Last-modified: 2008-01-24 05:52:00
- Walls(防壁)は、火薬発見以前のユニットに対しての都市の耐久力を向上させます。敵国や蛮族の襲撃の恐れがある都市には、防壁を建てましょう。
- 中央集権的な政府が発生し、強い軍を保有するようになる前、それぞれの都市はその身を自分自身で守らなければなりませんでした。結果として、侵略者や山賊から都市を守るために多くの都市が壁を作るようになりました。都市の防壁は時間的な面でも材料的な面でも非常に主要な投資と言えました。作るのには何年もの年月を要し、常にその強度や完成度を保持するためにメンテナンスがかかせなかったからです。防壁は都市をほとんど全ての攻撃から身を守ることの出来る要塞へと変化させましたが、銃の発達により次第に巨大な軍を防ぐという壁の役割は奪われていくことになりました。
- Walls increase a city's defenses against pre-gunpowder units. Build them in cities under threat from enemy or barbarian assault.
- Before the establishment of centralized governments capable of supporting strong, national armies, individual cities were left to fend for themselves when it came to defense. As a result, many cities constructed city walls to protect against raiders and bandits. City walls represented a major investment in both time and materials, requiring years to complete and constant repairs to maintain their strength and integrity. However, these walls turned the city into a fortress capable of withstanding all but the most determined attack. The development of gunpowder largely put an end to the usefulness of walls in stopping large armies.

- Castle(城)は、火薬発見以前のユニットに対する自国の都市の耐久力を増加させ、少量の文化を産出します。敵対文明の近くにある都市には、城を建てましょう。
- 城は中世ヨーロッパにおいて多くの役割を持っていました。堅牢な防御施設であるだけでなく、行政と司法の中心であり、君主の権力の座でもありました。城には食料や物資を蓄えることができたため、周囲の領地に強い影響を及ぼしていました。世俗の君主のみが城を建築したわけではありませんでした。宗教官僚もまた、自らのより強力な権力基盤を得るために、しばしば同様に城を建築しました。初期の城は通常、土塁の上に築かれた木の防御柵(時には周囲を浅い堀で囲むこともありましたが)程度のものでしかありませんでした。13世紀のイングランドにおける、エドワード懺悔王の治世までには、築城は、何百人もの労働者と専門家が、慎重に選ばれた地理的な位置に、複雑な防御機構を持った巨大な石の砦を築く、より複雑な事業となっていました。火薬により大砲が広く使われるようになって以降は、城は攻撃に対して以前同様の防護を与えるものではなくなり、後世の支配者たちは、宮殿を防衛線としてではなく、美的思想に沿って建築するようになりました。
- Castles increase your city's defenses aganst pre-gunpowder units and generate a small amount of culture. Build them in cities near enemy civilizations.
- Castles served many functions in medieval Europe; not only were they formidable defensive positions, but they served as administrative and judicial centers and as the seat of a lord's power. Since food and supplies could be stockpiled at castles, they exerted strong influence over very large surrounding territories. Secular lords were not the only ones to build castles; religious officials often did so as well, to provide themselves with stronger power bases. Early castles were usually little more than wooden stockades constructed on dirt mounds and perhaps surrounded by a shallow trench; by the time of the reign of Edward the Confessor in 13th century England, castle-building had become a much more elaborate affair, with hundreds of laborers and specialists constructing huge stone fortresses with intricate defenses in carefully selected geographic locations. After gunpowder brought cannons into widespread use, castles failed to provide the same protection from attack, and later rulers built palaces more along aesthetic than defensive lines.

- Barracks(兵舎)は都市で生産される軍隊に経験値を与えます。軍事ユニットを生産する予定の全ての都市に兵舎を建てましょう。
- 戦争は人類の歴史を通して繰り返し行われてきており、今日の世界をも苦しめ続けています。戦争は望ましい状態ではありませんが、最も平和的な社会でさえ、戦争の可能性に対して備えるのは重要なことです。交戦国同士の技術と人員が拮抗しているならば、普通は最高の訓練を受けた兵士が戦闘で勝利します。最新の手法、戦術、技術を用いて軍人を養成するために設立された士官学校や専門学校は世界中に存在します。そのような機関を卒業した男女は、平均よりも高い指揮、軍事、技術に関する技能を有し、戦闘状態においてより有能になります。
- Barracks grant experience points to troops built in their cities. Build them in all cities that will produce military units.
- Warfare has been a recurring phenomenon throughout the history of mankind, and it continues to plague the world today. Although war is not a desirable situation, it is important that even the most peaceful of societies be prepared for the possibility of war. When warring nations are closely matched in technology and manpower, the army with the best training usually wins battles.Military schools and academies exist all over the world, established for the purpose of training military personnel in the latest methods, tactics, and technology. Men and women who graduate from such facilities possess higher than average command and military and technological skills, making them more effective in combat situations.
- Bunker(バンカー)は、空からの攻撃による被害を軽減します。敵国が強力な空軍を保有したときは(あるいはそうなる前に)、バンカーを建てましょう。
- Bunkers reduce damage from air attacks. Build them when (or before!) your enemies have strong air forces.
- The term "bunker" is often used to denote military bomb shelters, often those housing high officials of the military and government. As shown in the second United States-Iraq War, a country with air dominance over a foe can do significant amounts of damage to a city with just a few bombs. Military and political leaders are prime targets for such attacks; often these officials will be protected in bunkers far below city streets. Bunkers are also used to protect communications networks, another important target.
Any improvement in defense usually sparks an improvement in offensive weapons. The United States is building special "bunker-buster" bombs, designed to burrow deep into the ground before exploding. While such bombs may not destroy the deepest bunkers, they can cut off their communications, escape routes and air supply.
Bomb Shelters(核シェルター) †

- Bomb Shelters reduce damage from nuclear attacks. These should be built in your most important cities.
- A bomb shelter is a structure designed to protect the people inside from falling bombs. Today's bomb shelters are designed to shield one from the destruction of a nuclear attack. People have constructed bomb shelters since the first artillery piece was put into action. Sometimes these are rude caves dug in a hillside; sometimes they are elaborate and complicated affairs, self-sustaining for weeks, dug hundreds of feet below the surface.
In the 1950s during the Cold War, American citizens began constructing bomb shelters in their back yards and basements, hoping to avoid destruction during the atomic war they were sure was coming. The US government embarked on an ambitious program to create large bomb shelters in all major cities, stocking them with food, water, blankets, and other essential supplies. These are mostly abandoned today, probably because of the realization that most of them are not strong enough to do much good in the event of a nuclear attack.

- Granary(穀物庫)は食糧を保存し、都市の成長率を増加させるのに役立ちます。自文明がCorn(トウモロコシ)やWheat(小麦)、Rice(米)を利用できる場合は、Health(衛生)が更に追加されます。
- 初期の人類は遊牧民で、特定の地域には短時間しかとどまることはありませんでした。ある地域で食料の供給が尽きると、遊牧民はさらなる供給源を求めて移動しました。農業の成立により食料をより豊富で安定的に供給できるようになって初めて都市の形成が可能になりました。しかし、それでも都市には、四季を通じて食料供給を安定させる方法が必要でした。そのために、市民は、季節ごとの穀物を後の使用のために貯蔵しておく方法を考えなければなりませんでした。穀物庫は、余剰の食糧の貯蔵と保護のために設計されました。食料の貯蔵技術は、人口のより少ない割合の人々が、全員分の食料の供給と貯蔵を行うことを意味し、それにより、残りの人口がその他の仕事や活動を進めることを可能にしました。
- Granaries store food to help increase a city's growth rate. They add additional health if your civ has access to Corn, Wheat, and Rice.
- Early humans were nomadic, settling in specific regions only for brief periods of time. When the food supply was exhausted in one area, the nomads would move on to search for more. Cities became possible only when the development of agriculture made the supply of food more abundant and dependable. However, cities still needed a way to keep the food supply stable throughout all four seasons. To do so, the citizens had to come up with a way to store seasonal crops for later use. The Granary was designed for the storage and protection of surplus food. Food storage technology meant that a smaller percentage of the population could produce and store enough food for everyone, allowing the remainder to pursue other jobs and activities.

- The Aqueduct(水道橋)は都市の衛生を増進します。また、大遺産のHanging Gardens(空中庭園)?の建設に必要です。あなたが都市の更なる成長を望むか、民衆が要求し始めたらAqueducts(水道橋)を建設しましょう。
- 初期の都市における人口の増加と拡張に対する障害のひとつは、水の不足でした。多くの場合、この問題の解決策は水道橋でした。水道橋は、近くの丘や山の水を都市に導く、大きな高架型の「用水路」でした。水道橋により、使用可能な水の量が大幅に増え、都市ははるかに大きく成長できるようになりました。同時に、水道橋は、よどんだ池や井戸への水源としての依存を少なくすることで、飲料水を媒介にした病気にかかる確率を減らしました。水道橋はまた、外部にある水源を供給することにより、砂漠のような、通常居住不可能な環境に都市を建設することを可能にしました。例えば現代のロサンゼルスでは、200マイル以上の長さの上水路システムによって、コロラド川から給水を受けています。
- The Aqueduct improves a city's health and is required to build the Hanging Gardens? wonder. Build Aqueducts when you want to grow a city, or when the populace begins clamoring for it.
- A major obstacle to population growth and expansion in early cities was the scarcity of water. In many cases, the solution to this problem was an aqueduct. Aqueducts were large, elevated stone "canals" through which water from nearby hills and mountains was channeled into the city. Aqueducts allowed cities to grow much larger by significantly increasing the amount of available water. At the same time aqueducts reduced the chance of contracting water-borne diseases, by reducing the dependence on stagnant ponds and wells as water sources. Aqueducts also allowed cities to be built in normally inhospitable environments, such as deserts, by providing an outside water source. Modern day Los Angeles, for example, obtains its water supply from the Colorado River, through a system of aqueducts over 200 miles long.

- Hospital(病院)はユニットのダメージの回復をより早くし、都市にHealth(衛生)を追加します。Hospital(病院)は小遺産Red Cross(赤十字社)?の建設に必要となります。
- 病院は、診断および病気や怪我の治療に重点的に取り組む施設です。これらのサービスを販売する一方、住居の提供も行っています。医薬の技術的革新により、病院は地域社会の中心地となり、教育や研究にその役割を広げています。歴史を通して、病院の役割は、病人や精神障害者を収容する場所から、希望と健康あふれる場所へとその役割を変化させていきました。
- Hospitals help units heal damage more quickly and add health to a city. Hospitals are required to build the Red Cross? national wonder.
- Hospitals are institutions that focus on the diagnosis and treatment of disease and trauma. While dispensing these services, they also provide housing. With technological innovation in medicine, hospitals have increasingly become community hubs, expanding their role to include teaching and research. Throughout history a hospital's role has shifted from a place to secure the ill or insane, to one of hope and health.
Recycling Center(リサイクルセンター) †
- Recycling Center(リサイクルセンター)は、大きなmetropolises(大都市)に於いて深刻な問題となり得る、Forge(鍛冶屋)やFactory(工場)といった都市改善からの汚染を除去します。
- 都市人口の絶え間ない増加は、避けられないゴミの増加に繋がります。最終的には、現存する埋め立て地や廃棄物集積所はいっぱいになり、新たな集積所を作らざるを得なくなります。これは、緩やかな、しかし確実な地域環境の破壊に繋がります。この問題から脱却するため、多くの地域が、大部分のゴミを蓄積し、様々な方法で再利用可能な素材に還元する、リサイクルセンターを設置しました。これらの素材は、新しい製品を製造するために使われます。こうして、排出されたゴミの大部分が、増加の一途をたどる公害問題の原因となることなく、製造用の原料へと変わります。
- Recycling Centers eliminate pollution from city improvements like Forges and Factories, which can become a real problem in larger metropolises.
- The continual growth in city populations leads to an inevitable increase in garbage. Eventually, existing landfills and garbage dumps are filled, forcing new dumping sites to be established. This leads to the gradual but steady destruction of the local environment. To reverse this problem, many areas have established recycling centers, where much of the garbage is sorted and reduced to reusable components through various means. These components are then used to manufacture new products. In this way, much of the trash produced is turned into raw materials for production, rather than contributing to the ever-increasing pollution problem.

- The Lighthouse improves the food output of water plots. A Lighthouse is required to build the Great Lighthouse? wonder.
- A lighthouse is a tower constructed on the shoreline, usually near a harbor or busy waterway. A powerful light sits atop the tower, making the structure visible to mariners for miles around. Lighthouses are built to mark the location of rocks and shoals or other hazards in the dead of night or midst of storms. Before the invention of radar, electricity, and global positioning systems, any vessel sailing near the shore ran a risk of running into such hazards and sinking. Naturally, sailors preferred to sail to destinations that had a method of marking these perils, so harbors with lighthouses flourished.
The original "lighthouse" was probably a bonfire lit by villagers to guide the village's fishing vessels back to harbor at night. Over time people realized that the fires could be seen much farther away if they were built atop platforms or towers. Further improvements were made as technology advanced; mirrors were built to direct the light in the desired directions; oil lamps replaced the more dangerous bonfires, which were in turn replaced by electric lamps.

- Harbor(港)は貿易ルートからの都市収入を増加させます。Clam(二枚貝)や Crab(蟹)、Fish(魚)を利用できる場合は、都市のHealth(衛生)が増加します。
- 都市を沿岸に建設しただけでは、船で簡単にアクセスできることを保証することはできません。港町が、安定した貿易や漁やその他の海運業を確立するためには、その都市に港がなければなりません。港は、海や湖に向かって開かれた、保護された水域で、船を波や突風から保護します。自然の港がある地域に成立する沿岸都市もありますが、多くの港は、船を保護し、大きな船に対応できるような充分深い水路を提供するために、すでにある自然の港を改善するか、人工の港を建設しなければなりません。
- The Harbor increases that city's income from trade routes. It increases a city's health from access to Clam, Crab, and Fish resources.
- Just because a city is built in a coastal region doesn't guarantee that the city is readily accessible by ship. In order for a port city to establish a steady trade, fishing, or other shipping industry, the city must have a harbor. A harbor is a protected body of water that opens into an ocean or lake that shelters ships from waves and high winds. Although some coastal cities are established in areas where a natural harbor exists, most seaports are forced either to improve the existing natural harbor, or to build a man-made harbor to shelter ships and provide channels deep enough to accommodate large vessels.

- Drydock(乾ドック)は貴方が海戦に巻き込まれた際に大変有用となります。Drydock(乾ドック)では艦船がより早く建造され、艦船は経験点を加えられた状態で生産されます。しかしまた、Drydock(乾ドック)は都市のunhealthiness(不衛生)を増やします。
- 乾ドックは、船の建造と修理を行う施設です。乾ドックは水面に浮いた構造物の場合もあるし、陸上の構造物の場合もありえます。乾ドックの中には、船体作業を行うための大きな入り江が一つ以上あります。この入り江は海水面よりも下にあり、排水システムと水密扉を備えています。建造や修理が行われている間、乾ドックは乾いており、ドックの床に置かれた船は、複雑な構造を持った足場に支えられています。建造や修理が完了すると、ドックに水が入れられ、船は足場を離れて静かに浮き上がります。ドック内の水位が海水面に到達すると、乾ドックの扉が開き、船は海に進み出ることができます。
- Drydocks are very useful when you are involved in naval warfare. Drydocks build ships much faster and the ships start off with additional experience points, but Drydocks also add unhealthiness in cities.
- A drydock is a facility for constructing and repairing ships. Drydocks may be floating structures or land-based. They contain one or more large bays in which the ship-work is done. These bays are below sea-level and contain drainage systems and water-tight doors. While construction or repairs are going on, the drydock is dry, the vessel sitting on the dock's floor supported by an elaborate structure of scaffolding. When construction or repairs are complete, the dock is flooded and the ship floats gently off the scaffolding. Once the water level inside the dock reaches sea-level, the drydock's doors are opened and the ship can proceed to sea.

- Airport(空港)は一本の貿易ルートを更に加え、Airport(空港)のある都市では、一ターンに一つのユニットを自文明のあらゆる都市へ空輸する事が出来ます。また、Airport(空港)は都市のunhealthiness(不衛生)を増やします。
- 二十世紀半ばから、航空機は世界の主要な長距離輸送手段のひとつとなっています。今日、ほとんど全ての主要な大都市圏は、旅客と発券の取扱施設や、着陸した航空機の給油や修理を行う施設を備えた、最低ひとつの空港を有しています。1940年代初頭の、戦闘用としての航空機の役割の増大は、空軍基地の広範囲にわたる建設に繋がりました。合衆国内だけで400近いこれらの施設は、軍のすべての部門に配属された航空機の基地として、またメンテナンス施設としての役割を果たしています。
- Airports add an additional trade route, and a city with an Airport can airlift one unit per turn to any of your other cities. Airports also add unhealthiness in cities.
- Since the middle of the 20th century, the airplane has been one of the chief means of long-distance transport in the world. Nearly every major metropolitan area today has at least one airport, with facilities to handle passengers and ticketing, as well as facilities for refueling and repairing the aircraft that land there. Beginning in the 1940s, the growing role of airplanes as combat vehicles led to the widespread construction of military air bases. Nearly 400 of these facilities in the U.S. alone act as bases and maintenance facilities for aircraft assigned to all branches of the military.
- Forge(溶鉱炉)は都市がより早くユニットや建造物を作成するのを可能にします。しかしまた、都市のunhealthiness(不衛生)を増やします。Forge(溶鉱炉)は大遺産The Colossus(ロードス島の巨神像)?、The Eiffel Tower(エッフェル塔)?、The Statue of Liberty(自由の女神)?や小遺産Ironworks(製鉄所)?の建設に必要となります。
- The Forge allows a city to produce units and buildings faster, but also adds unhealthiness in cities. Forges are required to build the Colossus?, Eiffel Tower?, and Statue of Liberty? world wonders, and the Ironworks? national wonder.
- A forge is a furnace where metal is heated or melted. In ancient times smiths with small forges could be found in most settlements. The furnaces were stoked with coal, which was fanned by manually pumped bellows to create intense heat. The blacksmith would heat the metal in the oven and then shape it by putting the metal on an anvil and beating it with heavy hammers. The finished product was then put into cold water to harden and cool. The smith might also melt the metal and pour it into molds.
Modern forges are huge industrial structures requiring many workers to operate. The operation is similar to that in the smithy; except on a grand scale. Tons of ore are poured into massive vats, which are conveyed into the furnace. Once the metal is smelted, it may be mixed with other materials to create an alloy such as steel, and it may undergo a number of different processes to remove impurities. The finished metal can then be rolled into sheets, poured into molds, stamped into coins, and so forth.

- Factory(工場)は都市の生産力を増加させますが、かなり不衛生になります。またFactory(工場)は、Coal(火力)、Hydro(水力)、またはNuclear Plant(原子力発電所)を建設するために必要です(各発電所は特定の資源を使って生産力を増加させます)。
- 大勢の個人が協力して販売や交易用の商品をつくる場所という、工場的な生産の初期の例は、古代ギリシャやローマにまでさかのぼって見ることができます。しかし、現代の工場は、それぞれの労働者が、品物の全製造工程のうちの一工程を行うという、労働者の分業という概念から発展しています。この分業により、工場は、それ以前の生産方法よりも、製造工程の速度と効率をはるかに向上させることができました。生産手法としての工場システムの発達は、産業革命において重要な役割を果たしました。
- Factories increase a city's production at the cost of adding significant unhealthiness. Factories are required to build Coal, Hydro, or Nuclear Plants, which add additional production with the proper resources.
- Early examples of factory-like production, where a number of individuals work cooperatively to produce goods for sale or trade, can be found as far back as ancient Greece and Rome. Modern factories, however, evolved from the concept of specialized labor, where each worker performed a single step in the overall production of an item. This specialization allows factories to increase the speed and efficiency of the manufacturing process, far surpassing earlier means of production. The development of the factory system as a means of production played a key role in the Industrial Revolution.
Coal Plant(火力発電所) †
- Coal Plant(火力発電所)はFactory(工場)にさらなる生産力をもたらしますが、それによる汚染は都市の衛生に悪影響を及ぼします。
- 石炭は古代から散発的に燃料として使われていましたが、石炭の工業的な応用が理解されたのは産業革命以後のことです。初期の工場のほとんどは石炭を動力源として用い、化石燃料を燃やすことで、工場の機械を動かすために必要なエネルギーを放出していました。石炭動力は、大量の有毒な汚染物質を大気中に放出するかわりに、人や動物に頼った動力よりもはるかに大きなエネルギーを供給することができました。火力発電所は、付随する環境公害にもかかわらず、今日でも一般的であり続けています。
- Coal Plants provide power for the Factory, although the pollution will hurt your city's health.
- Coal has been used sporadically as a fuel since ancient times, but it was not until the Industrial Revolution that the industrial applications of coal became understood. Most early factories used coal as a power supply, burning the fossil fuel to release the energy needed to drive the plant's machines. Coal power provided much more energy than relying on the strength of humans or animals, at the cost of releasing large amounts of toxic pollution into the atmosphere. Despite the environmental hazards associated with coal plants, they remain common today.
Hydro Plant(水力発電所) †
- Hydro Plant(水力発電所)はFactories(工場)にさらなる生産力をもたらします。汚染もありません。
- 石炭や石油燃料に代わる発電手段のひとつが、水力発電所です。この設備は、速く流れる水のエネルギーを利用して発電機のタービンを回し、電気を起こします。流水源のある場所ならば、水力発電所は、石炭、石油、原子力発電に代わる、クリーンで安全な手段を提供します。しかしながら、水力発電所は、独自の環境危機を有しています。川の通常の流れを乱し、発電所のダムの後背地に大量の水を流し込むことで、川の流域に生息する野生生物の生息環境を破壊するおそれがあります。
- Hydro Plants provide pollution-free power for Factories.
- One alternative to power generation utilizing coal or petroleum fuels is the hydroelectric power plant. This facility utilizes the energy of rapidly moving water to turn the turbines of its generators and produce electricity. In locations where a source of moving water is available, hydro plants offer a clean, safe alternative to coal, petroleum, and nuclear power generation. Hydro plants have their own set of environmental dangers, however. The disruption of a river's normal flow and the massive flooding of the land behind the facility's dam can destroy the habitat of the wildlife inhabiting the river basin.
Nuclear Plant(原子力発電所) †
- Nuclear Plant(原子力発電所)は、Factories(工場)にさらなる生産力をもたらします(Uranium(ウラン)を入手している必要があります)。
- 原子力発電所は、放射性物質と核分裂を利用することで、発電機を運転する熱と蒸気を生み出し、電気をおこします。原子力は、石炭や石油燃料を燃やすことによる大気汚染を引き起こさないため、この発電手段は、エネルギー源として発展しうる代替手段であると考えられています。しかしながら、核分裂過程により生成される副産物の有毒性が、それ自体の深刻な問題を引き起こしています。この有毒な廃棄物を安全に廃棄する方法はいまだ見つかっておらず、核分裂反応の不安定な性質は、反応が適切に制御できない場合、炉心融解に繋がりえます。これらの問題により、原子力の将来は不透明です。
- With access to Uranium, Nuclear Plants provide power for Factories.
- Nuclear power plants utilize radioactive materials and the process of nuclear fission to generate the heat and steam needed to run electrical generators and produce electricity. Because nuclear power doesn't cause the air pollution associated with the burning of coal or petroleum products, this means of generating power is considered a viable alternative energy source. However, the toxic nature of the byproducts produced by the fission process creates serious problems of its own. No method of safely disposing of this toxic waste has been found, and the volatile nature of the fission reaction can lead to a meltdown of the reactor core if the reaction is not properly controlled. Because of these problems, the future of nuclear power is uncertain.
Obelisk(オベリスク)/ Monument(モニュメント)*1 (WL) †
- Obelisk(オベリスク)は少量の文化を生み出し、都市の境界線の拡張を早めます。
- オベリスクは人々に、その場所で起こった重要な出来事や、かつて生きた、たとえば特に多くの血が流れた戦いの追悼となる高名な将軍のような、重要人物などを思い起こさせるための構造物です。
- Obelisks provide a small amount of culture, and are a good way to expand city borders early on.
- An obelisk is a structure that reminds people of an important event that occurred in the area, or an important person who lived, such as famous generals of remembrances of a particularly bloody conflict.
- Academy(アカデミー)は都市の文化算出量だけでなく科学研究を増加させます。
- アカデミーは、高度な学問のための学校です。中国、エジプト、インドは初期からこれらの機関を持っていましたが、「アカデミー(academy)」という言葉は、紀元前390年頃、プラトンがアテネの哲学学校に対して初めて名付けました。その学校は、「アカデメイア(Hakademia)」と呼ばれる聖なる林の近くに建てられました。
- Academies increase a city's scientific research as well as its cultural output.
- An academy is a school for advanced learning. Though China, Egypt, and India had such institutes earlier, the term "academy" was first applied to the Athenian school of philosophy, founded by Plato in approximately 390 BC. The school was built near a sacred grove named "Hekademia."
An academy was an important asset for a city. It attracted both brilliant scholars and the children of wealthy or noble parents, who might then decide to settle in the city permanently. The academy could provide a broad, general education to its students, or it might concentrate upon a specific subject such as philosophy, mathematics, art, natural philosophy (the world and everything in it), or the martial arts.
Today there are many educational facilities which bear the name "academy." The term is used loosely now, and in addition to its original meaning, is often applied to schools for children and teenagers.

- Library(図書館)は都市の科学研究を速め、文化を生み出します。またUniversity(大学)、大遺産のGreat Library(アレクサンドリア図書館)?、小遺産のNational Epic(民族叙事詩)?とHeroic Epic(ギルガメッシュ叙事詩)?を建設するために必要です。
- 筆記の発達は、社会の知識の積み重ねを、口頭による記憶と伝達ではなく、記録し保存することができることを意味しました。蓄積された資料は図書館に保管されました。古代の図書館、特にアレキサンドリアやペルガモンの図書館は、科学と学問の指導的中心地となりました。図書館員は活発に世界の本を収集し、知識の拡散を加速しました。
- Libraries boost your cities' research and provide culture. They are required to build Universities, the Great Library? wonder, and the National Epic? and Heroic Epic? national wonders.
- The development of writing meant that the accumulated knowledge of a society could be written down and stored rather than memorized and passed along by word of mouth. The accumulated written material was stored in a library. The libraries of the ancient world, especially those at Alexandria and Pergamum, became leading centers of science and scholarship. The librarians actively collected the books of the world, accelerating the spread of knowledge.
- University(大学)は都市の科学研究を増加させ、文化を生み出します。また、University(大学)は小遺産のOxford University(オックスフォード大学)?を建設するために必要です。
- 大学は、高度な学習のための機関です。中世に設立された初期の大学は、通常、大きなあるいは重要な大聖堂のある都市に立てられました。教育課程は急速に拡大し、伝統芸術、文学、語学を含むようになりました。現代の大学は、幅広い領域の科目について学ぶ機会を提供しています。大学はまた、多くの分野の研究の中心となっており、コンピューター、医薬、物理学、その他さまざまな領域の大きな進歩の源としての役目を果たしています。
- The University increases a city's research and provides culture. Universities are required to build the Oxford University? national wonder.
- Universities are institutions of higher learning. Early universities, established in the Middle Ages, were usually built in cities that had a large or important cathedral. Studies at these institutions focused on matters concerning the church. The curricula quickly expanded to include classical art, literature, and languages. Modern universities provide the opportunity to study a wide array of subjects. They have also become centers for research into many fields, serving as the source of major advances in computers, medicine, physics, and a variety of other subjects.
Observatory(天文台) †

- Laboratory(研究所)は都市の科学研究を増加させ、宇宙船のパーツの生産を加速させますが、Health(衛生)に悪影響を与えます。
- 歴史的に、図書館と大学は、新しいアイディアと技術の研究の中心地としての役割を果たしてきました。現代における民間産業の成長は、多数の民営の研究施設もまた生み出しました。これらの、通常設立した企業に関係する単一の分野への研究に従事する民営の研究所は、物理学、生物学、化学、薬学を含む多くの分野について、多大な進歩をもたらしました。民間の出資による研究の成長は、人類の科学技術の新たな進歩の速度を爆発的に速めました。
- Laboratories increase a city's scientific research and its spaceship production, but also add unhealthiness.
- Historically, libraries and universities have acted as the primary centers of research for new ideas and technologies. The growth of private industry in the Modern Age has also given birth to hundreds of privately owned research facilities. These private laboratories, usually dedicated to research in a single field related to their founding company, have made tremendous advances in many fields including physics, biology, chemistry, and medicine. The growth of privately-funded research has vastly increased the speed at which mankind achieves new advances in science and technology.
- Theatre(劇場)は都市の幸福を増加させ、また、文化スライダーによる幸福の産出量を増加させます。さらに、文化を産出し、小遺産Globe Theatre(グローブ座)?の建設に必要です。
- A Theatre increases a city's culture and increases the happiness output from using the culture slider. A Theatre also provides culture and is required to build the Globe Theatre? national wonder.
- A theatre is a building in which audiences can watch a play or other theatrical performance. The earliest theatres were outdoors, constructed in a bowl-shaped depression to allow all in the audience to see the stage. Later, specific buildings were constructed to house theatres.
Modern theatres are similar in layout to the earliest buildings. The audience sits or stands facing a stage; behind the stage is an extensive backstage area holding sets, props, dressing rooms and so forth. The primary difference between stages of Shakespeare's time and modern theaters is that the latter have electrical systems allowing them to light the stage as needed and to amplify the actors' voices.
Colosseum(コロシアム) †
- Colosseum(コロシアム)は都市の幸福を増加させ、文化スライダーによる幸福の産出量を増加させます。
- 最初のコロシアムは、日々の生活からの一時の逃避のための見世物やイベントを催すことで、ローマの一般市民に娯楽を提供していました。この概念は20世紀に蘇っています。今日のスタジアムや市民会館は、コンサートからプロスポーツのイベントにわたる娯楽の場を提供しています。剣闘士の戦いのような暴力的な見世物は過去のものですが、現代のコロシアムは今も、大衆に娯楽と気晴らしを提供し続けています。
- A Colosseum increases a city's happiness and its happiness output from using the culture slider.
- The original colosseum provided entertainment for the common people of Roman society by presenting them with spectacles and events as a temporary escape from day-to-day life. This concept has been revived in the 20th Century. Modern-day stadiums and civic centers provide an arena for entertainment ranging from concerts to professional sporting events. Although the violent spectacle of gladiatorial combat is a thing of the past, today's colosseums still provide entertainment and diversion for the masses.
Broadcast Tower(放送塔) †
- Broadcast Tower(放送塔)は都市の文化産出量を著しく増加させます。また、文化スライダーによる幸福の産出量を増加させます。
- 新聞は毎日発行されていても、今この瞬間に起きていることに対応することはできません。ラジオはその手段を提供し、同時に、他では真似できない娯楽の元を提供しました。世界で起こる様々な出来事について、政府が他者からなされる要求を退けるのは大事なことです-特にそれが真実ならば!ラジオは世界のほとんどの場所でテレビに取って代わられましたが、いまだに政府側のプロパガンダを大衆に広める重要な道具であり続けています。
- Broadcast Towers greatly increase a city's cultural output. They also increases the happiness output from using the culture slider.
- Although newspapers are published on a daily basis, they cannot often keep up to date on what is happening at the moment. Radio provides a means of doing that, as well as providing entertainment sources that would not otherwise be possible. With many events that occur in the world, it is important that the goverment be able to repudiate claims made by others, especially those that are true! Although radio has been superceded by the television in most parts of the world, it is still a valuable tool to disseminate pro-goverment propaganda to the populace.
- Market(市場)は都市の富の産出量を増加させます。また、Fur(毛皮), Ivory(象牙), Silk(絹), Whales(鯨)が利用可能な場合には幸福を増加させます。
- 都市が成長し繁栄するにつれ、近隣に住む農家、職人、工人たちの間の取引が、都市の経済の健全さに貢献するするようになりました。都市内で取引を行う最も良い方法は、都市の中に、物やサービスを提供している、あるいは探している人が出会い、取引を行う中心地、すなわち市場をつくることだということがすぐに明らかになりました。都市の市場がより大きく成長して活発になるにつれ、都市の経済的活力もまた成長していきました。
- Markets increase a city's wealth. They also increase the city's happiness with access to Fur, Ivory, Silk, or Whales.
- As cities grew and prospered, trade between the farmers, artisans, and craftsmen who lived in the vicinity contributed to the economic health of the city. It soon became apparent that the best way for conducting trade within the city was to have a central location, or marketplace, where the people offering goods and services, or seeking them, could meet and conduct business. As a city's marketplace grew larger and more active, the economic vitality of the city grew as well.
- A Grocer increases a city's wealth. It also increases the city's health with access to Spices, Sugar, Wine, or Bananas.
- The word "grocer" is the ancient term for a grocery store. It denotes a market, usually under single ownership (unlike t