Last-modified: 2008-10-19 15:27:01
- The city containing the Palace is the capital of your civilization and city maintenance is decreased in cities near it. The Palace generates culture and a small amount of commerce.
- 人の集団が地域社会を都市へまとめだしたのち、政治はますます組織化がすすみはっきりとした形を持つようになりました。初期段階では、都市の経営につながる事業を導いた建物に統治者が本拠地を設置しました。また多くの場合、それらの建物は統治者の住居の役目をしました。富裕な都市において、しばしば建物が計り知れないほど巨大ででたらめに広い宮殿に発展しました。豪華な美観を持つ壮大な建物は統治者の誇りのよりどころとなり、統治者が周囲に発する権力を強めるのに役立ちました。
- When populations began to organize their communities into cities, their governments became more structured and formalized. At an early stage, the ruler of the city established headquarters from which the business of running the city was conducted. In many cases, these buildings also served as the living quarters of the ruler. In wealthy cities, these facilities often expanded into immense, sprawling palaces. These richly adorned, imposing buildings were a source of civic pride, and helped to reinforce the aura of power surrounding the ruler.
Forbidden Palace(紫禁城) †
- 北京の王室建造物の一部である紫禁城は、中国の知と美の証明であるといえます。装飾された庭と、台地と泉が囲む荘厳な建造物のある場所は1421年に中国の首都になりました。1911年に最後の皇帝(溥儀)が退位するまで、明~清王朝で計24人の皇帝が住みました。建物の正式名称は皇居でしたが、一般人はその土地から締め出されていたことから、"禁じられた"宮殿の方がより広く知られていました。約48メートルの堀と約9メートルの高さの壁により、不必要に内部へ立ち入る機会は全くありませんでした。紫禁城は巨大であり、約69万平方メートルを占有し、8,706部屋を持っていました。ある推測によると8千人から1万人の人が宮殿の内部で皇帝の用事に仕えるために住んでいたとされます。現代では紫禁城は有名な観光地であると共に、依然として中国にある主権の象徴として用いられています。
- A collection of imperial structures in Beijing, the Forbidden Palace stands as a testament to the Chinese architectural ingenuity and aesthetic. Ornamental gardens, terraces and fountains surround the magnificent structure, which became the capital of China in 1421. It was the residence of 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties until the last emperor abdicated in 1911. Although the correct title for the building is the Imperial Palace, it is more widely known as the "Forbidden" Palace because ordinary people were barred from entering its grounds. With a 160-foot moat and walls 30 feet tall, there was little chance that they would get inside unwanted. The Forbidden Palace is enormous; it occupies 170 acres and contains 8,706 rooms. An estimated eight to ten thousand people lived inside the palace to serve the needs of the emperor. Today, the Forbidden Palace is a major tourist attraction, and it is still used as a symbol of Chinese sovereignty.
Heroic Epic(ギルガメッシュ叙事詩) †
- Heroic Epic(ギルガメッシュ叙事詩)は都市の軍事ユニットの生産速度を2倍にします。もしあなたが大規模なの戦争を行うつもりならこの国家遺産は役に立つでしょう。また、その都市でGreat Artist(偉大な芸術家)が生まれやすくなります。
- The Heroic Epic doubles its city's production when creating military units. This is useful if you expect to do a lot of fighting. It also increases its city's chances of generating a Great Artist.
- The Epic of Gilgamesh documents the adventures of this Middle Eastern hero. Of special interest to biblical scholars, the document was found among the ruins of Nineveh. More than 3000 lines, scribed across 12 tablets, this tale was written around 2000 BC. Gilgamesh was a king of Uruk, which now lies within the borders of Iraq.
National Epic(民族叙事詩) †

- National Epic(民族叙事詩)はその都市のGreat People(偉人)、特にGreat Artist(偉大な芸術家)の誕生確率を著しく増加させます。
- The National Epic greatly increases the rate at which its city produces Great People, particularly Great Artists.
- An "epic" is a heroic poem celebrating the life and achievements of a heroic individual or group. Classic examples of epics include Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey."
A "national epic" celebrates the exploits of an entire country. One of the earliest examples is the "Shahnama," (The Book of Kings), a Persian literary classic written around 1000 AD. The Shahnama chronicles the history of Persia from mythological pre-history through the reign of Khosrau II (590-628). The work contains over 60,000 couplets and is still read and enjoyed by modern readers.
It is possible that the age of the literary epic is dead, and that in the future all such stories will be done as "made for TV movies." This would be a great misfortune to the world of letters - and to the rest of the world, as well.
Globe Theatre(グローブ座) †
- The Globe Theatre(グローブ座)はその都市のすべての不幸をなくします。また、その都市でGreat Artist(偉大な芸術家)が生まれやすくなります。
- The Globe Theatre removes all unhappiness from the city in which it is built. It increases its city's chance of generating a Great Artist.
- Most of the plays of William Shakespeare were first performed on the stage of London's Globe Theater during the 1600s. Theaters offered people a diversion from their everyday lives by allowing them to enjoy comedies, tragedies, and triumphs acted out on stage. Similar theaters, such as the Comedie Francaise in Paris, and La Scala in Milan, fulfilled similar roles by offering entertainment to the citizens of their cities. Although the original Globe Theater burned down, Shakespeare's plays are still performed in a new theater bearing his name, and in other theaters throughout the world.
Hermitage(エルミタージュ宮殿) †

- The Hermitage doubles its city's cultural output and increases its chances of generating a Great Artist.
- Located in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Hermitage is one of the oldest and most important art galleries in the world. The collection was begun in 1764, when Catherine of Russia purchased more than 200 paintings from across Europe. The collection was, of course, private; Catherine nicknamed her collection "my hermitage" (meaning hermit home), because only she and the mice got to see it. The New Hermitage building was built by Tsar Nicholas I; he opened it to the public in 1852.
Renovated many times to hold an ever-expanding collection, the Hermitage now spans some six buildings overlooking the Neva River. The buildings themselves are extraordinarily beautiful, their huge hallways and opulent rooms fitting places for one of the world's great art collections.
The art collection itself is almost beyond superlatives. It contains an extensive collection of Russian Imperial regalia and Faberge jewelry. It includes masterpieces from Greek and Roman eras and beyond into antiquity. It also houses one of the best collections of Rembrandt paintings anywhere. It has multiple works by da Vinci. In all, the Hermitage houses more than three million pieces of outstanding artwork from throughout human history.
Oxford University(オックスフォード大学) †
- Oxford University(オックスフォード大学)はその都市の科学研究を著しく活発にします。また、3人の市民を科学者に変更できるようになり、さらに、Great Scientist(偉大な科学者)の誕生確率を増加させます。
- Oxford University greatly increases the scientific output of its city. It also allows you to change three citizens into scientists and increases its city's chance of generating a Great Scientist.
- 英国のオックスフォード大学は英語圏にあるもっとも古い大学のうちの一つです。
- The University of Oxford, England, is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. It is also one of the most prestigious. The exact date of the university's founding is unknown, but scholars believe it was some time around 1100 AD.
Oxford is made up of 39 colleges and seven "permanent private halls" (which are religious organizations). Each is housed in a separate building usually built in a square around a quadrangle. The colleges generally consist of a great hall, a chapel, a library, a bar, several common rooms, classrooms, and lodging for around 300 students. Built in the 1250s, Balliol, Merton, and University Colleges are among the oldest.
For most of its existence, Oxford has been one of the world's great universities, and it remains so to this day. Many famous people have passed through its halls, including four English and eight foreign kings, over 50 presidents and prime ministers (including US President William Clinton), 47 Nobel Prize winners, and one pope.
Wall Street(ウォール街) †
- Wall Street(ウォール街)はその都市の富の産出量を倍増させ、Great Merchant(偉大な商人)の誕生確率を増加させます。
- Wall Street doubles its city's production of wealth and increases its chances of generating a Great Merchant.
- ニューヨーク株式市場のあるウォール街は現代の経済活動の拠点として典型的なものとなりました。ブロードウェイからイーストリバーへつながる狭い通りは、世界でもっとも有名で影響力を持つ銀行と商品取引所のある場所です。1653年にはオランダ人入植者が道沿いにイギリス人や不仲の現地人を妨げるための壁を建てました。
- The location of the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street has become the epitome of the modern financial district. A narrow street running from Broadway to the East River, it houses some of the world's most prestigious and powerful banks and commodity exchanges. In 1653 Dutch colonists erected a barricade along this route to ward off the British and unfriendly natives.

- Ironworks(溶鉱炉)はその都市がCoal(石炭)やIron(鉄)をもっているならば生産量を増加させますが、衛生に悪影響を及ぼします。また、Great Engineer(偉大な技術者)の誕生確率を増加させます。
- The Ironworks increases a city's production if that city has access to coal and/or iron, but also add unhealthiness. It increases its city's chances of generating a Great Engineer.
- As mankind's dependence on metals increased through the ages, it became very important to cheaply and effectively separate the base metal from impurities. The process of smelting, through the use of a structure called a blast furnace, achieved just that. Using carbon dioxide created from oxidized coke to absorb the oxygen from the molten iron, it leaves the metal slag to sink to the bottom of the furnace. This separation allows for a pure iron to be derived, which is then used for numerous purposes, including the creation of steel.
West Point(ウェスト・ポイント) †
West Point(ウェスト・ポイント)のある都市で生産された軍事ユニットは4ポイントの追加の経験値を得ます。さらに、その都市はGreat Engineer(偉大な技術者)を生み出しやすくなります。
- All military units built in West Point's city begin with four additional experience points. Further, its city is more likely to generate a Great Engineer.
- Methods of passing down the tactics and arts of war from generation to generation vary based on culture and era. The United States' solution, which up to that point relied on foreign instructors, lay in creating the United States Military Academy, located at West Point, New York. Established in 1802 on the site of a 18th century fortress, West Point went on to train most of the nation's military leaders. Cadets are selected for training via a diverse number of methods, including competitive and non-competitive methods. Graduates earn the commission of Second Lieutenants and receive a Bachelor of Science degree. One paramount function of this institution is to stay current in the practice of warfare, typically by having officers from previous conflicts become instructors.
Mt. Rushmore(ラシュモア山) †

- Mount Rushmore(ラシュモア山)は全ての都市の厭戦感情を低下させ、その都市のGreat Engineer(偉大な技術者)の出現確率を高めます。
- Mount Rushmore decreases war weariness in all cities in your civilization and increases its city's chances of generating a Great Engineer.
- Mount Rushmore stands as one of the largest sculpted structures in modern human history. Mount Rushmore displays in granite the heads of four great US presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Each head stands approximately 60 feet in height.
Mount Rushmore was the vision of Doane Robinson, the superintendent of the South Dakota Historical Society. He engaged the famous American sculptor Gutzon Borglum to take charge of the project. For fourteen years Borglum and a team of 400 local miners blasted, chiseled, scraped and polished the granite mountain until the work was finally completed in 1941. Most remarkably, no one was killed during construction.
Mount Rushmore has been called the "American Shrine." Each year thousands journey to the rugged mountains of South Dakota to look upon their four great leaders.

- Red Cross(赤十字)はその都市で生産された全てのユニットにMedic I(衛生兵I)の昇進を与えます。また、その都市のGreat Scientist(偉大な科学者)の誕生確率を増加させます。
- The Red Cross gives all units built in its city the Medic I promotion, and it increases its city's chances of generating a Great Scientist.
- While fundamentally in conflict with the destructive goals of war, physicians must still proffer aid to those in need. The practice of repairing the personal damage of war, sometimes actually during the fight itself, has a number of benefits beyond the obvious. A paramount one is that of morale, since the soldiers of an army that contains surgeons are assured care if they fall in battle.
Scotland Yard(スコットランド・ヤード) †

- Scotland Yard(スコットランド・ヤード)は敵の領土や都市の偵察に適した特殊なSpy(スパイ)ユニットを生産可能にします。また、その都市のGreat Scientist(偉大な科学者)の誕生確率を増加させます。
- Scotland Yard allows you to train the special Spy unit, which is good for scouting out enemy cities and territory. It increases its city's odds of generating a Great Scientist.
- Scotland Yard is the name of the British police force having jurisdiction over the Greater London area. Scotland Yard is named for the neighborhood in which the original police headquarters stood, and the force retains that nickname even though the headquarters have since been relocated (to "New Scotland Yard").
Scotland Yard was established in 1829 by act of Parliament. According to one of the new force's commissioners, "The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime: the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed. The protection of life and property, the preservation of public tranquility, and the absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been attained."
In the early to mid-19th century Scotland Yard was the most advanced police force in the world. It gained worldwide notoriety from its pursuit of Jack the Ripper, and it was immortalized in the Sherlock Holmes stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To this day the modern Scotland Yard remains one of the finest police forces to be found anywhere.
Moai Statues(モアイ) †

- モアイのある都市では水タイルからハンマーが産出されます。偉大な預言者の誕生にも寄与します。
- モアイはイースター島を代表する岩石製の人面像です。900を超えるモアイの多くは14トン、大きな物は82トンに達し空に向かって12メートルの高さでそびえ立っています。これらは1000年ごろ島民によって建造されたと考えられており、ラノ・ララクと呼ばれる採石場で製作された後各地へ運ばれた模様です。モアイの目的は島民の祖先の崇拝ですが、同時にそれを擁する族長の権勢と財力を誇示していました。モアイを製作して所定の場所まで運搬するには20人ほどの人夫がいれば十分ですが、その20人を養うためには300人の労働者が必要だったのです。
- The Moai Statues add a bonus production to every water tile in the city in which it's constructed. It also increases the chances of a Great Prophet appearing.
- The Moai Statues are the most recognizable feature of Easter Island. Nine-hundred of these massive stone heads populate the island, most weighing up to 14 tons, with some reaching 82 tons and stretching forty feet into the sky. Theory holds that the Moai Statues were erected by the denizens of Easter Island around 1000 AD, the workers carving them at the Rano Raraku Quarry and transporting them to every corner of the island. The statues were dedicated to the various ancestors of the Easter Island natives. They also stood as symbols of status, showing that the commissioner had the power and wealth to hire the workers necessary to have one made and transported. While the Statues could be moved at a quick pace with less than twenty people, it took nearly three hundred more workers to feed and create tools for those transporting the enormous stone structures.
National Park(国立公園) †
- 人口による不衛生を一掃し、都市圏内の森林保護区1タイルにつき1人の無料専門家を提供します。偉大な科学者の誕生にも寄与します。
- 勝景地の保護は古い時代から行われてきましたが、現在の形の国立公園が最初に誕生したのは1872年の事です。アメリカ西部にあるイエローストーン国立公園はそれまでの自然保護区と違い、上流階級専用でなく一般の市民に開放された憩いの場でした。その後イエローストーンの成功を受け、世界各地で同様の国立公園が設立されました。
- Build the National Park to eliminate all unhealthiness from population in your city. It also provides a free specialist for each Forest Preserve in its city radius and increases the chances that a Great Scientist might appear in your city.
- While areas of great natural beauty had often been protected or revered in the past, the modern conception of a National Park did not appear until 1872. Yellowstone National Park, located in the western United States, departed from previous nature preserves - which tended to be set aside for nobility - by opening up the land for the enjoyment of the public. After the creation of Yellowstone, National Parks began popping up throughout the world.