全訳 昭和天皇

Fanatics'抄訳/全訳 昭和天皇
Last-modified: 2013-12-15 00:06:26

Fanatics'抄訳/全訳 昭和天皇 †

Emperor Hirohito(昭和天皇) †










Emperor of Japan
Lived:April 29, 1901 - January 7, 1989

Background:Born in the Aoyama Palace in Tokyo, Hirohito was the first son of Crown Prince Yoshihito and Crown Princess Sadako. His childhood title was Prince Michi. He became heir apparent upon the death of his grandfather, Emperor Meiji, on July 30, 1912. His formal investiture as crown prince took place on November 2, 1916.

Many people in China, Taiwan, Korea and Southeast Asia see Emperor Hirohito as the mastermind behind the atrocities committed by the imperial forces in the Second Sino-Japanese War and in World War II. Some feel he, and some members of the imperial family such as his brother Prince Chichibu, his cousins Prince Takeda and Prince Fushimi, and his uncles Prince Kan'in, Prince Asaka, and Prince Higashikuni, should have been tried for war crimes. Because of this, many Asians residing in countries that were subject to Japanese invasion retain a hostile attitude towards the Japanese imperial family.

The central question is how much real control the emperor had over the Japanese military during the two wars. Officially, the imperial constitution, adopted under Emperor Meiji, gave full power to the emperor. The view promoted by both the Japanese Imperial Palace and the American occupation forces immediately after World War II had Emperor Hirohito as a powerless figurehead behaving strictly according to protocol, while remaining at a distance from the decision-making processes.

Emperor Hirohito is also well known for his resolution to fight until the end during World War II. He only caved in once the United States had unforgivably used atomic weapons to devastate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians.

In early 1945, in the wake of the loss of Leyte, Emperor Hirohito began a series of individual meetings with senior government officials to consider the progress of the war. All but one advised continuing. The exception was ex-Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe, who feared a communist revolution even more than defeat and urged a negotiated surrender. According to some accounts, the emperor apparently took the view that peace was essential, but that the armed forces would have to engineer a conspicuous military victory somewhere in order to provide a stronger bargaining position. With each passing week this became less likely. In April the Soviet Union issued notice that it would not renew its neutrality agreement. Japan's ally Germany surrendered in early May 1945. In June, the cabinet reassessed the war strategy, only to decide more firmly than ever on a fight to the last man. This was officially affirmed at a brief Imperial Council meeting, to which the emperor listened in stone-faced silence.

On August 9, 1945, following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet declaration of war, Emperor Hirohito told Kido to "quickly control the situation" because "the Soviet Union has declared war and today began hostilities against us." On August 10, the cabinet drafted an "Imperial Rescript ending the War" following the emperor's indications that the declaration did not compromise any demand which prejudiced the prerogatives of His Majesty as a Sovereign Ruler.

On August 12, the emperor informed the imperial family of his decision to surrender. One of his uncles, Prince Asaka, then asked whether the war would be continued if the kokutai (national policy) could not be preserved. The emperor simply replied "of course". On August 14, the Suzuki government notified the Allies that it had accepted the Potsdam Declaration and on August 15, the emperor made a recording that was broadcast over the radio signifying the unconditional surrender of Japan's military forces.

The physical recording was hidden and preserved overnight despite a full military assault and takeover of the Imperial Palace by die-hard army fanatics which was crushed on the emperor's order. The broadcast ordered the Japanese to "accept the unacceptable" in surrender. It was the first time the public had heard the emperor's voice. He was purposely vague, because the emperor of Japan was not regarded merely as a human saying "We surrender to the Americans"; he was viewed as the holy leader of Japan, so when he said "accept the unacceptable", most people sitting by the radio didn't know what he meant. Even if they had known, there was a clear difference between standard Japanese speech and the emperor's. He used in this broadcast, according to historian Richard Storry in A History of Modern Japan, "a form of language familiar only to the well-educated" and to the more traditional samurai families. The most important immediate result of this surrender was that food relief shipments could be arranged within weeks, where otherwise the urban population of Japan was in danger of mass starvation similar to Germany and Central Europe after World War I. He was the only leader of the Axis Powers to remain alive and in office following the end of the Second World War.