Last-modified: 2007-12-25 09:40:41
Nationalism(ナショナリズム) †
- Nationalism(ナショナリズム)は世界遺産 Taj Mahal(タージマハル)および文化的に強力な国家遺産 Hermitage(エルミタージュ宮殿)の建設だけでなく公民 Nationhood(民族国家)も可能にします。
- ナショナリズムとは国家が市民の第一の関心事であるという信念です。近代の政治上の現象(最初に大規模に利用されたのはフランス革命の後でした)として、ナショナリズムはそれでもなお、現代の国際政治のための最優先のパラダイムになりました。いくつかの順列がほとんど互いとの類似を持っていなくても、ナショナリズムがさまざまな形態をとることができるのを知るのは重要なことです。多くの昔の国家主義的な指導者は他国に対する自国の優越性を説きました。旧ユーゴスラビアにおける自民族中心主義の愛国心によって証明されるように、この種の指導者は今日でも絶滅していませんが、大部分は国家の決定論を促します。これはそれぞれの国家が自国の成長と独立に責任があるべきであるという信念であり、国連によって認可されています。
- Nationalism enables the Nationhood civic as well as construction of the Taj Mahal world wonder and the culturally-powerful Hermitage national wonder.
- Nationalism is the belief that the affairs of the nation are the primary concern of its citizens. A recent political phenomenon (the first major application taking place after the French Revolution), it has nonetheless become the overriding paradigm for modern world politics. It is important to know that nationalism can come in a variety of forms, some permutations bearing little resemblance to each other. Many early nationalistic leaders preached the superiority of their country over all others. While this type isn't extinct today (as evidenced by the ethnocentric nationalism in the former Yugoslavia), most promote national determinism. Sanctioned by the United Nations, this is the belief that each nation should be responsible for its own growth and independence.
Military Tradition(職業軍人) †
- Military Tradition(職業軍人)は強力なCavalry(騎兵隊)ユニットを解禁します(ただしHorseback Riding(騎乗)が必要)。またDefensive Pacts(相互防衛条約)とWest Point(ウエストポイント)の建設を可能にします。
- ヨーロッパの封建制度の衰退と常備軍の創設によって、新しい軍隊の流儀が生まれました。封建制崩壊後のヨーロッパの軍隊はそれまでの軍隊と著しく異なり、出自ではなく個人の技能、経験、および戦術の理解に基づいて組織されました。
- Military Tradition allows you to build powerful Cavalry units (with Horseback Riding). It enables Defensive Pacts and construction of the West Point national wonder.
- With the fall of the feudal system in Europe and the creation of standing armies, a new military tradition was born. Organizing soldiers based on their skill, experience, and understanding of tactics rather than their position of birth, the armies of post-feudal Europe were markedly different from their predecessors.
This change in the position of warfare also necessitated a change in the definition of the soldier, and with this transformation also came a strict code of conduct based on the old ideals of chivalry. The life of a professional soldier came to appeal to many who saw it as a career filled with opportunity for advancement, and now ordinary citizens were able to distinguish themselves in any number of specialized positions in military conflict.
The European military tradition arguably reached its highest point during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte in France when, through military might, France gained control of the majority of European soil.
Constitution(憲法) †
- この技術は公民Representation(代議制)を可能にし、Jails(刑務所)の建設が出来るようにします。
- 「憲法」は国家の政治の根本となる法を制定するシステムです。一般に、憲法は政府と人々との関係、および政府の様々な機関の間の関係について説明します。憲法は、国家の最高指導者がどのように選出されるかを定め、彼らの権力の限界について説明するでしょう。合衆国など、多くの国家が成文化された憲法を定めました、イギリスのように不成文憲法の国家もいくつかありますが。
アリストテレスは紀元前3世紀に憲法の概念を発明しました。西暦622年、預言者ムハンマドは最初の成文憲法、「メディナの憲法」を作成しました。 西暦1100年、イギリスのヘンリー一世王は「自由憲章」を宣言し、1215年にはイギリスの貴族はジョン王にマグナカルタにサインさせました。
- This tech enables the Representation civic and allows the construction of Jails.
- A "constitution" is a system that establishes the fundamental rules by which a nation is governed. Generally, a constitution describes the relationship between the government and the people, and the relationships between the various parts (or branches) of the government. A constitution will lay down how the rulers of the country are chosen and describe the limits of their power. Many nations, such as the United States, have written, codified constitutions, while some, such as the United Kingdom, have unwritten constitutions.
Aristotle invented the concept of constitutions in the 3rd Century BC. In 622 AD, the Prophet Muhammad created the first written constitution, the "Constitution of Medina." King Henry I of England proclaimed the "Charter of Liberties" in 1100 AD, and in 1215 the English nobility forced King John to sign the "Magna Carta."
The most important part of the Magna Carta, Article 39, established the concept of "habeas corpus" (literally, "you should have the body") which constrained the king from exiling, imprisoning, or killing anyone without "due process" of law. The "due process" clause of the Fifth Amendment in the US Constitution is directly descended from Article 39.
Liberalism(自由主義) †
- Liberalism(自由主義)を最初に発見した文明は無償で技術を一つ受け取ることが出来る。公民Free Speech(言論の自由)とFree Religion(信教の自由)を可能にする。
- The first to discover Liberalism receives a free technology. It also enables the Free Speech and Free Religion civics.
- Liberalism is a political philosophy that states that a government's primary purpose is to protect its citizens' personal liberty and property. Personal liberty usually includes freedom of religion and expression. Modern liberalism is a child of the "Age of Enlightenment" in the 18th century, which sought to free the world of irrationality, superstition and tyranny.
"Liberalism" has meant many different things in different times and places. In its early European incarnation, liberalism saw itself in opposition to the rule of absolute monarchs and (often) the Church. Later, liberalism's great enemies were communism and fascism. In the modern United States, liberals are opposed to the policies of "conservatives," whom the liberals believe seek to restrict personal freedom and favor the wealthy over the poor. Of course, conservatives have an entirely different view on the matter...

- この技術はUniversal Suffrage(普通選挙)とEmancipation(奴隷解放)の公民を可能にします。また世界遺産Statue of Liberty(自由の女神像)の建設を解禁します。
- 民主主義とは市民が直接、または選出された代表者を通して政府の行動を強く管理する支配的なシステムです。民主政治の原点は古代ギリシャとローマの都市国家にさかのぼることができます。市民は公共のフォーラムに集まり、共同体に影響する問題について討論し、投票する権利がありました。この直接民主制は都市国家の比較的少ない人口だからこそ可能なものでした。17世紀以降、ヨーロッパの君主の絶対権力は奪い取られ始め、そして、19世紀終わりには、多くのヨーロッパの国々において国民は政府に対して強い声を持っていました。人口が増加したことで公共のフォーラムが非実用的になったので、人々は支配権力に彼らの意見を及ぼすために代表グループを選出しました。厳密に言うと、この制度は、真の民主主義というよりは共和制に近いものです。この議会制民主主義は現代の世界において最良の政治システムであると考えられています、なぜなら市民は個人の、および経済的な自由を謳歌できるからです。
- This tech enables the Universal Suffrage and Emancipation civics. It allows construction of the Statue of Liberty wonder.
- Democracy is a ruling system where the citizens have a great deal of control over the actions of the government, either directly or through elected representatives. Democratic governments can be traced back to the city-states of ancient Greece and Rome. Citizens would gather in a public forum, and each one would have the opportunity to speak and vote on issues affecting the community. This direct democracy system was possible due to the relatively small populations of the city-states. Starting in the 17th century, the monarchs of Europe began to be stripped of their absolute power, and by the end of the 19th century the citizens had a strong voice in government in many European nations. Large populations made public forums impractical, so the people elected groups of representatives to carry their views to the ruling powers. Strictly speaking, this type of system more closely resembles a republican system rather than a true democracy. This type of representative democracy is considered the best governing system in the modern world because of the personal and economic freedom enjoyed by the citizens.

- Astronomy(天文学)は海上ユニットGalleon(ガレオン船)とFrigate(フリゲート)[Chemistry(化学)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また海上交易とObservatories(天文台)の建設が可能になります。
- Astronomy allows the Galleon and Frigate (with Chemistry) naval units. It enables trading on the ocean and lets you build Observatories.
- Astronomy originated as simple observation and recording of regular celestial movements for the purpose of time keeping and determining directional bearings. The ancient Greeks were among the first to study astronomy in detail. They described the use of stars for navigation at sea, and recorded the position of constellations during each season of the year for purposes of determining times for planting and harvesting.
The Greek astronomer Aristarchus developed the theory that celestial motion could be explained by the fact that the Earth revolved on its axis once every 24 hours, and revolves around the sun along with the other planets. This theory was rejected at the time, only to be rediscovered nearly 2000 years later by Copernicus. These early students of astronomy compiled data that became the cornerstone for modern astronomical research.

- Education(教育)は都市改善University(大学)および国家遺産Oxford University(オックスフォード大学)を建設可能にします。
- 教育とは前の世代に関する知識を後の世代に伝える過程です。この簡単な過程の衝撃は、過小評価されるべきではありません。これは惑星を支配するために人類に許された基本的な方法なのです。元々、唯一男性の特権でしたが、すぐに合衆国で基本的人権になりました。 すべてのタイプの学校はある一定の分野を専攻し、そして/または、すべての種類の人々にこの豊富な情報の利益を与える学生人口統計を始めました。(訳注:初等義務教育と高等専門教育を指している?)現代のカリキュラムは驚くべきことに文学や、言語や、数学など、長い歴史の中で教えられたものと同じ対象の多くをカバーしています。
- Education enables the construction of the University city improvement and the Oxford University national wonder.
- Education is the process of passing on the knowledge of previous generations to future ones. The impact of this simple process is not to be underestimated, and in a fundamental way permitted mankind to dominate the planet. Originally a privilege solely of males, it soon became a fundamental right in the United States. Schools of all types began to specialize in certain fields and/or student demographics, allowing people of all kinds the benefit of this wealth of information. Modern curriculums surprisingly cover many of the same subjects taught throughout history, such as literature, language, and mathematics.
Printing Press (活版印刷) †
- Printing Press(活版印刷)はVillages(村)とTowns(街)のゴールド産出を増加させます。
- Printing Press increases the gold output of Villages and Towns.
- The principle behind printing is not very complicated, but immense amounts of complexity are invested in the mass production of printed documents. Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, the early printing presses used a flat tray of inked type. Once paper was placed over the type, a surface was applied and the ink was pressed into the paper. While an improvement over the traditional duplication methods of the time (being meticulous hand-scribing of volumes), it was a slow and tedious process to use. Around 1800 the first cylinder press was created, followed by the large and immensely fast rotary presses.
Today, computers have taken this ancient art out of the craftsman's workshop and placed it on the desktop. Desktop publishing revolutionized the creation of printed documents, not only from the standpoint of speed and accuracy, but also by enabling anyone to mass-produce the printed word without investing the many years it takes to learn the trade.

- Economics(経済学)を最初に発見した文明はGreat Merchant(偉大な商人)を一人得る。また、Free Market(自由市場)の公民を選択可能になる。
- 需要と供給のアイデア、および貿易に関する哲学の考え、商品やサービスの生産と消費は人類の夜明け以来存在している概念です。しかしながら、社会がより複雑になったとき、人々は、より形式的な方法でこれらの抽象概念を研究し始めました。経済学を哲学や政治上の概念ではなく科学としてとらえた最初に記録された研究は、スコットランド人の経済学者アダム・スミスによる「国富論」でした。 この本は収入源と富の分配を完全に分析する最初の試みを表します。 スミスの経済学の分析は今日の政府の経済政策の多くが形成された際のガイドとしての役割を果たしました。
- The first to discover Economics receives a Great Merchant. It also enables the Free Market civic.
- The ideas of supply and demand, and philosophies concerning trade and the production and consumption of goods and services, are concepts that have existed since the dawn of mankind. As societies became more complex, however, people began to study these abstract concepts in a more formal way. The first recorded study of economics as a science, rather than a philosophical or political concept, was the book "The Wealth of Nations" by Scottish economist Adam Smith. This book represents the first attempt to fully analyze sources of income and the distribution of wealth. Smith's analysis of economics served as a guide by which many of the governmental economic policies of the present day were formed.
- Chemistry(化学)はGrenadiers(擲弾兵)およびFrigates(フリゲート艦)[Astronomy(天文学)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また、Parthenon(パルテノン神殿)を時代遅れにし、すべてのworkshops(ワークショップ)での生産を+1増加します。
- Chemistry allows construction of Grenadiers and Frigates (with Astronomy). It obsoletes the Parthenon and increases production from all workshops by 1.
- The earliest practical use of chemical processes was by metal smiths of the ancient world. These artisans learned how to use heat to melt various naturally occurring metals together to form alloys such as bronze. Early manufacturers of cloth also used primitive chemical processes to set dyes. In the following centuries, chemical processes were studied through the pseudo-science of alchemy, which attempted to change base metals into gold. Although alchemists were, of course, unsuccessful, they did develop many valuable chemical processes as a result.
The manuscripts produced by alchemists were studied by succeeding generations, and an effective knowledge of chemistry had been accumulated by the late 13th century. In the 17th century, the ideas of alchemy finally died out as an increasing body of true chemical knowledge was gained through experimental analysis, leading to the modern science of chemistry.

- Gunpowder(火薬)はMusketman(マスケット銃兵)とCavalry(騎兵隊)(さらに Military Traditionが必要)の作成を可能にします。
- 火薬は硝石、硫黄、および炭の化学混合物です。発火すると、それはいかなる温度下においても急激に燃焼し、爆発します。9世紀には既に中国人に火薬が開発され花火に使用されていたと信じられていますが、14世紀にようやくヨーロッパに伝来しました。ヨーロッパ人は、すぐにこの物質の可能性を見抜き、1334年にはもうそれを兵器としての使用のために製造していました。火薬の発見はマスケット銃などの火器の発明につながり、それは、1500年代後半までに世界のほとんどの軍隊において弓に取って代わりました。火薬は軍事史上主要な技術的な転機の1つとなり、戦争の方法を劇的に変化させました。
- Gunpowder allows you to build Musketman units and Cavalry (with Military Tradition).
- Gunpowder is a chemical mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. When ignited, it burns rapidly and explodes if contained to any degree. Gunpowder is believed to have been developed by the Chinese, who used it in fireworks as early as the 9th century, but it did not reach Europe until the 14th century. Europeans immediately saw the potential of this substance, and manufactured it for use in weapons as early as 1334. The discovery of gunpowder led to the invention of firearms, such as the musket, which led to the replacement of archers in most armies of the world by the late 1500s. Gunpowder marked one of the major technological turning points in military history; significantly changing the way wars were fought.
Replaceable Parts(共通規格) †
- Replaceable Parts(共通規格)は労働者がLumbermills(製材所)を作成できるようにします。またWindmills(風車)とWatermills(水車)の生産を増加します。
- 機械の工場生産によって、工員は工場に仕様を強要することができました。この1つの利点は、銃などの複雑な物を部品ごとに別々に製造することができるようになったことです。故障した際に全体の器具を取り替えるか、または修理しなくても、壊れた部品だけを交換することが可能となるという利益が実現されました。機械製造ガイドラインを設定することによって、メーカーは、それらの製品の部品の大量を作り、その後完成製品を組み立てることができるようになり、効率は大幅に上昇しました。大量生産と流れ作業製造への道を開き、交換可能な共通規格は工業化時代にほとんどあらゆる産業を変革しました。
- Replaceable Parts enables workers to produce Lumbermills. It increases the production output of Windmills and Watermills.
- With the advent of machine manufacturing, craftsmen were able to set manufacturing to exacting specifications. One advantage of this was being able to manufacture complex objects, such as guns, in separate pieces. The benefit of this was realized when manufacturers replaced only the broken parts of the objects that they made rather than replacing or repairing the entire instrument. By setting machine manufacturing guidelines, manufacturers were able to make large quantities of the components of their products and then later assemble the finished product, increasing efficiency greatly. Replaceable parts revolutionized nearly every industry in the industrial age, paving the way for mass production and assembly line manufacture.
- Rifling(ライフリング)はRifleman(ライフル兵) の生産を可能にします。そしてこの技術は多くの強力な近代ユニットを作成するために要求されます。
- Rifling enables Rifleman units and is required to build many other powerful modern units.
- "Rifling" is the term describing the practice of putting helical grooves in the barrel of a "long gun" to impart a spin to the projectile. This spin greatly increases the bullet's accuracy at distance.
Muskets, the original long guns, were "smoothbores"; these lacked rifling and the bullets were significantly smaller than the barrels of the weapons. When fired, the projectile would bounce against the sides of the weapon's barrel, giving it an uncertain direction upon exiting the barrel.
Experimentation with muskets with grooved barrels and tighter-fitting projectiles began as early as the 15th Century, but mass-produced rifled muskets did not appear in great numbers until the mid-1800s. The rifled musket was the standard infantry weapon during the American Civil War; some cavalrymen were armed with breech-loading rifles, the weapons' accuracy and rate of firing giving them a powerful advantage in combat.

- Corporation(企業)はすべての都市に追加の貿易ルートを加えます。また国家遺産Wall Street(ウォール街)の建設を可能にします。
- ビジネスが成長するとき、ある程度以上に事業を広げるために多量の運転資金を上げるか、または営業費用を満たすことがしばしば必要となります。このような場合、利用可能な1つの選択肢は、株式会社を組織して「株式公開する」か、または投資家に株を売却することです。拡張の危険を多くの人々に分散させ、個々の危険を減少させるので、この取り決めはビジネスを急速に広げます。また、会社には、訴える権利や、株主に投資された金額に対する会社の負債の責任の制限などの法的な利点があります。 今日知られているような株式会社が作動し始めたのは16世紀以降ですが、法人としての会社は古代のローマ以来存在しています。
- Corporation adds an additional trade route to all cities and enables construction of the Wall Street national wonder.
- As businesses grow, they often find it necessary to raise large amounts of operating capital in order to expand their operations beyond a certain point, or to meet operating expenses. In these cases, one option available is to form a corporation and "go public", or sell shares of the business to investors. This arrangement allows the business to expand rapidly, while spreading the risks of the expansion among many people, reducing individual risk. Corporations also have legal advantages such as the right to sue, and the limitation of liability for the corporation's debt to the amount originally invested by the owners. Corporations as legal entities have existed since ancient Rome, although the joint-stock company as it is known today didn't begin operating until sometime in the 16th century.
Military science(軍事学) †
アメリカ合衆国第2代大統領 ジョン・アダムズ
- 擲弾兵・戦列艦の生産と士官学校の建設が可能になります。また電撃戦と奇兵隊の昇進を解禁します。
- 戦争に関する考察は孫子やマキャヴェリの時代から行われてきましたが、軍事学が独立した学問分野として認められ始めたのは17世紀の事です。続く時代に軍事と戦争について数多くの論文が発表され、とりわけクラウゼヴィッツの「戦争論」とジョミニの「戦争概論」という2冊の大著は広く名声を獲得し、同時にその哲学の相違から今日まで続く論争を引き起こしました。現在では世界中に数多くの軍事学校が設立され優れた頭脳を引き付けています。中でもウエストポイント、サンドハースト、サン・シール等は特に有名な軍事学の学び舎です。
(訳注 ジョミニは兵の配置や投入タイミングを重視、クラウゼヴィッツは投入兵力の多寡を重視)
"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy." - John Adams
- Military Science allows the construction of the Grenadier and the Ship of the Line units and the Military Academy building. It also allows access to the Blitz and Commando promotions.
- While truly masterful works on war by men like Sun Tzu and Machiavelli have remained valuable since their creation, the acknowledgement of Military Science as a field of study separate from war itself only began in the seventeenth century. During the next two hundred years, numerous treatises on contemporary warfare surfaced. Two of the most influential military scientists of their times, Carl von Clausewitz and Antoine Henri-Jomini, birthed a rivalry that continues to this day, focused in large part on their major works, Clausewitz's "On War" and Jomini's "The Art of War." In the modern era, Military Science has found a field of fresh minds with the establishment of military academies across the globe. West Point in the United States, Sandhurst in Great Britain and Saint-Cyr in France remain among the most renowned institution of learning in the world.