迎撃することができます。さらに戦闘機はaircraft carriers(空母)に搭載可能です。「戦闘機」カテゴリーはFighter(戦闘機)ユニットとJet Fighter(ジェット戦闘機)ユニットを含みます。

Bombers(爆撃機): 爆撃機は敵都市や地形改善をbombarding(爆撃)するのに便利です。さらに敵陸上ユニットに対して強力な攻撃が可能です。しかも敵海上ユニットにも攻撃を行えます(ただしこれは、あまり高い効果は望めません)。爆撃機は空母に搭載することはできません。「爆撃機」カテゴリーはBombers(爆撃機)ユニットとStealth Bombers(ステルス爆撃機)ユニットを含みます。

There are two categories of fixed-wing aircraft in the game: fighters and bombers.

Fighters: Fighters are proficient at attacking enemy naval units - they can attack land units as well - and intercepting enemy fighters. Further, fighters can be based on aircraft carriers. Fighter-types include the aptly-named Fighter and Jet Fighter units.

Bombers: Bombers are useful for bombarding enemy cities and tile improvements. Further, bombers have a powerful attack against enemy land units. They can attack naval units, as well, but they are less effective when doing so. Bombers cannot be based on aircraft carriers. Bomber units include Bombers and Stealth Bombers.

Fixed-Wing Aircraft Movement(固定翼機の移動) †


Fixed-wing aircraft are based in cities (or aboard aircraft carriers for fighters). They cannot begin or end a turn elsewhere. Fighters and bombers can "rebase" to another city (or carrier) during their turn. The city can be anywhere on the map, but it must be owned by you or by a civilization you have an Open Borders agreement with. If an aircraft rebases, it can do nothing else during that turn.

Fixed-Wing Missions(固定翼機のミッション) †


Mission Range(行動可能範囲): それぞれの固定翼機には決められた「行動可能範囲」が割り当てられています。航空機はこの範囲内なら何処ででもミッションを実行できます。

Air Strike(航空攻撃): 固定翼機は行動可能範囲内にいる敵陸上ユニットに対して攻撃を行うことができます。

Recon(偵察): 航空機は偵察ミッションを行うことができます。航空ユニットの行動可能範囲内のスペースをクリックすれば、ユニットの移動の半分と等しいスペースの数のユニット・地形改善が明らかになるでしょう。

Air Bomb(空爆): 航空ユニットは行動可能範囲内にある敵都市の防備や地形改善をbombard(爆撃)することができます。

Intercept(迎撃): 戦闘機ユニットは迎撃ミッションを実行できます。戦闘機は、敵航空ユニットが自分の行動可能範囲内に進入しようとするとそれを攻撃するチャンスがあります。

When not rebasing, fixed-wing aircraft can perform a variety of different missions. Each aircraft can perform only one mission per turn.

Mission Range: Each fixed-wing air unit has a "mission range" rating. An aircraft can perform missions in any space within this range.

Air Strike: A fixed-wing unit can be ordered to attack any ground unit within its range.

Recon: An aircraft can be ordered to perform a recon mission. Click on a space within the unit's range and all units/improvements for the number of spaces equal to half of the units movement will be revealed.

Air Bomb: Air units can be ordered to bombard enemy city fortifications and tile improvements within their mission range.

Intercept: Fighter units can be ordered on "intercept" missions. They then have a chance to attack any enemy air units that try enter their mission range.

Ground Unit Interception of Aircraft(陸上ユニットの対空迎撃) †

SAM Infantry(対空ミサイル歩兵)Mechanized Infantry(機械化歩兵)は自分が居るスクエア、若しくは隣接するスクエアを敵航空ユニットが攻撃すれば、それを迎撃するチャンスがあります。

Some ground units - SAM Infantry and Mechanized Infantry, to name two - have a chance of intercepting enemy air units when the air units attack their square OR an adjacent square.

Barbarians(蛮族) †


Barbarians can appear as individual units or as cities.

Barbarian Units(蛮族ユニット) †

Barbarian Unitsは、他のユニットから見えないマスにランダムで生成されます。Barbarian Unitsは遭遇したどんなユニットや都市にも攻撃するでしょう。また、ゲーム中の他のあらゆるユニットのように攻撃され破壊されます。 Barbarian Unitsは国境の中では発生しないでしょう。しかし、彼らは自由に領土内に進入することができます。 これは、文明の領土内に入ることのできないAnimals(猛獣)と対照的です。

Barbarian units are generated randomly in map spaces that no non-barbarian units can see. Barbarians may attack any units and cities they encounter. They in turn can be attacked and destroyed like any other units in the game. Barbarian units will not be generated within a nation's borders, but they can move into such territory at will. This is in contrast to Animals, who will not enter the territory of a civilization.

Barbarian Cities(蛮族都市) †



Occasionally Barbarians will settle down and form cities. These cities are like any other city in the game: the Barbarians can build walls and other fortifications; they can fill the cities with defending units; they can even build Workers to improve the territory around their cities.

Barbarian cities can be attacked, conquered or destroyed like any other city in the game.

Borders(国境) †


The land that your civilization controls - that is, the land within its "borders" - is determined by the number and cultural strength of your cities. When you first construct a city, its borders usually extend to the squares directly adjacent to it; as the city's cultural value?grows, its borders extend to squares farther away, eventually merging with the borders of your other nearby cities.

Seeing Borders(国境の見た目) †


Squares within each civilization's borders are lightly tinted different colors. Barbarian-controlled squares are tinted black. If unsure of a square's status, put your mouse on that square and look at the "pop-up help."

Effects of Borders(国境の効果) †


Borders have a number of important effects. Your cities can draw sustenance only from spaces within your borders, and your workers can only "improve"? such squares as well (except for roads and railroads, which they can build anywhere). Your units heal faster within your own borders, more slowly in neutral (unclaimed) territory, and even slower when in foreign borders. Further, other civilizations' units (with a few exceptions) cannot enter your territory without declaring war, nor can you enter theirs. Barbarians can enter your territory, but animals cannot.

Clash of Borders(国境の衝突) †

異文明の都市の近くに都市を持つとき、その2都市はその間のマスの文化的な支配? を巡って競合します。一般的に、マスが両都市から等距離である場合、より高い文化の都市がそのマスを支配します。都市が文化を生産し始めるのが早ければ早いほど、ライバルの都市がその都市の支配するマスを押しのけるのは難しくなることを覚えておくことは重要です。 都市は一定数のマスの支配を保障されたりはしません;ある都市の文化が別の都市のものより大きく上回る場合、その支配は別の都市のマスに近づき、ことによるとその都市の直接隣接するマスにまで及ぶかもしれません。都市はその文化的境界内のマスからのみ食料などを得ることができるので、都市の成長を著しく妨げ、ことによると飢餓?あるいはその都市は寝返り、侵害する文明側に忠誠の姿勢を変えるかもしれません。詳細はculture(文化)?を参照してください。

When you have a city near another civilization's city, the two will compete for cultural control? over the squares between them. Generally, if the square is equidistant from both cities, the city with the highest culture will have control over it. It is important to keep in mind that the earlier a city begins producing culture, the more difficult it will be for a rival city to dislodge the tiles it controls. Cities are not guaranteed to control a certain number of tiles; if one city's culture greatly exceeds the other's, its control may extend to squares closer to the other city and possibly to the squares directly adjacent to it. Since a city can draw sustenance only from squares within its cultural borders, this may greatly limit the city's growth and possibly lead to starvation? or even to the city switching sides and changing its allegiance to the encroaching civilization. See culture? for more details.

Capturing Enemy Cities(敵都市の占領) †


When you capture an enemy city, that city must begin producing culture to expand its borders from square one, and this can only take place after "resistance"? has ended in that city. It is not unusual for newly captured cities to have control of very few tiles until the conqueror begins producing culture in them.

Buildings(建物) †

最初に建設された時、都市はいくつかの粗末な小屋が点在する路上の広い場所と大差ありません。新しい都市が有効に機能するためには、その中に"Buildings"を建設しなければなりません。BuildingsはCivilization IVでの多種多様な目的に役立ちます?Walls(城壁)は戦闘の際に軍事ユニットを守り、Temple(寺院)は市民をより幸福にし、Barracks(兵舎)はその都市で作られる軍隊を鍛え、Market(市場)は都市の富を増加させます。いつどの建物を建設するかを決めること(そして、都市の発展させるための必要と、ユニットを作成する必要とのバランスを保つこと)は、しばしば成功し繁栄する文明と弱く無力なものの違いをもたらすでしょう。

When first constructed, a city is little more than a wide place in the road with several rude huts scattered about. In order for the new city to function effectively, you must construct "buildings" in it. Buildings serve a wide variety of purposes in Civilization IV - walls protect military units during combat, temples make the citizens happier, barracks train troops created in the city, markets increase a city's wealth, and so on. Determining which buildings to construct when - and balancing the need to improve your cities versus the need to create units - will often spell the difference between a successful, prospering civilization and a weak and helpless one.

How to Produce Buildings(建物の生産方法) †

City Production Menu(都市生産メニュー): ある都市が現行の生産を完了し、その他に何か建造する準備が出来ると、"City Production Menu(都市生産メニュー)"が画面に現れます。このメニューはその都市で生産できる ~worker(労働者)やsettler(開拓者)、military units(軍事ユニット)、building(建造物)、wonder(不思議)、gold(富)、その他諸々を含むかもしれません~ 全ての物を表示します。メニューのトップには、貴方が作りたいと思っているであろうとゲームが判断した、二つの"お薦め"の物が表示されます - しかし、その薦めに従う必要は決してありません。もし貴方が何を作ればいいかはっきりしない場合は、それぞれの物にマウスカーソルを当てればそれぞれどの様な効果があるか情報が表示されます。貴方が建造したい物をクリックしましょう:建造は直ちに始まり、完成した時にまた知らせられます。

On the City Screen(都市画面): メインマップで都市をダブルクリックすると都市画面が現れます。都市生産メニューが画面の下に表示されます(上のポップアップメニューとは異なった形式です); 生産したい建物をダブルクリックしてください。別のアイコンの上にマウスを動かすとそのアイコンについての情報がここに表示されます。

City Production Menu: When a city has completed its current production and is ready to build something else, the "City Production Menu" will appear on the screen. This menu displays everything that the city can produce, and may include workers, settlers, military units, buildings, wonders, gold, and so forth. At the top of the menu are displayed two "recommended" items that the game itself thinks you might want to create - but you never have to follow these recommendations. If you are uncertain what to build, highlighting each item with the mouse will display information about what they do. Click on the item you want to produce: construction will begin immediately, and you will be informed when it is complete.

On the City Screen: The city screen appears when you double-click on a city on the main map. The city production menu appears at the bottom of this screen (in a different format from the pop-up menu above); double-click on the building you wish to produce. Moving the mouse over the different icons will provide more information about them here as well.

Building Availability (建設の可否) †


技術的な必要条件: 多くの建物が"技術的な必要条件"を持っています - これは特定の建物を建設する前に、ある決まった技術を発見しておく必要があります。たとえば、穀物庫を建てるには陶器の技術を学ぶが必要があります。

位置的な必要条件: いくつかの建物はある決まった場所にある都市にしか建設できません。それはかなり明白です: 例えば、港は海岸に面した都市でのみ作られます。

他の建物による必要条件: ある決まった建物は、他の建物を最初に建設しなければ建設できません。銀行を建設するには市場と食料雑貨店が必要です。

宗教的な必要条件: いくつかの建物は宗教の必要条件があります。例えば、都市に宗教がもたらされるまで寺院は建てられません。

Not all buildings are available for you to construct at the start of the game. Building availability is determined by a number of factors:

Tech Requirements: Many buildings have "tech requirements" - that is, you have to have discovered a certain technology before you can build a particular building. For instance, you cannot build a Granary until you have learned the Pottery technology.

Location Requirements: Some buildings can be only constructed in cities in certain locations. These are usually fairly obvious: harbors, for example, may be built only in coastal cities.

Previous Construction Requirements: Certain buildings cannot be built in a city unless other buildings have been constructed first. A city must contain a market and a grocery before you can build a bank there.

Religious Requirements: Some buildings have religious prerequisites. For example, you cannot build a temple in a city until that city has acquired religion.

Time to Produce (生産までの時間) †


生産を加速させるいくつかの要因があります。いくつかの文明は特定の建物を生産するときにボーナスを得ます。そして、特定の資源 - 銅、石、大理石 - も特定の建物の生産を加速させます。; 一例を挙げると、ピラミッドは石があるとずっと速い速度で建設できます。さらに、いくつかのCivics(社会制度)は生産までの時間に影響を与えます

The time to produce a building is dependent upon the city's production output (see Cities for more details) and the production cost of the building itself. For instance, if a city with a production output of 20 begins work on a building with a production cost of 100, it will take that city 5 turns to complete the building.

Other factors may speed the time of production. Some civilizations get bonuses when constructing certain buildings. And access to specific resources - copper, stone, marble - may speed production on certain buildings; for example, the Pyramids can be built much faster with the stone resource. Further, certain Civics affect building production times.

Maintenance Costs(維持コスト) †

過去のCivilizationと異なり、CivilizationIVでは建造物に付随するmaintenance costs(維持コスト)はありません。maintenance costs(維持コスト)は代わりに都市に付随しています。

Unlike previous Civilization games, there are no maintenance costs associated with buildings in Civilization IV. Maintenance costs are attached instead to cities.

Capturing Buildings(建物の奪取) †


When you capture a city, some of its buildings may be destroyed, but others may remain intact for your use. Captured buildings function just like other buildings.
