Last-modified: 2007-12-25 09:38:53
- ファシズムは 警察国家(Police State)の公民の選択、およびラシュモア山(Mount Rushmore) の遺産の建設を可能にします。また、永世同盟(Permanent Alliances)を結ぶことが可能となります。
- 他の政治形態とは異なり、ファシズムにはどんな具体的な定義もありません。「ファシズム」という言葉は束桿(つまり古代ローマの権威の象徴として使用される棒の束)に由来しており、これはイタリアのBenito Mussoliniによる最初のファシスト党政権が、ローマの栄光を取り戻す事を切望したためです。
- Fascism enables the Police State civic and construction of the Mount Rushmore wonder. It also allows Permanent Alliances.
- Unlike other forms of government, there is no concrete definition of fascism. The word "fascism" comes from the fasces, the bundle of sticks used as a symbol of authority in ancient Rome - appropriately, since the first fascist government, that of Benito Mussolini in Italy, aspired to regain Rome's glory.
Some common elements of fascism include strong nationalist sentiment, xenophobia, subordination of individual interests to the community, militarism and glorification of the army, secret police forces that enforce secret laws, informer networks, suppression of civil liberties and independent media, and economic policies that tightly tie business and commerce to government. (Note that many of these features are common in communist states as well.)
Fascist states need not be authoritarian, although they usually are; when fascist leaders are democratically elected (as Adolf Hitler was), they often try to modify or abolish the democratic institutions that placed the leaders in power.

- Communism(共産主義)は公民State Property(国有財産)の選択とPermanent Alliances(永世同盟)の締結を可能にします。また、世界遺産Kremlin(クレムリン宮殿)と国家遺産Scotland Yard(スコットランド・ヤード)の建設が可能になります。
- Communism enables the State Property civic and Permanent Alliances. It also allows construction of the Kremlin world wonder and Scotland Yard national wonder.
- Communism is a conceptualized system of government in which resources and production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist society, labor is shared equally as well, and the benefits of labor are distributed according to need. Under such a system, all people would be equal, without class stratification.
Although the basic idea of communism has existed since the time of Plato, modern communism is identified with the system of government described by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels in the "Communist Manifesto". They believed that capitalistic systems, in which the rich upper class prospered through the exploitation of the powerless lower class, were bound to destroy themselves. At this point, the poor would rebel against their former oppressors and form a classless society. This prophecy has never come true, and countries that have attempted to base their governments on communism have ultimately failed to achieve the utopia described by Marx and Engels.
Scientific Method(科学的手法) †
- Scientific Method(科学的手法)はOil(石油)の資源を発見できる。また、Great Library(アレクサンドリア図書館)やMonasteries(修道院)を時代遅れにする。
- 人類は常に自分たちを囲む宇宙の理解を追求しました。科学的手法は、理論を科学的法則に変形するための青写真を定めます。第一歩は、過程か現象を特定して、それに関して情報を収集し始めることです。このデータから、科学者は観測された過程の作業に関する仮説を形成します。そして、それらの理論を実証するか、または反駁する追加情報を集めるために一連の実験を行います。理論が実験結果と共存することができるなら、それを科学的法則と呼ぶことができます。これは、多くの法則が技術と新しいアイデアが生まれるにつれて誤りとなったように、決して反駁され得ないというものではありませんが。
- Scientific Method reveals the Oil resource. It makes the Great Library and Monasteries obsolete.
- Mankind has always pursued an understanding of the universe that surrounds them. The scientific method lays down the blueprints for transmuting a theory into scientific law. The first step is to identify a process or phenomenon and begin to gather information about it. From this data, the scientist forms a hypothesis about the workings of the process observed. He or she then proceeds to run a series of experiments to gather additional information that substantiates or disproves their theory. If the theory can co-exist with the findings, it can then be called a scientific law. This is not to say that it cannot be disproved, as many such laws have become false as technology and new ideas are brought to bear.
- Physics(物理学)を最初に発見した文明はGreat Scientist(偉大な科学者)を一人得る。また、Uranium(ウラン)の資源を発見できる。
- 物理学は、多くの物質の形態とエネルギー、およびそれらが相互に作用する方法に関する研究です。多くの古代の人々は、惑星運動などの、物理学のある領域で観測を行いましたが、それらの動きの理由に関して理論を開発することができませんでした。物理学の最初の応用のいくつかがギリシア人の数学者のアルキメデスによって行われました。彼は、レバーとねじのような装置を作成するために物理学を適用しました。 17世紀にようやく、実験的方法と科学的測定装置によって多くの基本的な自然界の法則の真の理解に到達しました。 ジョハネス・ケプラーやアイザック・ニュートン卿などの初期の科学者は、古代ギリシャ哲学者の理論に反駁して、物理学の法則に関する彼らの理論を科学的に立証し始めました。 物理学における発見には、直接的な応用例はめったにありませんが、、宇宙を支配する法則の基本的な理解を提供し、その結果、実用的な科学技術の進歩の基礎を形成します。
- The first civilization to discover Physics receives a Great Scientist. This tech also reveals the Uranium resource.
- Physics is the study of the many forms of matter and energy and the way they interact with themselves and each other. A number of ancient races made observations about certain aspects of physics, such as planetary motion, but were unable to develop theories as to the reasons for these motions. Some of the earliest applications of physics were by the Greek mathematician Archimedes, who applied physics to create such devices as levers and screws. It was not until the 17th century that experimental methods and scientific measuring devices led to a true understanding of many fundamental physical laws. Early scientists such as Johannes Kepler and Sir Isaac Newton began to disprove the theories of the ancient Greek philosophers and scientifically prove their theories concerning the laws of physics. Discoveries in physics rarely have direct applications, however they do provide a basic understanding of the laws governing the universe, thus forming the basis for practical advances in technology.

- Biology(生物学)はIrrigation(灌漑)なしでFarm(農場)を建設可能にする。また、全てのFarm(農場)からの食糧生産を+1増加させる。
- 生物学は、人類が思考を始めて以来周囲にある生物に関する研究です。生物学技術とは特に最初の高倍率の顕微鏡が発明されて以来可能になったバクテリア、ウイルス、および細胞に関する研究を指します。
この研究から得られた人類の利益は計り知れません。細菌がどう広まったかに関する基礎知識と衛生の重要性は、病院の内外で膨大な数の人命を救いました。ペニシリンなどの抗生物質はワクチン接種によってさらに多くの数え切れない命を救いました。 また、生物学の研究はより良い、より病気に強い植物と家畜を作成するために学ばれ、食糧生産の増加につながりました。
生物学において、偉大な進歩が作られ続けています。 遺伝学の研究には、人類のためにすばらしいことをするか、…または人類を破壊する可能性があります、新技術がそれに値する敬意と警告と共に使用されないならば。
- Biology allows your workers to build Farms without Irrigation. It increases the food production of all Farms by 1.
- Biology is the study of living organisms, and it has been around since man began to think. The biology technology specifically refers to the study of bacteria, viruses and cells that became possible once the first powerful microscopes were invented.
The benefits to humanity from this research are incalculable. The basic knowledge of how germs spread and the importance of cleanliness has saved untold millions of lives, inside of hospitals and out. Antibiotics, such as penicillin, have saved countless more, as have vaccinations. This study of biology has also led to increased food production, as ways are learned to create better and more disease-resistant plants and livestock.
Great strides continue to be made in biology. The study of genetics alone has the potential to do great things for mankind ... or to destroy it, if the new technology is not used with the respect and caution it deserves.

- Medicine(医術)は都市改善Hospital(病院)および国家遺産Red Cross(赤十字)の建設を可能にします。
- Medicine allows you to construct the Hospital city improvement and the Red Cross national wonder.
- Primitive man attributed the onset of serious disease as the influence of the gods, or possession by evil spirits. Over time, however, it was found that such "possessions" could be treated through the use of elixirs made from plant extracts. Methods were also developed to clean and treat wounds, and set fractured bones. The ancient Greeks established the first schools to teach medical sciences circa 500 BC. The texts produced by the students of these schools, most notably Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine, based his theories of the human body on observation and reasoning rather than supernatural intervention.
Continued study of diseases over the years, combined with the dissection and study of the human body in the 13th century, pointed out flaws in early Greek theories, and led to more accurate medical texts based on detailed analysis rather than conjecture. By the 18th century, the same methods of analysis and observation used by scientists in other fields were applied to the study of medicine. This paved the way for the increasingly effective methods of treatment and surgery that have prevailed over the last 200 years.

- Electricity(電気)はWindmills(風車小屋)およびWatermills (水車小屋)の生産を増加させます。また、都市改善Bunkers(掩蔽壕)、Bomb Shelters(核シェルター)および世界遺産 Broadway(ブロードウェイ) の建設を可能にします。
- 歴史の夜明け以来人間は稲妻、静電気、および磁石の形で電気の現象を目撃しています。しかしながら、17世紀まで、電気は真剣に研究されませんでした。初期の電気パイオニアは、様々な電気現象を研究して、電気を発生させたり測定したりする装置を組立てました。1892年に、オランダ人の物理学者Hendrik Antoon Lorentsz(ヘンドリック・ローレンツ)は電子論を唱えました。 正と負の荷電粒子の間の反応として電気について説明するこの理論は現代の電気理論の基礎を形成しました。ローレンツの仕事に基づいて、Thomas Edison(トーマス・エジソン)などの初期の技術者は電源として電気の幅広い利用を可能にする方法を開拓しました。
- Electricity improves the output of Windmills and Watermills. It allows construction of Bunkers, Bomb Shelters, and the Broadway wonder.
- Humans have witnessed the phenomenon of electricity in the forms of lightning, static electricity, and magnetism since the dawn of time. Electricity was not seriously studied, however, until the 17th century. Early electrical pioneers studied various electrical phenomena, and built devices both to generate and to measure electrical charges. In 1892 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, a Dutch physicist, advanced the electron theory. This theory, which explains electricity as a reaction between positively and negatively charged electrons, formed the basis for modern electrical theory. Based on Lorentz's work, early engineers such as Thomas Edison pioneered methods allowing the widespread use of electricity as a power source.
Combustion(内燃機関) †
- Combustion(内燃機関)は海軍ユニットTransport(輸送艦)、Destroyer(駆逐艦)およびSubmarine(潜水艦)[Radio(無線通信)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また、地上の資源Oil(石油)の上に地形改善Well(油井)を建設可能にし、資源Whale(鯨)を時代遅れにします。
- 内燃機関の開発は工業化時代の大幅な進歩でした。ドイツ人の技術者のNikolaus Otto(ニコラス・オットー)は1876年に今日の内燃機関の前身を築き上げました。次の10年間のオットーのデザインの改良は、より効率的で強力なエンジンを生み出しました。内燃機関はかつてないほど、世界の輸送を変えました。 初期の蒸気機関を利用する自動車は動力不足で非実用的であると言われていましたが、内燃機関エンジンの自動車は優れた燃費とコンパクトなサイズで、自動車産業は大いに栄えました。Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel(ルドルフ・ディーゼル)によって設計されたディーゼルエンジンを含む数回の変化が、出荷や他の運送業で推進を変革し続けました。
- Combustion allows you to construct Transport, Destroyer, and Submarine (with Radio) naval units. It enables your workers to build the Well improvement on land-based Oil resources and obsoletes the Whale resource.
- The development of internal combustion was a great advance of the Industrial Age. German engineer Nikolaus Otto built the forerunner of today's internal combustion engine in 1876. Refinements on Otto's design over the next ten years led to more efficient and powerful engines. The internal combustion engine forever changed world transportation. Early automobiles utilizing steam engines had proven to be both underpowered and impractical, but the fuel efficiency and compact size of the internal combustion engine allowed the automotive industry to flourish. Several variations, including the diesel engine designed by Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel, went on to revolutionize propulsion in shipping and other transportation industries.

- Fission(核分裂)は都市改善Nuclear Plants(原子力発電所)および世界遺産Manhattan Project(マンハッタン計画)の建設を可能にします。
- Fission enables construction of Nuclear Plants and the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]Manhattan Project[COLOR_REVERT] wonder.
- According to Einstein's theory of relativity, even the smallest bit of matter is equivalent to a tremendous amount of energy. For instance, two pounds of matter, if converted completely into energy, would produce energy equivalent to the explosive force of 22 megatons of high explosives. In 1939, based on German experiments that successfully split the uranium atom, physicists were able to explain the process of nuclear fission. When a large, unstable atomic nucleus splits (fissions) it results in two or more smaller, more stable nuclei accompanied by the release of tremendous amounts of energy and lingering, deadly radioactivity.
The first application of this powerful technology was in warfare. A top-secret research effort in the U.S. known as the Manhattan Project studied the fission process, and eventually produced the first atomic bombs, which were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. These relatively small bombs, the only atomic weapons ever used in a war, each produced an explosion equivalent to more than 20,000 tons of TNT. The nuclear weapons of today are capable of producing explosions thousands of times more powerful.
Steam Power(蒸気機関) †
- Steam Power(蒸気機関)は資源Coal(石炭) を可視にし、労働者の作業効率を50%高めます。また、Ironclad(甲鉄艦)[Steel(鋼鉄)が必要]の生産を可能にし、世界遺産Great Lighthouse(ファロス灯台)およびHagia Sophia(アヤ・ソフィア)を時代遅れにします。
- 蒸気機関はパワーを発生させるのに蒸気を使用する装置です。燃えている燃料(通常石炭か木)によって加熱された水は蒸気に変わります。蒸気は圧力室に送られ、ピストンの運動を引き起こします。ピストンはタービンを動かし、その回転は動力源や発電など、様々な目的に使用できるパワーを発生させます。この装置の原始的な理屈は17世紀後半には既に理解されていましたが、1769年に、スコットランド人技術者のジェームズ・ワットは現代の蒸気機関の基礎になることになった実用的なデザインの特許をとりました。蒸気機関の発明は蒸気機関車や初期の自動車など、多くの画期的な発明につながりました。蒸気機関は運送業における主要な動力源として、より強力でコンパクトな内燃機関の発明まで残っていました。蒸気タービンは今日でもなお、発電など多くのアプリケーションで使用されています。
- Steam Power reveals the Coal resource and causes workers to build improvements 50% faster. It also enables the Ironclad (with Steel) and obsoletes the Great Lighthouse and Hagia Sophia wonders.
- The steam engine is a device that uses steam to generate power. Water, heated by burning fuel (usually coal or wood), turns to steam. The steam is contained in a chamber where it builds up pressure, causing a piston to move. The piston drives a turbine, the rotation of which produces power, which can be use for such purposes as producing motion or generating electricity. The early principles of this device were understood as early as the late 17th century, but it wasn't until 1769 that Scottish engineer James Watt patented a practical design for what was to become the basis for the modern steam engine. The invention of the steam engine led to a number of landmark developments, including the steam locomotive and the earliest examples of automobiles. Steam engines remained the chief means of motive power in the transportation industry until the invention of the more powerful and compact internal combustion engine. Steam turbines are still in use today in a number of applications including the generation of electrical power.

- Steel(鉄鋼)はCannon(カノン砲)および Ironclad(甲鉄艦)[Steam Power(蒸気機関)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また、都市改善Drydock(乾ドック) をよび国家遺産Ironworks(溶鉱炉)の建設を可能にします。
- 14世紀に作り出された鉄の合金は溶鉱炉で鉄鉱石と炭の混合物を加熱し、次に、不純物や「鉱滓」を排出するために溶融金属を砕いて作られました。普通、鉄鋼の製造において、鉄の混合物は、鍛鉄より多くの炭素を吸収します。鉄鋼が鉄よりもろくなく、腐食に耐久力があると判明したので、鋼鉄を生産するための技術が開発されました。溶融状態の鉄を通してコークスと呼ばれる石炭派生物を吹くことで鋼鉄は生産されました。現代のほとんどの製鋼は、大規模ベースでこの工程を実現するために、1855年にヘンリー・ベッセマによって開発された「溶鉱炉」を利用します。鉄鋼の持つ強さと特性によって、鉄鋼は軍艦、飛行機、および他の多くの乗り物のための材料として選ばれました。
- Steel enables you to build Cannon and Ironclads (with Steam Power). It also enables construction of the Drydocks building and the Ironworks national wonder.
- The iron alloys produced up until about the 14th century were made by heating a mixture of iron ore and charcoal in a forge, then pounding the molten metal to drive out the impurities or "slag". Occasionally, the iron mixture would absorb more carbon, creating steel rather than wrought iron. Because steel proved to be less brittle and more resistant to corrosion than iron, techniques were developed to produce steel. Blowing a coal derivative called coke through molten iron did this. Most modern steel making utilizes the "blast furnace", developed by Henry Bessemer in 1855, to accomplish this task on a large-scale basis. The strength and other qualities of steel make it the material of choice for warships, planes, and many other vehicles.

- Railroad(鉄道)はMachine Gun(機関銃)の生産を可能にし、世界遺産Colossus(コロッサス)を時代遅れにしますが、最も重要な機能は、Coal(石炭)があれば労働者がRoads(道路)をRailroads(鉄道)にアップグレードできるようになり、ユニットの移動力を飛躍的に高めることです。
- 近代的な鉄道の前身は16世紀イギリスで建設され始めたWagonwaysでした。Wagonwaysは石炭専用車を舗装されていない道より速く馬によって引くための平行な板の道路です。Wagonwaysは、道を補強するために枕木と鉄の片を加えることによって、徐々に改良されました。結局、板は金属レールになって、19世紀始めから使用された現代の鉄道のレールに発展しました。1829年に蒸気機関車が導入されると、馬に引かれたワゴンに替わる鉄道が生まれました。鉄道は元々イギリスと合衆国東部において、重い採掘鉱物と貨物を、天候や地形に無関係に運搬できる運河より優れた方法として、発展しました。鉄道が商品と同様に乗客を運び始めたとき、その安全、高速かつ安価な輸送の可能性が明らかになりました。鉄道は長距離に移動可能な貨物、乗客、ニュース、および軍隊の量を激増させました。
- Railroad allows construction of Machine Gun units and obsoletes the Colossus wonder. Most importantly, with Coal it allows your workers to upgrade your Roads to Railroads, vastly increasing your units' movement.
- The predecessors to modern railroads were wagonways, which were constructed in England starting in the 16th century. Wagonways were roads of parallel planks upon which coal wagons were pulled by horses at a greater speed than would have been possible on dirt roads. Wagonways were gradually improved by adding cross-ties and iron strips to reinforce the track. Eventually, the planks became metal rails, and evolved into the type of rails used on today's railroads by the start of the 19th century. Soon after the steam locomotive was introduced in 1829, it replaced horse-drawn wagons, giving birth to the railroad. Originally developed in Britain and the eastern United States as a method of hauling heavy mining ores and freight, railroads outshone canals in their ability to operate across any ground and in nearly any weather. When railroads started carrying passengers as well as goods, the potential for safe, fast, inexpensive transport became clear. Railroads led to a dramatic increase in the amount of cargo, passengers, news, and troops that could be moved quickly over great distances.

- Artillery(長距離砲)はArtillery(長距離砲)の生産が可能になります。これはゲーム中盤の強力な砲兵ユニットです。
- "artillery(火砲)"という単語は大きな飛翔体を飛ばし、操作に一人以上の人間が必要なすべての兵器を表します。Civilization IVにおいて火砲の技術とは、弾丸ではなく砲弾を発射する大型で強力な後装式の兵器を発明、生産する技術のことです。これらの兵器の生産は19世紀後半に始まりました。
- Artillery allows you to build Artillery, powerful mid-game siege units.
- The term "artillery" is used to describe any weapon that throws large missiles and requires more than one person to operate. In Civilization IV, the artillery technology refers specifically to the invention and production of large and powerful breech-loading weapons that fire shells rather than balls. Production of these weapons began in the latter half of the 19th Century.
Artillery is defined in a number of ways. One is by the weapon's trajectory: a "direct fire" weapon has a relatively flat trajectory, while an "indirect-fire" weapon has a high arc, allowing the missile to be dropped on targets behind walls, hills or even mountains. Artillery is also defined by its mode of transport; some are "fixed" weapons that cannot be moved, others are "towed" by separate vehicles, and others are "self-propelled."
Today's artillery is extremely lethal. The weapons can fire missiles at targets miles away, their targets spotted from airplane or even satellite. Artillery shells may contain high explosives, shrapnel, fueled-air explosives, mines, or even poison gas. The primary limitation of artillery in modern warfare is its relative slowness; the big guns cannot keep pace with the fast-moving armor and mechanized infantry forces. Jet planes are often used in artillery's traditional role now.
Assembly Line(大量生産) †
- Assembly Line(大量生産)はInfantry(歩兵) [Rifling(施条)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また、都市改善Factory(工場)、世界遺産Pentagon(ペンタゴン)の建設が可能になります。
- 大量生産のアイデアは工場制度とともに形ができはじめました。生産の自動化は生産性を大きく向上させ、製品の値段を低下させました。1913年に、自動車の製造業者だったヘンリー・フォードは流れ作業の考えを彼の工場に導入しました。製品は作業場から別の作業場へとラインに沿って運ばれながら製造されます。どの作業場でも、労働者はいくつかに分かれた組み立て工程の一つを上手に繰り返します。その製品はそれから次の作業場へと送られ、ラインの終端で製品が完成するまで同様に繰り返されます。この専門化された労働者と自動化の革新的な組み合わせは複雑な品物の生産に革命を起こしました。フォードの流れ作業という言葉は急速に広がり、この生産方法はすぐに世界中の工業化した国のほとんどで使われるようになりました。
- Assembly Line allows you to build Infantry (with Rifling). It also enables construction of the Factory building and the Pentagon wonder.
- The idea of mass production began to take shape along with the factory system. The automation of production greatly increased productivity with a corresponding decrease in price for manufactured goods. In 1913, automobile manufacturer Henry Ford introduced the idea of assembly lines in his automobile plants. Products being built were conveyed from one work station to another along the line. At each station, a worker expertly repeated a discreet segment of the assembly process. The product then moved to the next station, and so on until the finished product rolled off the end of the line. This innovative combination of specialization of labor and the use of automation revolutionized production of complex goods. Word of Ford's assembly line technique spread quickly, and this production method soon came to be used in most of the industrialized nations of the world.
Industrialism(産業主義) †
- Industrialism(産業主義)はBattleships(戦艦), Marines(海兵隊) [Rifling(施条) が必要], Tanks(戦車) [Rifling(施条) が必要] の生産が可能になります。また、Aluminum(アルミニウム)がマップ上に現れ、Ivory(象牙) を時代遅れにします。
- Industrialism(産業主義)は生産性を劇的に向上させる機械の使用を必要とします。品物の生産は工場で集中して生産されるようになります。そこは専門化された労働者と、雇用にかかるコストを削減する自動化を組み合わせた場所で、最終的にそのコストは消費者に反映されます。
- Industrialism allows construction of Battleships, Marines (with Rifling), and Tanks (with Rifling). It also reveals the Aluminum resource and obsoletes Ivory.
- Industrialization involves the use of machines to dramatically increase productivity. Production of goods became concentrated in factories, where the combination of specialization of labor and automation reduced labor costs and, ultimately, the cost of the final manufactured product to the consumers. Industrialization revolutionized living standards, both positively and negatively. The rapid growth of production industries and the reduced cost of production have led to the prosperity of some of the richest families in history. Industrialization has also led to the creation of a blue-collar working class. In newly industrialized nations, these workers, skilled only in their chosen trade, are often underpaid and forced to endure abominable working conditions.