Last-modified: 2008-02-10 14:40:42
Archery Units(弓系) †
- 原始的な遠距離攻撃ユニットであり、都市を攻撃から防衛する初期の有効な手段です。ファースト・ストライクのチャンスおよび都市と丘陵からの防御ボーナスを得ることができます。
- This primitive ranged unit is a great early choice for defending your cities from attack. It gets a first strike chance and gets defensive bonuses in cities and on hills.
- The bow and arrow, invented in prehistoric times, greatly improved the hunting skills of early man, allowing him to kill his targets from a distance. The bow was eventually adapted for use in battle, and was first used by Egyptian, Persian, and Assyrian armies as early as 5000 BC. The range provided by the bow allowed small forces of archers to rout armies of superior number armed only with hand-to-hand weapons. Archers were often used to soften enemy resistance prior to sending in mounted and skirmishing forces. Refinements in design and construction allowed the bow to remain an effective weapon until firearms finally replaced it in the 1500s.
Skirmisher(スカーミッシュ兵) †
- Archer(弓兵)に代わるマリのユニークユニットです。都市や丘陵での防御に適しています。
- 最盛期のマリ帝国はアフリカの半分にまで横断して広がり、たくさんの部族を支配下に置きました。マリ帝国は大きな地位の軍隊にその秩序を守らせました。マリは戦争の間はよくスカーミッシュ兵を用いて、主力部隊の側面や正面に緩い陣形をとらせて守らせました。マリのスカーミッシュ兵は軽装射手で、勇気や射手としての心得といった彼らの力は名声となりました。
- This early combat unit (the Mali replacement for the Archer) is a great early choice for city and hill defense.
- At its height, the Mali Empire stretched half-way across Africa, and included many subordinate tribes. To keep order, the Mali employed a huge standing army. During war, the Mali often fought as "skirmishers" - soldiers who fan out in loose formation to protect the main force's flanks or front. The Mali skirmishers were lightly-armed archers in that force, famed for their courage and their marksmanship.

- 強力な弓兵であり、都市や丘陵での防衛時にボーナスを得ます。時代遅れのArchers(弓兵)やSkirmishers(散兵)の代わりに生産しましょう。
- This strong archery unit gets a bonus when defending in cities or on hills. Build them to replace your obsolete Archers and Skirmishers
- Longbowmen were highly skilled archers capable of firing up to six arrows a minute over long distances into massed enemy formations. Using bows constructed from a type of wood called Yew, they used arrows specifically designed to penetrate chainmail armor -- even plate if close enough. Frequently they would comprise approximately four-fifths of an army, and their devastating attacks helped to reverse the dominance of knights in warfare. Only lightly-armored, they enjoyed a great mobility advantage should their opponents survive their barrages.
Once gunpowder began to find applications in the military, their use began to wane. Guns allowed foot soldiers the same effectiveness against knights, but without the decades of training required to be proficient with the longbow.
Crossbowman(弩弓兵) †

- 近接攻撃ユニットとの戦闘時にボーナスを得ることのできる強力な弓系ユニットです。Pikemen(長槍兵やMacemen(鎚鉾兵)とスタックすることで、複数の兵種からなる恐ろしい軍隊にも立ち向かえるでしょう。
- A strong archery unit that gets a bonus when fighting melee units. Stack them with Pikemen and Macemen for a dangerous combined-arms force.
- Crossbows were actively being used in European warfare from 800 to 1500 A.D. They supplanted bows in many European armies for a number of reasons. While an expertly handled longbow had greater range, better accuracy, and a much faster rate of fire than an average crossbow, the value of the crossbow came in its simplicity: a crossbow could be used effectively after a week of training, while a comparable single-shot skill with a longbow could take years. The use of winches allowed soldiers to use and fire weapons with a draw weight far in excess of what they could have handled with a bow. In the later years its use, the crossbow had enough power to penetrate the armor of a knight with ease. Moreover, crossbows could be kept cocked and ready to shoot for some time with little effort, allowing crossbowmen to aim better and to "cover" a target area, while archers could not keep their powerful bows pulled for long periods of time.

- Crossbowman(弩弓兵)の代わりの中国の強力なユニーク弓兵です。2回のファーストストライク、二次的ダメージ、近接戦闘ユニットに対するボーナスを持っています。
- This powerful archery combat unit (the Chinese replacement for the Crossbowman) gets 2 first strikes, collateral damage, and a bonus versus melee units.
- Repeating crossbows have a long history, with the oldest accurate written record dating to the Han dynasty (ca. 20-220 A.D.) in China. The Chinese repeating crossbow, the Chu-ko-nu, is an extremely simple piece of equipment. It is claimed to have been invented by Chinese strategist Zhuge Liang (181-234 A.D.), which is arguable since the earliest drawings of the weapon have been found from the buried library of Chu, dating all the way back to 250 B.C. The Chinese repeating crossbow saw its last serious action in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, where photographs show repeating crossbows as common weapons among Manchurian troops. The basic construction of this weapon has remained mostly unchanged since its invention, making it one of the longest-lived mechanical weapons.

- Archer(弓兵)に代わるバビロニアのユニークユニットです。
- バビロニア弓兵はバビロニアの軍隊の基礎でした。バビロニア人、及び彼らに先にいて彼らと似たシュメール人は戦場において弓兵をおおいに訓練し、同じくらいに配備していました。それらの射手は都市の攻略の際、包囲攻撃の援護ために城壁の軍勢、そこの民衆に恐怖心を植え付けるため、矢による一斉射撃を都市に放ちました。こうした弓兵は防衛戦の鍵として有名になり、最近攻略した都市から戦利品を獲得しました。
- The Bowman was a cornerstone of the Babylonia military.The Babylonians,similar to their Sumerian predecessors,fielded highly trained and well-equipped bowman.These archers were instrumentalin siege warfare;they clered enemy walls of troops,and sowed terror into the populace by launching volleys of fire arrows into the had been captured,these bowman became the key to defending their newly acquired prize.