Last-modified: 2007-12-21 17:13:06
Helicopter Units(ヘリコプター) †

- このヘリコプターは高速かつ機甲ユニットの天敵です。敵国を弱らせることはできますが、都市を占領するためには地上ユニットが必要です。
- Gunship(ガンシップ)は現代の軍隊における騎兵隊であり、敵の位置を偵察したり、特殊部隊を敵の前線より奥深くに送り込むなど、様々な目的を達するために作られました。ですが、現在のGunship(ガンシップ)は徹甲ミサイルや高速連射可能な重機関銃で武装しており、敵の戦車や兵士を壊滅させられます。Gunship(ガンシップ)が初めて幅広く活躍したのはベトナム戦争の時でした。ソ連はアフガニスタンでGunship(ガンシップ)を使用しましたが、アメリカは近年のすべての紛争でGunship(ガンシップ)を活用してきました。Gunship(ガンシップ)から身を守るため、地上の兵士たちは対空ミサイルを使用します。アフガニスタン戦争においてCIAが対空ミサイルをアフガニスタン人のゲリラに提供したとき、それによってソ連の戦争のための努力は水泡に帰しました。
- These helicopter units are very fast and quite lethal against armored units. Use them to soften up the enemy but you will have to use a land-based unit to capture cities.
- A gunship is an armed helicopter. They are the cavalry of the modern army, designed to reconnoiter enemy positions, deploy special forces deep behind enemy lines, and so forth. However, modern gunships are armed with armor-piercing missiles and heavy, quick-firing machine guns; with these, a gunship can wreck havoc on enemy tanks and troops. Gunships first saw extensive service in the Vietnam War. The Soviet Union employed gunships in Afghanistan, and the US has used them to great effect in all its recent conflicts. Ground troops defend themselves from gunships with SAMs (surface-to-air missiles). When the CIA supplied Afghan guerillas with such weapons during the Afghanistan war; the Afghans used the SAMs with such devastating effect that they virtually crippled the Soviet war effort.

- 初期の空軍ユニットです。Submarines(潜水艦)の発見と空襲任務が可能で、特に対艦戦で威力を発揮します。
- 巨大な浮揚用ガス袋を水素など空気より軽い気体で満たし、剛性の外殻で固定することで実用的な飛行手段が生まれました。飛行船はその航続距離の長さと最高で64km/h程度にも達する速度からドイツ・フランス・アメリカが相次いで軍事利用し、第一次世界大戦では最初の空爆がロンドンを襲いました。しかしメイコン号やヒンデンブルグ号の墜落を初め悲劇的な事故が相次ぎ、飛行機の台頭も手伝って軍用飛行船は1930年代までに姿を消しました。
- This early flight unit can perform air strikes, see Submarines and inflict significant damage to Naval Units.
- A large balloon of lighter-than-air gas, usually hydrogen, held within a rigid frame, the Airship became the first controllable method of manned flight. Seeing the military applications of the Airship's long flight distance and impressive speeds (the finest Airships could sustain 40mph), Germany, France and the United States each adopted the flying machines into regular use from the turn of the century until the 1930s. During World War I, the first Airship bombing runs struck London. But a number of high profile catastrophes, such as the crash of the US Navy's Macon or Germany's Hindenburg, along with the development of aircraft, returned the Airship to the hangar for good.

- Fighter(戦闘機)は敵の航空ユニットを攻撃し、また、敵領土を偵察する能力を持ちます。戦闘機は航空母艦に搭載すると非常に効果的です。
- 初期の軍用機は主に偵察用でした。最初の戦闘機が出現したのは第一次世界大戦中で、1915年にアントニー・フォッカーの開発した機銃同調装置がプロペラ越しの射撃を可能にした事に起因します。戦闘機の任務は敵偵察機の撃墜、後には敵爆撃機の邀撃と味方爆撃機の護衛が加わりました。爆撃機の安全を確保する最良の手段は敵戦闘機の撃墜なのです。
- Fighter units can attack enemy air units and can scout enemy terrain. They are very useful when stationed on Carrier units.
- The earliest military aircraft were used primarily in a reconnaissance role. In 1915, during World War I, aircraft designer Anthony Fokker developed a gear system that allowed a plane-mounted machine gun to fire through the propeller, giving birth to the first fighter aircraft. The fighter's mission was to shoot down enemy reconnaissance and fighter planes. Later, as the use of bombers became more widespread, fighters were called upon to act as interceptors against enemy bombing runs and escorts for friendly bombers. The best way to ensure the safe passage of friendly bombers to their selected targets is the destruction of enemy fighters.
Jet Fighter(ジェット戦闘機) †

- Jet Fighters(ジェット戦闘機)は従来のFighters(戦闘機)に比べて優れた攻撃範囲を持ち、敵航空機に対する迎撃や攻撃に更に効果的です。
- Jet Fighters have greater range than regular Fighters, and they are better at intercepting and destroying enemy aircraft.
- The introduction of jet engines to fighter aircraft changed the way man wages war in the skies. The primary impact was that of speed, since even early jet engines were able to outperform their rotary peers by three to one. While this improvement was certainly appreciated by their pilots (speed advantages often translate to more options in air combat), it was some time before the nature of this change was fully understood. Dogfighting became a significantly more difficult task, since the window to 'take a shot' was reduced to an instant. The introduction of guided missiles helped address this, as well as increase engagement ranges to beyond what the pilot could visually see. Though missiles dramatically changed air combat, cannons still remained a staple of the vehicles' arsenal. Missiles could be jammed, and early attempts were fraught with unreliability. Without a backup weapon, pilots were often at the mercy of inferior planes, but ones where the pilot wasn't relying on shaky, emerging technologies.

- Bombers(爆撃機)は陸上から発進する航空機です。敵の地上ユニットを攻撃することができます(効果的ではありませんが海上ユニットにも)。そして敵都市の防備を弱めることもできます。Bombers(爆撃機)は攻撃の際にcollateal damage(巻き添え被害)を与えます。
- Bombers are land-based aircraft. They can attack enemy land units (and sea units, but not very effectively), and they can weaken enemy city fortifications. Bombers cause collateral damage when attacking.
- The bombing of strategic targets from the air dates back to the beginning of World War I, when the Germans used zeppelins to bomb Paris and London. Because zeppelins proved to be extremely vulnerable, they were withdrawn from war in favor of airplanes. By the end of World War I planes were being designed specifically as bombers.
The bomber's job is to carry bombs into enemy territory, normally beyond the range of artillery, and destroy targets of military and economic value. Bombers were often designed for specific missions, such as attacking ships, bombing vehicles and railroads, daylight precision bombing, and carpet-bombing.
Stealth Bomber(ステルス爆撃機) †

- Stealth Bombers(ステルス爆撃機)は敵地上ユニットを攻撃できます(非効率的ですが海上ユニットにも)攻撃の際はcollateral damage(巻き添え被害)も与えます。Stealth bombers(ステルス爆撃機)を迎撃、撃墜することは非常に困難です。
- Stealth Bombers can attack enemy land units (and sea units, but less effectively). When attacking they cause collateral damage. Stealth bombers are very difficult for enemy aircraft to intercept and shoot down.
- Concurrent with the development of a stealth fighter, aeronautical engineers began to apply stealth technology to a full-scale bomber. The B-1B bomber, which went into service in 1986 as a replacement for the B-52, incorporated some of these innovations. The radar signature of the B-1B was reduced to a mere one percent that of the B-52 due to its low cross-section and its minimal use of radar-reflective, hard-edged surfaces.
Soon after the B-1B entered service, the U.S. Air Force commissioned Northrop to develop a true stealth bomber as an eventual replacement. First revealed to the public in 1988, the B-2 stealth bomber uses a flying wing design similar in shape to the F-117A stealth fighter. The flying wing design reduces the profile of the B-2 by incorporating its engines into the body of the plane. The engine exhausts and intakes are shielded to prevent infrared tracking. The B-2 also makes use of curved surfaces and radar-absorbing materials to enhance its "invisibility", and make it far less detectable than the B-1B. As of the late 1980s, it was announced that 132 B-2's would be constructed, and would enter service sometime in the 1990s.
Guided Missile(誘導ミサイル) †
- Guided Missile(誘導ミサイル)を使えば射程内の1タイルに強力な攻撃を浴びせることができます。
(訳注 高確率で地形改善を破壊/敵ユニットに致死可能攻撃)
- 誘導ミサイルの発明は火砲を唯一の長距離破壊兵器の座から引き摺り下ろしました。最初の誘導ミサイルは第二次世界大戦中にドイツの科学者によって開発されたV1飛行爆弾です。その後冷戦の時代を通じてミサイル技術は急速に進歩し、命中率と射程に大きな改善が見られました。現代のミサイルは核または通常弾頭を搭載しカバーできる範囲も広がっています。
- Reach out and crush someone with the Guided Missile, which provides a high-powered punch to any single tile within its range.
- Artillery was the only option for long-range, earthborn destruction until the creation of the Guided Missile. Created by German scientists during WWII, the first Guided Missile, the V, was essentially a long-range flying bomb. The V Missile, and the technology behind it, was rapidly upgraded during the Cold War, and later missiles became more precise with more formidable ranges. Capable of carrying a nuclear or conventional explosive payload, modern Guided Missiles fill a wide range of defense needs.
Tactical Nuke(戦術核) †

- ICBM(大陸間弾道ミサイル)より射程は短いものの迎撃回避能力を備えています。
(訳注 威力と効果範囲はICBMと同じ)
- 長期的な抑止力としての戦略核に対し、戦術核と呼ばれるのは短距離核ミサイル・核砲弾・核爆弾など戦場における打撃力としての兵器です。搭載弾頭の威力は広島型原爆の100分の1程度から数十倍まで様々ですが、通常軍との同時運用の際味方を巻き込まない様に戦略核よりは抑えられています。戦術核が実戦で使用された事は未だありませんが、核開発能力を持った国のいくつかは既に配備していると考えられています。
- These short-range Nukes can evade enemy more easily than longer range ICBMs.
- The term "Tactical Nuclear Weapon" describes all non-strategic methods of nuclear-weapon delivery, including short-range nuclear missiles, bombs or artillery shells. These weapons can carry a variety of payloads, ranging anywhere from .1 kiloton to 1 megaton. While no tactical nuke has ever been detonated - unlike its strategic cousin - it is believed that a number of nuclear-capable nations have them in their arsenals. Used for specific engagements rather than long-term deterrence, tactical nukes tend to be only a few times greater in destructive power than their conventional-explosive counterparts, allowing a more efficient, but less widespread, effect. This permits commanders to deploy tactical nukes on the field of battle in conjunction with a conventional assault without fear of overtly harming their own troops.

- ICBM(大陸間弾道ミサイル)は敵都市を核攻撃する能力があり、建造物及び、ユニット、近隣地域に対して絶大な被害をもたらします。
- 第2次世界大戦末期の広島・長崎への原爆投下は、世界の軍事力評価の基準を一変させました。核兵器はその恐るべき爆発力によって地上軍や機甲師団を根こそぎにし、都市を平地にしてしまうことができます。第2次大戦後、互いの軍事力を恐れる敵対国同士によって、核兵器の備蓄量は急速に増加しました。それらの国に関わる全ての国家が全面核戦争によってもたらされる結果を認識して以来、この強大な兵器は全面戦争の抑止力として機能してきました。世界的大国の巨大な核兵器保有量により負わされている脅威は、SDI(戦略防衛構想)、すなわち、ターゲットに到達する前の敵の核ミサイルを飛行中に撃墜する為のシステムを開発することにより、いつか払拭される日が来るかもしれません。
- ICBMs can nuke enemy cities, causing a great deal of damage to buildings, units, and nearby terrain.
- The use of atomic bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima at the end of World War II changed the world's standards for measuring military power. Nuclear weapons can eradicate ground forces and armored divisions, and flatten cities with their awesome explosive power. In the years following World War II, arsenals of nuclear weapons were rapidly built by opposing nations, each fearing the capabilities of the other. This massive arms buildup has acted as a deterrent to full-scale war, since all the governments involved are aware of the consequences should such a war take place. The threat imposed by the huge nuclear arsenals of the world powers may one day be eradicated by the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI, a system designed to destroy enemy missiles in flight before they can reach their targets.