Last-modified: 2007-12-25 09:39:38
Mass Media(マスメディア) †
- この技術はBroadcast Towers(放送塔)および世界遺産Hollywood(ハリウッド)とUnited Nations(国際連合)を建設可能にします。
- マスメディアとは多くの人々に届くあらゆる形式のコミュニケーションを指します。印刷は重要な初期の形式のマスメディアでした、後にラジオ、映画、テレビ、およびインターネットなどが追加されました。
- This technology allows construction of Broadcast Towers, as well as the Hollywood and United Nations wonders.
- Mass media refers to any form of communications that reaches a large number of people. Printing was an important early form of mass media; later additions include the radio, cinema, television, and internet.
Mass media can be an extremely powerful force which can be used in a variety of savory and unsavory fashions. In many times and places, most or all outlets of mass media have been controlled by the state. In the United States, on the other hand, virtually all major forms of mass media are privately owned. The Internet is a new and special form of mass media which is difficult to control, as ownership is shared by everyone who has access to it.
In the Second World War, nations employed sophisticated print, radio and film mass media campaigns to dispense propaganda and to aid their war efforts. Leaders like Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt were masterful speakers whose words - spread through the mass media - changed the world forever.

- Ecology(エコロジー)はEnvironmentalism(環境保護主義)の公民を選択可能にし、労働者がScrub Fallout(汚染の除去)を行えるようになります。また、都市改善Recycling Center(リサイクルセンター)の建設および宇宙船の1部であるSS Life Support(SS生命維持装置)の生産を可能にします。
- Ecology allows the Environmentalism civic and allows workers to Scrub Fallout. It also enables cities to build the Recycling Center and the SS Life Support spaceship part.
- For centuries, human society has taken the gifts of nature for granted. As civilizations grew, humans spread out across the face of the planet, taking what they needed from the land and producing more and more waste materials with little regard for the future. In the late 1960s, a growing number of people became concerned about the growing problems of pollution and the destruction of natural habitats. This movement led to the formation of groups like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The EPA's aim is to reduce all types of pollution. To this end, the agency has imposed strict laws and guidelines concerning the disposal of hazardous materials, set clean water standards, and studied more effective techniques of solid waste disposal. The primary goal of the environmental movement as a whole is to make sure that the environment is safe and intact for future generations to enjoy.

- Flight(飛行機)はCarriers(空母)、Fighters(戦闘機)およびその他の空軍ユニット[ただし、いくつかの追加の技術が必要]を生産可能にします。また、都市改善Airports(空港)の建設も可能にします。
- Flight allows you to build Carriers, Fighters, and other air units (with additional techs). It also enables construction of Airports.
- The idea of flight has tantalized humans since the dawn of time. Early investigations of flying machines date back to the 13th century. In the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci proposed a number of inventions that eventually came to pass, including the propeller and the parachute. Throughout the 19th century, various engineers experimented successfully with gliders, and experiments with compressed air and steam engines attempted to produce self-powered flight with limited success.
The key to success in powered flight was the invention of the internal combustion engine. Just after the turn of the 20th century, Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first four controlled, sustained human flights at Kitty Hawk, NC. The technology of flight advanced rapidly from this landmark event, and within a relatively few years, aircraft were circling the globe, safely delivering passengers and mail at record speeds.
Plastics(プラスチック) †
- Plastics(プラスチック)はWork Boats(作業船)によるOffshore Platforms(海上作業台)の建設を可能にします。また、都市改善Hydro Plants(水力発電所)および世界遺産Three Gorges Dam(三峡ダム)の建設を可能にし、Fur(毛皮)を時代遅れにします。
- 1860年代の合成樹脂の発明は世界中で製品製造を変革しました。19世紀の中頃、科学者たちは高価で調達するのが難しい天然資源に代用できるかもしれない安価な合成物を探していました。例えば、象牙は家庭用品、ファン、ピアノの鍵盤など、多くの商品で使用されていました。象牙は、肌触りが魅力的であって、快適でしたが、動物の数が激減し、それは非常に高価になっていました。
「Parkesine」と呼ばれるプラスチックのような物質は1862年にイギリスで作成されましたが、それは短時間に非常にもろくなってしまい、素材としては不十分であると判明しました。1863年に、John Hyatt(ジョン・ハイアット)というアメリカ人の発明者はParkesineの柔軟性と寿命を改良する方法を発見しまし、新製品を「セルロイド」と呼びました。セルロイドは最初、シャツの袖口とカラーを作るための材料として普及しました。しかしそれはすぐ他の領域に広まりました、例えば映画と写真用フィルムを作るための材料など。
- Plastics enables Work Boats to construct Offshore Platforms. It also lets you build Hydro Plants and the Three Gorges Dam wonder, and obsoletes Fur.
- The creation of plastics in the 1860s revolutionized product manufacturing throughout the world. In the middle of the 19th century, scientists were looking for an inexpensive synthetic substance that could be used to replace natural materials which were expensive and difficult to procure. For example, ivory was used in many goods - utensils, fans, piano keys, and so forth. Ivory was attractive and comfortable to the touch, but it was becoming very expensive as the animal populations were depleted.
A plastic-like substance called "parkesine" was created in England in 1862, but the material proved unsatisfactory; it became very brittle in a short period of time. In 1863 an American inventor named John Hyatt discovered a way to improve the flexibility and longevity of parkesine; he called his new product "celluloid." Celluloid first gained widespread use as a material for making shirt cuffs and collars; but it soon spread into other areas, including as a material for making movie and photographic film.
Over time, more advanced plastics were created; these would see use as everything from fabric to eyeglass lenses to artificial hearts. In fact the modern world is largely built on plastic. This too has a price; plastic's very durability makes it increasingly difficult to dispose of without damaging the world's fragile ecostructure.
Composites(複合材料) †
- Composites(複合材料)はModern Armor(現代機甲部隊)[Computers(コンピューター)が必要]、Jet Fighters(ジェット戦闘機)、およびStealth Bombers(ステルス爆撃機)[Robotics(ロボット工学)が必要]の生産を可能にします。
- 「複合物」という用語は1つ以上の材料で作られるどんな物も指します。複合物は人類の歴史の中で非常に早く使用されました。紀元前1300年までさかのぼる複合弓が発見されています。複合技術とは、基の素材より優れた強度、軽さ、または特別な性質がを持つ様々な金属とプラスチック合成物の20世紀後半の発明を指します。
- Composites enables construction of Modern Armor (with Computers), Jet Fighters, and Stealth Bombers (with Robotics).
- The term "composite" refers to any object that is made up of more than one material. Composites were used quite early in human history; composite bows have been discovered dating back to 1300 BC. The composite technology refers the late 20th Century invention of various metal and plastic composites with greater strength, lightness, and other special properties than the base materials.
Kevlar, the modern battle armor, is a composite material. Modern tanks are constructed of steel-boron nitride composites. Stealth airplanes use composite materials that are much more difficult to spot on radar. The tungsten-carbide composite is used in drill bits and wedding rings.
Composite materials often demand extremely complex and precise manufacturing processes. However expensive the process may be, the resulting material may have superior qualities that make them more than worth the expense.

- Genetics(遺伝子工学)は都市の衛生を著しく増加させます。また、宇宙船の1部であるSS Stasis Chamber(SS冷凍睡眠室)の生産を可能にします。
- 遺伝学工学の分野はデオキシリボ核酸(DNA)の操作にかかわります。DNAは生物の遺伝的特徴を決定する遺伝子の「コード」を含んでいます。生物のDNAのセクションを取り外して、それを別の生物のものに取り替えると、生物の特性を変更することができます。遺伝子工学はその始まり以来、多くの重要な利益を生み出しています、インターフェロンのための遺伝子の分離、ウイルス性の病気と癌の治療にかなりの価値があるかもしれない稀な物質など。また、遺伝子操作はいつか、奇形と遺伝病の療法を提供するかもしれません。残念ながら、この技術は、潜在的危険もまた伴っています。遺伝子を組み換えられた自然発生のどんなものよりも感染力の高い悪性の病気が、偶然にあるいは悪意によって実験室で生み出されるかも知れません。恐ろしい生物兵器としてそのようなウイルスを使用されるかも知れません。遺伝子の実験に関する国内および国際的な規則は、そのような状況が起こるのを防ぐために存在しています。
- Genetics greatly increases the health of your cities. It allows you to build the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]SS Stasis Chamber[COLOR_REVERT] spaceship part.
- The field of genetics involves the manipulation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA contains the genetic "code" which determines the inherited traits of living organisms. Removing a section of an organism's DNA and replacing it with that of another organism can alter the characteristics of the organism. Since its inception, genetic engineering has produced a number of important benefits, such as isolating the gene for interferon, a rare substance that may be of great value in the treatment of viral diseases and cancer. Genetic manipulation may someday also provide a cure for birth defects and inherited diseases. Unfortunately, there are also potential dangers involved in this technology. Genetically engineered diseases, more communicable and virulent than any occurring in nature, could potentially be created in the laboratory by accident or maliciously. Such viruses could be used as a dreadful biological weapon. Domestic and international regulations regarding genetic experimentation exist to prevent such a situation from occurring.
Fiber Optics(光ファイバー) †
- Fiber Optics(光ファイバー)は宇宙船の1部SS Cockpit(SSコックピット)および世界遺産Internet(インターネット)の建設を可能にします。
- 繊維光学は光を伝えるファイバーの製造技術です。光ファイバーケーブルは情報を伝えるのに使用されます、コンピュータのデータ、電話信号、ケーブルテレビなど。光ファイバーには、伝統的なワイヤケーブルより多くの利点があります。光ファイバーケーブルはワイヤケーブルより軽く、大量のデータをワイヤより速く送ることができ、さらに距離による損失がありません。要するに、光ファイバーによって、国家の情報網ははるかに効率的になります。
- Fiber Optics allows you to build the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]SS Cockpit[COLOR_REVERT] spaceship part and [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]The Internet[COLOR_REVERT] wonder.
- Fiber optics is the technology of creating fibers that transmit light. Fiber optic cables are used to transmit information - computer data, telephone signals, cable television, and so forth. They have many advantages over traditional wire cables: fiber optic cables are lighter than wire cables, they can carry huge amounts of data and transmit that data faster than wire, and they don't lose signal over distance. In short, fiber optics make a nation's information network far more efficient.
Fiber optics have other interesting uses, as well. They can be used to make extremely small cameras, such as endoscopes which allow physicians to see precisely what's going on inside a patient's body without requiring surgery. Law enforcement agencies find such cameras extremely useful as well, particularly in hostage situations. And they can be used to make decorative jewelry, sculptures, and Christmas trees.
Fiber optics were first conceived in the 1960s. The first useful cable was created in 1970, and the first trans-Atlantic fiber optic cable was laid in 1988. They are now in common use the world over, and many modern cities have begun to replace their existing wire cables with the new optical cables.

- Fusion(核融合)は宇宙船の1部SS Engine(SSエンジン)の生産を可能にします。最初にこの技術を発見した文明はGreat Engineer(偉大な技術者)を1人得ます。
- 核融合は2個の原子核が融合し、副産物として物凄いエネルギーを発して、1個のより重い原子核を形成する過程です。このタイプの核反応(太陽などの恒星が熱と光を作り出すプロセス)は非常に高い温度と圧力、および燃料を封じ込める高信頼のシステムを必要とします。融合反応は、地球上の人工環境で重水素にサイクロトロンで加速された高エネルギー粒子を射出することによって起こされました。残念ながら、反応で放出されたエネルギー量は、粒子を加速するのに必要とされたエネルギーよりかなり少ないものでした。簡潔な融合反応は熱核兵器の爆発で示されましたが、これらの反応は制御することができないので、発電の役に立ちません。制御可能な融合反応を起こす方法を見つけることができれば、この技術はエネルギー源としてかなりの見込みを提供します。燃料源が豊富で、しかも有害な副産物がない核融合は危険な副作用を伴う原子力発電の安全な代替手段となります。
- Fusion allows you to build the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]SS Engine[COLOR_REVERT] spaceship part. The first to discover this tech receives a Great Engineer.
- Nuclear Fusion is the process by which two atomic nuclei combine to form one heavier atomic nucleus, giving off tremendous energy as a by-product. This type of nuclear reaction, which is the process by which stars such as the sun produce heat and light, requires very high temperatures and an enormous amount of pressure to initiate, and a reliable system of fuel containment to sustain. Fusion reactions have been produced in artificial environments on Earth by bombarding deuterium with high-energy particles accelerated in a cyclotron. Unfortunately, the amount of energy released in the reaction was considerably less than the energy required to accelerate the particles. Brief fusion reactions have been demonstrated in the detonation of thermonuclear weapons, but these reactions are useless for power generation because they cannot be controlled. If a way can be found to produce a controlled fusion reaction, this technology offers great promise as a source of electric power. The combination of abundant fuel sources and no harmful byproducts makes fusion power a safe alternative to the dangerous side effects produced by nuclear fission.

- Radio(無線通信)は強力なBomber(爆撃機)[Flight(飛行機)が必要]およびSubmarine(潜水艦)[Combustion(内燃機関)が必要]のユニットを生産可能にします。また、世界遺産Eiffel Tower(エッフェル塔)とRock N Roll(ロックンロール)を建設可能にします。
- 1896年のGuglielmo Marconi(グリエルモ・マルコニー)のラジオの発明以前は、長距離通信は郵便か長いケーブル上の電報によって行われていました。マルコニーの無線電信機の最初のデモンストレーションはワイヤの使用なしでちょうど1マイル以上送信しました。継続的な改良によって、1901年前半までに可聴範囲は200マイル以上にまで増加し、年末には一つの文字「A」が大西洋の向こう側に伝えられました。1905年までに、多くの船は他の船や陸地とのコミュニケーションのために無線電信機を装備していました。そして、1915年までに、三極真空管の発明で、定期的に音声メッセージを電波の上で伝えることが可能になりました。数年のうちに、無線はコミュニケーションのためだけではなく、検出、索敵(レーダー)および天文学のために応用されました。
- Radio enables the powerful Bomber (with Flight) and Submarine (with Combustion) units. It also allows you to build the Eiffel Tower and Rock N Roll wonders.
- Prior to Guglielmo Marconi's invention of the radio in 1896, long-distance communication was carried out either by mail or over miles of cable via telegraph. Marconi's first demonstration of the radiotelegraph transmitted a message just over one mile without the use of wires. Continued improvements increased transmission range to over 200 miles by early 1901, and by the end of the year a single letter ("A") had been transmitted across the Atlantic Ocean. By 1905, many ships were equipped with radiotelegraphs for ship-to-ship and ship-to-land communications, and by 1915 the invention of the three-element vacuum tube, or triode, made it possible to regularly transmit voice messages over the airwaves. Throughout the years, radio has been refined not only for communication, but for detection and ranging (Radar) and astronomy.
Refrigeration(冷蔵技術) †
- Refrigeration(冷蔵技術)はSupermarket(スーパーマーケット)の建設を可能にします。また、海上ユニットの移動速度を高めます。
- 冷蔵は物体を現在の周囲温度より低い温度へと冷却する技術です。腐敗を遅らせるために食物を冷蔵するか、または凍らせるという最も明白な機能に加えて、冷蔵は現代文明で決定的な役割を果たします。エアコンによって、人々はそれがなければ熱過ぎる環境でも、生きて働くことができます。 そして、多くの機械的、電子的装置は、適切に機能するために冷却を必要とします。
- Refrigeration allows construction of the Supermarket building. It also increases your water units' movement speed.
- Refrigeration is the technology of cooling objects to temperatures below the current ambient temperature. In addition to its most obvious function of chilling or freezing foods to delay spoilage, refrigeration plays a vital part in modern human civilization. Air conditioners allow people to live and function in environments that would otherwise be too hot. And many mechanical and electronic devices require cooling to function properly.
A number of advanced technologies are heavily dependent upon refrigeration. Superconductors, for instance, function best at extremely low temperatures. Space ships and suits must be refrigerated if their inhabitants are to survive in direct sunlight. And the interruption of a nuclear reactor's cooling system is likely to have extremely unfortunate consequences for those nearby.
The invention of the first modern refrigeration system is in dispute, with scientists from England, Australia, Germany and the United States laying claim to the honor. The earliest refrigeration machines were built to make ice; they were constructed in the 1850s. The first home refrigeration systems were constructed around 1900, and the first air conditioning systems were implemented several years later. Residential air conditioners began to gain widespread use in the United States in the 1950s.
Computers(コンピュータ) †
- コンピュータはLab(研究所)の建設を可能にします。 またAngkor Wat(アンコールワット)とSpiral Minaret(Spiral Minaret)を時代遅れにします。
- コンピュータは人間の脳よりはるかにはやく一連の反復性の演算か論理関数を実行することができる装置です。 最初のコンピュータは、複雑な数学の方程式を解決するように設計されました。 イギリス人の数学者のチャールズ・バベッジは19世紀に階差機関と呼ばれるそのような機械を発想しました。 アナログ、または機械的な計算機の多くの変化が、20世紀の前半に築き上げられ、潜水艦での魚雷追跡を計算して、爆撃照準器を制御するようなタスクに使用されました。
1940年代後半のエレクトロニクスの研究の進展は電子計算機の発明につながりました。 18000本の真空管を使った1分間に数百回の計算が可能な最初の完全な電子計算機は1946年に造られました。 エレクトロニクスにおけるさらなる進歩は、サイズを急速に減少させて、コンピュータの速度と効率を上げました。 今日、コンピュータは一般的であり、あらゆる分野で使用されます。 コンピュータ技術における重要な進歩は、驚くべきペースで行われ続けます。
- Computers enables construction of the Lab building. It also obsoletes Angkor Wat and the Spiral Minaret.
- A computer is a device capable of performing a series of repetitive arithmetic or logical functions far more quickly than the human brain. The earliest computers were designed to solve complex mathematical equations. British mathematician Charles Babbage conceived such a machine, called the Analytical Engine, in the 19th century. Many variations of analog, or mechanical, computing devices were built during the first half of the 20th century, and were used for such tasks as computing torpedo tracking in submarines and controlling bombsights.
The growing study of electronics in the late 1940s led to the invention of the digital computer. The first all-electronic computer, containing 18,000 vacuum tubes and capable of hundreds of multiplications per minute, was built in 1946. Further advances in electronics rapidly reduced the size and increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Today, computers are commonplace, and are used in virtually every field of endeavor. Significant advances in computer technology continue to take place at an amazing pace.
Rocketry(ロケット工学) †
- Rocketry(ロケット工学)はSAM Infantry(SAM対戦車ミサイル歩兵)[Rifling(施条)が必要]、Gunship(武装ヘリコプター)[Flight(飛行機)が必要]、ICBM(大陸間弾道ミサイル)[Fission(核分裂)が必要]を作成可能にします。また、国家遺産Apollo Program(アポロ計画)および宇宙船の1部であるSS Casing(SS外殻)の建設を可能にします。
- Rocketry allows you to build SAM Infantry (with Rifling), Gunship (with Flight), and ICBMs (with Fission). It enables the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]Apollo Program[COLOR_REVERT] national wonder and construction of the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]SS Casing[COLOR_REVERT] spaceship part.
- Rockets are projectiles that are propelled by the expulsion of gases generated in a combustion chamber. The first solid-fuel rockets, invented by the Chinese in the 13th century, used a mixture similar to gunpowder for fuel. Although rockets were used in warfare to set fire to buildings and the sails of ships for nearly 500 years, it wasn't until the early 19th century that the first crude explosive rockets were used in battle.
Research and design efforts by scientists such as Robert Goddard in the 20th century refined rocket design to produce faster, better controlled rockets. During World War II, this new technology was used to create the German V-2, the first true guided missile. Scientific developments since World War II have been applied to adapt the rocket for use in even more powerful and accurate weapons with incredible range. The rocket is also used in peaceful application such as the launch of satellites and the exploration of space.
Satellites(人工衛星) †
- Satellites(人工衛星)は世界地図を全て明らかにします。また、宇宙船の1部であるSS Thrusters(SSスラスター)と国家遺産のSDI(SDI防衛システム)を建設できます。
- 人工衛星は天体の周回軌道を維持する宇宙船です。 他のタイプの宇宙飛行の軌道との違いは、追加の推進装置を必要としないということです。 衛星は多くの異なった軌道を保持することができます。 1つは北極および南極の地軸を通る極軌道です。別のものは地球の赤道上を旋回する赤道軌道です。地球の表面からの軌道が遠ければ遠いほど、衛星が地球を周回する時間はより長くかかります。 衛星が地球から2万2300マイルの距離で赤道軌道を使用するなら、地球の自転と同期し、衛星は特定の地域上に常に静止したままの静止衛星となります。
- Satellites reveals the world map. It lets you build the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]SS Thrusters[COLOR_REVERT] spaceship part and enables construction of the [COLOR_PROJECT_TEXT]SDI[COLOR_REVERT] national wonder.
- Artificial satellites are spacecraft that maintain an orbit around a celestial body. What differentiates an orbit from other types of space flight is it doesn't require any additional propulsion. Satellites can hold a number of different orbits. One type is a polar orbit, which causes the spacecraft to pass over the north and south poles. Another is an equatorial orbit, which causes the satellite to circle the Earth's equator. The farther the orbit from the surface of the earth, the longer it takes to complete a circuit of the earth. If the vessel uses an equatorial orbit at a distance of 22,300 miles from Earth, it can achieve geo-synchronous orbit, which causes the satellite to remain stationary over a specific area.
Robotics(ロボット工学) †
- Robotics(ロボット工学)は非常に強力なMechanized Infantry(機械化歩兵)ユニットを生産可能にします。また、宇宙船の1部であるSS Docking Bay(SSドッキングベイ)と世界遺産のSpace Elevator(軌道エレベーター)を建設できます。
- 製造プロセスを補助し、その効率を高める機械の発明は、工場生産システムを生み出し、産業革命を促しました。1940年代後半のデジタルコンピューターの発明およびその後の数十年間における発展は、工場の自動化を一歩進めました。ロボットと呼ばれるコンピューター制御の機械は、反復性のあるいは危険な作業を人間より速く行うことを目的に設計されました。1960年代後半までは単純な作業を行うことの出来る試験的なロボットが稼動していました。ゼネラル・モーターズは1970年代に最初の実用的なロボットを流れ作業に採用しました。コンピュータ分野での絶え間ない進歩は、どんな環境下でも様々な作業を実行可能な、信じられないほど多機能なロボットの生産を可能にしました。今日のロボットは製造業、科学的調査、および宇宙開発に広く利用されています。
- Robotics enables the extremely powerful Mechanized Infantry units. It lets you build the SS Docking Bay spaceship part and the Space Elevator wonder.
- The creation of machines to assist in, and increase the efficiency of, the manufacturing process gave birth to the factory system of production and started the Industrial Revolution. The invention of digital computers in the late 1940s, and their refinement over the next several decades, took factory automation one step further. Computer-controlled machines, called robots, were designed to perform repetitive or dangerous tasks more quickly than humans. Experimental robots capable of simple manipulation of objects were in operation by the late 1960s. General Motors commissioned the first robots used on an assembly line in the 1970s. Constant improvements in the computer field have allowed the production of incredibly versatile robots, capable of performing a wide variety of tasks under virtually any environmental condition. Robots today are widely used in manufacturing, scientific research, and space exploration.
Advanced Flight(航空工学) †
「ああ空へ 大地のくびき すり抜けて 手を出し神の 頬をひとなぜ」
第二次世界大戦の戦闘機パイロット ジョン・ギリスピー・マギー Jr.
- ガンシップとジェット戦闘機の生産が可能になり、航空優勢確保の大きな助けになります。
- ライト兄弟は知っていたでしょうか。2人が最初の飛行機を完成させてから40年も経たない内に、全く新しい動力源を持った新世代の飛行装置「ジェット機」が実用化される事を。ジェットエンジンはタービンにより空気と燃料を混ぜ合わせ、燃焼・噴出させる機構です。レシプロエンジンに比べて軽量かつ高出力で、専用の後退翼と合わさり従来は不可能だった高度と速度を実現しました。実用機で新型エンジンを最初に搭載したのはドイツ空軍の戦闘機メッサーシュミットMe262で、第二次世界大戦に投入されました。現代のジェット機は更に進歩しており、アメリカ空軍の偵察機SR-71ブラックバードはおよそマッハ3で飛行する能力を有しています。また、ヘリコプターの開発にもジェットエンジンが関わっています。ヘリコプターの原型は15世紀のダ・ヴィンチのスケッチにも登場していますが、機体を浮かせるだけの出力を持った動力源はそれまで存在していなかったのです。現在、ジェットエンジンを搭載したヘリコプターは戦闘作戦や海難救助など多くの用途に役立てられており、最も汎用性のある航空機の座を保っています。
"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth - Put out my hand and touched the Face of God." - John Gillespie Magee, Junior
- Advanced Flight allows the construction of Gunships and Jet Fighters, two units essential for controlling the skies.
- Little did the Wright Brothers know that less than four decades after their first plane touched down in the North Carolinian sand, aeronautical engineers would have already created a completely new way to power flight - the jet engine. This new engine, based on a turbine churning ultra-compressed air, lifted aviation to previously unreachable heights. Applied to fixed-wing aircraft, the jet engine found its first application in World War II, powering the German Messerschmitt. In these machines, the jet engine increased speed by lowering the overall weight of the craft while providing a level of power unattainable in propeller-based engines. Modern jets, like the SR-71 Blackbird, are capable of speeds of over 2000 mph. The jet engine would find further application in the creation of the helicopter. While Leonardo da Vinci had sketched prototypes of a rotary-wing aircraft in the fifteenth century, no powering mechanism until the advent of the jet engine could provide the proper balance of horsepower and low weight necessary to keep such a machine airborne. With the engine's incorporation into rotary-wing aircraft, it became possible for helicopters to take part in operations from combat to mid-sea rescue, rapidly making them some of the most versatile flying machines ever built.

SF作家 ダグラス・アダムズ
"Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws." - Douglas Adams
- Laser allows the construction of the Mobile SAM, the ultimate land-based anti-air unit, the Mobile Artillery, the most powerful siege weapon in the game, and the SDI.
- The laser, short for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation," is a focused beam of photons, light energy released by excited atoms. Lasers rely on a phenomenon that occurs when a collection of atoms of certain elements are excited to the same state: they all release the same color of photon. When properly focused through reflective mediums, the result is a high-density beam of photons with innumerable uses, from military targeting to earthquake prevention.
Superconductors(超伝導) †
"What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome." - Friedrich Nietzsche
- Superconductors allow the construction of the Laboratory and SS Thrusters.
- Superconductivity is a property of certain metals and ceramics that allows them to conduct electricity with absolutely no resistance. This superconductive property only emerges at extremely cold temperatures, meaning that their creation demands an in-depth knowledge of low-temp techniques.Since its discovery, the superconductor has found its way into high-power magnets, MRIs (magnetic resonance imagers) and power storage devices that would never have been possible without its unique properties. An interesting side effect of the superconductor is the production of a powerful magnetic field that can produce a levitating effect, called the Meissner Effect, which some hope to translate into the hovering vehicles that were once nothing more than the dreams of science-fiction fans.