Last-modified: 2007-12-21 17:14:50
Melee Units(白兵戦系) †
- 都市の防衛のために、また無防備なSettlers(開拓者)を守るために早急にこのmelee(白兵戦)ユニットを作りましょう。このユニットは安価で生産できますが、弱いのですぐにより良いユニットを生産したくなるでしょう。
- Build this melee combat unit for quick, early defense for your cities or as escorts for your defenseless Settlers. This unit is cheap to produce but weak so you will want to make better units as soon as you are able.
- The earliest military forces were simply the citizens of the city, armed with whatever implements they could use as weapons. Although a militia made up of warriors was inexpensive, they were no match for organized armies. Warriors were usually used as stopgap measures while waiting for superior units to be trained, or to defend a city that had been temporarily cut off from military support. In a crisis situation, an assembly of warriors is better than no defense at all.

- Incan(インカ)固有のMelee(白兵戦)ユニットです;archery units(弓兵ユニット)と戦闘する際に大きなボーナスを得ます。
- The special Incan melee combat unit; it gets a big bonus when fighting archery units.
- The Incan Quechua were fierce South American warriors who in the period between 1440 and 1530 conquered much of the Andes and coastal regions of what is now Peru and Ecuador. These lightly-armed and fast-moving infantry were equipped with a variety of clubs, including light throwing clubs and heavy crushing weapons similar in design to maces. The Quechua were also quite proficient with the "bola," two balls attached by twine, which they used with great effect to bring down birds and small game.
The Inca were overwhelmed and destroyed in the mid-16th Century by the Spanish Conquistadors. Though an extremely small force, the Spaniards were equipped with muskets, horsemen and cannon, fearsome weapons that the Incans had never encountered before. Unlike many other Native American nations, the Incans resisted the Spanish; but once again the Conquistadors made great use of its enemy's internal divisions, encouraging many subject tribes to rise up and turn on their Incan masters.

- 都市を攻撃したい場合、この強力なmelee(白兵戦)ユニットを早急に作成すべきです。
- You should build this powerful early melee combat unit when you want to attack cities.
- The advantages of a long, sharp blade in battle had to await advanced smelting and casting technologies before they could be realized. By about 1500 BC the war ax had evolved into the sickle sword, a bronze sword with a curved, concave blade and a straight, thickened handle. Bronze swords with straight blades more than three feet long have been found in Greek grave sites; however, because this length exceeded the tensile strength of bronze, these swords were not practical. As a serious military weapon, the sword had to await the development of ironworking, and the first true swords date from about 1200 BC. Swords in antiquity and classical times tended to be relatively short, at first because they were made of bronze and later because they were rarely called upon to penetrate armor. The blade of the classic Roman stabbing sword, the gladius, was only some two feet long, though in the twilight years of the empire the gladius gave way to the spatha, the long slashing sword of the barbarians and forerunner of the great broadswords of medieval Europe.

- このパワフルなmelee(白兵戦)ユニット(アステカはSwordsman(剣士)と置き換えます)は、どんな資源も必要とせず、Jungles(ジャングル)でのボーナスも得られるという点で特殊です。
- This powerful melee combat unit (the Aztec replacement for the Swordsman) is special because it requires no special reource and gets a bonus in Jungles.
- The most feared predator of their Mexican empire, the Aztecs embraced the wild jaguar as a totem for their warrior elite. These soldiers were ferocious fighters, often emerging victorious even when badly outnumbered. The Jaguar Warriors carried obsidian swords and wooden shields for weaponry, and wore jaguar skins with their faces peering out of the animal's head to frighten their opponents. Only the greatest of Aztec warriors were granted the honor of becoming Jaguar Warriors, which usually required the capture of four or five enemies in battle. These savage fighters were universally feared throughout Mesoamerica but proved to be no match for the superior technology of the Spanish Conquistadors.
Praetorian(プラエトリアン) †

- このパワフルなmelee(白兵戦ユニット)はstrength(強さ)がかなり上昇しているという点で特殊です。(ローマはSwordsman(剣士)と置き換えられます。)
- This powerful melee combat unit (the Roman replacement for the Swordsman) is special because it gets a substantial strength boost.
- The Roman Legions, created during the early wars of the Republic and tested during the three Punic Wars against Carthage, were the fighting force that conquered and held the Roman Empire together for five centuries. Each legion was composed of 6000 men, divided into 60 smaller groups known as centuries. Nearly unstoppable on the attack, the legion was relatively weak on defense. The legion's demise as a military unit was accelerated by the destruction of Emperor Valens' army by gothic knights in the fourth century
The term "Praetorian" came from the tent of the legatus of a legion in the field-the praetorium. It was a habit of many Roman generals to choose a private force of soldiers from the ranks to act as bodyguards of the tent or the person. These elite troops consisted of both infantry and cavalry. In time, this cohort came to be known as the cohors praetoria; various notable figures possessed one, including Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Augustus Caesar (Octavianus). As Julius Caesar discovered with the Legio X Equestris, a powerful unit more dangerous than its fellow legions was desirable in the field. When Augustus became the first ruler of the Roman Empire in 27 BC, he decided such a formation was useful not only in war but in politics. Thus, from the ranks of the legions throughout the provinces, Augustus recruited the Praetorian Guard.

- 他のmeleeユニットに対抗したいときは、このmelee(白兵戦)ユニットを作りましょう。それらに対して、能力が上昇します。
- Build this melee combat unit to counter other melee units as it gets a boost against them.
- The original axes were constructed of stone many thousands of years ago. They were hand-held tools and lacked a handle, which began appearing some time around 6000 BC. The original use of the axe was to chop wood, but axe-wielders no doubt quickly realized its potential as a weapon.
An axe is a device that concentrates energy at the edge of a sharp blade, which can then chop into a tree - or skull. The axe is an edged weapon and is most effective when the user swings it in a wide arc, preferably with both hands.
The first bronze axes begin to appear around 3000 BC. Most early cultures used some form of this fearsome weapon, which is far superior to clubs and other primitive melee weapons.

- 他のmeleeユニットに対抗したいときは、このmelee(白兵戦)ユニットを作りましょう。それらに対して、能力が上昇します。
- Build this melee combat unit to counter other melee units as it gets a boost against them.
- A maceman is a medieval infantryman armed with a heavy club called a "mace." The mace is usually constructed of wood and metal; the head of the mace is faced with spikes, spines or knobs, allowing the weapon to more easily penetrate armor.
The mace was a weapon of the feudal ages. The weapon is brutally powerful but also heavy and unweildy, making it perfect for taking on slow-moving, heavily-armored targets such as knights and armored infantry.
Like so many other medieval warriors, the maceman was made obsolete by the advent of gunpowder. The armor of the day was unable to stop musket balls from penetrating; it simply slowed the wearers down, making them easier targets. Once soldiers began removing their armor, the mace was replaced by lighter melee weapons or the macemen were retrained as musketmen themselves.

- 侍は強力なmelee combat(白兵戦)ユニットであり、Maceman(鎚鉾兵)に代わる日本の固有ユニットです。2回の先制攻撃ができ、他のmelee(白兵戦)ユニットに対して絶大な威力を誇るという点で特殊なユニットです。
- This powerful melee combat unit (the Japanese replacement for the Maceman) is special because it gets 2 first strikes and it is particularly effective against other melee units.
- Similar to the European knights, Japanese samurai were landowners who volunteered military service in exchange for a larger warlord's protection. Their handsome lacquer armor gave them durable protection on the battlefield. The warrior code of "Bushido" placed exacting restrictions on their behavior, both on the field of battle and off. One such tenet was that samurai of opposing forces must seek each other out and battle one on one. While their armor provided some safety from early gunpowder weapons, soon more advanced weaponry and skilled marksmen relegated them to administrative and leadership roles. The samurai caste was abolished in 1868.

- 敵が大量に騎乗ユニットを生産しているならば、カウンターとしてこの初期型白兵戦ユニットをつくりましょう。
- Build this early melee combat unit as a counter to an enemy building lots of mounted units.
- Though early man probably employed spears of fire-hardened wood, spearheads of knapped stone were used long before the emergence of any distinction between hunting and military weapons. Bronze spearheads closely followed the development of alloys hard enough to keep a cutting edge and represented, with the war ax, the earliest significant military application of bronze. Spearheads were also among the earliest militarily significant applications of iron, no doubt because existing patterns could be directly extrapolated from bronze to iron. Though the hafting is quite different, bronze Sumerian spearheads of the 3rd millennium BC differ only marginally in shape from the leaf-shaped spearheads of classical Greece. The spears of antiquity were relatively short, commonly less than the height of the warrior, and typically were wielded with one hand. As defensive armor and other weapons of shock combat (notably the sword and mounted troops) improved, spear shafts were made longer and the use of spearmen became increasingly specialized. The Greek hoplite's spear was about nine feet long; the Macedonian sarissa was twice that length in the period of Alexander's conquests. The Middle Ages would see the evolution of the spear into the pike and halberd.

- Spearman(槍兵)に相当するギリシャの強力なユニークユニットであり、騎乗ユニットに対してボーナスを持ち、丘での防御に適しています。
- This powerful melee combat unit (the Greek replacement for the Spearman) gets a bonus against mounted units and is adept at hill defense..
- Phalanxes were well-trained citizen-soldiers of ancient Greece. Armed with spears and durable armor, they fulfilled the heavy infantry role in most engagements. Phalanxes are tightly packed groupings of eight or sixteen rows of soldiers, who move and attack in unison, scattering less densely organized enemy forces. Phalanxes worked well against the forces of the day, but broke down when facing more mobile and well-trained professional soldiers. The Roman legions victory over the Macedonian phalanx at Pydna in 168 BC effectively ended the phalanx's battlefield usefulness.

- 敵の騎乗ユニットとの戦闘の際に大きなボーナスを受けられます。
- This melee combat unit gets a big bonus when fighting mounted enemy units.
- The growing deployment of knights on the battlefield demanded that foot soldiers develop new means of fighting that would lessen their vulnerability to mounted opponents. One of the best ways to do this was to lengthen the reach of the infantrymen by arming them with long, sturdy spears known as pikes. Massed infantry armed with pikes -- particularly in conjunction with archers -- managed to even the battlefield odds. Armies equipped in this manner were able to hold their own until the invention of gunpowder made archers, pikemen, and knights a thing of the past.

- 槍兵を代替するマヤのユニークユニットです。敵の先制攻撃を受けず、作成に金属資源を必要としません。
- マヤでは経済上と宗教上の必要から絶え間なく戦争が行われました。マヤ代々の王は外地を征服すると権勢拡大のために貢物を徴収しましたが、それに劣らず重要だったのが生贄として祭壇にささげる人間の確保です。ホルカンは生贄の捕獲に長じた精鋭部隊であり、投石器とカミソリ状の槍を駆使して犠牲者を生け捕りにしていました。
- This early melee unit (the Mayan replacement for the Spearman) is immune to first strikes and does not require iron or copper to build.
- Warfare among the Mayans was a bloody and constant affair, serving both economic and religious purposes. Most leaders demanded tribute from conquered city-states in order to increase their own standing. Yet equally important was the capture of victims for sacrifice. This was the domain of the dreaded Holkan. Elite warriors armed with slingshots, stones and razor-sharp spears, the Holkans were trained specifically to capture enemies alive, to provide fodder for ever-hungry sacrificial altars.