Last-modified: 2007-12-21 17:15:21
Recon Units(偵察系) †
- 未開拓の土地を探検したいときにはScouts(斥候)を作りましょう。 Tribal Villages(蛮族の村)から良い成果を得られます。ただし、Scouts(斥候)は他のユニットを攻撃することはできません。
- Build Scouts when you want to explore new territory; they get better results from Tribal Villages. However, they cannot attack other units.
- Smart application of a nation's military resources often means identifying the points that would benefit from it the most.The use of lightly armed but fleet of foot scouts to survey the situation can permit this effective application of might.

- Explorers(探検家)は、Scouts(斥候)よりも速く土地を探索することができます。Tribal Villages(蛮族の村)から良い成果を得られます。ただし、Explorers(探検家)は他のユニットを攻撃することはできません。
- Build Explorers to explore uncharted territory more quickly than Scouts can; they get better results from Tribal Villages. They cannot attack other units.
- Throughout history there are those whose thirst for adventure led them from the safe confines of civilized lands. These explorers, frequently funded by government stipends, would then journey into the unknown, charting their progress all the way. These expeditions, and the maps they helped create, became blueprints for the conquest and domestication of the once uncharted regions of the world.