Spies are special "invisible" units which can sneak around the map and have a variety of special abilities. Spies also function defensively by increasing the odds of an enemy spy being exposed if it performs a mission in a nearby tiles.
スパイはScotland Yardの小不思議を持つ都市でのみ作ることができます。
Spies may be built only in a city with the Scotland Yard national wonder.
Spy units are invisible. They cannot be seen, attacked, or otherwise interacted with.
Spies move like other units, except that they do not cause an automatic declaration of war when crossing foreign Borders.
Spies may perform a variety of missions, some of which are automatically fatal and others of which contain a chance of destruction. Spies can perform these missions anywhere on the map, including in territory belonging to allies or to civilizations you are at war with.
Being invisible, spies can move through neutral, friendly and enemy territory without risk.
Investigate City(都市の調査)
Upon entering a foreign city, a spy may look at it's City Screen and thus know important things, like what defenses the city contains, what it is currently building, and so forth.
Destroy Production(生産の妨害)
A spy performs this in a city. If successful, the spy survives and the city loses half of the production points towards whatever it is currently producing. For example, this can be quite devastating if the city is just a couple of turns from completing construction of a wonder. If the mission is unsuccessful, no production is lost and the spy is destroyed.
Sabotage Improvement(地形改善の破壊)
This is performed on any space containing an Improvement. If successful, the improvement is destroyed and the spy survives. If unsuccessful, the spy is destroyed and the improvement survives.
Steal Plans(計画の盗み見)
この任務は"政府の中心"(宮殿(the Palace)、紫禁城(Forbidden Palace)、ベルサイユ宮殿(Versailles)の不思議を含む都市)にいるとき、成功する確率がぐんと高まります。成功した場合、スパイは生き残り、その文明から見える全て――国境内の全てとそれぞれのユニット、国境の視界――をみることができます。失敗した場合、何も見えず、スパイは殺されます。
This mission has a much higher chance of success in one of a civilization's "centers of government" - a city containing (the Palace, Forbidden Palace or Versailles wonder. If successful, the spy survives and you get to see everything that is visible to the foreign civilization. This includes everything in its territory or within sight of its units and borders. If unsuccessful, the spy dies and you don't get to see anything.
The odds of success or failure of a spy's mission depend upon the number of units the other player has in the space the mission takes place. If a space is unoccupied, the chances of success are quite high. The chances of detection and failure increase with each unit in the target space. Further, nearby enemy spies significantly increase the chances of being caught.
If a mission is successful, the target civilization will not know who performed the mission; thus that civilization's opinion of you will not change (see Diplomacy). If the mission is a failure, the target civilization will know exactly who is responsible for the outrage and will adjust its opinion of you appropriately. It is quite possible for a failed spy mission to cause the victim civilization to declare war on your civilization!
Judged strictly upon his physical capabilities, man is not a particularly well-designed animal. Other animals are faster and stronger, others have keener senses, and others are far better equipped for combat. None, however, is as good as man at "technology" - the ability to create practical applications based upon knowledge of his environment.
Take the wheel, for example. Many creatures - mountain goats, for instance - are probably well aware that round rocks move more easily than do flat ones. But beyond figuring out that leaping onto round rocks is a good way to break their neck, goats have not otherwise exploited that knowledge. Man, on the other hand, figured out a way to use that knowledge to his great advantage: he created the technology of the wheel.
There are over 80 technologies available in Civilization IV, each representing an important advance in mankind's ability to manipulate the environment.
各文明は開始時にいくつかの原始的な技術を保有しています。これは文明によって異なります。ある文明はThe Wheel(車輪)とAgriculture(農業)、ある文明はMysticism(神秘主義)とFishing(漁業)のように。既知の技術の他に、新技術を習得するいくつかの方法があります。
Each civilization begins the game with knowledge of several primitive technologies. This list varies from civilization to civilization: one may know The Wheel and Agriculture, while another may know Mysticism and Fishing. Beyond the known technologies, there are a number of ways to acquire new ones:
Friendly Villages(友好的な村) ユニットが世界をExplore (探検)していくと、tribal villages(部族の村)に出会うかもしれません。これらの村はあなたの探険家を攻撃してくるかもしれませんし、マップやお金、新技術を提供してくれるかもしれません。あなたは素早くそれらを探し出すべきです。マップには限られた数のtribal villagesしか存在せず、全ての文明がそれらを欲しがっているからです。
As your units Explore the world, they may encounter tribal villages. These villages may attack your explorers, or they may give them maps, money, or new technology. You need to find them quickly, however; there are only a limited number of tribal villages on the map, and all civilizations want them.
Diplomacy(外交) ゲームが進むと、他の文明から貿易(trade)によって技術を手に入れることが可能です。詳しくはDiplomacyを参照してください。
As the game progresses, you will be able to acquire technologies from other civilizations through trade. See Diplomacy for details.
Research(研究) 研究によって、自分自身の手で新技術を発見することが可能です。これは技術習得の最も一般的な方法です。詳細はその(下の)セクションを参照してください。
You can discover new technologies on your own, through Research. This is the most common way to acquire technologies. See that section for details.
研究が完了して新技術を習得した際、choose a technology(技術の選択)メニューが表示され、研究を開始する他の技術を選択しなければなりません。この時ゲームは選択可能な技術のリストを提供します。多くの技術には、新技術を習得するまでに知っておかなければならないprerequisite technologies(必要条件の技術)が存在します。例えばAnimal Husbandry(畜産)を知らなければ、Horseback Riding (騎乗)を習得し、万能なHorse Archer を生産することはできません。
When you have completed research and learned a new technology, the "choose a technology" menu appears and you must choose another technology to begin researching. At that time the game will provide a list of available technologies for you to choose from. Many techs have "prerequisite technologies" that you must know before you can learn the new technology - for instance, you need to know the Animal Husbandry tech before you can study Horseback Riding and get the versatile Horse Archer units.
研究を始めるために複数の必要条件を持つ技術もあります。例えばMonotheism (一神教)はPolytheism(多神教)とMasonryの両方を必要とします。他に、ある技術か別の技術のどちらかを必要とする技術もあります。例えばAnimal Husbandry (畜産)はHunting (狩猟)とAgriculture(農業)のいずれかを必要としますが、両方必要ではありません。リストには、必要条件の技術を習得し終ったもののみが表示されます。
Some technologies may have multiple prerequisites to begin researching them; other technologies require one tech OR another tech to research. Monotheism is an example of the first group; it requires Polytheism AND Masonry. Animal Husbandry is an example of the second group; it requires Hunting OR Agriculture, but not both. A tech will appear on your list only when you have learned the necessary prerequisite technologies.
The Tech Tree: とても役立つTechnology Tree(F6)はゲーム中の全ての技術と、技術同士がどう関係しているかを表示します。あなたはどれを研究するか選ぶことができ、また現在は研究できない技術をクリックすることで研究の方針を選ぶことができます。ゲームはその際あなたが選んだ技術を研究するための最短経路を選びます。
The Tech Tree: The extremely useful Technology Tree (F6) displays all of the technologies in the game and how they are interrelated. You can select which tech to research from the tree, or choose a research path by clicking on a tech that you want which is not currently available to be researched. The game will choose the shortest possible path to reach the tech you have selected.
Time to Research(研究の期間): 各々の技術は習得に相当な数の"reserch points"を必要とします。choose a technology画面では各々の技術を習得するのにかかるターン数(これは現在のresearch rateに依存します)を表示します。どうやってresearch rateを増加させ、新技術の習得にかかる時間を短縮するかは、Researchを参照してください。
Time to Research: Each technology requires a certain number of "research points" to learn. The "choose a technology" screen lists the number of turns it will take to learn each technology - at your CURRENT research rate. See Research to learn how to increase your research rate and thus shorten the time it takes to learn new technologies.
どの時点でも自由に、文明が研究するものを変更することができます。この変更は、ゲームのメインスクリーンの上部にあるresearch barをクリックするか、Tech Tree(上を参照)を開いて他の技術を選ぶことによって可能です。過去のCivと違い、研究の進路を変更したことによるペナルティはありません。技術の半分を研究し、次の技術を選んで習得し終わらせ、それから最初の技術に戻ってやり残したところから再開することが可能です。
You are free to change what your civilization is researching at any point in time. You can do this by clicking on the research bar at the top of the main game screen, or by opening up the Tech Tree (see above) and selecting a different tech there. Unlike previous Civilization games, there is no penalty for changing research paths. You can research half of one technology, change to a second technology and finish it, then return to the first one and pick up right where you left off before.
Technologies allow you to do cool stuff: build new units, wonders and buildings, change your civics, discover a new religion, trade different stuff with other civilizations, and so forth. Some techs give special bonuses to the civilization that first discovers them. Note that some techs render some Wonders obsolete.
Civilization IVでは、世界は陸と水の「正方形(スクエア)」で構成されています。 各スクエアは特定の「地形タイプ」を持っています。例えば、砂漠、丘、平野、海岸、海洋など。それぞれが追加の「特徴」を含むかもしれません。例えば、森林、ジャングル、オアシスなど。また、川はスクエアの縁に沿って流れます。これらの要素のすべてが、スクエアを通って移動するのがどれくらい容易であるかまたは困難であるかと同様に、都市を建設する場所としてスクエアの有用性を決定するのに役立ちます。そして、もちろん、地形はスクエアで行われるあらゆる戦闘にも重要な影響を与えるかもしれません。以下のにゲームへの地形の効果のすべてを示します。
In Civilization IV, the world is made up of land and water "squares." Each square is designated as a specific "terrain type": for example, desert, hills, plains, coast, ocean, etc. Each may contain additional "features": forest, jungle, oasis, and so forth. A river may run along the edge of the square as well. All of these elements help determine the usefulness of the square as a place to build a city, as well as how easy or difficult it is to move through the square. And, of course, terrain may have important effects on any combat taking place in a square. The charts below display all of the effects of terrain on the game.
すべてのスクエアは陸地が水面かのどちらかです。水用ユニットは(沿岸都市を除いては)陸地スクエアに入ることはできません、同様に、陸上ユニットも水面スクエアに入ることはできません(船で輸送Transport Vesselsされているとき以外は)。航空ユニットは両方に入ることができます。(詳細はAir Units。)
All squares are either land or water squares. Water units cannot enter land spaces (except for coastal cities), and land units cannot enter water squares (unless carried aboard Transport Vessels). Some air units can enter both types. (See Air Units for details on air units.)
Some terrain is more difficult to move through than others. See Movement for details.
2つのユニットが互いにオープンな地形で戦うとき、それらの標準のCombat Strength(戦闘力)で戦います。いくつかの地形は防御側にボーナスを与えます。例えば、ほとんどのユニットは丘陵または森林にいるときに防御ボーナスを得ます。そのようなボーナスは防御側の戦闘力を一時的に高めます。例えば、全快時の槍兵(戦闘力4)は森にいるときに攻撃を受けると、25%の防御ボーナスを得て、その戦闘時のみ戦闘力5にアップします。しかし、槍兵のほうから攻撃した場合には、森林による防御ボーナスは受けられません、つまり、防御ボーナスは防御時のみです。詳細はCombat参照。
When two units fight each other in open terrain, both fight at their standard Combat Strength. Some terrain gives benefits to the defender - for example, most units get "defensive bonuses" when they are occupying hills or forests. Such bonuses serve to temporarily increase the defender's strength for that battle. For example, a spearman at full strength (with a strength of 4) who is attacked while in a forest, gets a 25% defensive bonus; for that battle, his strength is increased to 5. However, if that spearman were to attack, he would get no bonus from the forest - defensive bonuses only go to the defender. See the Combat entry for more information.
Cities draw sustenance from the squares they occupy, and from nearby surrounding squares. Each terrain-type and feature provides a certain amount of Food, Commerce, and Production to cities; the higher these values, the better for the city. Note that Resources will further increase a square's value, as will various worker Improvements. See Cities for more details.
他の地形特徴とは異なり、河川は土地スクエアの中ではなくその間をぬって流れています。河川は隣接するすべてのスクエアに影響を与えます。 Construction(建設)の技術を取得する以前は、河川はユニットの移動時に道路の効果を無効化します。また、河川は対岸からの渡河攻撃時の攻撃力を減少させます。さらに、河川は隣接するスクエアの商業生産を増加させます。
Unlike other terrain features, rivers run alongside land squares, not in them. Rivers can affect all squares they run adjacent to. Rivers negate the movement benefit of roads until you acquire the Construction technology. Rivers also reduce an attacker's combat strength when the target is on the other side of the river. Rivers improve the commerce value of adjacent squares as well.
あなたは他の文明とさまざまな役に立つものを交易できます。Resources(資源)、Technologies(技術)、Gold(金銭), Maps(地図)、さらにはCities(都市)など。交易できる相手はすでに遭遇した文明に限られ、ある項目の取引をするには特定の技術が必要になります。交易の詳細情報はDiplomacy参照。
You can trade a number of useful things with other civilizations: Resources, Technologies, Gold, Maps, and even Cities. You can only trade with civilizations that you have met, and you need certain technologies in order to trade certain items. See Diplomacy for detailed information on trade.
世界では全ての大陸が互いに繋がっていません。島嶼や大陸は非常に長い海によって互いに隔てられているかもしれません。言うまでも無く、陸上ユニットは水の上を行く事は出来ないのです:彼らを運ぶ"naval transports(海上輸送)"が必要となります。
In the world, all land masses are not linked together. Islands and continents may be separated from each other by miles and miles of ocean. Needless to say, land units cannot walk on water: they need "naval transports" to carry them.
ゲームには6種の海上輸送ユニットが存在します。ある物は特定の種類のユニットのみを乗せることができる一方で、他の物は沿岸やCultural Borders(国境)?内の水域を離れることができなかったりするでしょう。
There are six naval transport units in the game. Some may carry only specific types of units, while others may not leave the coastline or waters inside their Cultural Borders?.
Galley(ガレー船)? は最も初期の輸送ユニットです。あらゆるタイプの陸上ユニットを2つ運ぶ事が出来ます。Galley(ガレー船)は沿岸か、あなたのcultural borders(国境)内(ないしOpen Borders(国境開放)?に同意した他の文明のcultural borders(国境)内)に留まらなければなりません。
The Galley? is the earliest transport unit. It can carry up to two land units of any type. The galley must remain in coastal spaces or spaces within your cultural borders (or within the cultural borders of civilizations you have Open Borders? agreements with).
Caravel(帆船)? はGreat Person(偉人)?、Missionary(伝道師)、Scout(斥候)?、Explorer(探検家)?そしてSpy(スパイ)のいずれかを1つ運ぶ事が出来ます。 Caravel(帆船)は全ての海域へ入る事の出来る最初の船舶となります。大抵のユニットと異なり、Caravel(帆船)は他の文明のテリトリーに侵入した際に戦争の引き金となる事はありません。
The Caravel? may carry one Great Person?, Missionary, Scout?, Explorer?, or Spy. The caravel is the first naval unit that can enter all ocean spaces. Unlike most units, Caravels do not trigger war when entering other civilizations' territories.
The Galleon? can carry three land units of any type. It can enter all ocean spaces.
The Transport? can carry four land units of any type. It can enter all ocean spaces.
Submarines(潜水艦)?はほとんどのユニットから不可視となります。Great Person(偉人)?、Missionary(伝道師)、Scout(斥候)?、Explorer(探検家)?そしてSpy(スパイ)のいずれかを1つ運ぶ事が出来ます。Submarines(潜水艦)は全ての海域に入ることができます。Submarines(潜水艦)は他の文明のテリトリーに侵入した際に戦争の引き金となる事はありません。
The Submarine? is invisible to most units. It can carry one Great Person?, Missionary, Scout?, Explorer?, or Spy. Submarines can enter all ocean spaces. Subs do not trigger war when entering other civilizations' territories.
Aircraft Carrier(空母)
Aircraft Carrier(空母)?は3つのFighters(戦闘機)?かJet Fighters(ジェット戦闘機)?を運ぶ事が出来ます。あらゆる海域に入ることができます。
The Aircraft Carrier? can carry three Fighters? and/or Jet Fighters?. It can enter all water spaces.
沿岸都市に陸上ユニットとそれを輸送する船舶の両方が居る場合、ユニットをアクティブ化して"board transport"命令ボタンをクリックすることで乗艦できます。輸送船舶が海岸に居る場合は、ユニットを船舶に直接移動させることで自動的に乗艦します。船舶の積載量に空きがなかったり、輸送できる種類ではなかった場合は乗艦できません。乗艦を行うと、その陸上ユニットはたとえ移動力が残っていても、そのターンはもう行動できません。
If a unit is in a coastal city that is also occupied by a transport that can carry that unit, activate the unit and click on the "board transport" action button. If a transport is in a coastal space, direct the unit to move into the transport's space and it will load automatically. A unit will not board a transport if the transport is full or if it is not allowed aboard that type of vessel. Loading a unit onto a transport uses up any remaining movement points that unit may have had that turn.
輸送船舶が都市にいる場合は、降ろしたいユニットをクリックして"exit transport"命令ボタンを押してください。輸送船舶が海岸に居る場合は、船を陸地スクエアに移動させようとすれば、自動的にすべてのユニットが上陸します。特定のユニットのみを上陸させたいときは、そのユニットをアクティブ化して隣接する陸地スクエアに移動させてください。上陸したユニットはそのターンの移動力をすべて使い果たします。
If a transport is in a city, click on the unit you want to unload and then click on the "exit transport" action button. If the transport is in a coastal square, you can order the transport to move onto a land square and all units aboard will exit onto that space. If you wish to unload just one of the transported units, activate the specific unit and order it to move to an adjacent land space. Unloading a unit uses up all of the unit's movement points for that turn.
To load a fighter onto a carrier, activate the fighter and then right-click on the carrier. To offload a fighter from a carrier, activate the fighter and then right-click on a friendly city.
輸送船舶も他の軍艦と同様に戦闘を行うことができます。輸送船舶が撃沈されたとき、それに乗艦していたすべてのユニットは船とともに海の藻屑となります。陸上ユニットは輸送艦内で戦うことができませんが、戦闘機は適切な任務を与えれば、戦闘できます(詳細はAir Units参照)。
Transports can fight like any other naval vessels. If a transport is sunk, all of the units it carries go down with the ship. Land units cannot fight when loaded aboard transports; fighters can, if given the appropriate mission (see Air Units for details).
Gunship(武装ヘリコプター)? はGalley(ガレー船)、Galleon(ガレオン船) Transport(輸送艦) で輸送することができ、他の陸上ユニットと同じ様に扱えます。Gunship(武装ヘリコプター)がCarrier(空母)に乗る事はできません。
Gunships? (combat helicopters) can be transported by galleys, galleons, and transports and are treated just like other land units. They CANNOT ride on carriers.
Your treasury shows how much wealth your civilization possesses. This must be a positive number or zero, or else your civilization will start selling off units and buildings to pay the costs. See Wealth for information on money and its many uses in the game.
Civilization IVでは、「ユニット」とはマップ上を移動できるすべてのものを指します。ゲーム中には、たくさんのさまざまな種類のユニットが存在します。軍事ユニット、労働ユニット、伝道者、そして偉大な人物。このうち軍事ユニットでは、複数のユニットを一括化できます。
In Civilization IV, the term "unit" refers to anything that can move around the map. There are a number of different types of units in play - military units, work units, missionaries and great people - with military units forming the bulk of them.
All units have two basic statistics (or "stats"): movement speed and combat strength.
Movement Speed(移動速度)
A unit's movement speed determines how quickly the unit can move around the map. Movement speeds generally range from 1 to 8. Some units have movement speeds of 0, which indicates that these units have special rules governing their movement. See the section on Movement for details.
Combat Strength(戦闘力)
A unit's combat strength determines how tough the unit is when fighting an enemy unit. Combat strengths range from 1 to 40, and this base strength can be affected by many modifiers (see Combat). Some units have combat strengths of 0, which indicates that the unit cannot fight or has special rules governing combat. See the section on Combat for more details.
You can obtain units in a number of ways:
Game Start(ゲーム開始時)
You have two or more units at the start of a game. At least one of these units is a settler; the remainder are workers or military units.
Tribal Villages(蛮族の集落)
You may gain a new unit when one of your units enters a tribal village. (Or you may gain gold, technology, or experience - or the village may be hostile and generate barbarians to attack your unit.)
Capturing Units(ユニットの捕獲)
Workers and Settlers are automatically captured when attacked by a military unit, or when they are in a city that is captured. (Note that settler units turn into workers when captured.)
Constructing Units in Cities(都市での生産)
You construct most of your units in Cities. See below.
Generating Units in Cities(都市で発生)
都市は自動的にGreat People(偉人)を生み出すことがあります。詳細は偉人の項を参照。
Your cities generate Great People units automatically. See that section for more details.
Gifts from other Civilizations(他文明からの贈り物)
Very rarely, a civilization may give you a unit.
As discussed above, most of your units come from your cities. Cities also construct buildings (plus other specialized items). They can only construct one item at a time - balancing the need for units against the need for buildings is crucial to your success in the game. Following is some information about constructing units; more can be found in the Cities entry.
Choosing Units to Construct(生産するユニットの選択)
When a city is ready to begin constructing a new unit or building, the city construction menu appears. This lists everything that you can construct in that city, as well as the time required for construction. Click on the unit/building you wish to build and the city will begin construction immediately. If you wish to change what a city is constructing, go to the city screen and click on the new item you wish to build.
Unit Availability(ユニット生産の条件)
ゲームの開始時にはほとんどのユニットが生産できません。多くのユニットがTechnological(技術)上の条件があります。さらに、1種以上のResource(資源)が必要なユニットもあります。例えば、Swordsman(剣士)はIron Working(鉄器)を開発し、さらにIron(鉄)を利用可能にしなければ生産できません。さらに、 Building(建造物)やReligious(宗教)による条件のあるユニットも少数ながら存在します。
Not all units are available for construction at the start of the game. Many units have Technological requirements, and some units require that you have access to one or more Resources; for example, you cannot build a Swordsman until you have researched Iron Working and have access to Iron. Also, a few units have Building and/or Religious prerequisites.
Construction Time(生産時間)
A unit's construction time is based upon the city's Production. The greater the amount of production a city has, the faster it can train new units.
Unit Support Costs(ユニット維持コスト)
The number of free units you will be able to have is affected by the Difficulty Level you are playing. Once you have surpassed the number of free units you are awarded, you will be charged per unit over your free unit total. Each unit costs one gold per turn to maintain. Certain Civics modify the number number of free units that are available to you.
Unit Away Costs(ユニット外征コスト)
Units that are not within your civilizations borders cost additional money to maintain and supply. Invading an enemy civilization will cause a serious strain on your budget.
A circle around a unit's indicates that the unit is "selected" and waiting for your orders. The computer auto-selects each unit waiting for orders in turn; if the unit already has orders the computer will not select that unit. You can also click on any of your units to select them manually.
ユニットを選択後、移動させたり(Movement(移動)参照)、攻撃させたり(Combat(戦闘)参照)といった命令を与えることができます。ユニットは他にも可能な行動を持っていて、それらは画面下部中央の"order box(命令ボックス)"に表示されます。ユニットに命令を与えるには、命令ボックスのアイコンをクリックするか、ショートカットキーを押してください。
When a unit is selected, you can order it to move (see Movement), or to attack (see Combat). The unit might have other options available to it: these are displayed in the unit's "order box" at the middle-bottom of the screen. To give a unit an order, click on the appropriate icon in the order box (many orders have keyboard shortcuts, as well).
There are a wide variety of orders available in Civilization IV. The specific orders available vary from unit to unit and may also vary depending upon the unit's location, health status, experience, and so forth.
その他の命令: Bomber(爆撃機)は爆撃命令を、Fighter(戦闘機)は偵察命令を、Galleon(ガレオン船)は輸送命令を、というように様々な命令を持っています。各ユニットがどんな命令を行えるかはUnit(ユニット)の項を参照してください。
Other Orders: Bombers may have bombing orders; Fighters may have recon orders; Galleons may have transport orders; and so forth. Check on a Unit's Civilopedia entry to find out what a unit can do.
You can select two or more units and give them both orders simultaneously. All of the units must be in the same space on the map. To do so, click on one unit, then shift-click on the other(s). All units will be selected.
Moving Multiple Units(複数ユニットの移動)
If two or more units are selected and you give them orders to move, they will do so in a group, at the speed of the SLOWEST unit. (Note: it is often smart to move a settler and a military unit simultaneously to make sure that the settler doesn't get destroyed by the first animal or barbarian it runs into.)
Multiple Unit Combat(複数ユニットの戦闘)
If you order two or more military units to attack an enemy unit, the most powerful unit against the defender will attack that unit. If that unit's attack is unsuccessful, the attack won't continue automatically; if you want to attack with another unit, you'll have to give that unit new orders. However, if you hold down the ALT key when ordering an attack with multiple units selected, the units will perform a stack attack with combat resolving immediately.
Multiple Unit Improvements(複数ユニットの地形改善)
If you have two or more workers selected, you can order them both to work on improvements. The workers' combined efforts will speed up construction considerably.
A combat unit gets "experience points" for winning battles. Enough experience points will earn that unit promotions.
ユニットはそれぞれ異なるグループに属しています。例えば、Muskets(マスケット兵)は火薬系、Knights(騎士)は騎乗系です。多くの昇進やユニットの能力はユニットの種類に依存します。例えば、Spears(槍兵)は騎乗系との戦闘に強く、Shock の昇進は近接戦闘系に対して+25%のボーナスを得ます。詳細はPromotion(昇進)や各ユニットの項を参照。
Each unit belongs to a different "group"; for example, Muskets are Gunpowder units and Knights are considered Mounted units. Many of the promotions and natural unit abilities are based upon these unit types. For example, Spears naturally get a huge boost when fighting Mounted units, and the Shock promotion grants a unit +25% against Melee units. Consult the entries on Promotions and on each individual unit for more information.