Last-modified: 2007-12-25 10:09:42
- Monarchy(君主政治)は都市に駐留している軍事ユニットが幸福をもたらすHereditary Rule(世襲制)の公民を選択可能にします。また、地形改善Wineries(ワイナリー)を建設可能にします。
- 君主政治による支配は部族の族長による独裁政治に理論的な拡張をしたものとして成り立っています。古代エジプトなどにみられるような多くの初期の君主たちは、自分は神聖なる権力によって支配をしているのだと主張しました。中世のヨーロッパでの君主制の広がりにおいては、支配権は一般的には最も軍隊を上手く組織し命令を与えることのできる指導者へと授けられていました。
- Monarchy allows the Hereditary Rule civic, which provides happiness in cities when military units are stationed in them. It also enables Wineries.
- Rule by monarchy developed as a logical extension of the absolute rule of tribal chieftains. Many of the earliest monarchs, such as those in ancient Egypt, claimed that they ruled by divine right. In the spread of European monarchy during the Middle Ages, however, rulership was generally conveyed upon a leader who could most effectively raise and command an army.
Monarchies are dynastic, with rule of the country passing to the eldest son when the king dies or retires. Monarchs had absolute rule over their subjects, severely limiting the personal and economic freedom of all citizens except for nobility and the rich upper class. Although monarchies ruled most of Europe for centuries, the unhappiness of lower-class citizens eventually grew intolerable, causing several major revolutions. By the mid-18th century, the power of the European monarchs had been severely limited, paving the way for participatory systems of government.

- 小七不思議のNational Epic(民族叙事詩)と Heroic Epic(英雄叙事詩)の建設が可能になります。また世界遺産のGreat Library(アレクサンドリア図書館)の建設が可能になります。
- 文学として書く芸術(主題的に書かれた作品)は西洋ではでギリシャ文化と少なくとも同じくらい古いです。バビロニア文化の生き残っている記録は少なくとも2個の叙事詩的な物語を参照します、本文の方ががはるかに古い文学であると推論できるにもかかわらず、どちらも今日まで生き残っていません。 文学の生体の発展が、高度な文化を暗示するようになり、科学、哲学、神学、および芸術における進歩と常に関連します。
西洋の文学はギリシア人とローマ人が確立した形式で存続しましたが、手作業で写本する費用と努力は、学識ある教育に近づく手段を富裕層だけの特権にしました。 また、図書館は文献の倉庫として役立っただけでなく考えの教育と拡散のための中心地になりました。
- Allows you to build the National Epic and Heroic Epic national wonders, as well as the Great Library world wonder.
- The art of writing as literature, bodies of works written thematically, is at least as old in the western world as Greek culture. Surviving records of Babylonian culture refer to at least two epic tales, which infers that literature as a comprehensive body is much older, but neither survive to this day. The development of a living body of literature became indicative of an advanced culture and are always correlated with advances in science, philosophy, theology, and art.
Literature in the western world has survived in the forms that the Greeks and Romans established, but the expense and effort of hand copying texts ensured that only the wealthy had access to literate education. Libraries, which served as storehouses of these bodies of text, also became centers for education and the proliferation of ideas.
Unfortunately the loss of many such libraries, such as the Great Library of Alexandria in a civil war in the 3rd century AD, also heralded the loss of many of these irreplaceable texts. It wasn't until the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg that books were printed rather than transcribed. That single advance in literature opened the field up to those other than monks and the wealthy, birthing a proliferation of literature that spread across the world.
Code of Laws(法律) †
- この技術の最初に発見した文明はConfucianism(儒教)を創始します。またCaste System(カースト制) のcivic(公民)が利用可能になり、Courthouses(裁判所) 、不思議Chichen Itza (チチェン・イツァ)の建設もできるようになります。
- 最も初期の部族の文明は互いの必要性と信念によって結束していました。部族長は神の意志の代弁者および代行者として務め、これらのグループを統治しました。これらの原始的な文化では成文法は全く存在しませんでしたが、神への恐怖と部族の習慣と道徳の観念は部族内の秩序を保ちました。社会が、より大きく複雑になったとき、制定された行動規則の必要性が生じました。最も古い知られている法律はバビロン、インド、およびパレスチナに存在しました。紀元前500年に書かれたローマの十二表法およびその後継の法律(ユスティニアヌス法など)は、公法と私法を区別する最初の法律でした。公法は国家にかかわり、私法は市民の間の論争に関します。ローマ法は、最初の正式に体系化された法律であり、現代の世界の法的なシステムの多くに影響を及ぼし続けました。
- The first to research this tech founds Confucianism. It enables the Caste System civic and allows construction of Courthouses and the Chichen Itza wonder.
- The earliest tribal civilizations were bonded together by mutual needs and beliefs. A tribal chieftain, who acted as an advisor and enforcer of the will of the gods, ruled these groups. No formal laws existed in these early cultures, but fear of the gods and a sense of tribal customs and morality kept order in the tribe. As societies became larger and more diverse, the need arose for established rules of conduct. The earliest known codes of laws existed in Babylon, India, and Palestine. The Twelve Tables of Rome, written in 500 BC, and its successors such as the Justinian Code, were the first codes of law to distinguish between public law, which involves the state, and private law, which concerns disputes between citizens. Roman law was the first formalized written system of laws, and went on to influence many of the legal systems of the modern world.

- Drama(演劇)はCulture(文化)スライダーの調整を可能にします。また、Theatres(劇場)とGlobe Theatre(グローブ座)の建設を可能にします。
- アルフレッド・ヒッチコックはかつて「ドラマは退屈な部分がカットされた人生だ」と言いました。 もし彼が古の時代を生きていたとしても、エウリピデスが演じるのを見て彼は同じ言葉を発したでしょう。「人生」のおもしろい、そしてしばしば起こる悲惨な部分をステージに反映するのは、古代世界の重要な部分であり、私たちの現代の文化を形成するのを助けました。
- Drama allows you to adjust the Culture slider and enables construction of Theatres as well as the Globe Theatre national wonder.
- Alfred Hitchcock once said, "Drama is life with the dull bits cut out." If he'd been alive during ancient times, he might have uttered these same words when facing a play from Euripides. Reflecting the interesting (and often) tragic parts of "life" on the stage was an important part of the ancient world, and helped to shape our modern culture.
- Mathematics(数学) はAqueduct(上水道) と世界遺産Hanging Gardens(空中庭園)の建設を可能にします。
- 未発達の算術は純粋に量的なもので、取引において量や大きさを間違えないようにするために使われていました。この基本的な土台の上に、古代の文明はもっと複雑な数学的概念を定式化し始めました。紀元前1800年頃、エジプト人達は分数や単純な代数の問題を解くための体系を発展させました。彼らはまた面積や体積を計算するための公式を定式化し、更には円周率の値に非常に近い、円の面積を決定するための定数を考案しました。紀元前5世紀あたりまでに、ギリシャの数学者達は幾何と代数の両方に大きく貢献しました。ほぼ同じ時期に、進んだ数学が天文学や力学など他の研究分野に応用されました。もっとも初期の数学法則の応用の一つは投石器のような兵器類の組み立てにおけるものです。
- Mathematics enables construction of the Aqueduct building and the Hanging Gardens wonder.
- Rudimentary arithmetic was purely quantitative, used to keep track of quantities and measurements in trade. Building on this fundamental base, ancient civilizations began to formulate more complex mathematical concepts. As early as 1800 BC, the Egyptians had developed a system for working with fractional numbers and simple algebraic problems. They also formulated geometric formulae for finding area and volume, and came up with a constant for determining the area of a circle that was very close to the value of pi. By about the 5th century BC, the mathematicians of Greece had greatly contributed to both geometry and algebra. Around the same time, advanced mathematics was applied to other sciences and fields of study such as astronomy and mechanics. One of the earliest applications of mathematical principles was in the construction of complex weaponry such as the catapult.
Alphabet(アルファベット) †
- Alphabet(アルファベット) は他の文明との技術の交換を可能にし、都市でResearch(研究)の生産も可能にします。
- 現代のアルファベットの先祖は古代人によって開発された楔形文字や象形文字などのアイコン文字や表意文字の記号でした。最初の知られているアルファベット(北セム語として知られている多くの初期の絵文字記号の組み合わせ)は紀元前1700年から1500年に開発されました。他の4つのアルファベット(南セム語、カナン語、アラム語、およびギリシア語)は紀元前1000年までに北セム語のアルファベットから発展しました。紀元前500年以降のいつごろか、ギリシャ語アルファベットから英語を含む西欧のすべての言語に使用されるローマアルファベットができました。ローマアルファベットはローマ帝国の治世の間のラテン語の大規模な使用によって最も広範囲で使われる文字の1つになりました。歴史と考えが暗記され口頭で伝えられるより書き留められるようになるため、高度な文明の発展にアルファベットの開発は重要でした。
- Alphabet allows you to trade technologies with other civilizations and lets you build Research in cities.
- The ancestors of modern alphabets were the iconographic and ideographic symbols developed by ancient man, such as cuneiform and hieroglyphics. The first known alphabet, a combination of a number of early pictographic symbols known as North Semitic, was developed between 1700 and 1500 BC. Four other alphabets - South Semitic, Canaanite, Aramaic, and Greek - had evolved from the North Semitic alphabet by 1000 BC. The Roman alphabet, used by all the languages of Western Europe including English, was derived from the Greek alphabet sometime after 500 BC. The Roman alphabet became one of the most widespread due to the extensive use of the Latin language during the reign of the Roman Empire. The development of alphabets was significant in the development of advanced civilizations because it allowed history and ideas to be written down, rather than memorized and passed along orally.

- Calendar(暦)は労働者が、多くの価値ある資源と接続できるようになるPlantation(大農園)の改善を作成できるようにします。 この技術はObelisks(オベリスク) Stonehenge(ストーンヘンジ)を旧式化します。
- 暦は人類の文化の発展に重要な役割を果たしました。最も初期の用途は、星の運行を予測して、宗教のお供えを実行するために最も縁起のいい時期を決定する、という神秘主義的なものであったかもしれません、またしかし、作物を植え、収穫する最も良い時期を決定する、という目的のためにも重要でした。
暦を作成するのに必要なのは、慎重な観測と記録保存だけです。 長い間空を見た後に、人は昼が徐々に短くなり次に長くなって、この過程が繰り返すには365日かかるのに気付くかもしれません。これは地球上での生活の重要なサイクルとなる1年の長さを与えるでしょう。月と星の動きのさらなる観測によってより詳細を知ることでしょう。
最も初期の知られているエジプト暦は紀元前4000年に作成されました。 最も初期の知られているシュメール暦はおよそ1000年後に発明されました、そして、最初の中国のものは紀元前1400年頃に発明されました。オルメカ人は紀元前1200年と西暦300年の間のいつごろか、最初のアメリカ大陸のカレンダーを発明しました。
- Calendar allows your workers to construct Plantation improvements, enabling you to access various valuable resources. It obsoletes Obelisks and the Stonehenge wonder.
- Calendars played an important role in the development of human culture. Their earliest uses may have been mystical - to chart the courses of the stars and to determine the most auspicious days upon which to perform religious sacrifices - but they were also critical for determining when the best time was to plant and harvest crops.
All that is needed to create a calendar is careful observation and record-keeping. After watching the skies for a long time, one might notice that the days gradually get shorter and then longer, and that this process takes 365 days to repeat. This would give the length of a year - the great cycle of life on the planet. Further observations on the movement of the moon and stars would provide further details.
Perhaps the most difficult aspect of creating an accurate calendar is that a year takes 365 and a quarter days rather than exactly 365. If one does not take this into account (say, by the inclusion of an extra day every four years as currently), over the years one's calendar will get more and more out of date with the natural world.
The earliest known Egyptian calendar was created in 4000 BC. The earliest known Sumerian calendar was invented around 1000 years later, and the first Chinese one was invented around 1400 BC. The Olmecs invented the first American calendar some time between 1200 BC and 300 AD.

- Currency(通貨)は都市ごとに+1の貿易ルートを追加します。 そしてMarket(市場)とGrocer(食品雑貨店) ( Guilds(同業組合)の技術が必要)の都市改善を可能にし、Wealth(富)の生産を可能にします。また他の文明とお金の交換も可能になります。
- Currency(通貨)add +1 trade routes per city and allows you to construct the Market and Grocer (with Guilds) city improvements. It also enables you to build Wealth in cities and to trade gold with other civs.
- As cities grew, their internal economies became more complicated. People became specialists, some primarily producing grain, some pottery, some bricks, etc. A system of barter developed, so that one individual's wares and services could be exchanged for those of another. Gold and silver were widely used in such transactions, but the pieces needed to be weighed and tested for purity each time they changed hands.
In 600 BC, the Lydians found a way around this problem. They began the practice of shaping electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, into pieces of predetermined weight and purity, stamped with an official symbol. This idea caught on, and within 50 years all the important trading centers of the world had adopted similar practices. The widespread use of currency created universal standards of value, allowing people from various societies to conduct business almost anywhere without being forced to bring along bulky goods for trade and barter.
Iron Working(鉄器) †
- Iron Working(鉄器) により Iron(鉄)が見えるようになります。そして Swordsman(剣士)の作成も可能になります。また労働者がジャングルを伐採できるようにもなります。
- Iron Working reveals the Iron resource and allows construction of the Swordsman unit. It also allows your workers to cut down jungles.
- Some examples of iron ornamentation date back to 4000 BC, but the use of iron for tools, weapons, and other practical purposes did not become common until much later. Prior to this time, bronze was the most widely used metal for such purposes. Although the term "Iron Age" denotes a period of time starting around 1000 BC, iron replaced bronze as the metal of choice at different times in different places.
Iron is more common than copper and tin, the component metals of bronze, but iron is seldom found in a free state; it is most commonly found mixed with other minerals and elements. In order to be used, the iron must be separated from the ore. Once this technique was developed, and forges hot enough to melt the iron were developed, iron working became commonplace. Worked iron was harder, less brittle, and could hold a much sharper edge than bronze. Iron has remained an important metal throughout history, and is one of the major components in the production of steel.
Metal Casting(鋳金) †
- Metal Casting(鋳金)の開発により、都市改善のForge(鍛冶場)(生産力を増強)、および世界遺産のColossus(ロードス島の巨神像)の建設が可能になります。労働者は Workshop(作業場)の地形改善を作成できるようになります。
- 鋳造とは金属で物を作成する手法の一つです。高熱を加えると金属は液体となります
鋳造は複雑な工程です。まず最初に鋳型を作成します。「ロストワックス」法は青銅器時代以来用いられている効率的な方法です。職人は、ワックスで鋳造物のレプリカ、すなわち「陽型」を作成し、粘土でそれを覆います。窯で焼成することで、粘土は硬化し、鋳造物の「陰型」を形作ります。これを鋳型として用います。(もともとのワックスによる陽型は焼成時の熱により融けてなくなります(=lost)。これが名称の由来です) 鋳型を破壊せずに鋳物を取り外せるように、大抵は鋳型を複数の部分に分けて作成します。
- Metal Casting allows you to build Forges, which increase city production. It also enables the Colossus wonder, and lets your workers build Workshop improvements.
- Metal casting is a way to fabricate metal objects. When subjected to extreme heat, metal melts into a liquid. The molten metal is poured into a mold, where it cools and returns to a solid state, holding the shape of the space inside the mold. Once the object is removed, the mold can be reused to make an identical object.
Metal casting is a complex process. First the mold is created. The "lost wax" process is an effective way to create a mold which has been in use since the Bronze Age. In this process the artisan creates in wax a replica, or "positive" copy, of the object to be cast. Then the artisan covers the wax object in clay. When fired in a kiln, the clay hardens around the wax, creating a "negative" image of the object. This is the mold. (The original wax positive melts during the process; thus its title.) Molds are often created in two or more pieces so that the cast metal can be removed without destroying the mold.
Metal casting has some important advantages over earlier methods of working metals like blacksmithing. In blacksmithing, a smith heats and pounds metal until it achieves the required shape. This is a difficult process which requires a lot of skill. It's also quite time-consuming, as the smith can only work on one object at a time. Metal casting, on the other hand, is much more efficient. Once a skilled craftsman creates a mold, it can be used over and over again by less-skilled workers, with a large degree of certainty that the finished objects will be identical. Indeed, a mold can be created that will produce multiple copies of smaller objects, such as spearheads and daggers.
Construction(建築学) †
- この技術はCatapult(カタパルト)とWar Elephant(軍用象) ( Ivory(象牙)が必要)の作成を可能にします。
- 石工の進化は防壁などの単純構造における、石の普及使用につながりましたが、石のブロックの重さと扱いにくい性質のため、より複雑な構造は、より簡単な材料で作られていなければなりませんでした。より長持ちして永久的な材料の普及使用の必要性が明らかになり、古代の職人に新しいやり方を学ばました。 克服するべき最も大きい問題は、石のブロックを用いて柱や壁の間を補う安定した方法を見つけることました。この問題を解決するために、アーチや丸天井などの基本的な建築要素は発展しました。これらの基本的な建築技術は、より大きくて複雑な建物が石とモルタルから作成されるのを可能にしました。これらの初期の建築業者によって建設されたビルやそれらの構造で使われた優れた建築技術の多くがまだ残っています。
- This tech allows you to build the Catapult unit and the War Elephant (with Ivory). It also enables Colosseums, and your units no longer lose movement when crossing rivers on roads.
- The development of masonry led to a widespread use of stone in simple structures such as fortifications, but due to the weight and cumbersome nature of stone blocks, more complex structures had to be made of simpler materials. The need for the widespread use of more durable and permanent materials eventually became apparent, forcing ancient artisans to learn new techniques. The biggest problem to overcome was finding a stable way to span the distance between two upright columns or walls using stone blocks. To solve this problem, fundamental architectural elements such as the arch and vault evolved. These basic construction techniques allowed larger and more elaborate buildings to be created from stone and mortar. Many of the buildings erected by these early builders are still standing, a testament to the sound construction techniques employed in their construction.

- Compass(羅針盤)は都市で Explorers(探検家)とHarbors(港)の作成を可能にします。他の海事技術へと繋がります。
- Compass allows your cities to create Explorers and build Harbors and leads to other naval technologies.
- The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Chinese knew the phenomenon of magnetism. They observed that lodestone, an iron-bearing ore, attracted other iron. They also noted that pieces of iron that came into contact with lodestone gained magnetic properties as well. The electromagnetic force of attraction and repulsion between various substances is due to the motion of positively and negatively charged electrons. Every magnet has positive and negative sides, called poles. Poles with a like charge repel one another, and poles with opposite charges attract one another.
The study of magnetic phenomena soon showed that a free-floating magnet aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field, one pole pointing north, the other south. This was an important discovery, and led to the invention of the compass in the early 13th century. The use of the compass revolutionized sea travel by reducing the reliance on landmarks and stars for navigation.

フランスの作家 ジョルジュ・サンド
"Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for." - George Sand
- Aesthetics allows the construction of The Parthenon, The Statue of Zeus and the Shwedagon Paya Wonders.
- Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions of art and beauty. Every culture in the world has its own Aesthetics, the study of art being nearly as old as art itself. Modern Aesthetics delves into all forms of art - theater, poetry, literature, film, etc. - but in its earliest form, aesthetics dealt largely with the visual arts. While clashing senses of Aesthetics have caused many squabbles in their times, one city has been the center of some of the most violent artistic struggles throughout history - Istanbul. During the ninth century, Christian killed Christian in the city then known as Constantinople as the followers of Christ attempted to decide whether religious icons should be considered blasphemous. With the conquest of the city by the Ottomans, previous artistic works deemed offensive were removed or vandalized. Inside the Hagia Sophia, mosaics of Christian religious figures were covered with plaster, that only now, several hundred years later, are finally being revealed.