Last-modified: 2008-06-04 19:04:51
Gunpowder Units(火薬系) †
Musketman(マスケット兵) †
- 初期の火薬ユニットです。都市の防備に適しており、生産に特別な資源は必要ありません。
- This early gunpowder unit requires no special resources and is good for defending cities.
- One of the most important developments in the history of warfare was the invention of firearms. Originally developed in the 14th century, firearms evolved quickly, and by the late 17th century flintlock muskets had become commonplace in battle. Musketmen, who were relatively inexpensive to equip and train, proved a deadly foe for the knights who had dominated the battlefield for so many years. Armies were often comprised of a combination of musketmen, cannon, and knights, each complementing the strengths and weaknesses of the others. Large forces of musketmen within a fortress or behind city walls proved an exceedingly difficult obstacle to an attacking army. Muskets were the primary firearms in use until they were replaced by repeating rifles in the mid-19th century.

- Musketman(マスケット兵)に相当するフランスのユニークユニットであり、この時代の他の非騎乗系のユニットより移動が速いです。
- This early gunpowder combat unit (the French replacement for the Musketman) is faster than other non-mounted units at this stage of the game..
- Although often used to designate the flintlock-armed formations of a number of European countries, the term "Musketeer" generally refers to the King's Guard under Louis XIII and Louis XIV of France, immortalized in Dumas' famous novel. As such, the Musketeers served as a training ground for the young nobility, intended to be the elite of the army. Training not only included mastery of all weapons, from epee to musket, but instruction in social skills and military etiquette as well. In peacetime, the Musketeers served as the King's personal escort.
Monsieur Treville, one of the Louis XIII's advisors and ardent sponsor of the Musketeers, and Cardinal Richelieu, who maintained his own company of guards, were political adversaries until the banishment of Treville following a 1642 plot to assassinate the Cardinal. Following that, the prestige of the Musketeers declined. In the military reforms that followed the death of Louis XIV, the Musketeers were disbanded and absorbed into the ranks of the French army.

- 適度な強さの火薬ユニットです。Cavalry(騎兵隊)のような騎乗ユニットに対するカウンターとして生産するとよいでしょう。
- Build this moderate-strength gunpowder unit as a counter against mounted enemies like Cavalry).
- Two developments in the 19th century made early firearms (such as the musket) obsolete. The first was the invention of a spiral groove, or "rifling," inside the barrel of a gun. Second was the development of the repeating rifle, which could fire multiple shots before it required reloading. The rifle was a better weapon than its ancestors, with much more accuracy over a greater range than the musket and a much higher rate of fire.
Riflemen were first employed in large numbers during the American Civil War. The rifle gave a strong defensive advantage, since riflemen could fire several times while the attackers advanced to within hand-to-hand distance. This was normally enough to hold any position. Riflemen dominated the battlefield until the appearance of armored attack vehicles.

- 敵のRifleman(ライフル兵)への対抗ユニットとして適度な強さを持っています。
- Build this moderate-strength gunpowder unit as a counter to an enemy with lots of Rifleman.
- The original grenadier was a specialized assault soldier designed to attack enemy fortifications. The grenadier was equipped with grenades, small metal balls filled with gunpowder. The grenadiers would approach the enemy's works, light and throw their grenades, and then rush the works in the resulting confusion and panic.
As time progressed, the early grenades were abandoned, primarily because improvements in musketry and massed fire techniques made it highly likely that the grenadier would get shot while in the act of throwing the grenade. The term "grenadier" remained, however, and it was used to denote elite troops until the First World War.
Redcoat(イギリス赤服兵) †
- Rifleman(ライフル兵)に相当するイギリスのユニークユニットであり、騎乗ユニットおよび他の火薬ユニットに対するボーナスがあります。
- イギリス陸軍の軍人です。イギリスの軍人は18から19世紀の間(カーキ色のが導入される以前は)赤(ないし真紅)のコートと白のブリーチ(ズボン)をユニフォームとして使用しました。"赤服隊"のあだ名は全世界で使われましたが、その中でもアメリカ植民地に結び付けられて特に使われました。なおこの用語はアイルランドに差し向けられたイギリス陸軍、それと全イギリス人に対しても時々使われました。
- This powerful gunpowder combat unit (the English replacement for the Rifleman) gets a bonus against mounted units and other gunpowder units..
- A soldier of the British Army. The usual uniform of British soldiers during the 18th and 19th centuries (prior to the introduction of khaki) was a red (or scarlet) coat and white breeches. The epithet "Redcoats" was used throughout the world, but is particularly associated with the American colonists. The term is still used in Ireland to refer to the British Army, and sometimes to all British people.

- 現代最初の兵士です。火薬系ユニットを持つ敵に対するカウンターとして使いましょう。
- 現代の歩兵には、地域を制圧し保持するという困難な仕事が与えられています。それは、しばしば危険な近距離での戦闘はらんでいます。小さな分隊に組織された彼らの強さは、日々のトレーニングと装備(ライフル銃、手榴弾、ヘルメット、その他の重要な装備)にあります。また、分隊の各兵士は、多くの場合、対戦車兵器や軽機関銃の使用を許され、それらのスペシャリストとなるための訓練をされています。潜入の経験をつみ、敵の近くでの哨戒任務をこなす、これらの屈強な兵士は、現代の軍事行動において重要で多才な役割を果たします。
- This unit is the first modern era soldier. Use it to counter ememies with lots of gunpowder units.
- Modern infantry is given the challenging task of taking and holding terrain, which often involves dangerous,close range fighting. Organized into small squads, their strength lies in their training and equipment (rifle, grenades, helmet, and other critical gear). Often individuals in the squad are trained to be specialists, allowing them access to anti-tank weapons or light machine guns. Experienced in concealment and patrolling close to the enemy, these hard-fighting men play an important and versatile role in modern military conflict.
SAM Infantry(SAM歩兵) †

- 地対空ミサイル(SAM)で武装した歩兵であり、飛行機とヘリに対するボーナスをもっています。空襲に弱いユニットにスタックして使いましょう。
- These gunpowder combat units are armed with surface-to-air missiles, giving them bonuses versus aircraft and choppers. Stack them with units vulnerable to air attack.
- With the invention of the aircraft it quickly became apparent that mobile infantry units would need some kind of Anti-Aircraft weapons to defend against the new menace from the air. However, when flight was invented the idea that a single person could carry a rocket-based missile to destroy aircraft was unthinkable, and it took years before any were put into service. Throughout World War II, both sides in the conflict used rocket launcher devices in various forms. One form was the M1A1, an American made anti-tank rocket launcher that could be carried by infantry. By the late 1960s, several surface-to-air missile, shoulder fired single operator weapons were available. Many of these could hit an aircraft at over 10,000 feet off the ground. Even today these weapons are not as reliable as their designers had hoped, but when they do hit their target, it almost always results in devastating destruction.

- 現代の強い歩兵です。Artillery(野戦砲)およびMachine Guns(機関銃)に対するカウンターとなります。最初からAmphibious(水陸両用)の昇進を持っているため、船からの上陸戦や渡河攻撃に使えます。
- 海兵隊は兵役の一部門であり、陸海空統合作戦を行うために訓練しています。最初の海兵隊員は米国独立戦争の間任命されましたが、戦後に解体されました。1798年7月、議会は海兵隊を永久的に復職させました。伝説的な強靭さ、厳格な服務規律、適応性を以て、彼らは19世紀、20世紀の主だった戦争や紛争のほとんど全てに於いて重要な役割を果たしてきました。
- Build this strong modern infantry unit to counter Artillery and Machine Guns. It starts with the Amphibious promotion so use them from ships and across rivers.
- The Marines Corps is a branch of the military service whose training prepares them to carry out integrated land, sea, and air operations. The first marines were commissioned during the American Revolution, only to be inactivated after the war. Congress permanently reestablished the Marine Corps in July, 1798. Legendary for their toughness, rigid codes of behavior, and adaptability, they have played an important role in almost every major war and conflict of the 19th and 20th centuries.

- Marine(海兵隊)に相当するアメリカのユニークユニットです。Artillery(長距離砲)やMachine Guns(機関銃兵)に対するボーナスがあり、最初からAmphibious(水陸両用)およびMarch(進軍)の昇進を持っています。
- This powerful modern infantry unit (the American replacement for the Marine) gets a bonus against Artillery and Machine Guns.. It starts with the Amphibious and March promotions.
- Navy SEALs are elite counter-terrorism and covert operations forces trained to operate in small groups deep behind enemy lines. Their missions include reconnaissance, counter-terrorism and unconventional and counter-guerilla warfare. The SEALs are deployed by sea, air and land; hence their title. SEALs are trained to reach their destination by parachutes and paragliders, by marching through miles of difficult terrain, or by small boat or scuba gear.
SEALs are equipped with the most sophisticated combat gear in the world, including night goggles, global positioning systems, satellite radios, laser sights, plastic explosives, and so on. Further, SEALs are trained in many forms of hand-to-hand combat, and an unarmed SEAL may be more dangerous than a handful of regular soldiers armed with assault rifles.
Mechanized Infantry(機械化歩兵) †

- 火薬系最強のユニットです。他の歩兵ユニットより早く移動でき、敵の航空機を迎撃できるチャンスがあります。最初からMarch(進軍)の昇進を持っています。
- 戦車の登場によって、軍隊はすぐに敵の防衛陣地を突破して、積極的に戦場を前進できるようになりました。 しかしながら、そのような急速な前進は、それによって得た広大な地域を無防備なまま残すことに繋がりました。第二次世界大戦で初めて投入された機械化歩兵は、戦車の後ろから素早く入って来て、制圧した領域を防御するように構想されていました。素早く安全に、急速に前進する装甲師団と共に前進するため、歩兵はハーフトラックや装甲兵員輸送車(APC)といった装甲車両に乗り込みました。
- This is the strongest gunpowder unit. It moves faster than the other infantry units and it has a chance of intercepting enemy aircraft. It starts with the March promotion
- The introduction of armored tanks meant that armies could quickly break through enemy defensive positions and move aggressively forward on the battlefield. Such a quick advance, however, left the ground won in the advance largely undefended. Mechanized infantry, which was first used during World War II, was designed to move in quickly and defend the conquered area behind the tanks. Infantry were mounted in armored vehicles, such as half-tracks and Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs), to carry them quickly and safely along with the rapidly-advancing armored divisions.
Anti-Tank(対戦車歩兵) †
- 戦車への安価な対抗手段です。機甲ユニットとの戦闘にボーナスがあり、待ち伏せの昇進を最初から持っています。
- 戦車は第一次大戦の終わりに導入され、無敵の装甲によって戦場の風景を一変させました。通常の歩兵が持つ小火器では戦車の厚い鉄板を貫くことは殆ど不可能だったのです。そこで対抗策として各国で導入されたのが、戦車装甲を貫通するだけの初速を持った強力な火砲とそれを装備する歩兵です。これら対戦車歩兵の力により、かつて猛威を振るった戦場の猛獣は無力な獲物へと成り下がりました。
- This late-game gunpowder unit is cheap, receives a major bonus against Armored units and enters play with the Ambush promotion.
- Since its introduction at the tail-end of WWI, the tank has completely recast the modern battlefield. Being heavily armored, tanks are almost invulnerable to the small arms carried by standard infantry. To combat this new force, Anti-Tank Infantry units were developed by world militaries. These units employed high-velocity cannons capable of penetrating a tank's thick armor, turning once unstoppable war machines into oversized, mobile targets.
Mobile SAM(移動式SAM) †

- Mobile SAM(移動式SAM)は最高の地対空ユニットで、ヘリコプターに対しても有利です。生意気なカトンボどもを叩き落としておやりなさい。
- 地対空ミサイルの研究は二次大戦の終わりから始まり、現在では様々な形で実用化されています。「スティンガー」は低高度用地対空ミサイルの傑作で、歩兵と車両の両方で運用できる柔軟性を持ったアメリカ軍の兵器です。ハンヴィーに8基のスティンガーを搭載した「アヴェンジャー防空システム」や、4基を搭載した装甲車両「M6ラインバッカー」は防空力と機動力を見事に両立させています。
- The Mobile SAM is the most effective land-based anti-air unit in the game. Use it to intercept enemy planes or pluck those pesky Gunships from the sky.
- Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) systems have been in development since the end of World War II. And while the versatility of modern SAMs keeps numerous systems in use, the "Stinger" missile remains the most popular and effective low-altitude SAM available, thanks to its ability to be transported by both infantry and mobile units. The Avenger Air Defense System (a Humvee emboldened with eight "Stinger" missiles) and the M6 Linebacker (an armored fighting vehicle with a single "quad-pod" of Stingers), both employed by the United States, successfully fuse high mobility and surface-to-air suppression.