Last-modified: 2007-12-21 17:12:47
Naval Units (船舶) †
- もっとも初期の海軍艦艇です。Galleys(ガレー船)は2個の陸上ユニットを輸送することができますが、Ocean(遠洋)スクエアに入ることはできません。
- The earliest armed naval vessel, Galleys can transport 2 land units. They cannot enter ocean spaces.
- The galley was the first ship designed for war. Introduced by the Greeks, galleys were powered by banks of oars on each side, manned by well-trained oarsmen. These oarsmen were highly paid professionals or patriotic citizens, not slaves and prisoners as depicted in fiction. A huge, bronze "beak" mounted at the bow of the ship was used to ram and sink enemy ships. Because of its long, narrow hull, the galley was very unstable in all but the calmest waters, and as a consequence its crew rarely ventured out of sight of land for long periods of time, lest the ship be caught in a storm and sunk.

- この小型で高速の船は、Ocean(遠洋)スクエアとライバルの領土を探索できます。Caravels(キャラベル船)は次のユニット1個を輸送するこが可能です。 - Scout(斥候)、Explorer(探検家)、Spy(スパイ)、Missionary(伝道師)、そしてGreat Person(偉人)
- This small and fast ship can explore oceans and rival territory. Caravels can transport one special unit - Scout, Explorer, Spy, Missionary, or Great Person.
- The caravel was a small sailing ship with three or four masts, a broad bow, and a high, narrow stern. Though often used as a warship, the caravel could also carry just over 100 metric tons of cargo. The Spanish and the Portuguese used caravels for both commerce and exploration. Christopher Columbus' three ships, the "Nina," "Pinta," and "Santa Maria," were caravels that risked the hazards of an ocean crossing.

- Galleon(ガレオン船)は大航海時代でもっとも優れた輸送船です。3ユニットを運ぶことが可能で、そして安全にocean(遠洋)に入ることができます。
- The Galleon is the best transport of the age of sail. It can carry 3 units, and it can safely enter ocean spaces.
- By the late 15th century, oar-powered vessels had all but disappeared from the world's oceans, to be replaced by sailing vessels of various types. The galleon was one such vessel. Galleons were three- or four-masted ships, built high in both the forecastle and the stern. Developed in the 15th and 16th century, these versatile ships were mainly used as cargo vessels, although they were sometimes outfitted as light warships as well. Ships of this type served European nations well into the 1700s.

- Frigate(フリゲート)はゲーム内の木製の船の中で最も強力です。敵の船舶を沈没させ、敵都市の防備を砲撃することができます。
- The Frigate is the most powerful wooden ship in the game. It can sink enemy shipping and bombard enemy city fortifications.
- The frigate was a fast and powerful warship that evolved to fill several important roles, but one of its primary roles was to raid enemy shipping. These three masted ships were lighter and faster than the European great ship or man-of-war, and usually carried 36 or fewer guns. The frigate was powerful enough to overcome most of its prospective opponents and fast enough to escape those it could not outgun. Because of their speed and strength, frigates were often employed as escorts for merchant vessels during times of war. The frigate remained the most useful and dominant naval vessel until the development of the ironclad.

- Ironclad(装甲艦)は非常に遅いのですが強力です。敵都市の防備を砲撃することが出来ますが、ocean(遠洋)に進入することはできません。
- The Ironclad is very slow, but powerful. It can bombard enemy city fortifications but cannot enter ocean spaces.
- Ironclads were the forerunners of future generations of armored naval vessels. Instead of the simple wooden hulls found on the other ships at the time, ironclads were covered with strong metal plating. This plating made them nearly impervious to large-caliber explosive shells that would easily penetrate and destroy wooden vessels. Ironclads made their first appearance during the American Civil War, and quickly gained dominance over other ships of that era. Perhaps the most famous naval battle of the Civil War was the battle between the Confederate ironclad "Merrimack", and the Union ironclad "Monitor", which lasted for several hours before the "Merrimack" was forced to withdraw.

- Transport(輸送艦)は他のユニットを輸送する船です。輸送艦はユニットを4つまで搭載可能で、Ocean(遠洋)エリアに進入できます。しかし、航空機や現代の戦闘艦艇に対しては非常に脆弱です。
- The Transport is a cargo ship. It can carry up to 4 units and can enter ocean spaces but is extremely vulnerable to planes and modern warships.
- The troop transport ship, which in peacetime serves as a cargo or passenger vessel, is the principle means used by modern powers to move large quantities of military equipment and personnel over long distances. Because transports lack offensive weaponry, they require armed vessels as escorts during times of war. A properly escorted transport can move large military forces to a new area quickly to act as reinforcements or as an attacking force.

- Destroyers(駆逐艦)は敵航空機を迎撃する小さなチャンスがあり、敵Submarines(潜水艦)を発見、破壊する能力が非常に優れています。(潜水艦は他のほとんどのユニットからは不可視です)Carriers(空母)とTransport(輸送艦)とスタックされることが多いでしょう。
- Destroyers have a small chance of intercepting enemy aircraft and also are very good at spotting and destroying enemy Submarines (which are invisible to most other units). They are often stacked with Carriers and Transport units.
- Destroyers are small escort ships that serve a variety of useful functions. These light, fast vessels were used extensively in World War II to provide air and sea cover for carrier groups. One of the primary functions of the destroyer is to locate and destroy enemy submarines. Using their sonar equipment to locate the subs, and their batteries of depth charges and torpedoes to destroy them, the destroyer forces of World War II were the key to the success of many crucial naval operations. Modern destroyers are still used in much the same role, as escorts for larger vessels and as submarine hunters. In addition to five-inch guns, the arsenal of today's destroyer includes anti-submarine helicopters, anti-ship cruise missiles, and the Phalanx system for defense against anti-ship missiles.

- Battleships(戦艦)は海上で最も強力な軍艦です。ほとんどの船を接触するだけで沈没させることができます(とは言うものの、Submarine(潜水艦)と空襲には弱いのですが。)さらに、Battleships(戦艦)のターゲットと同じスクエアにいる敵ユニットにも巻き添えのダメージを与えます。また、敵都市の防備を砲撃することができます。
- Battleships are the most powerful warships afloat. They can sink most other vessels they meet (though they are vulnerable to submarine and air attack). Further, when attacking, Battleships cause collateral damage to other enemy naval units sharing the target's space. They can also bombard enemy city defenses.
- The battleship was once the most powerful vessel on the seas. Heavily armored and difficult to destroy, its massive guns could accurately fire heavy projectiles at targets miles away. The battleship had two primary functions: clearing the seas of enemy ships and bombarding enemy coastal targets, usually in preparation for an invasion. The battleship's importance began to decline in World War II when the increasing use of fighters and bombers launched from aircraft carriers greatly extended the range of naval conflicts. Ship-to-ship combat became less frequent than long-range air attacks against enemy battle groups. The last of the U.S. Navy's battleships was decommissioned shortly after the Vietnam War, but the four battleships of the Iowa class were remodeled and re-commissioned in the 1980s.

- Submarines(潜水艦)はほとんどのユニットから不可視となります。ライバルの領海を探索でき、特別なユニットを輸送することができますが、Destroyers(駆逐艦)や他の潜水艦は天敵です。
- Submarines are invisible to most units. They can explore rival territory and can carry special units, but are vulnerable to enemy Destroyers and other subs.
- A submarine is a submersible warship, designed to attack enemy vessels while remaining hidden underwater. Although defensively weak, submarines are feared because of their ability to make a stealthy approach and attack without warning. Often, the presence of a submarine is not detected until the first of the sub's torpedoes strikes its target. The Germans first used submarine warfare extensively during World War I.
Developments after the war, such as sonar, made the submarine even more effective. During World War II, submarines were used extensively by all the world's naval powers. Today's submarines, in addition to their role as fast attack vessels, also carry nuclear weapons that can be fired from underwater positions just off the coast of an enemy country.

- Carriers(航空母艦)は適度に強力な軍艦ユニットですが、第一の能力は3機のFighters(戦闘機およびジェット戦闘機)を輸送できることです。Fighters(戦闘機およびジェット戦闘機)は敵機の空襲に対してスタックして防御することが可能です。また、それらは偵察することも可能です。さらに敵ユニットと敵都市を攻撃することも可能です。
- Carriers are moderately-powerful naval units in themselves, but their primary ability is to carry up to three Fighters. These fighters can defend the stack against enemy aircraft, they can scout terrain, and they can attack enemy units and cities.

- Caravel(キャラベル船)を代替するポルトガルのユニークユニットです。外国領土を探索でき、軍事ユニットを搭載できます。
- ヨーロッパで最初に外洋探索を可能にした帆船です。4本のマストと当時としては大きな船体を持ち、乗員・貨物・大砲などを搭載する十分なスペースを備えていました。甲板の位置が高く小型船との戦闘で有利でしたが、同時に強風下では転覆の危険もありました。キャラックは主に15世紀から16世紀のスペインとポルトガルで利用され、コロンブスが大西洋を渡ったサンタ・マリア号もキャラック船でした。
- This early naval unit (the Portuguese replacement for the Caravel) can transport both military and peaceful units, as well as explore enemy territory without penalty.
- These four-masted sailing ships were the first European ships able to reliably navigate the open ocean. Although small by modern standards, the Carrack afforded enough space for crew, cargo and small cannons. Because the ship rose high out of the water it was near impossible for smaller ships to board a carrack. This size was a double edged sword, and due to its height Carracks were prone to capsize in strong winds. The Carrack was used most prominently by the Portuguese and Spanish during their explorations in the 15th and 16th centuries. The Santa Maria, the ship that carried Columbus to the New World, was a Carrack.
&aname: ID too long;
East Indiaman(東インド会社船) †

- Transport(輸送艦)に次いで優れた輸送用ユニットです。オランダがGalleon(ガレオン船)の代わりに生産できます。
- 東インド会社船と呼ばれるのは18世紀から19世紀にかけてインド・中国・インドネシアとヨーロッパの間で貿易を担った武装商船です。本来の設計は人や貨物の輸送用ですが、海賊対策や外国都市で開港を迫る場合の必要に備えて大砲を搭載していました。このため東インド会社船は同時代最高の火力を擁し、戦争の際は海軍によって軍艦として利用される事もありました。その戦闘力はヨーロッパの海運会社に海上交易の独占をもたらしましたが、搭載する大砲の重さが原因で後発のフリゲートや戦列艦には速度の点で劣りました。
(訳注 ゲーム中ではフリゲートと同じ速度)
- This impressive naval unit (the Dutch replacement for the Galleon) is the most powerful transport ship available until the introduction of the Transport.
- The term "East Indiaman" describes a vessel designed to transport goods between Europe, India, Indonesia and China during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The East Indiaman was an armed merchantman; although primarily designed for the transport of goods and passengers, it was nevertheless outfitted with cannon in order to protect itself against pirates or to open up hostile ports of call. In fact, the East Indiamen were among the most heavily armed ships of their time, and were sometimes acquired by state navies for use as warships. Because the East Indiaman was designed to carry cannon, the East Indiaman was inevitably slower than its descendants: the Ship of the Line and the Frigate. Yet the strengths of the East Indiamen ensured that the European trade companies that employed them could protect their profitable monopolies on all trade between Europe, the Americas, Africa and India.

- Privateer(私掠船)は他のプレイヤーから国籍が分からないため、宣戦布告無しに外国領海への侵入と破壊活動が可能です。
- 私掠船は国家から免状を与えられた海賊船です。17世紀から19世紀にかけてヨーロッパとアメリカの海を渡り、敵国の商船を襲って仕える君主に富と海上の優位をもたらしました。これらの船は所属を隠したまま活動しており、敵が海賊の黒幕を見つけようとしても拿捕免状を押収しない限り不可能でした。中でもイングランドのフランシス・ドレーク、オスマン帝国のバルバロッサ・ハイレディンといった大海賊たちは敵国の商船に甚大な被害を与え、両国の制海権を確固たる物にしました。
- The Privateer is a mid-game naval unit that bears no marking of nationality. This allows you to harass your foes without the need to declare war.
- Privateers were government-sanctioned pirate ships prominent from the seventeenth century until the nineteenth century. Pillaging for their lords in the shipping lanes of Europe or in the seas of the New World, Privateers bore no marking of their affiliation, making it impossible to trace their employer short of the "Letter of Marque" commissioning them. Successful Privateers, such as Sir Francis Drake in the employ of Queen Elisabeth I or Barbarossa under Sultan Suleiman I, wreaked havoc among the merchant vessels of rival nations, securing for themselves and their sovereigns significant, if second-hand, wealth. In the cases of both Barbarossa and Drake, the disruptive effect these naval bandits had upon the enemies of their lords helped ensure the naval supremacy of both the Ottoman Empire and England in their respective ages.
Ship of the Line(戦列艦) †
- 最強の木造艦です。速度では劣るもののFrigate(フリゲート)との戦闘で有利になります。
- Ships of the Line(戦列艦)は17世紀から19世紀中葉にかけて使われた巨大な木造軍艦です。この時代の海上戦術は強力な艦で戦列を構成し、敵艦上に砲弾の雨を降らせるというものでした。戦列艦は一般に80門を超える大砲を搭載していましたが、重武装のため運動性は犠牲になりました。
- This is the ultimate wooden ship. While not as fast as the Frigate, the Ship of the Line receives a significant bonus against its quicker rival, making it the top of the naval pecking order.
- Ships of the Line were the largest vessels deployed during the height of the European wooden navies, from the seventeenth until the mid-nineteenth century. In naval strategy, the most powerful ships of each respective navy would often form into lines and unleash a barrage upon their rivals. Ships of the Line, as they were known, usually carried 80 or more guns, but this extra-heavy armament cost the vessel dearly in maneuverability.
Attack Submarine(攻撃型潜水艦) †
- Attack Submarine(攻撃型潜水艦)の生産は最大の対潜防御策です。ミサイルの搭載は不可能ですが、敵Submarines(潜水艦)との戦いで非常に有利になります。
- 元来殆どの潜水艦は魚雷を持ち海戦能力を備えていました。技術の進歩につれ魚雷の代わりに弾道ミサイルを搭載するものが現れると、伝統的な魚雷装備型潜水艦がその天敵となりました。
- The Attack Submarine is the ultimate defense against Submarines. While unable to carry missiles, it does receive a significant bonus against enemy Submarines.
- An Attack Submarine is any submersible with the capacity to destroy enemy ships. In the past, nearly all subs would have been considered Attack Submarines, but with advances in technology, many shed their torpedoes for the capability to carry ballistic missiles. While able to attack land targets, such submarines are particularly vulnerable to attacks from their torpedo-armed cousins.
Stealth Destroyer(ステルス駆逐艦) †

- レーダーに映らず、他のStealth Destroyer(ステルス駆逐艦)以外から発見されません。
- 長い間、陸海空すべての戦場で隠密性は勝利の鍵でした。20世紀後半にレーダー技術が発達すると、それに対抗する新たな潜伏技術が必要とされました。1980年代初めに電波吸収体や形状制御といった技術革新により敵のレーダーから隠れたまま任務を遂行できる艦船、ステルス艦が完成しました。既にフランス・スウェーデン・アメリカ海軍により導入されています。
- Disappear from enemy radar with the Stealth Destroyer, a powerful late-game naval unit that is invisible to all units except other Stealth Destroyers.
- The elusive element of surprise has brought about deciding victories on land, at sea and in the air for centuries. But in the face of more precise forms of radar developed in the latter half of the twentieth century, new technology was needed to return the tactical advantage stealth once provided. Beginning in the 1980s, breakthroughs in naval stealth research, such as radar-silent construction materials and simplified superstructures, initiated the creation of the world's first stealth navies. Since that time, France, Sweden and the United States have all adopted their own stealth ships, capable of performing missions while remaining invisible to enemy radar.
Missile Cruiser(ミサイル巡洋艦) †

- 最強の軍艦です。ゲーム終盤に登場し、高い戦闘力とミサイル4基分の搭載スペースを備えています。
- 火砲を主武器とする巡洋艦は少し前まで旧世代の遺物と見做されていましたが、20世紀の終盤に復活を遂げました。軍艦にミサイルを搭載させる試みは米国海軍で二次大戦を通じて行われ、最終的に80年代のミサイル巡洋艦「タイコンデロガ」へと導きました。このイージス・システムと127基分のミサイル格納庫を備えた新世代の巡洋艦は海上の新たな王者なのです。
- This late-game naval unit is the most deadly ship in the sea, with a high strength and the ability to carry four missiles.
- Once considered an obsolete class of ship, the Cruiser made an impressive comeback in the final decades of the twentieth century. Experiments in ship-mounted missile systems had begun as early as World War II and by the end of the war, the United States Navy had outfitted a slew of Cruisers with surface-to-air missile capabilities. In the 1980s, these early experiments in ship-mounted missile armaments culminated in AEGIS-equipped Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruisers. More than simply reviving the Cruiser class, the "Tico," with its 127 missile arsenal and its phase-array radar, turned the Cruiser into one of the most ferocious ships at sea.