Last-modified: 2007-12-25 09:43:21
- Feudalism(封建制度)はLongbowmen(長弓兵)(Archery(弓術)が必要)の生産を可能にします。またVassalage(封土制)とSerfdom(農奴制)の公民が利用できるようになります。
- シャルルマーニュ大帝のフランク王国の崩壊の後の不安定な時代に、封建制度と呼ばれる新しい社会的政治的システムがヨーロッパに生まれました。君主制の概念から派生した封建制度は下の階級が上の階級に忠誠を誓う階級制度でした。王(神を除いて、権威は他に引けを取らなかった)は、貴族に領地を与え、貴族は、自分を守り、命令に従うと誓った騎士に、より小さい領地を与えるかもしれません。そして、騎士は順番に領地の1部を自分に仕える従者に与えるかもしれません。封建的なピラミッドの最下層には、土地を所有することができず、彼らの主人のために土地を耕す奴隷的労働者である農奴がいました。封建制度は13世紀に衰退し、その時には、常備軍と傭兵が家臣と騎士が果たした保護的な役割を果たし始めました。
- Feudalism allows production of Longbowmen (with Archery). It also enables the Vassalage and Serfdom civics.
- In the unsettled times following the collapse of Charlemagne's Frankish empire, a new social and political system arose in Europe called feudalism. Derived from the concept of monarchy, feudalism was a hierarchical system in which each descending stratum owed allegiance to those above. The king, whose authority was second only to God, granted tracts of land, or fiefs, to his barons. The barons might then grant smaller estates to knights, who swore to protect and serve the baron. The knights, in turn, might then grant fractions of their fiefs to subordinates who would serve the knights. At the bottom of the feudal pyramid were the serfs, who could not own land, and acted essentially as slave laborers who worked the land for their masters. Feudalism began to decline in the 13th century, when standing armies and mercenaries began to fulfill the protective role once served by the vassals and knights.

- この技術の最初の発見者はChristianity(キリスト教)を創始します。そしてTheocracy(神権政治)の公民を選択可能にし、世界遺産Sistine Chapel(システィナ礼拝堂)の建築が可能になります。
- 神学は神と信仰の真実に関する研究です。神学者は宗教の質問に対して、聖書と宗教の教示の基本的な意味を深く研究して、教義に頼るのではなく多少科学的なアプローチを取ります。神学校は、聖職者と牧師となる準備として神学の学習指導要領を教えます。西世界の最も初期の大学の多くが、元々このために設立されました。神学の研究は、かなりの間信仰の周りにあった迷信のいくつかを取り除き、宗教研究をより開眼している時代に運び込みました。
- The first to research this tech founds Christianity. It enables the Theocracy civic and allows construction of the Sistine Chapel wonder.
- Theology is the study of God and religious truth. Theologians take a more or less scientific approach to questions of religion, deeply studying the underlying meaning of scriptures and religious teachings rather than "taking them on faith". Theological seminaries teach courses of study in theology to prepare people as priests and clergymen. Many of the earliest colleges of the western world were originally established for this purpose. Theological study helped to remove some of the superstitions that had surrounded religion for so long, and brought religious study into a more enlightened age.

- この技術の最初の発見者はGreat Artist(偉大な芸術家)を与えられます。また、Cathedrals(大聖堂)とNotre Dame(ノートルダム大聖堂:世界遺産)の建築ができるようになります。更にProduction(生産)を直接Culture(文化)に変換することもできるようになります。
- 人は音楽に、言語に匹敵する快適なものを見出します。言語に単語、文、およびストーリーがたくさんあるように、音楽には、トーン、メロディー、および歌があります。音楽理論は音楽を構成する要素を強調します。そのうちの1つはメロディー(基本的な、しかし非常にフレキシブルな構造にとって構成される音符の組み合わせ)です。別のものは和音(ハーモニーを生み出すために同時に演奏される2つ以上の音符)です。歴史中における音楽の衝撃はエンターテインメントと芸術の両方で明らかに見つけることができます。
- The first to research Music receives a Great Artist. It also allows construction of Cathedrals and the Notre Dame wonder. Finally, cities can convert production directly into Culture.
- Music finds a comfortable parallel with that of human language. Much as language has words, sentences, and stories, music has tones, melodies, and songs. The theory of music emphasizes the elements from which music is composed. One such structure is the melody, which is a grouping of musical notes that combine into a basic, but immensely flexible structure. Another is the chord, which is two or more notes played simultaneously to create a harmony. The impact of music throughout history can be clearly seen, as both entertainment and an art.

- この技術は強力なKnight(騎士)[Horseback Riding(騎乗)が必要]の生産および、都市改善Grocer(食料雑貨店)の建設を可能にします。また、すべてのWorkshop(作業場)での生産を+1増加させます。
- ギルドとは同じ職業の人々の協会です。ギルドは、彼らのメンバーの収入を保護し、性能の規格を維持し、その職業の新人工員を育成しようとします。ギルドは、しばしばメンバーのための病院、孤児院、および学校を建設しました。ギルドは、その職業を営むすべての人が加入するように会員数を増やそうとします。そのような独占により、ギルドはそのメンバーがそのサービスに課す料金を、より強くコントロールできるようにします。
- This tech allows you to build powerful Knight units (with Horseback Riding), as well as the Grocer city improvement. It increases production from all workshops by 1.
- A guild is an association of people who practice the same trade. The guilds seek to protect their members' incomes, maintain standards of performance, and train new workers in the trade. Guilds have often built hospitals, orphanages and schools to serve their members. Guilds seek to expand their membership to include all who practice their profession. Such monopolies allow guilds greater control over the fees their members can charge for their services.
Many of the earliest guilds - Roman professional organizations, for instance - had strong religious components. One of the earliest known Muslim guilds were formed by the "warraqeen," or "those who work with knowledge." In the ninth century these professional writers and printers worked together to ensure the quality of published material and to stop other printers from making illegal copies of the material.
The European guilds came into being around 1000 AD. They included a rigid hierarchy of skilled workers - apprentice, craftsman, journeyman, master and sometimes grandmaster. The higher in the hierarchy a member was, the more he payment he could demand. This structure greatly increased the guilds' memberships, since one could not attain the higher statuses without belonging to a guild.
Civil Service(官吏) †
- Civil Service(公務員)はBureaucracy(官僚制)の公民を選択可能にし、Macemen(鎚鉾兵) [Machinery(機械)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また、労働者がIrrigation(灌漑)を拡大することを可能にします。
- 公務員制度は政府を組織化し経営する官僚制度の技術です。公務員制度が正しく機能するためには、標準手続き、責任の分担、階層構造、および能力による昇進を必要とします。また、記録保存が政府の運営が成功するために重要なことは明白です。古代の文化は粘土、蝋または石の板に記録をつけましたが、製紙技術は公務員制度の発達に貢献しました。
- Civil Service enables the Bureaucracy civic and allows you to build Macemen (with Machinery). Further, it lets your workers spread Irrigation.
- Civil Service is the technology of bureaucracy - organizing and running a government. A successful civil service requires standard procedures, division of responsibility, hierarchy, and advancement through merit. Clearly record-keeping is crucial to the successful management of a government, as well. While some early cultures kept records on clay or wax or stone tablets, the advent of paper was a boon to the advance of bureaucracy and a civil service.
One of the oldest known civil services is found in China, during the Tang dynasty (600-900 AD). This was created largely in response to the Confucian demands for honest government; among other innovations, the Tang civil servants were hired based upon the results of a written examination, rather than through the more common methods of bribery and patronage, and thus had fewer ties to the wealthy and powerful nobility.
The English followed the Chinese civil service model when they created a bureaucracy to manage their growing colonies. Though successful, the practice did not spread to Europe until the mid-18th century.
Divine Right(神授王権) †
- この技術を最初に発見した文明はIslam(イスラーム教)を創始します。また、Divine Right(神授王権)は世界遺産Versailles(ベルサイユ宮殿)およびSpiral Minaret(マルウィヤ・ミナレット)の建設を可能にします。
- 王の正当性に関する王権神授説は、神からの直接の認可によって国王の権力を保障するため、従って王は神以外のどんな権威にも屈する必要はなくなります。この理論によると、立法府、法廷、裁判官、および行政組織は、権威ある王の行動を制限する権利が全くありません。神授の王権によって統治すると宣言した王が、政治または宗教の件に関して教会と意見を異にしたとき、しばしばおもしろい、そして暴力的な結果を生みました。皮肉にも、王権神授説は教会と国家の間で意見の対立が深まる原因の一端となりました。なぜなら、神授の王権支配者は、神の認可が、王が国をどう治めるべきであるかに関する教会の権威の指示を無視し、教会の意見に無関係に王が教会に対して王国における規則を課すことのできる権利を自分たちに与えた、と主張したからです。 王権神授主義は中世後期、国王が封建領主を支配するにはあまりにも束縛の多い状態のときに始まりました。それは17世紀頃に衰退を始めましたが、終焉を迎えたのは、ナポレオン・ボナパルトが皇帝戴冠式において、教皇の手から王冠を奪い、自分で自分の頭に置いて、その結果、神の特権が自分を皇帝に任命することを否定し、彼自身の力で権力を掌握したことを示したときでしょう。
- The first to research this tech founds Islam. Divine Right also allows construction of the Versailles and Spiral Minaret wonders.
- The divine right theory of royal legitimacy holds that monarchs rule by direct sanction from God; accordingly, they are not accountable to any authority other than God. Legislatures, courts, judges, and the governed have no right to restrain the king's exercise of his authority, according to this theory. When kings who proclaimed their divine right to rule disagreed with the Church on political or religious matters, the results were often interesting (and violent). Ironically, the theory of divine right was partly responsible for the rise of the idea of separation between church and state, since divine-right rulers claimed that their godly sanction entitled them to impose rules on the ecclesiastical authorities in their kingdoms (regardless of what the Church thought), and to ignore those authorities' instructions on how they ought to govern. The divine right doctrine began during the late Middle Ages, when rulers sought to rein in feudal lords whose support came with a few too many strings attached. It had begun to lose its luster around the 17th century, although Napoleon Bonaparte drove what was perhaps the final nail into its coffin when, at his imperial coronation ceremony, he seized the crown from the Pope's hands and placed it on his own head -- thereby denying God's prerogative to name rulers, and seizing that power for himself.

- この技術を最初に発見した文明はTaoism(道教)を創始する。また、Philosophy(哲学)はPacifism(平和主義)の公民の選択および世界遺産Angkor Wat(アンコール・ワット)の建設を可能にする。
- 「哲学」という言葉は「知恵の愛」を意味するギリシアの用語から来ます。古代ギリシャでは、自然界への教養と関心が急増する上流階級の間で一般的でした。彼らは余暇(レジャー)の時間に、考え、存在、論理、および数学の原理、および現実と存在の本質について熟考しました。古代においては、哲学の研究は科学の研究と区別がつきませんでした、そして、初期の哲学者によって定式化された理論の多くが天文学、薬、化学、および物理学の分野での研究の基礎になりました。また、ギリシアと東洋の古代の哲学者の教えと文章は、世界の最古の組織宗教の多くの土台の一部となりました。
- The first to research this tech founds Taoism. Philosophy enables the Pacifism civic and allows construction of the Angkor Wat wonder.
- The word "philosophy" comes from a Greek term meaning "love of wisdom." In ancient Greece, literacy and an interest in the natural world were common in a burgeoning upper class. In their leisure time, these people contemplated principles of thinking and being, logic and mathematics, and the natures of reality and existence. In ancient times, the study of philosophy was indistinguishable from the study of science, and many of the theories formulated by the early philosophers became the basis for studies in the fields of astronomy, medicine, chemistry, and physics. The teachings and writings of the ancient philosophers of Greece and the Orient also, in part, laid the groundwork for many of the world's oldest organized religions.
- Paper(紙)は他の文明との地図の交換を可能にします。
- 発見されたとき、紙は情報技術を変革しました。 紙の出現以前、学者および作家はそれらの言葉を記録するために、粘土板、動物の皮、絹、その他のものを含む、多くの異なった材料を使用しました。これらは多くの欠点に苦しみました。 粘土板は、かさばって壊れやすく、動物の皮は高価で、また、絹は高価でしかも壊れやすく、さらに、それらのいずれも印刷機での使用に適していなかったでしょう。
パピルスは最も古い形式の紙でした。 それは、パピルス植物の軸を帯状に切ることによって作成されました。その帯は、重なったパターンに配置され、シートに砕かれました。 次に、材料は乾燥され磨かれました。実用的ですが、結果として作製されたシートは、かなり厚く、湿潤な気候においては、腐敗をより深刻に受けることがあります。
- Paper allows you to trade world maps with other civilizations.
- When discovered, paper revolutionized information technology. Before the advent of paper, scholars and writers used a number of different materials upon which to record their words. These included clay tablets, animal skins, silk, and others. These suffered from many shortcomings. Clay was bulky and fragile, animal skins were expensive, silk was expensive and fragile, and so forth - and none of them would have been suitable for use in a printing press.
Papyrus was the earliest form of paper. It was created by cutting the stem of the papyrus plant into strips, which were laid in an overlapping pattern and pounded into a sheet. The material was then dried and polished. While serviceable, the resulting sheet is fairly thick and, more importantly, subject to rot in damp climates.
Paper as we know it today was invented in China in around 100 AD. Wood and other fibrous material is mixed with liquid and mashed into a pulp, which is then poured onto fine screens. The liquid drains away, leaving a thin layer of fibrous material on the wire. When this material dries, it becomes paper. The Chinese official Cai Lun is credited with adding cotton rags to the pulp; the resulting paper was far sturdier than earlier versions. The Chinese process spread slowly throughout the world, reaching Europe around 1300 AD.
When paired with the printing press - yet another Chinese invention - paper exponentially increased the spread of information and art.

- This tech allows you to build Banks, which greatly increase a city's production of wealth. Banking also enables the Mercantilism civic.
- Many of the services performed by banks today can be traced back to medieval Europe. Certain families, such as the Medicis of Italy, were known for the banking duties they performed. These wealthy merchants pooled their surplus money into a bank, then loaned cash (with interest) to other commercial enterprises. The availability of this capital for investment made many new businesses possible, accelerating economic growth.
The first modern banks were established in Europe during the late 1600s. The primary function of today's banking system is the granting of loans to consumers and businesses. In addition to loaning money and safeguarding deposits, banks also invest in government and private securities and bonds. Both the loan and investment functions of banks not only make profits for the bank itself, but also stimulate the economy by providing funds for business growth and consumer purchases.

- Machinery(機械)はMaceman(鎚鉾兵)[Civil Service(公務員)が必要]、Crossbowman(弩弓兵)[Archery(弓術)が必要]の生産を可能にします。また、労働者がWindmills(風車小屋)、Watermills(水車小屋)を建設できるようになります。
- 機械とは作業の実行を助ける数個の部品から組み立てられた物です。機械技術は、役立つ形式でエネルギーを蓄え、修正し、伝送する金属部品から成るかなり複雑な機械の構造を可能にします。風車や印刷機などはこの種の機械の例です。
- Machinery allows the Maceman (with Civil Service) and Crossbowman (with Archery). It also lets workers build Windmills and Watermills.
- A machine is an object constructed of several parts that assists in the performance of a task. The machinery technology allows construction of fairly complex machines with metal components that store, modify and transmit energy in a useful fashion. A windmill is a machine of this type, as is a printing press.
Man has used primitive machines throughout much of history. A bow can be considered a simple machine, as can a mortar and pestle. More complex machines came into being in the Middle Ages - at least in Europe. The Persians had windmills back in the seventh century BC.
The earliest machines consisted of gears, driveshafts, levers, pulleys, screws, winches and so forth. Some of these elements could be satisfactorily created of wood or stone, but those substances tend to be both fragile and very difficult to work with, particularly in small sizes. Once metallurgy provided stronger and more precise metal components, machines rapidly grew in sophistication and utility.

- Engineering(工学)は騎乗兵に対して効果的なPikeman(長槍兵)の生産を可能にします。また道路の移動力を高め、Castle(城)および世界遺産Hagia Sophia(アヤ・ソフィア)の建設を可能にします。
- 工学とは、科学および数学の原理の設計への応用、そしてまた理論システムと物理的物体の製造です。18世紀半ば以前は、軍事技術者はすべての工学機能を司りました。彼らの仕事は道路、橋、防衛施設の建設、および軍に関連する他の業務の遂行にかかわりました。18世紀後半、土木技師はすべての非軍事工学機能を引き継ぎました。20世紀以前の工学の他の分野には、鉱山と採掘の方法を設計する鉱山技師と機械の設計と製造を扱う機械技師がありました。新しい技術が開発されると、新しい工学の分野がそれらと共に発展しました。今日では、ほとんどあらゆる分野(電子工学やコンピュータから化学や原子論まで)に専門に育成された技術者がいます。
- Engineering allows production of the Pikeman, excellent against mounted units. It increases road movement and allows construction of Castles and the Hagia Sophia wonder.
- Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to the design and/or manufacture of theoretical systems and physical objects. Prior to the mid-18th century, military engineers carried out all engineering functions. Their work involved the construction of roads, bridges, fortifications, and the performance of other duties relating to the military. In the late 18th century, civil engineers took over all non-military engineering functions. Other fields of engineering prior to the 20th century included mining engineers, who designed mines and methods of mining, and mechanical engineers, who dealt with the design and construction of machinery. As new technologies developed, new fields of engineering developed along with them. Today, there are engineers specifically trained in nearly every field, from electronics and computers to chemistry and atomics.

- Optics(光学)はCaravels(キャラベル船)の作成を可能にします。 また、あなたのWork Boats(作業船)で、Whale(鯨)資源の採取を可能にします。 Optics(光学)はさらに、水上でのあなたの視界を増加させます。
- 光学は光のふるまいに関する研究です。Civilization IVにおける光学技術とは特に、メガネや望遠鏡や顕微鏡など、人間の視覚を改良する光学機器の製造に関する光学の部門を指します。光学における進歩は人間と周りの世界との相互作用に甚大な効果を持っていました。
- Optics allows you to create Caravels, and allows your Work Boats can harvest Whale resources. Optics also increases your sight distance across water.
- Optics is the study of the behavior of light. In Civilization IV, the optics technology refers specifically to the branch of optics that concentrates upon improving human sight through the creation of optical instruments such as eye glasses, telescopes and microscopes. Advancements in optics had profound effects upon man's interaction with the world around him.
It is not certain when the first working telescope was created. A number of lens-shaped crystals were found in a Viking grave dating from the 10th Century, but there is debate over whether these were purely decorative or were used to enhance vision. In 1609 Galileo created a "telescopium," which he used to study the stars. Accurate star charts allowed sailors to better chart their courses while at sea.
The Janssens, a family of Dutch spectacle makers, are claimed to have built the first working microscope in 1590; but once again, there is debate over that claim. And once again, Galileo is another candidate, credited with constructing his "occhiolino" in 1609. Anton van Leeuwenhoek famously used an early microscope to examine cells, bacteria, and other extremely small living creatures. This research was to revolutionize man's understanding of biology and medicine.